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US Expected To Put Thailand On Priority Watch List For Another Year


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The government has more pressing issues than clamping down on illegal knock-offs of any kind not to mention the negative effect it would have on tourism!

You're right! The Thailand government has never made addressing theivery of any kind a priority. Of course there are more pressing issues like stealing legally owned land and property owned by the spouses of foreigners. Much more pressing and in line with the government's important and well established policy of corruption and self gain at the expense of anyone else but them.

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There Rule of Law and Prosecutions on people that make pirated soffware, doesn't mean too much in Thailand. History makes the rules there, as it does and has everywhere in the world since human existance began including unresolved issues in the U.S. as well.

The U.S. is beating a dead horse or pissing in the wind.

If the U.S. want to put Thailand on a Watch List that should be issues concerning age discrimination of women in the Job sector, Human Rights issues, the criminal prosecution of Thai men who like to make babies but don't want to financially support them.

The old saying holds true...When You Point A Finger @ Others, You Have 3 Fingers Looking Straight Back At Your Very Ownself.

Jing Jingcoffee1.gif

None of the issues you mention have anything to do with the US. The copyright infringement that goes on here is a direct theft of property from the Americans and others that create it. This issue is about the US protecting its own citizens from the theft of their rightfully owned property as it should from the little greedy trolls that populate these third world countries like Thailand and their corrupt governments that talk but do nothing.

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