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BTW: I hope George W Bush didnt study at any of those TOP HOT American universities! On becoming president he couldnt even think of the names of five of the worlds capital cities!

I bet he is not THE ONLY ONE ! :D

as well as - that quite a lot of people in USA won't know wether Thailand is the capital of Taiwan or it is Taipei - or is it Taiwan capital of Thailand ? or to have some vague idea of its geographical location.

I've spoken with a firend once, Canadian, who spent more than 25 years living in Bangladesh - why doesn't he consider going back to his country. he gave me many reasons. one of those was what surprised me a lot: he said, those people are ignorant and even illiterate. he gave an example: that he went to visit his relatives in USA, crossed country from coast to coast, and many if not most of people, won't even be able to answer where on the map Bangladesh was....

well, simply they feel they don't have or need to. after all - what's that Bangladesh? some insignificant tiny country, poor etc. while most of people in Bangladesh would surely know at least WHAT USA is, and at least aproximately where it is.

then - I'm still not sure can I believe this - he said many of those people can't even read.

go figure !

HERE is what briefest Google search came up with.

and some of those results;

(NAAL) Results

2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) Results

December 15, 2005


Survey finds 1 in 20 lack basic English skills

Eleven million U.S. adults — about one in 20 — have such poor English skills that they can't read a newspaper, understand the directions on a bottle of pills or, in many cases, carry on a basic conversation, says a new federal survey that offers the first peek in more than a decade at the USA's "non-literate" adult population ......

Education Secretary Margaret Spellings on Thursday said the federal government will coordinate adult education efforts through several federal agencies. "One adult unable to read is one too many in America."

those who want, surely can find more results - as about how many people there realy have graduated from High school/ college/ University. and then may be - how many of those graduates realy have that knowledge which they supposedly obtained during their studies.

and that is leading nation in the world ! what to say about some "3rd world" country as THailand ? :D

Because of your amazing spelling, grammar, punctuation, organization and other English language skills that you have displayed for all the world to marvel at , I bow to your superior non-American intellect.

Another Srirancha University alumni per chance? :o

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After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

My GF had never heard of Elvis. I was surprised as I had always been told that all Thai people loved the King :o

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Seems to quite a few members here who have enjoyed taking ze-pish outta the local Thais by showing them a map-a-the-world etc..

So, for all you American readers sticking up for good old Mr Bush jnr and the wonders of the American University: 17 in the top 20. Amazing stuff!

Howabout this:

>DJ interviews President Wannabe, Mr Bush Jnr:

DJ asks "Mr Bush jnr, have you ever been over to mainland Europe to discuss the possibility of re-structuring economical ties?"

Mr Bush jnr retorts "What you take me for? You think i know pish all about Europe?, you forget brother we have the best universities in the world, the best education!"

DJ goes on to ask "What about Spain, you ever been there?"

Mr Bush jnr, obviously getting rather ruffled in his chair replies "Spain, no sorry, i never been to South America"

....And im not joking............

So, how about a little less of this of this 'taking the wafter' out of the Thais and their knowledge of world history and geography?

Edited by stevesuphan
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Seems to quite a few members here who have enjoyed taking ze-pish outta the local Thais by showing them a map-a-the-world etc..

So, for all you American readers sticking up for good old Mr Bush jnr and the wonders of the American University: 17 in the top 20. Amazing stuff!

Howabout this:

>DJ interviews President Wannabe, Mr Bush Jnr:

DJ asks "Mr Bush jnr, have you ever been over to mainland Europe to discuss the possibility of re-structuring economical ties?"

Mr Bush jnr retorts "What you take me for? You think i know pish all about Europe?, you forget brother we have the best universities in the world, the best education!"

DJ goes on to ask "What about Spain, you ever been there?"

Mr Bush jnr, obviously getting rather ruffled in his chair replies "Spain, no sorry, i never been to South America"

....And im not joking............

So, how about a little less of this of this 'taking the wafter' out of the Thais and their knowledge of world history and geography?

Another brilliant, grammatically correct, totally error free example of the stunning mentality of all non-Americans.

Sir, George W. Bush, myself and the entire American nation salute your superior education! :o

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Top 500 World Universities (1-100)

World Rank Institution* Region Regional Rank Country National Rank Score on Alumni Score on Award Score on HiCi Score on N&S Score on SCI Score on Size Total Score

1 Harvard Univ Americas 1 USA 1 100 100 100 100 100 72.4 100

2 Univ Cambridge Europe 1 UK 1 99.8 93.4 53.3 56.6 70.9 66.9 73.6

3 Stanford Univ Americas 2 USA 2 41.1 72.2 88.5 70.9 72.3 65 73.4

4 Univ California - Berkeley Americas 3 USA 3 71.8 76 69.4 73.9 72.2 52.7 72.8

5 Massachusetts Inst Tech (MIT) Americas 4 USA 4 74 80.6 66.7 65.8 64.3 53 70.1

6 California Inst Tech Americas 5 USA 5 59.2 68.6 59.8 65.8 52.5 100 67.1

7 Columbia Univ Americas 6 USA 6 79.4 60.6 56.1 54.2 69.5 45.4 62.3

8 Princeton Univ Americas 7 USA 7 63.4 76.8 60.9 48.7 48.5 59.1 60.9

9 Univ Chicago Americas 8 USA 8 75.6 81.9 50.3 44.7 56.4 42.2 60.1

10 Univ Oxford Europe 2 UK 2 64.3 59.1 48.4 55.6 68.4 53.2 59.7

11 Yale Univ Americas 9 USA 9 52.1 44.5 60.3 57.2 63.9 49.3 56.9

12 Cornell Univ Americas 10 USA 10 46.5 52.4 55 48.8 66.3 39.8 54.6

13 Univ California - San Diego Americas 11 USA 11 17.7 34.7 59.8 56.5 64.5 46.6 51

14 Univ California - Los Angeles Americas 12 USA 12 27.3 32.8 56.7 50.1 75.6 34.3 50.6

15 Univ Pennsylvania Americas 13 USA 13 35.5 35.1 56.7 42.9 71.8 39.1 50.2

16 Univ Wisconsin - Madison Americas 14 USA 14 43 36.3 52.1 46.3 68.7 29 49.2

17 Univ Washington - Seattle Americas 15 USA 15 28.8 32.4 53.9 47.1 73.8 27.2 48.4

18 Univ California - San Francisco Americas 16 USA 16 0 37.6 55.6 57.9 58.8 45.2 47.8

19 Johns Hopkins Univ Americas 17 USA 17 51.4 28.3 41.6 52.2 67.7 24.9 46.9

20 Tokyo Univ Asia/Pac 1 Japan 1 36 14.4 38.5 52.1 86.5 34.7 46.7

Only 3 of the world's top 20 universities are located outside the USA.

Enough said. :o

People can go to the World Best University and learn nothing from it. It do not depend on the university only but also on the student.

From your arrogant post I can see that this is your case.

I am sorry to be rude but it gets on my nerves when people assume to be better educated from statistics that can be modified depending on the data.

why is so important to be educated in one of the top 20 universities...it implies that you are a better person? NO I don´t think so, it only implies that you have study there.

BTW English is not my first language so I will have many grammatical and spelling errors...

Edited by Glauka
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Because of your amazing spelling, grammar, punctuation, organization and other English language skills that you have displayed for all the world to marvel at , I bow to your superior non-American intellect.

Another Srirancha University alumni per chance? :o

because of your smart-assness and direct clever and OH, SO VERY SUBTLE mocking and flaming fellow members here, which is against this Forums' rules BTW, (unlike us, poor non-American illiterates who never tried to make fun of you or use any such Argumentum ad homenum fallacy due to lakc of better arguments - and in fact didn't even know about your very existence so far, till your attack to be able to have any such same intentions towards you) I BOW DOWN TO YOU instead - truly magnificient IQ level genius !

and some funny conclusion after long list of my supposed glories - did I try to claim that I'm superior or something? my only point was - that in America too there are literally ILLITERATE people, not only in Thailand - and supported it by reliable facts. so, why you got so upset by that? it is simple fact. or by ridiculing me and pointing out my whatever spelling mistakes you think you prove MY POINT wrong ?

at least you could be fair and honest enough not to use "dirty tricks" as "Attack on person" (typicall argumanent fallacy : "you are this and that; therefore naturally and obviously whatever you say is wrong or total b/s") - but addressing his point, as it should be in proper debate if you do not agree with that point - or simply admit the fact which respectable National body has provided (results of that survey), which obviously you can't neither deny, no accuse in spelling mistakes or such things as you accused me of, and therefore directly or indirectly make it look so as you have proved THEM wrong. huh ?

if you realy wanna know - I am a drop out after second year, never graduated. happy now ? I don't mind admiting it - since I don't think graduation can be a real criteria.

so, how about you - which Uni's alumni YOU are ? :D and where did they teach you so nice manners or debate skills ?

you think you know better WHAT people want to say or display - if they want to display anything at all ? (like here you have "exposed" all my intentions - waht I wanted to display :D ) but you don't even bother to read their post properly or try to understand what point they make ! what's the use of your high education then ?

like me - I've never pretended to be perfect in english or something - did I ? and as you might know - most of spelling and other mistakes are typo or simply laziness. people even use extreme abreviations on-line in chat rooms and such Forums as this, like : "I gtg now" or "how r u?" - and would it be a criteria to judge who is who?

I mean, why I even have to be defensive about it?

if you have some sort of inferiority complex which makes you attempt mocking other person DIRECTLY because you imagine he is trying to show-off his SUPERIORITY and you feel challenged by that - well, sorry, but that's not my fault - you are chasing your own tail ! :D

again, I didn't want to show anything of such thing you said about me, only one simple point, supported by facts. and especially, I didn't think of attacking you on personal level or insulting your consience as you've insulted mine.

now, how about addressing those points mentioned in my post, like those facts by your fellow countrymen, especially those in position responsible and concerned about education?

truly, wonderfull display of IQ - attacking someone on personal level due to having nothing else to say ! congradulations, pal ! yeah, YOU are the best.

oh, and BTW - you could bother to Edit the quotes of other people posts - say, keep only what you feel is essential, not whole text. I mean - it is annoying to scroll down all the mutliple or long quotes and then find few lines or may be one word or just a smilie as a comment ! or didn't they teach you that in your ONE OF THE TOP University?

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As to list of Univerities who wrote that standard? Was there more than one country giving input to how the establishments were judged? Looks like another world series to me.  :o

yeah, exactly ! this is another good point I wanted but forgot to comment on - thanks, man !

reminds me of that movie - "Undisputed" :D

and about Elvis - that's funny ! who cares who he was !

I mean, say, do you know who was .... such and such Thai national hero / musician / artist / whatever ?

or of some other country ?

surely there are many great people in each country, and they are considered great not only in that country - do you know them all ?

at least be content that she knows what McDonald is or KFC ! :D or Coca-cola - those powerfull symbols of American "culture" in Asia ...

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People can go to the  World Best University and learn nothing from it. It do not depend on the university only but also on the student.

From your arrogant post I can see that this is your case.

I am sorry to be rude but it gets on my nerves when people assume to be better educated from statistics that can be modified depending on the data.

why is so important to be educated in one of the top 20 universities...it implies that you are a better person? NO I don´t think so, it only implies that you have study there.

BTW English is not my first language so I will have many grammatical and spelling  errors...

Even if English is not your first language, you could still go back and actually read the thread that you feel compelled to comment on. :D

I never said that Americans are superior to anyone else. I said that they were not stupid. I used the example of top universities in the U.S. to point out that Americans are at least as well educated as anyone casting stones here.

I also ridiculed some illiterate posts to point out that the posters bashing Americans here really have no room to talk about ignorance before getting a decent education themselves - or at least finishing high school. :o

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still waiting for your addressing my POINT in my illiterate post - which somehow you seem to avoid or entirely ignore. yeah, I can indulge you in belief that I'm illiterate - may pen rai.

now, how about those facts, have anything to say yet?

you you simply perefer most popular and favorite tune of branding any- and every one as "Ameria(ns) basher" - whoever DARES to disagree or express some alternative point of view ?

and even IF me or those others here whom you mocked and practically insulted REALY were bashing America (again - re-read properly what people try to say) - then do "2 wrong make right" ? because this whole debate stated from the point that someone started well loved Thais bashing....

I mean - if you are so concerned about bashing - why would you indirectly or directly support bashing of others - even be it such an illiterat person as me ? I never bashed you, I swear !

or as I said you have an infeiority complex and jump at every chance to prove that others are NOT superior to you, even if nobody mentions you or ALL americans (only 1 in 20 :D ) ?

reminds me of Thai anecdote:

on crowded public bus during rush hour someone's farted so badly and stinky. clever conductor immidietly exposed the culprit by sying: "hey you, who's farted - you haven't paid me for your ticket yet !" immidietly that person said : "I did already !" :D [sorry - this is my interpretation of whatever translation my g/f told me]

so, have you farterd, Ulysses G. ? :o

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People can go to the   World Best University and learn nothing from it. It do not depend on the university only but also on the student.

From your arrogant post I can see that this is your case.

I am sorry to be rude but it gets on my nerves when people assume to be better educated from statistics that can be modified depending on the data.

why is so important to be educated in one of the top 20 universities...it implies that you are a better person? NO I don´t think so, it only implies that you have study there.

BTW English is not my first language so I will have many grammatical and spelling  errors...

Even if English is not your first language, you could still go back and actually read the thread that you feel compelled to comment on. :D

I never said that Americans are superior to anyone else. I said that they were not stupid. I used the example of top universities in the U.S. to point out that Americans are at least as well educated as anyone casting stones here.

I also ridiculed some illiterate posts to point out that the posters bashing Americans here really have no room to talk about ignorance before getting a decent education themselves - or at least finishing high school. :o

Excuse me can you translate to me " only 3 of the world's top 20 universities are located outside the USA" I think something is on top because something else is below isn´t it? :D

Sorry but from the statement above I didn´t understood that people who has studied for instance in Edinbrgh Universty (my case) is as well educated as someone who has study in Harvard.

And you know why I misunderstood you, because you used the word TOP.

I am afraid I have read all the post in this topic and that´s why I find your way of defending americans arrogant...I don´t agree with the post that have insult americans either...but those high class post gets on my nerves...

Also you don´t need to go to University to be well educated...

Edited by Glauka
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I never said that Americans are superior to anyone else. I said that they were not stupid. I used the example of top universities in the U.S. to point out that Americans are at least as well educated as anyone casting stones here.

Whilst I have no interest in saying which nation is well educated or not,I will make a point. Ulysses G's argument/statement is fundamentally flawed. It is akin to saying that because 17 out of 20 of the world's richest people are Americans , then

it must follow that Americans are as rich as anyone here. I am using a basic example so we can draw a parallel between the two arguments.



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After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

Considering the second world war ended in 1945 and didn't involve Thailand, it's not all that surprising your girlfriend doesn't know much about it.... of course I'm assuming she's not a world history major and is younger than 45.

Some Americans are surprised to learn that in Vietnam, they didn't call it "the Vietnam War;" they called it "the American War." :o

Regarding the gratuitous American-bashing - which I've noticed is de rigeur on this forum - yes, Americans are about the dumbest and rudest folks on the planet (as an American I can say that), but if you somehow get yourself in a spot of bother, when the going gets rough you would find they can be rather helpful. Actually they're pretty friendly and generous folks, in general, though their knowledge of world geography and history may not impress the more erudite European crowd.

It's a ###### shame the religious zealots all got together and elected that twit we've currently got in the White House.

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I'm better than you arguement well is quite boring.... :o I think its safe to say that there are heaps of clueless people in the world and most could give fk what's going on in the world unless it directly impacts them on a daily basis.

I mean couldn't

Unless you're American where 'could care less' means the same as the rest of the world's 'couldn't care less'. I'm sure they just do it to be awkward. :D

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I haven't read properly the last ten posts, just skimmed... So here is my skimmy response.

The World Ranking Institute ranking system.... Look up some arguments against it from google, and you'll find that the ranking system does not exactly function impartially.

Jing Jing, re> Americans dumb, etc... but can be helpful/generous in times of need... Yes often they can. I do agree and respect what you said. Having said that, perhaps I'm more Karmic by nature, but if I help somebody, I don't expect anything in return. I do believe things come around, but not necessarily from the same people. I'd be inclined to say US americans generally attach conditions, or at least carry heavy expectations of the person(s) they are helping.

You say that the WW2 ended in 1945 (yes) and that thailand was not involved.

Hm. Care to rethink that one mate?

Otherwise, well posted, eloquent.

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^^Kayo, re: helping people - I agree on the Karmic thing. Can't speak for all, or even most Americans, but my take is that they will go out of their way to help a stranger. The only thing expected in return, I reckon, is not to get slapped in the face by way of thanks.

re: Thailand not involved in WWII - well there was that bridge over the river Kwai thing I s'pose... There we go, eh? ....reinforcing the stereotype of Americans' ignorance on matters of world history (especially since it was mentioned in this very thread :D )


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sriracha john,2005-12-29 11:54:26]

see how that works?

Not really. However, I'm impressed by your stubbornness when it comes to defending the utterly indefensible.

By the way, your Thai "logic" is indeed a credit to your alma mater at Sriracha University! :o

That's ok... I guess I was expecting too much of your intellect... :D

Sorry the simple language and logic goes way over your head. :D

Reminds me of Dr. Thaksin and his American-obtained PhD.... a fine example for all when considering the worthiness of an American education...


although granted... it was obtained in Texas


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re: Thailand not involved in WWII - well there was that bridge over the river Kwai thing I s'pose...  There we go, eh? ....reinforcing the stereotype of Americans' ignorance on matters of world history (especially since it was mentioned in this very thread  :o )

More a matter of force majeure. We'd have bombed Thailand even if they hadn't grabbed a couple of Malay provinces and moved into the Eastern Shan States. It seems the Japanese didn't altogether respect the annexation, and the Thais had to fight the Chinese for the Eastern Shan States themselves - see e.g. Siam Goes to War.

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Reminds me of Dr. Thaksin and his American-obtained PhD.... a fine example for all when considering the worthiness of an American education...

I'm sure that you have surpassed his achievements on every level. :o


My Thai is better than his English and I didn't attend a Thai university to obtain a PhD with Thai as the language of instruction...

Thanks for helping to prove my point...


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Reminds me of Dr. Thaksin and his American-obtained PhD.... a fine example for all when considering the worthiness of an American education...

I'm sure that you have surpassed his achievements on every level. :o


My Thai is better than his English and I didn't attend a Thai university to obtain a PhD with Thai as the language of instruction...

Those are impressive accomplishments indeed.

I'm sure that the Prime Minister and richest man in Thailand is hanging his head in shame. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

Just show them a map of the world and see that they dont even know where Thailand is..... :o

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Reminds me of Dr. Thaksin and his American-obtained PhD.... a fine example for all when considering the worthiness of an American education...

I'm sure that you have surpassed his achievements on every level. :o


My Thai is better than his English and I didn't attend a Thai university to obtain a PhD with Thai as the language of instruction...

Those are impressive accomplishments indeed.

I'm sure that the Prime Minister and richest man in Thailand is hanging his head in shame. :D

As he's shameless about being proven wrong or being shown to the world to possess below average ability, except when it comes to talking in circles, much of the same characteristics as you...

most likely he isn't...

but that's ok...

Happy New Year to you both... :D

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After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

Just show them a map of the world and see that they dont even know where Thailand is..... :o

How about I show you a map of the board rules and you do your best to point out which one you just broke?

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Reminds me of Dr. Thaksin and his American-obtained PhD.... a fine example for all when considering the worthiness of an American education...

I'm sure that you have surpassed his achievements on every level. :o


My Thai is better than his English and I didn't attend a Thai university to obtain a PhD with Thai as the language of instruction...

Those are impressive accomplishments indeed.

I'm sure that the Prime Minister and richest man in Thailand is hanging his head in shame. :D

As he's shameless about being proven wrong or being shown to the world to possess below average ability, except when it comes to talking in circles, much of the same characteristics as you...

most likely he isn't...

but that's ok...

Happy New Year to you both... :D

Thaksin is not perfect, but he is far from stupid, has accomplished an lot in his lifetime, has made Thailand better than when he took office, and is a better Prime Minister than 99% of his predecessors.

The US is not perfect, but it has many, many good points, as well as being the greatest power of the century and far superior to any of its detractors.

Successful people and successful countries have always had to put up with whinging and back-biting from lesser beings; It comes with the job. Let's just not forget that underneath all their B.S., convoluted lies and twisted logic, the moaners are green with envy!

Happy New Year to all from Prime Minister Thaksin, President George W. Bush and myself! :D

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Unless you're American where 'could care less' means the same as the rest of the world's 'couldn't care less'. I'm sure they just do it to be awkward.

Classic - I've always been amused by that!!! It makes no sense at all to say 'could care less'. Beautiful.

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QUOTE(chippie @ 2005-12-26 20:31:18)

After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

Considering the second world war ended in 1945 and didn't involve Thailand, it's not all that surprising your girlfriend doesn't know much about it.... of course I'm assuming she's not a world history major and is younger than 45.

Doesn't know much about it???She's NEVER HEARD OF IT!!!

C'mon people - how can you live in an age with discovery / history channel, internet, movies, magazines and general info flooding around the world and NEVER even hear of WWII - or Adolf Hitler??? That's insane. That's not a lesson or two missed at school THAT'S LIVING IN A COCOON. That's having no interest in anything going on outside your own little world.

Is that a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not, up to you - but I certainly couldn't be with anyone who lives like that.

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