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History...or Something Like It!


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Yet another SAS, trained-killer I take it? :D

You don't sppose the Gent is masquerading as Mr. Burns do you? :o

Nope just another reg army guy....trained to shoot guns at other people.... :D

Boon Mee if you look at my member number (169) you will notice that I have been around for a fair while...In fact longer than some of the mods....I dont need to masquerade as anyone. :D:D

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To the Moog, I didn't say or even imply that all thais were uneducated, I simply asked if it was common that the single biggest historical event in the 20th century was not realised by thais in general.

Umm , that was the break-up of the Beatles, right ? :D

To get serious, the invasion by the Japanese, and the death of a couple of hundred thousand Asians (as well as the farang prisoners-of-war) does seem to come as NEWS to many Thais. Wonder why their schoold don't teach this ?

Thailand at the time was allied with the Japanese, now I don't know this for sure buut sinec they were allied and the government at the time was military dictatorship Thais view this time as an embarrassment and there for don't want to teach it to their kids. I have no proof of this is just a suggestion that I have read else where, so truth or not I do not know.


U also don't know much about Thai history. I don't view WWII as d emberrass moment

Okay, no need to be an ass! :D Read the highlights. Also, you have just what what said only a longer verison. Thailand was allied with Japanese, I said that, so what are you trying to prove to me? Almost everthing you posted I know. I have read several books an Thai history and want to study it further and as I am working on a history masters I would like to teach here in the states. My father-in-law (Thai) had told me that Thais don't like to be reminded of the Dictatorship, because they feel it shouldn't have happened, they were suppose to be free, which is why he told me it is so important that Thais today vote and be apart of the government. I said I wasn't sure if Thais viewed their alliance with Japan as a sore point, because it was my wife who said that in school this was never covered or was covered so little that she didn't remember it, so maybe, this she said to me, the Thai government doesn't want to the kids to think that it valued it's relations with Japan because they turned out to be the losers in the war and it would be better for relations with western nations to not remind them of this alliance, for the good of Thailand, but this is also a guess. So, don't peach to me boyo, I said I wasn't sure. :D

Only things I like to talk about WWII is about the colonizer who are under estimate Thailand got a hard ass kick from Asia. then America lost in Vietnam war. These bastard need to get the lesson that the smaller guys can kick their ass badly. And I love to talk about WWII because of this

Bye bye yank and frog eater :D


And for those who say my grammar is crap and coppy from other source .....i just found article and decide to post here ,so what is your better idea? or source


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alright, what is the difference between bowing to the wishes of the Japanese or a country with white people, you still bowed. :o

Edit: Any more flames like the above and you'll be on a 30 day minimum suspension. Udon

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"And for those who say my grammar is crap and coppy from other source .....i just found article and decide to post here ,so what is your better idea? or source"

Having further read more of your posts Kratingdang, I realize that English is obviously not your first language. And I apologize for pointing out your spelling mistakes (we all do it anyway)

However, my second point about plagiarism still stands. If you are going to quote from a source that was not written by you, give credit to it.

And I will state again "dont beleive everything you read on the aforementioned WWW." I can recall reading something along the lines of "the concentration camps in Germany did not exist and where part of a propaganda ploy by the British" :o:D

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I'd like to apologise for giving the wrong date in my earlier poser, it should be July22, not July29. Why is the roundabout near Hualampong called, 'The July22 Roundabout'? Was it completed on that date? Opened on that day? What momentous event happened ?

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We would just get a troop or two of Girl Scouts who would do the job quicker, cheaper and easier and wouldn't be looking at stealing things on the side.

Girl scouts would be ok, they are an American organization. but they might pilfer a bit as alot of young folk shop lift. Of course they'd have to NRA certification and instruction, otherwise they'd only be able to handle the French ("cheese eating surrender monkeys" bart simpson) Army.

Ever wonder why the Cinco de Mayo is a much bigger celebration in the US than in Mexico? Because it celebrates the Mexican Army's victory over the French. If it hadn't occurred, instead of Mexicans sneaking over the border we'd have the French.

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Yet another SAS, trained-killer I take it? :D

You don't sppose the Gent is masquerading as Mr. Burns do you? :D

Nope just another reg army guy....trained to shoot guns at other people.... :D

Boon Mee if you look at my member number (169) you will notice that I have been around for a fair while...In fact longer than some of the mods....I dont need to masquerade as anyone. :D:D

My apologies...haven't seen the old git around for some time.

Too quiet... :o

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