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Thai Parliament Quarrel Escalates In Hitler Salute


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How do you know Abhisit hasn't said anything?

Are you also disappointed that Yingluck hasn't come out and said something?

I am unaware of any public statement made by Mr. Abhisit distancing himself and his party from the behaviour of the MP.

As the man who wants to be PM he has an obligation to state that the MP does not represent the Democrat party's views and that Mr. Abhisit too was insulted and dismayed by the MP's behaviour. This is what leaders are required to do. it is called leadership and asserting one's authority. The failure to make an immediate public statement is another poor political position adopted by Mr. Abhisit who is unable to keep his party focused and on policy. Everytime he gets an opportunity to show that he is a viable alternative, he blows it.

In respect to the PM, or any PM for that matter, a PM should remain above the fray. The discipline of the foulmouthed MP is the responsibility of the Democrat leadership and the House speaker.

The big picture is that the MP has further damaged the brand image of the Democrat party and the Democrat ladership has again demonstrated that it has poor crisis management skills. Yes, there is lots to criticize about the administration of PM Yingluck. Unfortunately, until there is alternative political party led by someone with a moral compass and some cajones, Thailand is stuck with PTP. PTP would not be in power if the Democrats could get their act together and didn't have guttersnipes screaming Heil Hitler in the House.

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How do you know Abhisit hasn't said anything?

Are you also disappointed that Yingluck hasn't come out and said something?

I am unaware of any public statement made by Mr. Abhisit distancing himself and his party from the behaviour of the MP.

As the man who wants to be PM he has an obligation to state that the MP does not represent the Democrat party's views and that Mr. Abhisit too was insulted and dismayed by the MP's behaviour. This is what leaders are required to do. it is called leadership and asserting one's authority. The failure to make an immediate public statement is another poor political position adopted by Mr. Abhisit who is unable to keep his party focused and on policy. Everytime he gets an opportunity to show that he is a viable alternative, he blows it.

In respect to the PM, or any PM for that matter, a PM should remain above the fray. The discipline of the foulmouthed MP is the responsibility of the Democrat leadership and the House speaker.

The big picture is that the MP has further damaged the brand image of the Democrat party and the Democrat ladership has again demonstrated that it has poor crisis management skills. Yes, there is lots to criticize about the administration of PM Yingluck. Unfortunately, until there is alternative political party led by someone with a moral compass and some cajones, Thailand is stuck with PTP. PTP would not be in power if the Democrats could get their act together and didn't have guttersnipes screaming Heil Hitler in the House.


Drunken members of gouvernment with a questionable past are you favorites?

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IMHO this whole story is quite pathetic.

A gobby MP in an institution that is basically powerless and irrelevant in the well stitched-up world of real Thai power-broking, throws teddy out the pram and throws a couple of right arm salutes and then gets marched out.

Silly boy, but hardly unique in the world of exhibitionist, low grade politicians.

He would probably struggle to spell Holocaust, let alone Shoah, and would undoubtedly be flummoxed if asked to give a breakdown of the history of Nazi Germany 1933-1945.

He appears to be a belligerent type with previous form in this sort of behaviour and shares few attributes with A. Hitler esq, apart from being vertically challenged with an attitude.

I have seen/heard of far worse behaviour from elected representatives across the globe. This silly little man just seems to be allowing those with an agenda to sound off. He's a silly, irrelevant little man, just ignore him, they tend to hate that more than anything!

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What to expect with the background 80% of this Government has. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if we one day could see the parliament on YouTube waving Hitler and the porn lady and masturbate at the same time.

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Surely all he is doing is comparing the speakers behaviour to that of a dictatorship. He is not "glorifying" or "praising" Hitler, just making a protest a protest about the speaker!

The ability of newspapers and journalists to make something out of nothing never ceases to amaze me. Thailand is a country that wasnt really actively involved in WW2, at least not the German part of it. I doubt it has any significant Jewish population to offend and in any event the accusation was aimed at an individual so clearly no one but that individual could take offence. He could just as easily have done a Russian or Burmese salute to make the same point and no one would be saying anything!!

Journalists - please focus on the political issues that actually affect people and stop bothering with the antics of a few flamboyant politicians - it seems the world is obsessed with the personal and public behaviour of people rather than on whether they do a good job or not. We have the same problem in UK with hysterical people screaming everytime a footballer or pop star does something in his/her private life which has no direct connection with their job! it is the same when a politician has an affair or engages in some kinky sexual activity - if it is not illegal what concern should it be to anyone how they enjoy themselves.

I agree with you to certain extent about the cult of celebrity and the media's pandering to that disease but no politician in the UK has ever had an affair or engaged in kinky sexual activity in the House of Commons. Behaviour in parliament is subject to strict rules In the UK this MP would have been expelled from the House for contempt, and in all likelihood suspended unti he apologised; no MP is allowed to disrespect the Speaker in this manner.
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It was done as sarcasm... The leader didnt understand......... The man was quoting as sarcasm HE WAS NOT PROMOTING HITLER..

Even though it is a BAD gig to do this he was not in the promotion role.......... He is Blue/ democrat party and was not promoting the man with a funny moustash!!..

He was saying YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT JUST LIKE HITLER... he was not impressed with what was happening......HE supports the Blue!

Please dont flame the guy for doing this..ask your girlfriend!!

You can ask your girlfriend if you like but this is unacceptable behaviour within a parliamentary chamber.
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"Much ado about nothing"! Sorry but this is just a 'non-story'.

The guy was trying to make his point during a debate; was being stopped by the Speaker; got frustrated; got his mic cut off; got even more frustrated at not being able to complete was he was trying so say; and, in complete exasperation, punctuated his attempt to speak by resorting to the Hitler jibe in disgust.

OK so an MP, anywhere, should act with more restraint and he shouldn't have made the reference. Personally, I have some sympathy with the guy (although none at all at resorting to a 'Heil Hitler' jibe) - it at least shows, particularly for a Thai, that he had some passion and conviction in the heat of debate. Perhaps Parliament could use a few more like him, albeit with a little more circumspection before making offensive gestures such as this.

So, bring it on guys - pillory me for apparently 'sympathising' or 'condoning' a 'Heil Hitler' salute! Let me make it chrystal clear. though, I DO NEITHER - I am vehemently anti-fascist so don't try and tar me with that brush. Sometimes newspapers, and people, try to look for something to justify inappropriate or misplaced comment.

Many Asian Parliaments are known for their extended fist fights,

and even rumbles between parties, this is mild in comparison.

There are rules governing parliamentary behaviour in order to avoid Animatic's scenario. These rules include that decision (who is not aligned to a particular political party no matter his previous affiliation) must be respected and, although that may go against an individual MP's wishes, that MP is not entitled to insult the Speaker. This MP was completely wrong in his behaviour.
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Clearly he is being blocked from finishing his statement,

which appears to be a overstepping of power by the totally partisan House Speaker.

His anger is justified, his reaction escalates and finally reaches a tipping point.

The leadership could have handled this much differently, but didn't, and provoked him serially.

I don't approve of his final actions, but I can understand his frustration.

Leadership has a brief to let as little counter government info reach

the public ears as they can manage to stifle in Parliament or anywhere.

Reminds me of Thaksins "NO!": signs he'd hold up to stop a reported

from asking questions he doesn't like.

Of course considering who the boss is, this doesn't surprise.

If you remove the bias from your thoughts you might appreciate the rule of the Speaker in parliamentary debate. You aver that the Speaker is totally partisan and oversteps his power - how do you justify that statement? Apparently you know the rules of parliamentary debate in the Thai parliament and the role of the Speaker, so please tell us.

My understanding is that the Speaker is empowered to terminate debate. Do you know different?

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Yes it seems that the speaker would not let the MP complete his argument, and was ignoring his request to speak. In frustration the MP moved to another seat closer to the front so he could be heard - and even though he was speaking loudly and clearly, the speaker ignored it and repeatedly said "I cant hear you".

After this went on for some time, the MP was clearly extremely frustrated and made the salute (which by the way originated in the Roman army) - and called "Heil Hitler" three times, mocking the tactics of the government in preventing him from being heard.

HE is not a Nazi - but he obviously feels that he was being treated unfairly by the speaker.

I am sure that you believe sincerely what you say, but this was not a television political production. It was a parliamentary debate where the Speaker is entitled to call an end to the proceedings. Filibuster is an American term with its connotations of talking a subject out of time. That is why it is unacceptable as a political tactic.

Respect for the Speaker is paramount in parliamentary democracies and this MP should be condemned unreservedly for his behaviour.

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I'm a Brit when someone uses Hilter's name like this guy did I do not find it offensive in the least.

This guy wasn't being allowed to have his say.

Hitler is the best know Dictator who ever lived so this guy used his name knowing it would get that point across in no uncertain manner.

He definitely suffers from lack of anger management. He was like a little hobbit waiting to explode

It had absolutely nothing to do with what the Nazi's did or how many millions American settlers killed.

If you are a Brit you will be well aware that The Speaker of the House of Commons must be respected and behaviour of this kind would have seen the serjeant-at-arms immediately summoned to remove the Honourable Member from the House Edited by pastitche
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He was simply saluting an acknowledgement to Herr Thaksin and his National Socialist Movement. As the ruling party have already used lessons from Mein Kampf and appear to have mastered the mass psychology of fascism, the gesture appears appropriate to me. Well done that man.

Please please do elaborate.
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Pheu Thai spokesperson calls on Democrat MP to resign for making Hitler salute during charter debate

Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesperson Sunisa Lertphakhawat Friday called on Democrat MP Boonyod Sukthinthai to resign for making a Hitler salute inside Parliament.

On Tuesday, Boonyod protested against the chair of the joint sitting of MPs and senators by making the "Hi-Hitler" salute in front of the chairman's bench.

Sunisa said making the Hitler salute hurt the feelings of relatives of all Nazi victims and had thus damaged the reputation of Thai Parliament.


-- The Nation 2012-05-04

I think the gesture was inappropriate and the MP should apologise. With the way some MP's and even government members behave, asking anyone who does so to resign, would probably lead to a premature general election for lack of quorum to govern whistling.gif

Edit: add: 2012-03-27 "Bangkok's Hitler chic"

Edited by rubl
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It was done as sarcasm... The leader didnt understand......... The man was quoting as sarcasm HE WAS NOT PROMOTING HITLER..

Even though it is a BAD gig to do this he was not in the promotion role.......... He is Blue/ democrat party and was not promoting the man with a funny moustash!!..

He was saying YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT JUST LIKE HITLER... he was not impressed with what was happening......HE supports the Blue!

Please dont flame the guy for doing this..ask your girlfriend!!

Any one with a miniscule of intelligence doesn't even think about Adolf.to make a point UNLESS this guy want's to gas folk. bah.gif

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In respect to the PM, or any PM for that matter, a PM should remain above the fray. The discipline of the foulmouthed MP is the responsibility of the Democrat leadership and the House speaker.


Yes. Like the PM is going to comment on ANYTHING.

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Pheu Thai spokesperson calls on Democrat MP to resign for making Hitler salute during charter debate

Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesperson Sunisa Lertphakhawat Friday called on Democrat MP Boonyod Sukthinthai to resign for making a Hitler salute inside Parliament.

On Tuesday, Boonyod protested against the chair of the joint sitting of MPs and senators by making the "Hi-Hitler" salute in front of the chairman's bench.

Sunisa said making the Hitler salute hurt the feelings of relatives of all Nazi victims and had thus damaged the reputation of Thai Parliament.


-- The Nation 2012-05-04

I think the gesture was inappropriate and the MP should apologise. With the way some MP's and even government members behave, asking anyone who does so to resign, would probably lead to a premature general election for lack of quorum to govern whistling.gif

Edit: add: 2012-03-27 "Bangkok's Hitler chic"

http://www.thaivisa.... thailand nazi

It appears to be a Thai political response to all misdemeanours to call for resignation, impeachment, ritual suicide or sacrifice the firstborn child. However for the parliament to have credibility this fellow must be disciplined, not by his party but by the House.
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Hmmm...Sieg heil? Sheesh...

Ok guys he was angry do you speak or understand Thai??

He was about to say something and they turned of his Mic

after he went to another Mic and the House Keeper said he did not see or hear him


He did the Hitler Salute!!!!!

As Protest

I don t say it was right but, you cannot just Turn of a Mic while a Member of the Parliament has a speech

Dictatorship should ring a bell

Guess most of the members of Thai Parliament know who and what was Hitler, that s why he did this Salute.....

Nothing more to say

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IMO the sieg heil was totally called for. If you listen to the speaker, you can clearly hear him say several times: "Can't hear you!!", followed by: "Can't see you either!!".

Granted two wrongs don't make a right, but turning that mans mic off and childishly refusing to listen to him isn't exactly part of a Democratic process.... if such a process truly exists in this world bah.gif

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Hitler salute? Who is claiming this? Even my Thai wife said that he is motioning to speak or wishes to keep speaking, because they shut-off his mic.; trying to incite something here?...

Something wrong with you hearing or eyesight ???? clearly he make a nazi salute while screaming hiel hitler no incite here pretty clear he is a Nazi lol

No, what is clear if you have half a brain is that he is an anti-Nazi. He is criticising what he sees as the dictatorial behaviour -- or Nazi-like behaviour -- of the speaker. It is mockery. Got it now?

'Mockery', or as we know it in a long and vibrant tradition : SATIRE

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Hmmm...Sieg heil? Sheesh...

Ok guys he was angry do you speak or understand Thai??

He was about to say something and they turned of his Mic

after he went to another Mic and the House Keeper said he did not see or hear him


He did the Hitler Salute!!!!!

As Protest

I don t say it was right but, you cannot just Turn of a Mic while a Member of the Parliament has a speech

Dictatorship should ring a bell

Guess most of the members of Thai Parliament know who and what was Hitler, that s why he did this Salute.....

Nothing more to say


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Disneyland and Eurodisney employees have been publicly referring to their places of work as "Mauschwitz" & "Duckau", and tweeting and posting on FB using those words. Those places which the employees are making jokes about are of course some of the most brutal sites of of human suffering in the 20th century. In some cases employees did not even lose their jobs at disneyland but were given a final warning.

How is that less offensive than some guy losing his temper and doing a parody nazi salute at what he sees as a partisan speaker, another puppet in thaksins toybox. I think the salute MP was wrong to lose his temper & I feel he should be treated the same as if he's shouted a lot of expletives at the speaker; a warning / small fine / suspension for a week. I don't see the relevance of the people here on TV bursting into tears because he parodied Hitler, the rest of the world have been parodying hitler since the late 1930s.

PTP are seizing this angry outburst, as they hurriedly seize anything that takes the cameras away from their own sham puppet-regime, and the family of brigands who are (once again) busy plundering the coffers behind the scenes.

Edited by Yunla
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Now TV members can see that their friends in the Democrat party are not the sane rational people so many of you maintained they were!

You see what Peua Thai are facing? Goose stepping Nazis.

The activities of the ruling elite and their SS stormtroopers in the Democrat party in murdering 90+ people in 2010, should leave you unsurprised that that K. Boonyod should use the phrase 'Heil Hitler' -He's got an audience though: a number of hi-so kids are going through a Hitler is Cool period at the moment.

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Almost identical incidents were in several parliaments worldwide. That politicians are morons is hardly something news worth.

Also in the Austrian parliament happened almost the same and it wasn't big in the international news. An in the Austrian parliament it is much more meaningful than in a Banana Kingdom like Thailand.


In the Austrian parliament, much more meaningful? My fellow country man,

but not because Austria or its parliament is much better than, the so called -Banana land Thailand-whistling.gif

Only more meaningful, because we know more about Hitler, the atrocities, suffering and the massive injustices he brought upon many of us.

I excuse the Thais to not knowing enough about that Hitler person, so that whole discussion is exaggerated already!rolleyes.gif

More meaningful because Hitler was Austrian

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Disneyland and Eurodisney employees have been publicly referring to their places of work as "Mauschwitz" & "Duckau", and tweeting and posting on FB using those words. Those places which the employees are making jokes about are of course some of the most brutal sites of of human suffering in the 20th century. In some cases employees did not even lose their jobs at disneyland but were given a final warning.

How is that less offensive than some guy losing his temper and doing a parody nazi salute at what he sees as a partisan speaker, another puppet in thaksins toybox. I think the salute MP was wrong to lose his temper & I feel he should be treated the same as if he's shouted a lot of expletives at the speaker; a warning / small fine / suspension for a week. I don't see the relevance of the people here on TV bursting into tears because he parodied Hitler, the rest of the world have been parodying hitler since the late 1930s.

PTP are seizing this angry outburst, as they hurriedly seize anything that takes the cameras away from their own sham puppet-regime, and the family of brigands who are (once again) busy plundering the coffers behind the scenes.


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Now TV members can see that their friends in the Democrat party are not the sane rational people so many of you maintained they were!

You see what Peua Thai are facing? Goose stepping Nazis.

The activities of the ruling elite and their SS stormtroopers in the Democrat party in murdering 90+ people in 2010, should leave you unsurprised that that K. Boonyod should use the phrase 'Heil Hitler' -He's got an audience though: a number of hi-so kids are going through a Hitler is Cool period at the moment.

Are you saying that Boonyod supports Nazis and Hitler because he did a "Hiel Hitler" salute?

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