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What To Wear In The Los To Avoid Looking Like A Reprobate?


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Marks and Sparks y fronts,wellies, neck cloth and tri-corner or corner tied hanky..very chique and cool..

Boxers, and if I'm going out, I'll put something over them.

I still wear a tie for work, so's people can see from a mile off how pissed I am, on the way home in the evening.

Sturdy footwear is recommended for Bangkok pavements - nice shiny doctor martens combine fashion, healthy practicality and rugged smartness. And they're made locally, as anyone who knows their cobblers will tell you


Edit: soctor replaced with doctor, thanks to kindly fellow-poster

You just can't get the proof-reeders these days...

SC if you were self employed like me you would stick to flip flops. Let the proletariat sweat man!

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jeans on middle aged men look ridiculous...now, if you wear loggers jeans with suspenders then that's another issue...they even look OK with flip flops...


I attended a July 4th barbeque once in my logger work clothing (with just a t-shirt, no rigging shirt) and flip flops and I had to beat the women away with a stick (I was then monogamous and foolish)...I was 25 y.o. at the time and muscular and virile but if one extrapolates to middle age then the appeal of the appearance is obvious...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Marks and Sparks y fronts,wellies, neck cloth and tri-corner or corner tied hanky..very chique and cool..

Boxers, and if I'm going out, I'll put something over them.

I still wear a tie for work, so's people can see from a mile off how pissed I am, on the way home in the evening.

Sturdy footwear is recommended for Bangkok pavements - nice shiny doctor martens combine fashion, healthy practicality and rugged smartness. And they're made locally, as anyone who knows their cobblers will tell you


Edit: soctor replaced with doctor, thanks to kindly fellow-poster

You just can't get the proof-reeders these days...

SC if you were self employed like me you would stick to flip flops. Let the proletariat sweat man!

I value customers' opinions higher than bosses'.

I could be fired on three months' notice, but when I had my own business, I never had such distant horizons.

I would imagine in the operating theatre flip-flops are looked on askance, though maybe no-one notices under the employer-provided coveralls; I suppose that is one of the advantages of a surgical mask.

"Who was that bloke that came in in his Y-fronts and flip flops?"

"Ah dinnae ken!"


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Do people really get sunburnt here that easily? Im about as white as they come, ive ever had people back home say i look sickly white on my trips back. But in my years im still sporting only a slight darkness on my arms compaired to the rest of my paper white body.

Me too. I think because it is so incredibly hot, anyone not fresh off the plane instinctively picks a shady spot to be at all times, and get out of the direct sun ASAP. I know I do.

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Adding my '2 cents'.

I think one piece of the strategy that is overlooked by many of us Farang here is that the typical clothes sold here don't fit us well. That's true even of many international or western brands that actually cut clothing specifically for the Asian frame. So, you've got many guys who care to look decent but who have purchase clothes which just don't flatter them.

I would say that part of any guy's strategy here (at least guys who are not a typical thin, and small structured frame) should be looking at made to order/bespoke clothing. Not necessarily made in Thailand as the work quality here is most often poor. But, there are many good, well-known online made to order shops that will allow for extensive customization of clothing that will fit a man perfectly.

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Adding my '2 cents'.

I think one piece of the strategy that is overlooked by many of us Farang here is that the typical clothes sold here don't fit us well. That's true even of many international or western brands that actually cut clothing specifically for the Asian frame. So, you've got many guys who care to look decent but who have purchase clothes which just don't flatter them.

I would say that part of any guy's strategy here (at least guys who are not a typical thin, and small structured frame) should be looking at made to order/bespoke clothing. Not necessarily made in Thailand as the work quality here is most often poor. But, there are many good, well-known online made to order shops that will allow for extensive customization of clothing that will fit a man perfectly.

I don't have a problem as my wife buys all my clothes for me- she's the only one I have to please.

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Adding my '2 cents'.

I think one piece of the strategy that is overlooked by many of us Farang here is that the typical clothes sold here don't fit us well. That's true even of many international or western brands that actually cut clothing specifically for the Asian frame. So, you've got many guys who care to look decent but who have purchase clothes which just don't flatter them.

I would say that part of any guy's strategy here (at least guys who are not a typical thin, and small structured frame) should be looking at made to order/bespoke clothing. Not necessarily made in Thailand as the work quality here is most often poor. But, there are many good, well-known online made to order shops that will allow for extensive customization of clothing that will fit a man perfectly.

I don't have a problem as my wife buys all my clothes for me- she's the only one I have to please.

Yep, I get that. Wish I was in the same boat. Perhaps soon. I have to please clients, and it requires me to look a certain way.

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Adding my '2 cents'.

I think one piece of the strategy that is overlooked by many of us Farang here is that the typical clothes sold here don't fit us well. That's true even of many international or western brands that actually cut clothing specifically for the Asian frame. So, you've got many guys who care to look decent but who have purchase clothes which just don't flatter them.

I would say that part of any guy's strategy here (at least guys who are not a typical thin, and small structured frame) should be looking at made to order/bespoke clothing. Not necessarily made in Thailand as the work quality here is most often poor. But, there are many good, well-known online made to order shops that will allow for extensive customization of clothing that will fit a man perfectly.

I don't have a problem as my wife buys all my clothes for me- she's the only one I have to please.

Yep, I get that. Wish I was in the same boat. Perhaps soon. I have to please clients, and it requires me to look a certain way.

Stripes are better than arrows on your suit for impressing the clients

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You know I probably don't have much of a right to post in this thread as I'm a woman therefore the way I dress myself is a whole different thing to guys...

However, some women do look at what the guy is wearing (well I do, anyway) and I have to say that I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

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but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

Some of the Farang's in Thailand i have come across over the years couldnt find their way to the toilet unless you showed them, never mind getting dressed properly in the morning.

As regards you comment about having a right to post you have every right...based on the some of the posts in this thread, it may be better if it's moved to either the woman's forum or possibly even the gay forum

Edited by Soutpeel
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I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

I agree, but many guys here aren't trying to impress anyone, and don't even care if people find them offensive. In the beach-tourist areas (including KSR) everyone's so used to this it doesn't even register anymore, so fair enough, back home you can't even enter a shop without shirt and shoes, but that's jsut normal in those areas. Even in the BKK CBD the Thais are usually so surface-polite the hobo-style farang may not even be aware what they are thinking, but from what I hear many don't have any reason to care in the slightest.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

Well even I draw the line here, I think "fashion" is a total crock. The plain classic clothes - khaki & polo, jeans & t-shirt, plain dress slacks and dress shirt (big choice - button-down or not) and normal width tie, these don't change at all over decades for men and are just fine for my purposes, don't want to waste time shopping until the clothes actually wear out.

For example, hardly recent fashion trends, but it's getting hard to find dress shoes here that don't have that god-awful "shit shovel" front end to accommodate splayed toes, and that weird narrow-height style for spectacles, wouldn't touch either with a ten foot pole.

Yes I'm an old fart, but also think unnecessary consumerism based on "fashion trends" is evil for both society and the planet.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

I agree, but many guys here aren't trying to impress anyone, and don't even care if people find them offensive. In the beach-tourist areas (including KSR) everyone's so used to this it doesn't even register anymore, so fair enough, back home you can't even enter a shop without shirt and shoes, but that's jsut normal in those areas. Even in the BKK CBD the Thais are usually so surface-polite the hobo-style farang may not even be aware what they are thinking, but from what I hear many don't have any reason to care in the slightest.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

Well even I draw the line here, I think "fashion" is a total crock. The plain classic clothes - khaki & polo, jeans & t-shirt, plain dress slacks and dress shirt (big choice - button-down or not) and normal width tie, these don't change at all over decades for men and are just fine for my purposes, don't want to waste time shopping until the clothes actually wear out.

For example, hardly recent fashion trends, but it's getting hard to find dress shoes here that don't have that god-awful "shit shovel" front end to accommodate splayed toes, and that weird narrow-height style for spectacles, wouldn't touch either with a ten foot pole.

Yes I'm an old fart, but also think unnecessary consumerism based on "fashion trends" is evil for both society and the planet.

I understand what you're saying but it's not about impressing other people it's just about showing pride in your appearance. I think the khaki & polo, jeans & t-shirt, plain dress slacks and dress shirt look fine for casual but that's about it. I think at the end of the day, it all comes down to age. However I have seen some old men in ridiculous clothes and it makes me look twice and go "<deleted>?"

I basically just appreciate a good looking and well dressed bloke. ;) I like men with style. I don't think there is anything wrong with fashion trends. It's just how we are as humans. We have always evolved on our fashion throughout time.

I'm personally a sucker for a fashion, however my style of fashion is not one that is mainstream or trendy at that particular time. :P

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I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

I agree, but many guys here aren't trying to impress anyone, and don't even care if people find them offensive. In the beach-tourist areas (including KSR) everyone's so used to this it doesn't even register anymore, so fair enough, back home you can't even enter a shop without shirt and shoes, but that's jsut normal in those areas. Even in the BKK CBD the Thais are usually so surface-polite the hobo-style farang may not even be aware what they are thinking, but from what I hear many don't have any reason to care in the slightest.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

Well even I draw the line here, I think "fashion" is a total crock. The plain classic clothes - khaki & polo, jeans & t-shirt, plain dress slacks and dress shirt (big choice - button-down or not) and normal width tie, these don't change at all over decades for men and are just fine for my purposes, don't want to waste time shopping until the clothes actually wear out.

For example, hardly recent fashion trends, but it's getting hard to find dress shoes here that don't have that god-awful "shit shovel" front end to accommodate splayed toes, and that weird narrow-height style for spectacles, wouldn't touch either with a ten foot pole.

Yes I'm an old fart, but also think unnecessary consumerism based on "fashion trends" is evil for both society and the planet.

I understand what you're saying but it's not about impressing other people it's just about showing pride in your appearance. I think the khaki & polo, jeans & t-shirt, plain dress slacks and dress shirt look fine for casual but that's about it. I think at the end of the day, it all comes down to age. However I have seen some old men in ridiculous clothes and it makes me look twice and go "<deleted>?"

I basically just appreciate a good looking and well dressed bloke. wink.png I like men with style. I don't think there is anything wrong with fashion trends. It's just how we are as humans. We have always evolved on our fashion throughout time.

I'm personally a sucker for a fashion, however my style of fashion is not one that is mainstream or trendy at that particular time. tongue.png

Just come back from our local airport. Whilst there my mrs was laughing, l said ""What'', then l saw this oldish farang wearing what looked like his boxer under shorts with huge white trainers and no socks about to board his flight. Me, couldn't give a shit what he wears but from my Thai mrs point of view he looked ridiculous. biggrin.png .

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You know I probably don't have much of a right to post in this thread as I'm a woman therefore the way I dress myself is a whole different thing to guys...

However, some women do look at what the guy is wearing (well I do, anyway) and I have to say that I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

We need you to post, we need the balance you bring. In fact go recruit some more ladies to join the site thumbsup.gif

As a rule of thumb I have no comment about what guys wear during the day, whatever makes them feel comfortable is okay with me. I do get irritated seeing slobs dining next to me at night though. Sitting there with open sandals and/or crocs, wearing singlets with masses of armpit hair hanging out and beads of sweat pouring from every visible pore. sick.gif

Seriously sick.gifsick.gif

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You know I probably don't have much of a right to post in this thread as I'm a woman therefore the way I dress myself is a whole different thing to guys...

However, some women do look at what the guy is wearing (well I do, anyway) and I have to say that I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

We need you to post, we need the balance you bring. In fact go recruit some more ladies to join the site thumbsup.gif

As a rule of thumb I have no comment about what guys wear during the day, whatever makes them feel comfortable is okay with me. I do get irritated seeing slobs dining next to me at night though. Sitting there with open sandals and/or crocs, wearing singlets with masses of armpit hair hanging out and beads of sweat pouring from every visible pore. sick.gif

Seriously sick.gifsick.gif

I can't really do much about the sweat pouring off me, but generally if I can't wriggle my toes in the sand, I'll wear a shirt. There really is no excuse, unless one is going to do the decent thing and wax one's oxters. I wonder if I should get my ears waxed...


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I understand what you're saying but it's not about impressing other people it's just about showing pride in your appearance. I think the khaki & polo, jeans & t-shirt, plain dress slacks and dress shirt look fine for casual but that's about it.

Actually, the dress slacks, shirt and tie are sufficient for almost any professional situation as well, at least for me. I might sling the suit jacket over my shoulder when going on a job interview, from then on keep it a hangar behind the office door, only gets pulled out every few months.

I basically just appreciate a good looking and well dressed bloke. wink.png I like men with style. I don't think there is anything wrong with fashion trends. It's just how we are as humans. We have always evolved on our fashion throughout time.

I'm personally a sucker for a fashion, however my style of fashion is not one that is mainstream or trendy at that particular time. tongue.png

You say it's not about impressing others, but then you immediately say "I'm not impressed". The girls most of the older guys here *are* trying to impress don't require as much as you, and I'm pretty sure you don't fit their target profile any more than they fit yours. In fact the only guys I come across with much interest in fashion are high-end tourists, some upper-class Thai men, mobsters and gay guys.

When a man complains about how sloppy all the western women are these days compared to the Thai girls, the knee-jerk response from most women is "I don't give a stuff what you think, it's not my job to look nice for you to get your jollies" and even sometimes an attempt to equate our desire to be pleased by a woman's appearance as sexism!

"Pride in your appearance" to me simply means passing, being acceptable, any more effort than that to me is just shallow vanity, misdirected resources, I'd rather be proud of my inner self, my actions, my family etc.

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You know I probably don't have much of a right to post in this thread as I'm a woman therefore the way I dress myself is a whole different thing to guys...

However, some women do look at what the guy is wearing (well I do, anyway) and I have to say that I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

We need you to post, we need the balance you bring. In fact go recruit some more ladies to join the site thumbsup.gif

As a rule of thumb I have no comment about what guys wear during the day, whatever makes them feel comfortable is okay with me. I do get irritated seeing slobs dining next to me at night though. Sitting there with open sandals and/or crocs, wearing singlets with masses of armpit hair hanging out and beads of sweat pouring from every visible pore. sick.gif

Seriously sick.gifsick.gif

I can't really do much about the sweat pouring off me, but generally if I can't wriggle my toes in the sand, I'll wear a shirt. There really is no excuse, unless one is going to do the decent thing and wax one's oxters. I wonder if I should get my ears waxed...


Still shave the oxters. Saw the missus waxing the bikini line once; never borrowed the bikini again!

Pluck the nose hair every now and again, but don't normally sweat much from there......................sad.png

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rolleyes.gif Unlike some others I never wear shorts.

In the first place I dislike them....but more importantly I had an accident years ago that left my right leg scarred and discolored.

And I hate having to reply to the idiots who see my right leg and ask, "Wow, what happened to your leg, man?"

For the same reason I wear flip flops around the house and outside on the local soi, but shoes otherwise when going out.

It has nothing to with vanity, but because of the problem with my right leg, I need the support of shoes for a good firm step. And I don't climb stairs without railings to hold on to in flip flops...it's shoes or bare feet for that.

But, the one thing I was going to mention regarding the "sweat" problem is this....wear loose fitting shirts and wear a COTTON undershirt. That way the cotton undershirt absorbs the sweat and you avoid that pasty wet clinging sweaty shirt effect.

I absolutely gaurentee that sweaty clinging shirt look is a real turn off to the Thai women.


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You know I probably don't have much of a right to post in this thread as I'm a woman therefore the way I dress myself is a whole different thing to guys...

However, some women do look at what the guy is wearing (well I do, anyway) and I have to say that I have seen some farang men dressed in the most hideous clothes. I know it all about comfort in this heat but some guys seriously... :rolls:

Smartly dressed for work always looks good and without flipflops also. It makes you instantly look more professional.

As for casual, well I guess it all depends on your age but doesn't anyone follow men's fashion these days? I see some really well dressed Thai men in Thailand and I saw some really fashionable European men when I lived in the UK but here it seems to go out of the window! The only time I have seen farang men dressed well and fashionably is at model shoots I've attended but surely guys should be able to dress themselves like this on a regular basis?

We need you to post, we need the balance you bring. In fact go recruit some more ladies to join the site thumbsup.gif

As a rule of thumb I have no comment about what guys wear during the day, whatever makes them feel comfortable is okay with me. I do get irritated seeing slobs dining next to me at night though. Sitting there with open sandals and/or crocs, wearing singlets with masses of armpit hair hanging out and beads of sweat pouring from every visible pore. sick.gif

Seriously sick.gifsick.gif

Yep, noooooooooooooo arm pit beards, please, eh. bah.gif

BUT, l remember decades ago in Italy that the ladies all had arm pit beards, perhaps sexy for Itie guys eh. whistling.gif

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Yep, noooooooooooooo arm pit beards, please, eh. bah.gif

BUT, l remember decades ago in Italy that the ladies all had arm pit beards, perhaps sexy for Itie guys eh. whistling.gif

What you mean European women have started shaving? US imperialism sucks.

And are you suggesting men should do the same? Just armpits or all over? Sheesh, I've had Thai girls suggest that, apparently Thai men do so if they're as disgustingly hairy as us, but no, I don't think so. . .

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Yep, noooooooooooooo arm pit beards, please, eh. bah.gif

BUT, l remember decades ago in Italy that the ladies all had arm pit beards, perhaps sexy for Itie guys eh. whistling.gif

What you mean European women have started shaving? US imperialism sucks.

And are you suggesting men should do the same? Just armpits or all over? Sheesh, I've had Thai girls suggest that, apparently Thai men do so if they're as disgustingly hairy as us, but no, I don't think so. . .

All over. Forearms, legs from mid thigh down, all reproductive organs, under arms. Helps immensely with the heat and odor.

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Maybe it's the cultural difference, but when I'm at home here is the wardrobe:

Colder then -10C: Jeans, Long Sleve Shirt, Wool Socks, Boots, Parka, Hat, Gloves

Colder then 10C: Jeans, T-Shirt, Socks, Shoes, Jacket (generally a hoody)

Colder then 15C: Jeans, T-Shirt, Socks, Shoes

Colder then 20C: Jeans, T-Shirt, Flip-flops

Anything warmer: Shorts, T-Shirt, Flip-flops

That general outfit works for the office or a night out on the town, I'll even wear it to board meetings! I've worn that basic outfit since I was a teenager and I've managed to do well enough. There are a few exceptions; early dates (first 3-4), funerals, weddings, clubs with dress codes, and theme night out with friends.

But when I'm in Thailand I'm supposed to wear slacks and a button down every day? Don't get me wrong, I have noticed people tend to see me in a more positive light in Thailand when I'm dressed nicely. But it does seem strange to judge people based on their clothes.

It's just that when I'm home I can walk into even the most expensive place and be fawned over wearing a torn up T-shirt and flip flops. I guess it's just the where I live, around here you can't tell how educated or rich someone is just by looking at their clothes. The multi-millionares show up to work in a Ferrari and cargo shorts (or maybe on a bicycle wearing lycra).

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Maybe it's the cultural difference, but when I'm at home here is the wardrobe:

Colder then -10C: Jeans, Long Sleve Shirt, Wool Socks, Boots, Parka, Hat, Gloves

Colder then 10C: Jeans, T-Shirt, Socks, Shoes, Jacket (generally a hoody)

Colder then 15C: Jeans, T-Shirt, Socks, Shoes

Colder then 20C: Jeans, T-Shirt, Flip-flops

then or than ? ;)

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