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Why The Big Forum Obsession With Thai-Chinese Tail?

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I would have thought it was simply because when people discuss their wives on this forum they may fear that others may perceive that 'they married a bar girl' and they may not want the prevailing notion to be that is what they did if they didn't so they go out of their way to mention 'Chinese-Thai' as a nod to 'my g/f isn't or wasn't a hooker'.

Granted not all darker skinned girls are hookers or want your money and not all fair skinned girls are innocent virgins but I always perceived the mentions of wives origins as letting others know they haven't married a hooker.

I am not married to a Thai but if I was and they weren't a former bar girl I may wonder if everyone thought my wife used to be a bar girl as it seems it's quite common

Nice post.

I suppose managing the perceptions of one's peers - even if you've never met them - is really important for those who measure themselves by life's more superficial benchmarks.

I think it's probably just human nature.

Even if you just post here to kill a bit of time and genuinely don't care what other people think of you there may be something in the back of your mind that people are thinking XYZ. People judge, we all do it. You may not care if people have the wrong impression about how much you earn or things like that but when it comes to getting married and family maybe some don't want to be lumped in with some of the others who have a line of thinking 'everyone is for sales' etc

Whenever subjects about Thai girlfriends come up people make a point of mentioning something that highlights she's not a hooker almost like assuming everyone is talking about hookers is the default setting. To be fair the stuff some people come out with it's not a bad assumption wink.png

I am not into the whole hooker thing myself so if I was mentioning a Thai g/f I'd probably also want to make sure people knew I'm not talking about hookers and bar girls. Odd really but I can see why people do it

Human nature? Hmm, not so sure. I don't think expats posting on forums like this around the world feel the need to nip suspicions that their GF or wife might be a hooker in the bud.

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I have spent a lot of time in Thailand and the three years I spent with the go go dancers were without a doubt the most interesting and enjoyable.

I won't go into it because I will be accused of bragging about conquests with hookers. Which of course is impossible.

I think the Thai Chinese thing (one of the dancers was Thai Chinese) is like a urban legend. Except for the money part. Chinese families lend money to each other because there is no or low risk.

I really doubt if a Farang is going to be allowed to enter a family that has any substantial funds. I would imagine there are not too many of those families in Thailand. Maybe 100.

Thailand has convinced itself that there is such a thing as Thai Chinese and they are better looking and more intelligent and more successful and more hard working and more moral than regular Thai people. Everything good about people is embodied in the Thai Chinese.

Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition. But it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain outside of Thailand and China that it is an urban legend.

To give yourself an idea of the scientific rational of this idea lets say it is Scottish Americans instead. They are more inventive, wealthier, better looking, whiter, more moral, more hard working, better business men than the average American. Are there Scottish Americans, I guess a couple of million Americans identify themselves as Scottish Americans. Anyway you get my point Thai Chinese are about as real and visible and identifiable as Scottish Americans. Which is to say it is in the minds of Scots who live in America.

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In my worldwide survey I asked my wife and our neighbour what they thought of thai chinese. Both of them said they have money, work hard and are stuck up. They weren't envious, just thought of them as different.

Thai way, piss about.

Thai chinese way, go to work.

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I married a fair skinned Isan girl from a decent family. And she wasn't a bar girl that I rescued. She had a very good paying job (for Thailand) before I met her. Does that count for anything.

Not really. Only truly sad losers wave their wives around like trophies....

I sit mine on the shelf every night....

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One of the issues in a country such as Thailand is that there is a higher likelihood of a lady making a financial choice above and before a choice of the heart.

In a country where there are so many stories of heartache, lies, treachery and deceit it pays to be careful and clever who we let into our lives.

I suspect we each profile various traits in one and another and draw our own individual conclusions primarily, I hope, based on individual merit above anything else.

One trait some may consider is that their partner (and her family) is independently financially secure. It matters little what ethnic background this lady holds, just that her intentions are not based solely around financial gain or future security. To some, or many, a lady who possesses this herself is more desirable as life partner, when making a choice to marry, if she doesn't need the financial security she is therefor after your far less honourable traits such as wicked humour, dry wit, dashing good looks and youthful exuberance... she simply just loves you for who you are...

That could be anyone of any ethnic background - in Thailand, while its unfair a fairly accurate generalisation which some may not appreciate can be found.... a Thai Chinese girl is less likely to have financially questionable intentions in a relationship (of course there will be holes in any generalisation).

Thus for some / many clarifying that their girl friend is of Thai Chinese heritage outlines the fact that the relationship is more likely to be based on mutual respect and better mirrors the equality and normalcy of a relationship in the west....

OR - To be brutally direct - its the same as writing "My Thai Chinese wife chose me for me, not for my money. Hence, I am in a normal relationship and not one where financial incentive or need was the kicker"....

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okay I will bite....but can someone tell me why my pretty little southern part China girl was poor as a bloody church mouse....? Think maybe it is because her grandfather was building railroads or something for the Brits or Japs in sunny Malaya....

Interesting that the Thai genes seem to predominate in these beautiful ladies ie not too many hanging bums and short legs....

There is a Thai/Chinese family that runs a local everything shop ....ugly bunch they are .....lol

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It is statistically true that the Chinese tend to be higher-income and wealthier than the other groups,

Johnny, do you have a source for this?

Personally I think that because there are many high profile Chinese Thais, people get sucked into thinking this, but I know plenty who are certainly nothing like wealthy.

Johnny says says, “It is statistically true that the Chinese tend to be higher-income and wealthier than the other groups,”

HD says, “Johnny, do you have a source for this?”

Johnny says, “I could but can't be bothered, to me it's as obvious as stating "whites are wealthier in America" ( Kerry says, are there different shades of white? Real white very rich and tan not so rich?).

Kerry says, “How do you know who is Thai Chinese (last names).”

Johnny says, “In any given province, go to the land registration office and identify the most valuable land - by assessed value, income production, whatever. See who owns that land.”

Kerry says, “How do you know who is Thai Chinese (last names).”

Johnny says, “Just ask them and they'll tell you, they are proud of their heritage.”

Kerry says, So I can't really go to the land registration office because because their names are not Thai Chinese. I have to ask each family to find out.

Kerry says again. Johnny has bought the urban legend about Thai Chinese people. There is no scientific way to tell who they are and no data collected to determine wealth, family values or skin color.

Voodoo anthropology Asian style.

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I have spent a lot of time in Thailand and the three years I spent with the go go dancers were without a doubt the most interesting and enjoyable.

I won't go into it because I will be accused of bragging about conquests with hookers. Which of course is impossible.

I think the Thai Chinese thing (one of the dancers was Thai Chinese) is like a urban legend. Except for the money part. Chinese families lend money to each other because there is no or low risk.

I really doubt if a Farang is going to be allowed to enter a family that has any substantial funds. I would imagine there are not too many of those families in Thailand. Maybe 100.

Thailand has convinced itself that there is such a thing as Thai Chinese and they are better looking and more intelligent and more successful and more hard working and more moral than regular Thai people. Everything good about people is embodied in the Thai Chinese.

Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition. But it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain outside of Thailand and China that it is an urban legend.

To give yourself an idea of the scientific rational of this idea lets say it is Scottish Americans instead. They are more inventive, wealthier, better looking, whiter, more moral, more hard working, better business men than the average American. Are there Scottish Americans, I guess a couple of million Americans identify themselves as Scottish Americans. Anyway you get my point Thai Chinese are about as real and visible and identifiable as Scottish Americans. Which is to say it is in the minds of Scots who live in America.

It is fairly easy to spot Scottish Americans because they are always on about " my paw came from Lock Lowmaund near Glesgee " .

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I would have thought it was simply because when people discuss their wives on this forum they may fear that others may perceive that 'they married a bar girl' and they may not want the prevailing notion to be that is what they did if they didn't so they go out of their way to mention 'Chinese-Thai' as a nod to 'my g/f isn't or wasn't a hooker'.

Granted not all darker skinned girls are hookers or want your money and not all fair skinned girls are innocent virgins but I always perceived the mentions of wives origins as letting others know they haven't married a hooker.

I am not married to a Thai but if I was and they weren't a former bar girl I may wonder if everyone thought my wife used to be a bar girl as it seems it's quite common

Nice post.

I suppose managing the perceptions of one's peers - even if you've never met them - is really important for those who measure themselves by life's more superficial benchmarks.

I think it's probably just human nature.

Even if you just post here to kill a bit of time and genuinely don't care what other people think of you there may be something in the back of your mind that people are thinking XYZ. People judge, we all do it. You may not care if people have the wrong impression about how much you earn or things like that but when it comes to getting married and family maybe some don't want to be lumped in with some of the others who have a line of thinking 'everyone is for sales' etc

Whenever subjects about Thai girlfriends come up people make a point of mentioning something that highlights she's not a hooker almost like assuming everyone is talking about hookers is the default setting. To be fair the stuff some people come out with it's not a bad assumption wink.png

I am not into the whole hooker thing myself so if I was mentioning a Thai g/f I'd probably also want to make sure people knew I'm not talking about hookers and bar girls. Odd really but I can see why people do it

Human nature? Hmm, not so sure. I don't think expats posting on forums like this around the world feel the need to nip suspicions that their GF or wife might be a hooker in the bud.

Judging from some comments on here I could see people wanting to make that distinction tbh

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No mate, that's Brussels sprouts named after the Belgian city; looks like your Ivy League education came up short if you can't spell where you live with your HiSo wife

OK, you got me. Sorry.


I thought about playing the game with you, but I anticipated that it wouldn't be much fun since we both know more-or-less how it's going to go.

You bait me. I rip you. You come back. Perhaps another guy joins in on either side. The mod comes in and deletes our stupid posts and issues us warnings. One or two 'responsible' posters make posts about getting back onto the topic. You and I get a bit upset that we typed these long-winded, silly posts that are now deleted and realize that we are powerless to get them back, and because we have no real interest in actually arguing our points with each other, rather than sending personal messages to each other, we instead just give up, more interested in selfishly feeding our individual boredom, ignoring each other for the rest of the day, and we get back to posting random, often silly things on an anonymous board.

Yes You're right - it does tend to be boredom; we really should find something better to do.

I see you have posted that you were leaving the thread; that's a pity since I wanted to question your assertion that Neanderthals were our ancestors. They were not and I think you will find that while the two types of humans were around at the same time, there is little evidence of interbreeding and that is hotly disputed.

Edited by pastitche
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So? That is the point of the thread. Farangs think they can discern racial differences that certainly no biologist or scientist can discern and that these racial differences make for a different woman, family and life experience. See, you are supposed to be a sophisticated Western guy who is beyond all these Thai and third world Voodoo beliefs about ethnic and racial superiority theories that went out with the Third Reich. Instead you have bought into a recent Thai myth about Chinese families somehow being prettier, more honest and hi so than normal Thai families. And the sad part about it is you can actually find Thai pseudo scientific documents to back up this nonsense. Anyway I was writing to that Zatoachi guy who said men never said their Thai Chinese wives were better than the Issan ladies. Which of course is not true because men on Thai Visa say that all the time.

I think you are confusing race and culture or just being purposely difficult.

A Thai lady brought up in America by Americans, will behave like an American lady.

An Eskimo lady brought up in Thailand by Thais, will behave like a Thai lady.

I prefer ladies who were brought up in Thailand by Thais and have preferably never spoken to an American or watched American TV.

Of course it is easier for me just to say I like Thai ladies and let everyone else make the small mental effort it takes to understand I am talking culture and not being a racist (Not that being Thai is a race anyway).

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So? That is the point of the thread. Farangs think they can discern racial differences that certainly no biologist or scientist can discern and that these racial differences make for a different woman, family and life experience. See, you are supposed to be a sophisticated Western guy who is beyond all these Thai and third world Voodoo beliefs about ethnic and racial superiority theories that went out with the Third Reich. Instead you have bought into a recent Thai myth about Chinese families somehow being prettier, more honest and hi so than normal Thai families. And the sad part about it is you can actually find Thai pseudo scientific documents to back up this nonsense. Anyway I was writing to that Zatoachi guy who said men never said their Thai Chinese wives were better than the Issan ladies. Which of course is not true because men on Thai Visa say that all the time.

I think you are confusing race and culture or just being purposely difficult.

A Thai lady brought up in America by Americans, will behave like an American lady.

An Eskimo lady brought up in Thailand by Thais, will behave like a Thai lady.

I prefer ladies who were brought up in Thailand by Thais and have preferably never spoken to an American or watched American TV.

Of course it is easier for me just to say I like Thai ladies and let everyone else make the small mental effort it takes to understand I am talking culture and not being a racist (Not that being Thai is a race anyway).

I learned basically from reading Thai Visa that Thailand has convinced itself that there is such a thing as Thai Chinese and they are better looking and more intelligent and more successful and more hard working and more moral than regular Thai people. Everything good about people is embodied in the Thai Chinese.

Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition. But it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain outside of Thailand and China that it is an urban legend.

Will an Eskimo lady brought up by Thais act like a Thai? Or will she still want to smear fermented fish oil on her partners before sex? I don’t want to be difficult for no reason you are probably correct.

Why do Thai women like Americans more than English guys? I don’t know but if you ask any hi so Thai Chinese lady, well you know them hi so Chinese ladies go to school in the US and all, and they get used to certain things and certain sizes like big macs.

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I learned basically from reading Thai Visa that Thailand has convinced itself that there is such a thing as Thai Chinese and they are better looking and more intelligent and more successful and more hard working and more moral than regular Thai people. Everything good about people is embodied in the Thai Chinese.

Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition. But it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain outside of Thailand and China that it is an urban legend.

Will an Eskimo lady brought up by Thais act like a Thai? Or will she still want to smear fermented fish oil on her partners before sex? I don’t want to be difficult for no reason you are probably correct.

Why do Thai women like Americans more than English guys? I don’t know but if you ask any hi so Thai Chinese lady, well you know them hi so Chinese ladies go to school in the US and all, and they get used to certain things and certain sizes like big macs.

You'll probably be relieved to hear that I'm on the point of giving up trying to have a rational discussion with you.

In my twelve years living here I have taught the children of several hundred of these families and gotten to know some them quite well on a personal level.

You are entirely correct in stating that the category of people we're calling "Thai Chinese" are not definitively identifiable by external attributes, and that there isn't a scientific basis for this or any other ethnic or racial categorization.

You are also correct in stating that using that label as shorthand for "respectable Thai" is silly, and that over-generalizing about them isn't useful.

Are we in agreement so far?

However you are incorrect in trying to claim that such a category doesn't exist, and to the extent that they identify themselves as such, it can be useful in talking about certain things as long as one doesn't over-generalize, as above, for example using it as shorthand for "not a sex worker".

An Inuit lady (they don't like the term "eskimo") brought up since birth by Thais with no exposure to her native culture will be to all extents and purposes Thai, especially since she is likely to be taken for an ethnic Thai due to her Asian appearance (all native Americans come from Asia). However if some of the people raising her are also Inuit and are proud of that heritage, they may well go to great efforts to preserve aspects of their culture, as the Thai Chinese here often do, but probably not including the kinky stuff with whale oil.

And finally, the **vast** majority of those families I know personally definitely prefer to send their kids to British schools - my top student who is currently twelve, will be attending boarding school in England next year. I'm sure that has something to do with the fact that the school they go to is a British-system international school, those going to ISB and other American-curriculum schools may feel differently.

And in my experience, the only Thai women who express a preference for American boyfriends/customers are those with actual hands-on experience in comparing them. Perhaps it's because those relatively much fewer Americans who settle her are more generous? Or - with the possible exception of US Navy shore-leave time in Pattaya, but they're definitely free-spending - dare I suggest polite, softly-spoken and/or sober?

The kind of Thai girls I prefer wouldn't know if America were a state within the UK, or what language is spoken in either place, nor would she care, we're just "farang" AFASC.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Johnny says says, “It is statistically true that the Chinese tend to be higher-income and wealthier than the other groups,”

HD says, “Johnny, do you have a source for this?”

Johnny says, “I could but can't be bothered, to me it's as obvious as stating "whites are wealthier in America" ( Kerry says, are there different shades of white? Real white very rich and tan not so rich?).

Kerry says, “How do you know who is Thai Chinese (last names).”

Johnny says, “In any given province, go to the land registration office and identify the most valuable land - by assessed value, income production, whatever. See who owns that land.”

Kerry says, “How do you know who is Thai Chinese (last names).”

Johnny says, “Just ask them and they'll tell you, they are proud of their heritage.”

Kerry says, So I can't really go to the land registration office because because their names are not Thai Chinese. I have to ask each family to find out.

Kerry says again. Johnny has bought the urban legend about Thai Chinese people. There is no scientific way to tell who they are and no data collected to determine wealth, family values or skin color.

Voodoo anthropology Asian style.

Sorry Kerry I missed this since you didn't address it to me.

And as has been pointed out to you many time, *last name has nothing to do with ethnicity* in Thailand!

OK, here are some sources for you, but I'm really not going to waste more time trying to convince you of what I don't know.

Suehiro, A., 1997. Capital Accumulation in Thailand 1855–1985. Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Journal of Financial Economics, http://www.mit.edu/~aschoar/BJSS2008.pdf

Mixing family with business: A study of Thai business groups and the families behind them

Limlingan, V.S., 1986. The Overseas Chinese in ASEAN: Business Strategies and Management Practices. Vita Development Corp.

Sapphaibul, T., 2001a. The Legend of 55 Business Families: Book 1. Nation Publishing, Bangkok.

Brooker Group, 2003. Thai Business Groups: A Unique Guide to Who Owns What.


From the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce:

The Sino-Thai play an important economic role. About 80 % of the major Thai groups are controlled by Chinese families’ origin and 19 of 20 the richest families in the country are Sino-Thai.

From Wiki:

Overseas Chinese also form a significant part of Thai society, particularly in and around Bangkok. Their successful integration into Thai society has allowed for this group to hold positions of economic and political power.


Thailand is home to the largest and most integrated Overseas Chinese community. As already said above, the present Thai monarch, Chakri Dynasty, was founded by King Rama I, who himself was partly Chinese. His predecessor, King Taksin of Thonburi Dynasty, was the son of Chinese immigrants from Guangdong Province and was born with a Chinese name. The majority of Prime Ministers in Thailand are of Chinese descent. Most ethnic Chinese in Thailand live in cities such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hat Yai and Nakhon Sawan. A large majority of them belong to the Teochew dialect group of Han Chinese.


In working my way through Forbes' list of the wealthiest Thais, I stopped about two-thirds of the way through.

I only found one whose ethnicity wasn't clear - most likely Thai, one was American and one was of Indian descent.

Check out the history of any major bank in Thailand.

You're familiar with CP? Red Bull?

Some last names:








na Ranong




na Songkhla




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I learned basically from reading Thai Visa that Thailand has convinced itself that there is such a thing as Thai Chinese and they are better looking and more intelligent and more successful and more hard working and more moral than regular Thai people. Everything good about people is embodied in the Thai Chinese.

Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition. But it is obvious to anyone with even half a brain outside of Thailand and China that it is an urban legend.

Will an Eskimo lady brought up by Thais act like a Thai? Or will she still want to smear fermented fish oil on her partners before sex? I don’t want to be difficult for no reason you are probably correct.

Why do Thai women like Americans more than English guys? I don’t know but if you ask any hi so Thai Chinese lady, well you know them hi so Chinese ladies go to school in the US and all, and they get used to certain things and certain sizes like big macs.

You'll probably be relieved to hear that I'm on the point of giving up trying to have a rational discussion with you.

In my twelve years living here I have taught the children of several hundred of these families and gotten to know some them quite well on a personal level.

You are entirely correct in stating that the category of people we're calling "Thai Chinese" are not definitively identifiable by external attributes, and that there isn't a scientific basis for this or any other ethnic or racial categorization.

You are also correct in stating that using that label as shorthand for "respectable Thai" is silly, and that over-generalizing about them isn't useful.

Are we in agreement so far?

However you are incorrect in trying to claim that such a category doesn't exist, and to the extent that they identify themselves as such, it can be useful in talking about certain things as long as one doesn't over-generalize, as above, for example using it as shorthand for "not a sex worker".

An Inuit lady (they don't like the term "eskimo") brought up since birth by Thais with no exposure to her native culture will be to all extents and purposes Thai, especially since she is likely to be taken for an ethnic Thai due to her Asian appearance (all native Americans come from Asia). However if some of the people raising her are also Inuit and are proud of that heritage, they may well go to great efforts to preserve aspects of their culture, as the Thai Chinese here often do, but probably not including the kinky stuff with whale oil.

And finally, the **vast** majority of those families I know personally definitely prefer to send their kids to British schools - my top student who is currently twelve, will be attending boarding school in England next year. I'm sure that has something to do with the fact that the school they go to is a British-system international school, those going to ISB and other American-curriculum schools may feel differently.

And in my experience, the only Thai women who express a preference for American boyfriends/customers are those with actual hands-on experience in comparing them. Perhaps it's because those relatively much fewer Americans who settle her are more generous? Or - with the possible exception of US Navy shore-leave time in Pattaya, but they're definitely free-spending - dare I suggest polite, softly-spoken and/or sober?

The kind of Thai girls I prefer wouldn't know if America were a state within the UK, or what language is spoken in either place, nor would she care, we're just "farang" AFASC.

I agree that some Thais identify themselves as Thai Chinese. I have one in my own family. The guy is from China. He speaks Chinese and his child is for sure Thai Chinese. But not in the "I want to borrow money" Thai Chinese way. I was just kidding about Americans. Not since the 60’s have Thai women expressed a preference for Americans; at least that I know of.

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No mate, that's Brussels sprouts named after the Belgian city; looks like your Ivy League education came up short if you can't spell where you live with your HiSo wife

OK, you got me. Sorry.


I thought about playing the game with you, but I anticipated that it wouldn't be much fun since we both know more-or-less how it's going to go.

You bait me. I rip you. You come back. Perhaps another guy joins in on either side. The mod comes in and deletes our stupid posts and issues us warnings. One or two 'responsible' posters make posts about getting back onto the topic. You and I get a bit upset that we typed these long-winded, silly posts that are now deleted and realize that we are powerless to get them back, and because we have no real interest in actually arguing our points with each other, rather than sending personal messages to each other, we instead just give up, more interested in selfishly feeding our individual boredom, ignoring each other for the rest of the day, and we get back to posting random, often silly things on an anonymous board.

Yes You're right - it does tend to be boredom; we really should find something better to do.

I see you have posted that you were leaving the thread; that's a pity since I wanted to question your assertion that Neanderthals were our ancestors. They were not and I think you will find that while the two types of humans were around at the same time, there is little evidence of interbreeding and that is hotly disputed.

There's some evidence from DNA sequencing that ? up to 5% of our genome (those of non African descent) is Neanderthal ( off topic, but did Neanderthals have souls? what amount of DNA qualifies?)

Edited by msg362
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^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

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^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

And, like Scotland, a large number of Scots who swear its a great place, but don't actually live there...


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^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

And, like Scotland, a large number of Scots who swear its a great place, but don't actually live there...


But I was born in Glesgae near lock locklowmaund .

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^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

And, like Scotland, a large number of Scots who swear its a great place, but don't actually live there...


But I was born in Glesgae near lock locklowmaund .

Lock locklowmaund same same nit noi mei?

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules ; Line 5

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^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

And, like Scotland, a large number of Scots who swear its a great place, but don't actually live there...


But I was born in Glesgae near lock locklowmaund .

Lock locklowmaund same same nit noi mei?

http://www.thaivisa....tion=boardrules ; Line 5

I better watch ma bahookai

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I better watch ma bahookai

I'll not test your patience with tales of the hookahs of the Orient. Sheesh! Besides, I was more steaming than smoking anyway


Nice brothel creepers . thumbsup.gif

Commending my cobblers' will do you no good

By the way, will I see you at the Football Club on the 5th for the Korea rugby game?


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I better watch ma bahookai

I'll not test your patience with tales of the hookahs of the Orient. Sheesh! Besides, I was more steaming than smoking anyway


Nice brothel creepers . thumbsup.gif

Commending my cobblers' will do you no good

By the way, will I see you at the Football Club on the 5th for the Korea rugby game?


It will take some luck getting a ticket .

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Thais and naive ex pats have convinced themselves Thai Chinese are identifiable by their actions and appearance. Thai academics have even wrote books backing up this proposition

Kerry, it would seem therefore, that Thai - Chinese only "don't exist" in your little world....

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Heavy, no not at all. Thai Chinese exist. They exist on any number of levels. When a Chinese citizen comes from China and has a baby with a Thai citizen the result of that union is a Chinese Thai baby. I can think of a lot of other examples. The only thing I am saying is no one can identify a Thai Chinese by appearance or actions with any level of certainty. Nor is there any scientific method available to identify a Thai Chinese person.

There is a book out there that says Thai Chinese women sit differently than Thai women. Do you believe that?

Do Thai Chinese people have more money than Thai people? And what percent Chinese do you have to be? How many Thai people are 1/64 Chinese and should we count them?

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The only thing I am saying is no one can identify a Thai Chinese by appearance or actions with any level of certainty

Have you never had a cabbie with a fair old sprig of hair sprouting from mole...? I think most could identify with his ethnicity...

I agree very much with the Thai - Chinese = rich comment. I'd say the majority of Thai - Chinese are in fact of the lower orders which is why I can't help but chuckle when posters bleat on about their Thai - Chinese spouse....

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