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Pheu Thai MPs Want Nutt To Quit Over Girlie Photos


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Pheu Thai MPs want Nutt to quit over girlie photos

The Nation



BANGKOK: -- About 10 Pheu Thai MPs stood up to demand Democrat MP Nutt Bantadtan's resignation, accusing him of misconduct after he used his smart phone to view girlie pictures during the charter amendment debate on Wednesday.

"Images depicting Nutt's inappropriate conduct have been circulated around the world, bringing shame on the Thai Parliament," Pheu Thai spokesman Promphong Nopparit said. He added that Chirmsak Pinthong was wrong in trying to defend Nutt by saying that this behaviour was an acceptable way to relax during a debate.

"If he wanted to relax, then he should be doing it at home, not at the legislative chamber," Promphong said.

He has also called on the Office of the Ombudsman to look into whether Nutt had violated the code of ethics. Promphong is also calling on the police to launch an investigation to determine whether Nutt's use of his smart phone had resulted in the unexplained appearance of girlie pictures in the two in-house TV monitors installed in the chamber.

Pheu Thai MP Prasit Chaisrisa said Nutt should hang himself to escape the shame he has brought on Parliament and the Democrat Party.

Paijit Sreewarakan, committee chairman on House affairs, said officials at the House Secretariat suspect that Nutt's use of his smart phone might have interfered with the TV monitors.

However, Democrat MPs Boonyod Sukthintai and Warong Dechgitvigrom defended Nutt by saying that they saw him check his phone at around 6pm, while the girlie pictures had appeared on the TV monitors at around 3pm.

Warong added that the image in Nutt's smart phone, sent via the Whatsapp application, was different from the one shown on the TV monitors. "I believe that there was some technical mishap in the House audio-visual room and the Pheu Thai Party is taking advantage of it to make trumped-up charges," he said.

Boonyod added that Pheu Thai MPs should stop framing Nutt or risk retaliation by Democrats who will target coalition lawmakers for a disciplinary proceeding in the wake of their meeting with outlaw Thaksin Shinawatra in Laos and Cambodia.


-- The Nation 2012-04-21

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PTP scramble up the hill to claim the 'moral-high-ground', so fast it makes their ears pop.

Sadly for them, it takes more than some nude photos to make most people forget the real crimes that are being committed in those same parliament buildings.

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So looking at a bit of smut is a hanging offense ?.....so what sort of penalty is attached to being drunk at a parlimentary debate then..?

Edited by metisdead
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Pheu Thai MP Prasit Chaisrisa said Nutt should hang himself to escape the shame he has brought on Parliament and the Democrat Party.

Looking at photo on cell phone during parliament session = should hang himself

Multi-billion dollar tax fraud = should get a constitutional amendment to pardon the criminal and all the confiscated billions returned

That a Police Sargeant-Major would make such a bizarre statement would indicate he's never attended a successful suicidal hanging in the course of his police work.

That a Red Shirt Leader would make such a bizarre statement is unsurprising.

Prasit is both.


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wow What hypocrites, calling for blood when the guys a victim of a prank, but keeping quiet when Chalerm is pissed in parliment.

I feel sorry for the poor guy, just like David Kiely. Its so funny when a good prank goes right.


Yes indeed, hypocracy on a world class scale.

but that is the pathetic level of the third string TRT/PPP players subbing till the bans expire.

Any percieved mm. of advantage to be grasped at, without consideration of how ludacris the charge may seem.

And of course their technical understanding of their tools is pathetically inept. Beamed in!

Sometimes I really feel sorry for them having to live forever with their stupid statements made in public for all to see.

Edited by animatic
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How many of those calling for resignation are avoiding serious prosecution by their status as MP?

Oh, I forgot! They WANTED to resign and face terrorism charges, but the party voted against it. It's a rule of the Prosecution Thwarted by Popularity party.

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wow What hypocrites, calling for blood when the guys a victim of a prank, but keeping quiet when Chalerm is pissed in parliment.

I feel sorry for the poor guy, just like David Kiely. Its so funny when a good prank goes right.


Yes indeed, hypocracy on a world class scale.

but that is the pathetic level of the third string TRT/PPP players subbing till the bans expire.

Any percieved mm. of advantage to be grasped at, without consideration of how ludacris the charge may seem.

And of course their technical understanding of their tools is pathetically inept. Beamed in!

Sometimes I really feel sorry for them having to live forever with their stupid statements made in public for all to see.

Yes I am afraid you are right after the bans expire Thailand will be run by a whole different animal. I fear for Yinglucks career.giggle.gif

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

"I'll have three rocks and a packet of gravel, please" and then Yingluk playing the part of Mary (the parliamentary virgin) rushing in with a football-sized lump of limestone. LoB - what a hoot!

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Pheu Thai MP Prasit Chaisrisa said Nutt should hang himself to escape the shame he has brought on Parliament and the Democrat Party.

I wonder what Prasit thinks Chalerm should do to himself. Hypocrisy in the highest order.
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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Well that is not just a christian context, it is in any context.

This is an unbelievable case of pot calling kettle black. If this guy has to resign, Chalerm should be well down the road. These guys just don't know when to keep their mouths shut and crack on.

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The more appropriate saying is that "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

The Democrats are getting a taste of what they have been dishing out since they lost the last election. Seems to me that the Demos brought this on themselves.

Frankly, I do not care. It is unfortunate that there is no opposition party in Thailand without some semblance of integrity and decency. If there was, the PTP would be history.

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In a Christian context, I can only say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The more appropriate saying is that "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

The Democrats are getting a taste of what they have been dishing out since they lost the last election. Seems to me that the Demos brought this on themselves.

Frankly, I do not care. It is unfortunate that there is no opposition party in Thailand without some semblance of integrity and decency. If there was, the PTP would be history.

"It is unfortunate that there is no opposition party in Thailand without some semblance of integrity and decency."

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wow What hypocrites, calling for blood when the guys a victim of a prank, but keeping quiet when Chalerm is pissed in parliment.

I feel sorry for the poor guy, just like David Kiely. Its so funny when a good prank goes right.


you know what's hypocritical, the fact that you'd be all over this if it was a ptp MP.

or no sorry, i'm sure you would have posted the exact same response if it was vice versa and the democrats were complaing about a ptp MP for this.


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PTP scramble up the hill to claim the 'moral-high-ground', so fast it makes their ears pop.

Sadly for them, it takes more than some nude photos to make most people forget the real crimes that are being committed in those same parliament buildings.

what crimes?

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