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PAD Sets Off Crusade Against Thai Charter Rewrite


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Here we go again. Yellows making a noise, then reds making a noise, then another coup. And then there will be really pissed of reds who will be none to happy and whom many believe will start a civil war - at the very least a very scary place to live.

I think this time, yes violence, but no new coups and the Thaksinistas totally consolidate power and create a long standing Chavez style regime.

Earlier, he was already going for the Marcos-esque double decade long tyrannical rule.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday said that he had no intention of dissolving the House and reasserted the Thai Rak Thai party would govern the country for 20 consecutive years.


Edited by Buchholz
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Here we go again. Yellows making a noise, then reds making a noise, then another coup. And then there will be really pissed of reds who will be none to happy and whom many believe will start a civil war - at the very least a very scary place to live.

I think this time, yes violence, but no new coups and the Thaksinistas totally consolidate power and create a long standing Chavez style regime. Not democratic but lots of elections ...coffee1.gif Just my take on it. I just feel that the Thaksin forces have really taken over now so things won't be the same.

I concede a coup would by folly leading to civil war. But when the yellows and reds are at each others necks again - on the streets of Bangkok - or even the Yellows alone - the army of course will have no option but to stage a coup - even though they will know it will lead to civil war. This will go its natural course. Some countries just are resistant to democracy. I am certain that there will be a need for a lot more blood before this country ever settles down. It'll be a bigger version of the Deep South. And don't anyone tell me history does not repeat. You must remember blood letting is no such a big deal here. You really have to have a Thai perspective. Someone killed here - just pay up 400K baht and the caravan gets rolling again - as in the Deep South - or does it really?

If there is a coup, you don't have a civil war. If they block Thaksins money, there won't be red movements. All are "rent a gun". But with his international lawyers, there could be economical restrictions. If there are less tourists, less exports (more important that tourists) and Thailand has an economic grow of 0 (or even -1) for 2 years than you have hell in Bangkok.

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Yes, I understand it and no, I'm not saying any system is better.

It is what it is and the dozen Red Shirts were selected from the Party-list roster, rather than individually elected in by a local constituency.


Currently both systems have big problems......Can't judge what is better.

It does not matter which system is better - they will still be at each others necks outside major shopping areas or airports for ever more - only solution will be a coup even though the army does not want a coup. But once the Yellows get out on the streets in big numbers they will have no choice. History will repeat - mark my words. You will never get peace with those fighting for billions in kick backs. We are not talking about who gets the most of the pizza here. Edited by heiwa
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PAD Now, that's a misnomer if ever I saw one. It is an alliance a very few people who want nothing at all to do with democracy. But, hey, what's in a name?

Well the PAD were the only one who ever fought for democracy.

Pay everyone 500 Baht, make the places so that you can see from outside who votes for TRT and transport everything on private Taxis was Thaksins way.

PAD had never any problems with true democracy.

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AFAIR each political party is awarded an extra number of MPs depending on the number of MPs who actually won a seat and got elected.


Not quite. The voters vote twice. Once for the constituent MP (375 MPs) and once for the party list (ie directly for the party) (125 MPs).

With the constituent vote, the politician with the most votes wins in the electorate. So theoretically, with 10 people standing for election the winner could get as little as 11%.

The party gets MPs allocated in proportion to the national party list vote (which is how Chuwit's party got it's 4 (?) seats).

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Here we go again. Yellows making a noise, then reds making a noise, then another coup. And then there will be really pissed of reds who will be none to happy and whom many believe will start a civil war - at the very least a very scary place to live.

I think this time, yes violence, but no new coups and the Thaksinistas totally consolidate power and create a long standing Chavez style regime. Not democratic but lots of elections ...coffee1.gif Just my take on it. I just feel that the Thaksin forces have really taken over now so things won't be the same.

I concede a coup would by folly leading to civil war. But when the yellows and reds are at each others necks again - on the streets of Bangkok - or even the Yellows alone - the army of course will have no option but to stage a coup - even though they will know it will lead to civil war. This will go its natural course. Some countries just are resistant to democracy. I am certain that there will be a need for a lot more blood before this country ever settles down. It'll be a bigger version of the Deep South. And don't anyone tell me history does not repeat. You must remember blood letting is no such a big deal here. You really have to have a Thai perspective. Someone killed here - just pay up 400K baht and the caravan gets rolling again - as in the Deep South - or does it really?

If there is a coup, you don't have a civil war. If they block Thaksins money, there won't be red movements. All are "rent a gun". But with his international lawyers, there could be economical restrictions. If there are less tourists, less exports (more important that tourists) and Thailand has an economic grow of 0 (or even -1) for 2 years than you have hell in Bangkok.

If there is a coup there will be absolute outrage on the reds part. It will look like the 5,200 dead and 20,000 maimed in the deep south look like a picnic. I don't think the international community understands the significance of rumours of immediate Yellow protests. You will have the whole of the Esan region who live in all parts of Thailand who make up at a guess 60% to 70% of Thailand's population ready to set fire to every public building in Thailand. Ratchaprasong burning of buildings was a clear and deliberate meaningful symbol of things to come if the Reds don't get their way for ever more. The alpha male stamping their authority like the repellers of the Burmese and Laos invaders. If you are a farang in Thailand you should seriously think about moving to Laos, Cambodia or Burma unless you are adventurous and enjoy dodging bombs, hand grenades and bullets. And look at the current crime rate. Poverty and drugs is not a good recipe for crime. Anyone protesting in Laos gets a good beating or killed. They don't put up with that kind of crap 555. I know people should be able to protest - but well what can I say? Thailand the land of the red ground. You will think you were in outback Australia. Edited by heiwa
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Yes, I understand it and no, I'm not saying any system is better.

It is what it is and the dozen Red Shirts were selected from the Party-list roster, rather than individually elected in by a local constituency.


Currently both systems have big problems......Can't judge what is better.

It does not matter which system is better - they will still be at each others necks outside major shopping areas or airports for ever more - only solution will be a coup even though the army does not want a coup. But once the Yellows get out on the streets in big numbers they will have no choice. History will repeat - mark my words. You will never get peace with those fighting for billions in kick backs. We are not talking about who gets the most of the pizza here.

Well the reds are for the billions.

The yellows have nothing to win. Chamlong don't need, don't want money and would leave on any corruption like he did before.

Sondhi never got money, as his empire is complete broken down.

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If there is a coup there will be absolute outrage on the reds part. It will look like the 5,200 dead and 20,000 maimed in the deep south look like a picnic. I don't think the international community understands the significance of rumours of immediate Yellow protests. You will have the whole of the Esan region who live in all parts of Thailand who make up at a guess 60% to 70% of Thailand's population ready to set fire to every public building in Thailand. Ratchaprasong burning of buildings was a clear and deliberate meaningful symbol of things to come if the Reds don't get their way for ever more. The alpha male stamping their authority like the repellers of the Burmese and Laos invaders. If you are a farang in Thailand you should seriously think about moving to Laos, Cambodia or Burma unless you are adventurous and enjoy dodging bombs, hand grenades and bullets. And look at the current crime rate. Poverty and drugs is not a good recipe for crime. Anyone protesting in Laos gets a good beating or killed. They don't put up with that kind of crap 555. I know people should be able to protest - but well what can I say? Thailand the land of the red ground. You will think you were in outback Australia.

If the yellow shirts come out in any sort of numbers, there will be red shirts that come out to protest against them. There will be confrontations. It will get messy.

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If there is a coup there will be absolute outrage on the reds part. It will look like the 5,200 dead and 20,000 maimed in the deep south look like a picnic. I don't think the international community understands the significance of rumours of immediate Yellow protests. You will have the whole of the Esan region who live in all parts of Thailand who make up at a guess 60% to 70% of Thailand's population ready to set fire to every public building in Thailand. Ratchaprasong burning of buildings was a clear and deliberate meaningful symbol of things to come if the Reds don't get their way for ever more. The alpha male stamping their authority like the repellers of the Burmese and Laos invaders. If you are a farang in Thailand you should seriously think about moving to Laos, Cambodia or Burma unless you are adventurous and enjoy dodging bombs, hand grenades and bullets. And look at the current crime rate. Poverty and drugs is not a good recipe for crime. Anyone protesting in Laos gets a good beating or killed. They don't put up with that kind of crap 555. I know people should be able to protest - but well what can I say? Thailand the land of the red ground. You will think you were in outback Australia.

I don't think so. the last demonstrations the reds could not mobilize many. Many up country would be angry, but there are just a view paid militants. A few old people who truly believe they are there for democracy and a 3000 communist from Bangkok who always showed that they don't want to fight for Mr. Thaksin.

So I don't expect much problems inside Thailand.

But I do expect problems from outside....

Thaksin isn't as loved as he was before and it is very well known that even people who like him don't vote for him without money.

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The bottom line is most Thais don't care who runs the country whether it's a political party or the military as long as they can get on with their own lives. They don't trust the politicians, the soldiers or the police and why should they with their proven records of lying and cheating for their own ends..

Has there ever been a better case for an absolute monarchy than Thailand?

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PAD Now, that's a misnomer if ever I saw one. It is an alliance a very few people who want nothing at all to do with democracy. But, hey, what's in a name?

Well the PAD were the only one who ever fought for democracy.

Pay everyone 500 Baht, make the places so that you can see from outside who votes for TRT and transport everything on private Taxis was Thaksins way.

PAD had never any problems with true democracy.

Well no, seeing as how PADs idea of true democracy was basically only to enfranchise those that they expected to vote for them (or their sponsors)!

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No way the army would stage a coup. They can't not after an internationally authenticated democratic election. When Hamas was democratically elected in did anyone but Israel do anything about it. No there will be no coup any time soon. It would be too damaging to Thailands reputation.

55555,since when has anybody given a rats toss bag about Thailands reputation.Anyway ,what reputation would that be?
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Some got punished. My god they ALL should have got punished for hi-jacking an airport, even the mom and pops. The ones that didn't get punished will feel no problem to hi-jack the airport again. I suggest you book your tickets to KL. Looks like history is about to repeat itself.

They didn't hijack an airport. They parked themselves in front of it.

Should taxi drivers that protest at airports go to jail too? Baggage handlers that strike and cause chaos at airports for days?

What about protesters that set up barricades stopping tourist access to major tourist shopping areas?

I was never stopped going to shopping areas where the reds protested. They were polite and courteous even when being shot by the army. Why is it the airport was no longer operational. Their intention was to make the airport not operational. Delusion is something that most farang seccumb to in the land of smiles. Red or Yellow - its the professional version of the battle to get a table for the street meat vendors all over Thailand. I don't choose sides. We all know power leads to kickbacks.

I couldn't get in to the one that burning.
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No way the army would stage a coup. They can't not after an internationally authenticated democratic election. When Hamas was democratically elected in did anyone but Israel do anything about it. No there will be no coup any time soon. It would be too damaging to Thailands reputation.

Well there is a coup and a coup.......If there is fighting on the street the army is taking over the streets and the TV channels, and the PM goes to HM the King and tell she need to resign (and she does that because the army told her that she will be shot if not).

Than it isn't a coup technically. But it also won't resolve any problems.

No way the army would stage a coup. They can't not after an internationally authenticated democratic election. When Hamas was democratically elected in did anyone but Israel do anything about it. No there will be no coup any time soon. It would be too damaging to Thailands reputation.

Well there is a coup and a coup.......If there is fighting on the street the army is taking over the streets and the TV channels, and the PM goes to HM the King and tell she need to resign (and she does that because the army told her that she will be shot if not).

Than it isn't a coup technically. But it also won't resolve any problems.

It is the role of the real government of Thailand ( the one that is unelected) to make it appear that democracy is not working so to get acceptability when they coup. The geriatrics in yellow are just one of the tools used by these shadowy people. The 'real' government I refer to is the one that is made up from the patronage system and everybody gets a good feed at the trough before retirement and there is no way they will allow anybody to take power from them (91 dead red shirts for start)

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The PAD have lost their backers (and their backers need to be investigated - never mind the red shirt backers) and because Sondhi disrespected two important messengers he copped some lead in his nut. So it beggars the question what or who would give that ex PAD leader the confidence to dis the messengers.

Answers on a postcard

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It is the role of the real government of Thailand ( the one that is unelected) to make it appear that democracy is not working so to get acceptability when they coup. The geriatrics in yellow are just one of the tools used by these shadowy people. The 'real' government I refer to is the one that is made up from the patronage system and everybody gets a good feed at the trough before retirement and there is no way they will allow anybody to take power from them (91 dead red shirts for start)

Please explain me how your "real" government forced the nice innocent Thaksin government into massive corruption against their will.

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Is this helmetless nazi the same one that suppressed an uprising by killing more thai people back in the 90's And now hes found Buddha. What a bum hole

Nazi?? You are sure you know what a Nazi is?

And what people did Chamlong kill in the 90s??

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picture snipped


Is this helmetless nazi the same one that suppressed an uprising by killing more thai people back in the 90's And now hes found Buddha. What a bum hole

Nazi?? You are sure you know what a Nazi is?

And what people did Chamlong kill in the 90s??

May I suggest you do some reading on Black May 1992?

Edited by phiphidon
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