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2 Killed, One Hurt In High-Speed Crash On Bangkok Tollway


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315 km/h on the Autobahn? Really! Your driving prowess amazes me. Less impressed with your cerebral powers. There's only one place for 315 km/h and it's a professional race circuit, and not a public highway, albeit one without a legal speed limit. Incidentally the "design speed" for the Autobahn is 160 km/h!

I was born in Germany and drove over 30 years km on German "Autobahns" I drove 315 km/h with a 560 Mercedes and 300 km/h on a motorcycle. Generally said, there's no speed limit. The advisory speed can easily be topped by 200 km/h.......

.The German autobahns are the nationally coordinated motorway system in Germany. In German, they are officially called Bundesautobahn(plural Bundesautobahnen, abbreviated BAB), which translates to federal expressways. German autobahns have no general speed limit, but theadvisory speed limit (Richtgeschwindigkeit) is 130 kilometres per hour (81 mph)

http://en.wikipedia....erman_autobahns wai.gif

I don't think you drove 315 in an old 560, as much as I have extremely fond memories of mine.violin.gif

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One of the problems with driving at high speed is to have the skill and the ability not only to calculate your speed but the speed of the vehicle in front and then to calculate your closing speed and distance. Extremly difficult for even the best drivers as anybody who has driven at speed will know and even in FI events how many incidences are caused by one car clipping the rear trye of the car in front. Pure human error . That is why i shit myself when i see the grill of a yaa baa bus bearing down on me in my rear vision mirror at an unknown speed. Not only do i question their driving ability but the probability it is being governered by an substance that makes them feel like superman.

They can hardly manage motobikes. And that is part of the problem. Besides not being able to critically think and problem solve on a basic level (which is needed to drive), they learn how to drive on bikes (if you can call it learning) and then drive their car / truck like it's a bike, then add yaa and/or booze, an iPhone to text on, and a lot more speed to the mix. The story always has the same ending.

I only feel sorry for the innocent people who get involved in such accidents, not the idiots who cause them.

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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

BS!! if the driver is plainly signaling he intends to turn right when in the right hand lane then its perfectly legal to pass on the inside!!.
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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

only if he is signalling he is turning right !!.
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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

Oh really !So its not illegal to drive in the outside lane at 50KPH when the inside lane is perfectly clear then?, please read your highway code ,how do you think the term "road hog" came about???
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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

only if said vehicle is turning right.

Thank you for stating the obvious ,which appears to elude some people!!!
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Its the downside to the sanuk Thailand party land that we all love? Guess you can't have one without the other?

I try to avoid complaining about everything I don't like about Thailand. Its easily done.

Rip for the victims of the Porsche drivers stupidity.

I have also never had an accident in the 15+ years of driving in Bangkok/Thailand but it still could happen. Best advice I can offer is to not drive unless you have to; avoid the unnecessary journeys/take a taxi instead. Drive defensively and assume every driver is an idiot.

Edited by MaiChai
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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

only if he is signalling he is turning right !!.

... signalling.... in Thailand?

Example: You come to a 4-way intersection and the lights are out so it's a free for all. You wish to go straight ahead and the nice Thai lady driver in the Lexus has her left turn signal flashing but her front wheels are turning, indicating passing in front of you. However, her right hand is motioning through the open window for you to go first. What can you be sure of?

Her bloody window is open!

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Don't think many understand the importance of working tail lights as well.

Glad you brought that up, this is a major problem with Motor cycles ,cos when driving your car at night especially when its raining and a driver coming from the opposite direction has undipped headlights on blinding you its next to impossible to see the motorcyclist until you are right on top of him, I said to a guy at our local not long ago ,that life is cheap here ,he remarked yeah its 30 baht ,why I Inquired , he just said that,s the cost of a new rear light bulb on a motorbike.

They never check my little Honda when I take it for the Tax/Ins; each year, just the bit of masking tape to take the frame number, next day pick up of Tax and Ins; the number of motorbikes I see without a rear light is amazing, obviously nobody ever does an MOT here, if the tail light is out I wonder what else is wrong with the bikes on the road.
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"In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

So the car, from front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


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Yesterday, the Expat community lost a dear friend, a truly unique individual and he will be missed by those who knew him. I was impressed by the genuine and thoughtful postings. Not corny, or “hippie philosophy” or “all about me” Real genuine sorrow and support for those who were saddened by his passing.

Well, you see…Thai people, and let me underscore that…they are people, just like you…with friends; families and feelings…also suffer when people die. It is not funny, it is not a time to judge, second guess and paint with a broad brush of insensitive hate.

(edited post for brevity)

You present a clear and sincere post. However, you said the expat community lost a dear friend.

If he was the unfortunate driver of the Toyota Fortuner or the third car involved, you have my sympathy

If, however, he was the maniac,(a polite word), driving the Porsche 911 on a public highway at well over twice the speed limit, well, it's not surprising most people on this forum are unsympathetic, angry and critical.

And BTW, I do not subscribe to the theory that all Thai drivers are bad, some are quite proficient, but unfortunately they are outnumbered by people who possess rudimentary driving skill and that can be a killer.

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Don't think many understand the importance of working tail lights as well.

Glad you brought that up, this is a major problem with Motor cycles ,cos when driving your car at night especially when its raining and a driver coming from the opposite direction has undipped headlights on blinding you its next to impossible to see the motorcyclist until you are right on top of him, I said to a guy at our local not long ago ,that life is cheap here ,he remarked yeah its 30 baht ,why I Inquired , he just said that,s the cost of a new rear light bulb on a motorbike.

They never check my little Honda when I take it for the Tax/Ins; each year, just the bit of masking tape to take the frame number, next day pick up of Tax and Ins; the number of motorbikes I see without a rear light is amazing, obviously nobody ever does an MOT here, if the tail light is out I wonder what else is wrong with the bikes on the road.

is it a requirement to have a vehicle annually inspected (MOT in UK) in Thailand anyway the MOT is only as good as the time of inspection, the rest of the year it is down to the driver to check the road worthiness of the vehicle

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I live in Lak-si, and have seen and experienced this Porsche asshol_e up by backside many a time, as I also know the reg plate, which is incidentally 911. He drives, drove now - past tense, like a maniac and I did say to my wife only 2 weeks ago he'll kill or get killed. Seems he's achieved both. I have no sympathy at all for the rich arrogant fecker, and am I glad I nearly ran him off the road last week when he tried to cut me up, but I also accelerated like hell in sports mode after he was flashing and flashing, I was also speeding at 140 in heavy traffic, and he ended up with nowhere to go when he tried to cut off to the third lane. He came back up my ass, flashing again, and I slammed my brakes on - ready to hit the bastar... d.

If you can't drive with respect, no matter whether you have a Porsche, a Ferrari or a Lada, then up yours. He got what he deserved! Death!

My words were correct, and he got, in sincerity, what he deserved, as he could and probably has killed before, but got off scott free for a small buy out!

I AM saddened that he took others with him...... that is not deserved. Putting a Thai into a Porsche is like putting a 4 year old into the cockpit to land a 747!


Porsche are getting quite a reputation in Thailand. Remember the Lao girl cut in half by another idiot?

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"In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

So the car, from front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


Sniggering and clapping sick man

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Does everyone else here not understand that driving is Asian kryptonite?

You can add guns to that list. Applying Thai culture the guy in the pickup was at fault if he was not driving above 200km/hr. You have laws and you have local custom. The local custom is if you are not driving at 200km/hr in Thailand you should not be in the fast lane. Obviously this is an less than ideal situation. Preferably keep it under 140km/hr would be the better option. Edited by heiwa
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"In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

So the car, from front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


Sniggering and clapping sick man

Na! Just somebody who's lived here longer than you have, obviously. Sports car rich kid freaks, who get given corrupt money from mummy and daddy, should know better. Why? Cos it's impossible for them to do so!! Daddies don't drive like freaks, as they all have a black Volkswagon Van to run them about; but to show of prowess they buy their kids toys. Unfortunately, cars are not toys but killing machines in the wrong hands, and considering these kids have been driving at 200Km/h plus, on their i-pods for years........ well..... I have nothing further to add.

As for sniggering, I have a right. As for clapping I have a right.

If you don't like it then report my post as abusive!


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"In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

So the car, from

front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


What are you talking about? Engine air filter? Ventilation system air filter? Engine slicing in half? I can't see the engine anywhere in this photo. What have side air bags got to do with an ultra high speed frontal collision? It is pretty obvious it is the RHF wheel. I think you're imagining way too much.

It looks to me that the roof has been cut off by the Emergency Services in attendance. Same as all the comments regarding 280 KPH. Utter rubbish at this stage. Rev counter at 7,800? That motor won't do it.

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"In the driver's seat of the Porsche, whose front section was wrecked..." clap2.gif


Well if you look under the foot of the rescue worker in blue, on the left, the front tyre is below his foot!

I know it is the front wheel, as the bonnet to the right has the air-filter attached..... you can see clearly!

So the car, from front to back totally disintegrated, and the side curtain air-bags didn't much whilst the engine was slicing the driver in half. giggle.gif

As you can sense, I kind of didn't like this bloke... 55.

But staying with the post, the car with the front damage, in the pic, isn't exactly a Ford Fiesta, and is also a very powerful car. Where is the pic of the van?


Sniggering and clapping sick man

Na! Just somebody who's lived here longer than you have, obviously. Sports car rich kid freaks, who get given corrupt money from mummy and daddy, should know better. Why? Cos it's impossible for them to do so!! Daddies don't drive like freaks, as they all have a black Volkswagon Van to run them about; but to show of prowess they buy their kids toys. Unfortunately, cars are not toys but killing machines in the wrong hands, and considering these kids have been driving at 200Km/h plus, on their i-pods for years........ well..... I have nothing further to add.

As for sniggering, I have a right. As for clapping I have a right.

If you don't like it then report my post as abusive!


A rich kid at 54 years old? Maybe you're right. I now feel really young again!

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Well, they wern't racing each other. The Porsche at 280kmh was doing this alone, so the Fortuner driver shouldn't be blamed

apply local custom - the fast lane is a runnaway strip for airplanes. you must face the facts and adjust for local conditions - theres no point in pretending there are laws here is there?
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I didnt realize sanuk meant "acting like an irresponsible prick". Lighthearted fun has nothing to do with lawless idiocy. sanuk is grwat for 5 year olds eventually people are meant to grow up. If it was my son run off the road and killed by this idiot, god help the rest of his family.

Sanuk is a pitiful excuse for utter stupidity.

Its the downside to the sanuk Thailand party land that we all love? Guess you can't have one without the other?

I try to avoid complaining about everything I don't like about Thailand. Its easily done.

Rip for the victims of the Porsche drivers stupidity.

I have also never had an accident in the 15+ years of driving in Bangkok/Thailand but it still could happen. Best advice I can offer is to not drive unless you have to; avoid the unnecessary journeys/take a taxi instead. Drive defensively and assume every driver is an idiot.

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