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Merry Christmas!

Mike Nissa

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Best read wiv a Cockney accent,if ya’ know wot I mean?


See, there's this bird called Mary, yeah? She's a virgin (wossat then?) She

ain’t married or nuffink, but she's got this boyfriend, Joe, innit?

He does joinery an' that on the side. Mary lives with him in a crib dahn

Nazaref.gobsmacked. She gives it to him large 'Stop dissin' me yeah? I

ain't no Kappa-slapper. I never bin wiv no one!'

So Mary goes and sees her cousin Liz, who's six months gone herself.

Liz is largin' it. She's filled with spirits, Bacardi Breezers an' all that.

She's like 'Orright, Mary, I can feel me bay-bee in me tummy and I

reckon I'm well blessed. Fink of all the extra benefits an' that we’re

gonna get.' Mary goes 'Yeah, s'pose you're right'

Mary an' Joe ain't got no money so they have to ponse a donkey, an' go

dahn Bethlehem on that. They get to this pub see, an' Mary wants to stop fer the night, yeah? To have her bay-bee an' that.

But there ain't no room at the inn, innit? So Mary an' Joe break 'n

enter into this garridge, only it's filled wiv animals. Cahs an' sheep

an' that.

Then these three geezers turn up like, looking proper bling, wiv crowns on

their ‘eads. They're like `Respect, bay-bee Jesus', an' say they're wise

men from the East End.

Joe goes: 'If you're so wise, wotchoo doin' wiv this Frankenstein an'

murrh? Why dincha just bring gold, Adidas and Burberry?' It's all about

to kick off when Gabriel turns up again an' sez he's got another

message .He goes like 'The cops is comin an' they're killin all the


You better nash off to Egypt.' Joe goes 'You must be monged if you fink

I'm goin' dahn Egypt on a minging donkey'

Gabriel sez 'Suit yerself, pal. But it's your look out if you stay.' So

they go dahn Egypt till they've stopped killin the first-borns an' it's

safe 'n 'at.

Then Joe and Mary and Jesus go back to Nazaref, an' Jesus turns water

into Stella an’ opens a fish n chip shop next to a lake..



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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all!

May 2006 bring you good luck and happiness.

It's Christmas Eve and I'm sitting in front of the fire (it's freezing outside here in Newcastle) drinking cava and watching Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway - come on the Geordies!

The hubby is in the kitchen cooking the beef and preparing the veg - we're up at 7 to put the turkey in. I went a bit over the top - a 2kg topside of beef and a 12 pound turkey!

Here's hoping you get merry and eat well.

Can I add that we think it's shocking that there's no memorial service on UK television for the victims of the tsunami on Boxing Day. We'll be thinking of everyone and lighting candles at 10am UK time tomorrow anyway.

Peace and all the best!

Dawn & Mal xxx :o:D:D

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