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Top 11 Reasons Why Farang Should Go Back To Their Own Country


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Reasons for me to go back to farangland.

1. Fish n chips.

2. Chinese takeaway. Its the sweet n sour sauce over those lovely balls.

Not going back mind you, but when I do for a visit I will PIGOUT bigtime!

Edited by mjj
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Great, yet another thread about whingers, by whingers and for whingers. <deleted>, go outside, enjoy the day, drink a cold one, step away form the keyboard. Try it, you might like it.

I'm not a whinger. I have a life.*

And I am well able to see the ridiculous irony of my own threads posts. (edit)

I look down on people who cannot find irony without a magnet.

And people who drink beer and stay up late.

And everyone else.


* - obviously, a sad and miserable one, but that goes without saying...

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Just to be totally off topic, yet very much "on thhe ball", I never thought I would call anyone on here a "Bellend" apart from my cousin and he's banned, but fark me, there is some bellendz on display here now, especially them who claim to be coppers...

What a douche, and what a perfect example as to why we think they are cuntz....

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When people still insist in converting baht back to their own currency even after years here.

Pet hate: batts, for currency.

I get pissed off from time to time like most I suspect, I have a moan, groan, compare how things are different compared to the 50 years you have been programmed in another country.

Then I go visit the homeland and the things you thought you missed and very quickly realise just how great Thailand is and how relaxed things are and cant wait to get back.

I assume that you mean doing a conversion in their mind, rather than actually exchanging it. So, why in the name of gawd would people doing a mental conversion of Thai currency to their native country's currency bother you? How can that possibly affect your life in a negative way?

I can see practical reasons for doing it. For example, if I know I'm going home for a visit and there's something I'm considering buying, like a laptop, you can be assured that I'll mentally convert the currency to see if it's comparatively good value to what I can buy in my home country. Other times, it's just interesting to know what comparable value you're getting. I had my typically modest breakfast this morning and took some joy in knowing that it equaled about 1 dollar in my country.

With all respect, perhaps if you're letting extremely small things, like somebody mentally converting their money (not yours) to their home country's currency, get to you, it's time to seriously evaluate some of your priorities or your choice to live here.

Edited by Wavefloater
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When you get on get on TV discussing the culinary delights of Thai 7/11's and suggesting the "food" at 7/11 is actually good....this suggests someone has lost the plot completely.

Or it's really food at all!

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Yes, great topic. Very apt for what sometimes seems like the majority of forum members..

Sure. Thai-ier than Thais have their fanboys ...bah.gif

Get real, Thai people don't expect us to be Thai. Unless we can pass visually as Thai, we can never be Thai. But these f-rang poseurs have adopted a delusional mental condition about what is needed to be an acceptable resident in Thailand and fascistically deem to impose their absurd comical standard on all of us.

And who in their right mind,would crave to be Thai anyway,it's the first signs of Ex Pat madness.

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(18) When you think 70 Baht is too much to pay for a haircut.

70 Baht!! ? That is expensive tongue.png

50 is more like it unless you are a hairy hippie wink.png

Complaining about the high price of any 'Farang' food when you can eat chicken fried rice for 40 Baht.

That's way too expensive, 25bht is enough for a Thai dish.

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Don't care how "Thai" people are as long as they are respectful.

What I don't get are the people who seem to hate Thailand and Thais...yet stick around. They are the ones who need to move on, for their mental health and that of everyone around them.

Excuse me. What gives you the right to tell anyone they need to move on? ........

Does him being a Thai, and you being a foreigner count?

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Yes, great topic. Very apt for what sometimes seems like the majority of forum members..

Sure. Thai-ier than Thais have their fanboys ...bah.gif

Get real, Thai people don't expect us to be Thai. Unless we can pass visually as Thai, we can never be Thai. But these f-rang poseurs have adopted a delusional mental condition about what is needed to be an acceptable resident in Thailand and fascistically deem to impose their absurd comical standard on all of us.

And who in their right mind,would crave to be Thai anyway,it's the first signs of Ex Pat madness.

Anyone who wants full rights to own land, run a business, and be free of work permits, visas, and bureaucratic BS for the rest of your life.

Not to mention never having to worry about the rules changing to make it more difficult for you to hang around.

Who WOULDN'T want that, assuming you plan to live out your days here?

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Great, yet another thread about whingers, by whingers and for whingers. <deleted>, go outside, enjoy the day, drink a cold one, step away form the keyboard. Try it, you might like it.

I'm not a whinger. I have a life.*

And I am well able to see the ridiculous irony of my own threads posts. (edit)

I look down on people who cannot find irony without a magnet.

And people who drink beer and stay up late.

And everyone else.


* - obviously, a sad and miserable one, but that goes without saying...

Irony Magnet! Love it.

Edit: Good TV username

Edited by chrisinth
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Yes, great topic. Very apt for what sometimes seems like the majority of forum members..

Sure. Thai-ier than Thais have their fanboys ...bah.gif

Get real, Thai people don't expect us to be Thai. Unless we can pass visually as Thai, we can never be Thai. But these f-rang poseurs have adopted a delusional mental condition about what is needed to be an acceptable resident in Thailand and fascistically deem to impose their absurd comical standard on all of us.

And who in their right mind,would crave to be Thai anyway,it's the first signs of Ex Pat madness.

Anyone who wants full rights to own land, run a business, and be free of work permits, visas, and bureaucratic BS for the rest of your life.

Not to mention never having to worry about the rules changing to make it more difficult for you to hang around.

Who WOULDN'T want that, assuming you plan to live out your days here?

No, I for one WOULDN'T want it, I would never sell out my Country,or my Birthright,just because some other Country slung me a few crumbs,full of ifs and buts,that can still mean a second class Citizen,ask any real Thai,what a bought Citizenship is really worth?

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thumbsup.gif And now, two reasons why I WON'T go back to my "home country"....no matter what happens in Thailand.

1. I no longer have any real family there, my real family is here in Thailand. Yes, there are brothers and sisters there...but my Thai family here is closer to me now than them.

2. And (actually the most important reason) is that my small western Massachusetts town...the one I grew up in...is dieing.

All the factories my father worked in are closed...and no new factories or jobs are being built or created now.

The only people living there now are pensioners who can't afford to leave and young people still in school who are waiting to graduate so they can leave then.

People who lived for 50 years in their own home...the house they thought they owned...now are being foreclosed on and losing their homes to the banks.

Of course, even at bargain prices, the banks still can't sell those houses they foreclose on.

No buyers.

It used to be a relitively wealthy small dairy farm area...but now there's no money in any farming unless you have BIG farms...the small family owned farm is almost dead.

Really, it's that bad.

As the Simon and Garfunkel song said, "Nothing but the Dead and Dieing there in my little town".


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I think I did a poll on that years ago. The vast majority of western expats are NOT at all interested in being Thai citizens! Permanent residency is think would be a lot more popular.

It was a no-brainer for me. PR advantages were not that great: still no land ownership privileges, still have to shell out every year for re-entry permits, still have to have a work permit, etc. etc.

There is no such thing as a "second class" Thai citizen. You either you are, or you aren't. Many people assume that born Thais would look down on naturalized ones -- but in my experience that is absolutely not the case. The only way a naturalized citizenship can be revoked is if was found to be obtained through fraudulent means. It would require specific action at the Ministerial level and be signed off on by the King. In real and practical terms, the chances of that happening are zero.

As for the theory that taking a second nationality is somehow "selling out" your home country -- I think that's absolute pseudo-patriotic nonsense, but that is just my opinion. I didn't have to give up my original nationality in order to take Thai citizenship. Lots of people back home think it's "selling out your country" just to live overseas.

Not trying to convince anyone here -- I'm not trying to recruit. It does seem to me that most of the people who poo-poo going the citizenship route are those who would never qualify anyway.

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NMT, I have no issue with your decision. It's not an option for me in Thailand but I would consider dual citizenship for another country where it was possible. I mentioned the old poll because I do think it reflects reality. Most western expats have no desire whatsoever to be Thai CITIZENS. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with people who do.

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Reasons for me to go back to farangland.

1. Fish n chips.

2. Chinese takeaway. Its the sweet n sour sauce over those lovely balls.

Not going back mind you, but when I do for a visit I will PIGOUT bigtime!

Chinese takeaway in the UK is awesome every now and then but you can get decent fish & chips in Bkk in a couple of places. Back home I rarely have fish & chips anyway, more likely to go to a Chinese ... most of the old ones seem to be half chippy/half Chinese takeaway anyway these days, down south anyway

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No, I for one WOULDN'T want it, I would never sell out my Country,or my Birthright,just because some other Country slung me a few crumbs,full of ifs and buts,that can still mean a second class Citizen,ask any real Thai,what a bought Citizenship is really worth?

You mean apart from, owning land, owning a business, doing any job you feel like, no 90 day reports, no Visas, etc.

How does becoming a Thai citizen sell out your country or birthright?

@NMT never is a long time!

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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NMT, I have no issue with your decision. It's not an option for me in Thailand but I would consider dual citizenship for another country where it was possible. I mentioned the old poll because I do think it reflects reality. Most western expats have no desire whatsoever to be Thai CITIZENS. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with people who do.

I want to live in Thailand long term and I would like to get Thai citizenship in addition to the ones I already have.

NMT listed the advantages (in principle, Thai citizenship would make me a [legally] free person in Thailand), and I see no negatives.

Edited by manarak
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thumbsup.gif And now, two reasons why I WON'T go back to my "home country"....no matter what happens in Thailand.

1. I no longer have any real family there, my real family is here in Thailand. Yes, there are brothers and sisters there...but my Thai family here is closer to me now than them.

2. And (actually the most important reason) is that my small western Massachusetts town...the one I grew up in...is dieing.

All the factories my father worked in are closed...and no new factories or jobs are being built or created now.

The only people living there now are pensioners who can't afford to leave and young people still in school who are waiting to graduate so they can leave then.

People who lived for 50 years in their own home...the house they thought they owned...now are being foreclosed on and losing their homes to the banks.

Of course, even at bargain prices, the banks still can't sell those houses they foreclose on.

No buyers.

It used to be a relitively wealthy small dairy farm area...but now there's no money in any farming unless you have BIG farms...the small family owned farm is almost dead.

Really, it's that bad.

As the Simon and Garfunkel song said, "Nothing but the Dead and Dieing there in my little town".


strange people who live for 50 years in "their" homes and were not able to pay back the mortgage.

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