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Emirates Airlines Announcement........

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I was talking to a senior manager at Emirates airlines a couple of weeks ago and they have conducted a feasiblity study in connection with flying direct to Phuket, the results looked good and they will be making an announcement soon.

Happy days, no more hanging around Swampy!!

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that would be insane.

They offer the best, most confortable and cheapest flight to canada with 1 layover only.

Not having to go to bangkok.. wow. Would use it many times per year.

If you look for tickets in a few months, you could fly to canada for less than 30 000baht on a premium airline. Wohoo!


Qatar offer flights from Phuket onwards via Qatar. Furthermore their comfort and service urinates on most other carriers, from a great hight.


Qatar offer flights from Phuket onwards via Qatar. Furthermore their comfort and service urinates on most other carriers, from a great hight.

This flight is via KL, and I wonder if Emirates are thinking of doing the same with a bigger SE Asian gateway. I'm not in the airline business, but something like a 3 or 4 times weekly flight direct between Phuket and Dubai is going to mean some regular and consistent bums on seats are needed.


Qatar offer flights from Phuket onwards via Qatar. Furthermore their comfort and service urinates on most other carriers, from a great hight.

I meant qatar in my first post. Wow great. Even better.


Emirates are building a terminal in dubai to service the 380 fleet, the 380 and 777 are both used to service Swampy. They have bought 100 new 777s and that is most likely the aircraft that will be used for Phuket.

The hub is in Dubai, they won't have any troubke filling flights to Phuket, as they are expanding their network rapidly.

It will save a lot of travel time not having go via Swampy.


Emirates are building a terminal in dubai to service the 380 fleet, the 380 and 777 are both used to service Swampy. They have bought 100 new 777s and that is most likely the aircraft that will be used for Phuket.

The hub is in Dubai, they won't have any troubke filling flights to Phuket, as they are expanding their network rapidly.

It will save a lot of travel time not having go via Swampy.

I'm not going to disagree with you, and I seriously hope it happens. But, if Air Asia can't make money out of daily direct flights between KL - Paris, and KL - London, then a 'proper' airline using a change-over hub really needs to ensure that there are enough punters wishing to fly here every day, or so.

As I say, it will be great to see this happen. Let's wait for their announcement.

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