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Trayvon Martin Shooter Released On $150,000 Bond


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Unless there is some new evidence that has not been revealed, not much chance of that.

New evidence is Zimmerman is a proven liar. That counts for something. If his case is his story and he's a liar, what's it worth?

Dude, the constitution isn't on trial in this case. A man who shot an unarmed boy dead in cold blood is on trial. In a better world, he would be facing at least manslaughter for that. Eye for eye and all that. Who's the conservative here? thumbsup.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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A man with wounds on his head and eyewitnesses that say that Martin was attacking him. Lying about how much money he has in the bank, so that he could afford a lawyer is not going to affect the case.

Let's not go over exactly the same thing 100 times. As you should already know, there are eyewitnesses who will support a conviction. So if you suggest this is a one side case, well, you're totally wrong.

I also hate to see innocent people go to prison. However innocent is not a word I would connect with Zimmerman. Smoking gun, dead kid, and all that.

You do realize Zimmerman did not reveal he had a second passport to the court. Yes, the court did clearly accuse Zimmerman of an intention to flee the country.


George Zimmerman was preparing to flee the U.S. with his wife and $130,000 donated by supporters while he was out of jail on bond awaiting his murder trial for the death of Trayvon Martin, a Florida judge wrote today.
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None of that has anything to do with Martin attacking him and probably will be barred from evidence - as it should be. It is nothing but unfounded speculation.

"Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, declined to comment to ABC News but released a statement today saying that Zimmerman planned to use the money in his legal defense fund to post bond and that the fund needed more money in order to mount a successful defense."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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None of that has anything to do with Martin attacking him and probably will be barred from evidence - as it should be. It is nothing but unfounded speculation.

"Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, declined to comment to ABC News but released a statement today saying that Zimmerman planned to use the money in his legal defense fund to post bond and that the fund needed more money in order to mount a successful defense."

Again, there are wide reports that the court who will hear Zimmerman's stand your ground hearing (if they choose to try) now looks more poorly on Zimmerman. Again, there are reports this hurts his chances to succeed in his stand your ground hearing. In a trial, not relevant. In a stand your ground hearing, relevant. Of course Zimmerman's DEFENSE lawyer will say what he said. As if that proves that is the truth? It does not.

There is one thing we may agree on here. In my view, it is clear not only from this recent issue but numerous reports about Zimmerman's past that he is no model citizen. He definitely has issues. But that is no reason for him to be convicted. Of course it comes down to the case against him and his attempt at a defense.

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The judge thinks there was actually a PLOT to flee the country. Don't you think the judge would know better than you? Yes Zimmerman deserves his day in court to present his evidence. But don't forget his dead victim ALSO deserves his day in court. Who could blame Zimmerman for blatantly lying to the court? Duh. The court. He now may spend a year in prison for that. It may seem trivial to you but it is not trivial to the court.

I hope the judge does more than just "think there was a plot". I hope there is proof to back him up.

But I wouldn't blame Zimmerman for fleeing if he did. Some people (like a certain poster here) ignore evidence and make this case out to be something much greater than the tragedy it is. They are putting the courts, the judge, the jury in a position where if they do happen to find Zimmerman innocent, they risk riots starting across the country, leading to millions/billions in property damage and loss of life. Hence, Zimmerman is being found guilty before the case even comes to trial. Skipping the country might be the smart thing to do.

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But he is guilty. He shot a boy dead. There is no question about that fact. Not in a home invasion. He provoked the entire situation by following him and not saying why. The question now is only whether he is convicted or not. Morally, ethically, yes, he is totally guilty. This case is funny though. It's so topsy turvy. Normally right wingers have no sympathy for criminals. But in this case, they bend over backwards to make excuses. Interesting indeed. It's the gun thing, obviously. BTW, it is totally not true that there will be any riots at all if Zimmerman isn't convicted as long as the process is seen as fair. There may have been riots if he hadn't had to face the justice system at all.

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Why is it that Americans with right wing politics are so passionate about protecting this one murder suspect when in general they are the last people to care about the rights of criminals? Yes, he has become their cause celebre.

Because he probably is not a criminal and self-defence is a constitutional right.

Last time I checked, armed men chasing down unarmed innocent boys and not even bothering to tell them why they are chasing them is protected by no constitution on earth. It's so very tea party to attribute fantasy features of the constitution that never existed. So you have decided he won't be convicted. That's fine. We'll see. I'd take that bet.

My God, you have twisted this beyond even what Trayvon supporters claim. There was no "chasing down" involved.

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The 911 call will be entered into evidence, but most likely the jury will not give it much credence as a 911 operator has no authority.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin as the evidence suggests, he had every right to defend himself and will be found not guilty.

How will the jury know that Zimmerman wasn't threatening Martin? Based on Zimmerman's shady personal history and his totally unreasonable behavior in following Martin and packing a gun when he wasn't supposed to, plus his record of lying in court, his credibility as a witness is very low.

Shady history? If the defense enters into evidence the gangsta photos and tweets of Martin, that will trump Zimmerman's pushing an undercover cop trying to arrest a friend for underage drinking.

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Why is it that Americans with right wing politics are so passionate about protecting this one murder suspect when in general they are the last people to care about the rights of criminals? Yes, he has become their cause celebre.

Because he probably is not a criminal and self-defence is a constitutional right.

Last time I checked, armed men chasing down unarmed innocent boys and not even bothering to tell them why they are chasing them is protected by no constitution on earth. It's so very tea party to attribute fantasy features of the constitution that never existed. So you have decided he won't be convicted. That's fine. We'll see. I'd take that bet.

My God, you have twisted this beyond even what Trayvon supporters claim. There was no "chasing down" involved.

Following a stranger when you are carrying a gun and the stranger isn't is chasing. Just semantics here.
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The 911 call will be entered into evidence, but most likely the jury will not give it much credence as a 911 operator has no authority.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin as the evidence suggests, he had every right to defend himself and will be found not guilty.

How will the jury know that Zimmerman wasn't threatening Martin? Based on Zimmerman's shady personal history and his totally unreasonable behavior in following Martin and packing a gun when he wasn't supposed to, plus his record of lying in court, his credibility as a witness is very low.

Shady history? If the defense enters into evidence the gangsta photos and tweets of Martin, that will trump Zimmerman's pushing an undercover cop trying to arrest a friend for underage drinking.

Zimmerman is on trial. Not his dead victim.
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Unless there is some new evidence that has not been revealed, not much chance of that.

New evidence is Zimmerman is a proven liar. That counts for something. If his case is his story and he's a liar, what's it worth?

Money can add up quickly on a website asking for donations. It might have been very little when Zimmerman was first asked about how much money he had. Only later had it increased to $130,000. Does anyone know what it stands at today?

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But he is guilty. He shot a boy dead. There is no question about that fact.

If anyone has too much time on their hands, they could sift through this thread and find all the times you claimed that Zimmerman might not be guilty, that a trial would decide his guilt. Now you finally admit to how you truly feel.

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The 911 call will be entered into evidence, but most likely the jury will not give it much credence as a 911 operator has no authority.

If Zimmerman was attacked by Martin as the evidence suggests, he had every right to defend himself and will be found not guilty.

How will the jury know that Zimmerman wasn't threatening Martin? Based on Zimmerman's shady personal history and his totally unreasonable behavior in following Martin and packing a gun when he wasn't supposed to, plus his record of lying in court, his credibility as a witness is very low.

Shady history? If the defense enters into evidence the gangsta photos and tweets of Martin, that will trump Zimmerman's pushing an undercover cop trying to arrest a friend for underage drinking.

Zimmerman is on trial. Not his dead victim.

He will be.

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Last time I checked, armed men chasing down unarmed innocent boys and not even bothering to tell them why they are chasing them is protected by no constitution on earth. It's so very tea party to attribute fantasy features of the constitution that never existed. So you have decided he won't be convicted. That's fine. We'll see. I'd take that bet.

My God, you have twisted this beyond even what Trayvon supporters claim. There was no "chasing down" involved.

Following a stranger when you are carrying a gun and the stranger isn't is chasing. Just semantics here.

Uh, no it isn't. Are you for real? One could make a solid case that you are trolling here (and other threads). But why do that when you are so entertaining it would be a shame to see you go.

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But he is guilty. He shot a boy dead. There is no question about that fact.

If anyone has too much time on their hands, they could sift through this thread and find all the times you claimed that Zimmerman might not be guilty, that a trial would decide his guilt. Now you finally admit to how you truly feel.

Semantics again. He shot the victim dead. He is guilty of that and has admitted his guilt. The question is conviction under the strange Florida laws. I do not approve of the stand your ground law but it is the law so he may be freed on it.
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My God, you have twisted this beyond even what Trayvon supporters claim. There was no "chasing down" involved.

Following a stranger when you are carrying a gun and the stranger isn't is chasing. Just semantics here.

Not when you are the local watch captain and there has been a recent string of burglaries in the neighborhood by young black men. Observing is not "chasing.

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Judges routinely go on record to say someone is a flight risk when bail is denied or high bail is set. Has more to do with creating a record to support decision than anything else. Happens all the time even when people are not a flight risk. These are pretty much canned rulings that Judges say day in and day out when making bail decisions. Don't read too much into flight risk aspect.

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He concealed that he had a second passport. That is not routine at all. It is so not routine that he is now restricted from getting anywhere near an airport.

Reading sensational news stories are we. One can find both sides. Zimmerman turned himself in twice and has had plenty of time and opportunity to flee. I don't blame him about wanting to keep money for defense costs as public defenders suck.


Judges have to make a funding on record that a suspect is a flight risk to deny or raise bond. This judge just got pissed off and got a little case of black robe fever. I have seen it so many times and used to slap their hands quiet a bit when I clerked for a court of criminal appeals judge in 95 and a state Supreme Court Justice in 96 - 98.

Fact is, media us going to focus on stuff that gets people like you all riled up who unfortunately just don't know better because they are not a part of the system AND the defense team will not leak or talk about their defenses and strategies. The press is more interested in prosecution side in stuff like this any way because it gets people riled up and tuned in.

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I was already riled up. I want Zimmerman convicted. He killed a boy and it never had to happen. He's the kind of armed hothead that society is better off without being on the streets. I'm not applying to serve on the jury.

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I am not American but i have been following this thread for the past few weeks with interest. I have to say that i admire Jingthings stance, where he is just about in a minority of one in sticking up for the rights of the victim of this slaying, in the face of what seems to me to be a concerted campaign by posters who somehow seem to think that the perpetrator is the victim here. This young lad was somebody's son who happened to be black in a white middle class area. He was perfectly entitled to be where he was when he was gunned down, he was carrying nothing more than a bag of sweets. It would appear that he was a victim of racial stereotyping of the worst kind, and paid for it with his life. The bottom line is this, if he had been a white middle class kid walking home in this area would he have been gunned down? I think not. The posters on here who appear desperate to blame the victim should take a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves where they are coming from. Make of that what you will!

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I was already riled up. I want Zimmerman convicted. He killed a boy and it never had to happen. He's the kind of armed hothead that society is better off without being on the streets. I'm not applying to serve on the jury.

Haha, Nancy Grace will do that to you. He may get convicted and, for the most part, I have conference in out legal system. The only time gets really screwed up is when media makes a circus out if everything and jurors get ulterior motives on their minds like book deals.

Also, you guys have little clue what minority violence is like Iike I'm Southern US. I went to law school at Emory in Atlanta and we had a lot if people from up North there who got so angry at the thought if racism, but were like totally getting it after first year there. It can pretty much be a nightmare and people live in fear in some areas. Complete war zone. We reviewed a case in the Court if Appeals where a guy killed another guy because he wouldn't give him a chicken leg.

Truth is, there us a very low value on life in certain segments of our society and people like Zimmerman may react or even over react out of very rational fear from living in this environment. Racially profiling in nice neighborhoods happens hourly. I have a family member who is a cop. This happens for a reason and people are thankful it does. This could be the reason why someone in Thailand cannot grasp or comprehend the mentality of a case like this or in the deep south of the good ole US of A.

Don't judge unless you been there and seen it first hand.

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This young lad was somebody's son who happened to be black in a white middle class area. He was perfectly entitled to be where he was when he was gunned down, he was carrying nothing more than a bag of sweets.

In the neighborhood where he was shot, whites are in the minority. Zimmerman himself may have a German surname but is Hispanic. What Martin had in his pockets at the time of the shooting has as much to do with it as what I have in mine at this moment.

JT is the "lone voice" in many threads. That in no way makes him right. However one could say that it makes him argumentative.

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The bottom line is this, if he had been a white middle class kid walking home in this area would he have been gunned down?

Only if he attacked someone else who was in fear of his life, which the evidence suggests was the case in this incidence.


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