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Why Is My Mbp Suddenly So Slowwwwwwwww?

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?Jist recently my 17" MBP has lowed down to a point of almost standstilll.

the simplest tasks take forever and the little rainbow spinning "waiting" disc appears fora ages...

any ideas?

i'm offshore in saudi now and it will be weeks untilll i return to LOS and can consult a reputable dealer....




Yeah watch Activity Monitor and see which program is out of hand... what's using all that CPU

Also check how much HD space you have available, if it's less than 20GB or so it's bad.

If the hard disk is going all the time (you can also check that in Activity Monitor) then you may be RAM constrained - in that case find which program is eating all your RAM. If your swapfiles are big, that's another indication for that - if the system runs out of RAM it will use the hard disk as virtual memory and things slow way down.


yeah I suggest Onyx too. Depends where it comes from, but upgrading your RAM amount is always a good move. Since I have installed 8Gb of RAM my MBP looks like a new machine


I think it must be some sort of app/memory conflict or something as its a top spec mpb - 8gb ram, fast chip and 750gb fast hd, almost totally empty. I initially suspected the wifi as it coincided with logging into a new local wifi network in phuket - I forget which one - Truemove possibly.

It actually started to fail the day I left to come here to saudi for 6 weeks work and I decided to leave it at home rather than carry it here where there's nobody who can assist.

Wish I'd taken it now as its clear I would have stood a chance of remedying the situation, but as a total Mac newbie I was totally out of my depth when this happened and was literally packing to leave!

Thx for all suggestions will give it a go when I get home in a month...

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