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Red Shirts Want An End To Military Coups: Thida

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I keep wondering what sycophants like you have to gain in the delusional defense of a prehistoric status quo ?

Please enlighten me

Anyone who supports the red shirts (cue denial) is deluding themselves if they think what they stand behing is anything more than just another group of greedy elites treading over the poor working classes and maintaining the status quo you speak of. Consider yourself enlightened.

Please show me a post where I supported the red shirts ?

Right on cue.

Only in your deranged mind .

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Please direct your flame to the proper target, Phasakorn Channgam.


Personally, I would suggest that context plays a big role with the above toy guns versus other children playing with toy guns.




Do you have a link so that we may know the context?

Some blog or other it's childrens day in thailand.

So.. no link and no context, other than children's day.

Indeed, dubious, given the context that they could be anybody's kids.... including Red Shirts, who seem to have a penchant for weaponry.


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Please show me a post where I supported the red shirts ?

Right on cue.

A reasonable question though.

"When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck."

James Whitcomb Riley

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pastitche, why would it collapse in court,???? what court, under sisters guidance. ?? Poor illustration-bringing Abhisit into the frame. What happened Prior to the election, and during and post election, he deserves more than 2 years, Near NO bloodshed would have happened if him and his billions had kept out of it. (He did promise he was out of politics) but isn't just like the famous family promise.

I really don't know how to make it clearer but I will try

I am making no points about Thaksin and his guilt. He has been found guilty and sentenced. Nor did I refer to the events of 2010.

I made the point that "Thaksin thinks, Pheau Thai acts" can be construed in different ways because of the lack of conjunction between the phrases. It would collapse in any court because it is open to a number of interpretations and any prosecutor, trying to have PTP banned on that basis would recognise that it could not stand as evidence that he was involved in the management of PTP.

Unlike you I take no sides in the ongoing hostilities in here and what I post is frequently as in this case based on what the law in Thailand is.

You obviously responded to my earlier post without understanding its content; I believe you to be a native English speaker so I cannot understand why that would be the case.

Speaking of English, a Thai court is not going to consider an English-language "conjunction" between the English-translated phrase of a Thai-language campaign slogan.

Very likely if any prosecution occurred, it would occur based upon what was said and written in Thai.

But it's all moot anyway, as prosecution isn't going to occur based solely on that aspect and would, instead, be based on other aspects and actions.

What remains is the number of people who have violated it and the severity of the violations. TRT and PPP have had dozens and dozens of its Banned From Politics violate the spirit of the law, whereas BJT has had one, Newin. That aspect is always avoided by those with the "But, Abhisit" key on their keyboard.

As said before, the spirit of the law needs to be clarified and strengthened... but that is not likely to be high on PTP efforts at constitutional changes. They seem much more he11-bent to weaken the already toothless law and other regulatory laws that hamper its ability to exert control over the populace.


I agree with you that in a Thai court, the Thai version would of course be used. I was pointing out to ozmick that the phrase "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" so often quoted on here would be easily refuted as evidence. I am sure you would agree that is true.

I have for so many years been accused of being pedantic, that I think it may be true.

I do not believe that the "spirit of the law" exists, only the letter of the law. If a law does not reflect the intention of legislators then the problem lies with the drafting of the legislation and the legislators' acceptance of flawed bills. So if you aver that the spirit of the law has been violated, you are chasing phantasms.

You are of course correct that PTP are unlikely to seek the changes you would like to see. However if they did, then it is unlikely that they would make the changes retrospective. It is very unusual to change legislation to make an offence of an act undertaken when it was not illegal. It can be used of course to create retrospective immunity for an act that was criminal when committed

Edited by pastitche
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And yet the last Dem-led government wasn't disbanded for it's blatant use of a banned politician in the formation of it's coalition.

As we have been so clearly instructed by PTP-fans, Red Shirt fans and the EC - it isn't against election-laws to cooperate with banned politicians. They are merely only disallowed from themselves taking seats in parliament or the government.

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bash when needed - the point is beyond most of the red-haters on this forum.

After a 6 day assault by the military with a final day/night of killings, Hellodolly wants the red shirts to clean up the streets of BKK - that is f*ckin insane.

But par for the course here on TVF.

I no longer expect any intelligent debate from the usual suspects. Just more hyperbole, misdirection, misinformation, venom and hatred as I have read here for the last 2 years.

You guys make me sick.


After a 6 day assault by the military with a final day/night of killings, Hellodolly wants the red shirts to clean up the streets of BKK - that is f*ckin insane.

hahaha agreed!

As usual you forget to mention that was the only way to get them out. They had negotiated a peaceful solution prior to the 6 days only to have the pay master say no deal so they backed out of it. Easy to run off at the mouth when you ignore your part in a event. What was your answer after they backed out of a peaceful settlement.

What is insane is to expect any thing positive out of terrorists. And of that I am not guilty. You on the other hand justify their actions.

People like you make me sick.bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

you are coming accross as an absolute idiot by expecting the red shirts to clean up the streets that they themselves had been 'cleaned up' from, and you know what i mean by cleaned up.

the only person justifying the bloodshed is you, so you better have that sick bag ready when you look in the mirror.

Edited by nurofiend
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I keep wondering what sycophants like you have to gain in the delusional defense of a prehistoric status quo ?

Please enlighten me

Anyone who supports the red shirts (cue denial) is deluding themselves if they think what they stand behing is anything more than just another group of greedy elites treading over the poor working classes and maintaining the status quo you speak of. Consider yourself enlightened.

Please show me a post where I supported the red shirts ?

don't worry about it, this guy is someone who will blatantly lie about what you've posted in the past.. a liar in other words.

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And yet the last Dem-led government wasn't disbanded for it's blatant use of a banned politician in the formation of it's coalition.

As we have been so clearly instructed by PTP-fans, Red Shirt fans and the EC - it isn't against election-laws to cooperate with banned politicians. They are merely only disallowed from themselves taking seats in parliament or the government.

First can I say that I have not studied the ideology of Libertarianism sufficently to differentiate it from the ideology of Anarchy, so I don't understand completely your beliefs.

However it is my understanding that the Constitution of Thailand and Organic Laws about Political parties do not specifically prohibit banned politicians from giving financial support and "advice" to those parties. That may be due to the rush to rewrite these laws following the last coup but it makes it difficult to initiate action for disbandment unless it can be proven that a banned politician had an executive position in the party.

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And yet the last Dem-led government wasn't disbanded for it's blatant use of a banned politician in the formation of it's coalition.

As we have been so clearly instructed by PTP-fans, Red Shirt fans and the EC - it isn't against election-laws to cooperate with banned politicians. They are merely only disallowed from themselves taking seats in parliament or the government.

First can I say that I have not studied the ideology of Libertarianism sufficently to differentiate it from the ideology of Anarchy, so I don't understand completely your beliefs.

However it is my understanding that the Constitution of Thailand and Organic Laws about Political parties do not specifically prohibit banned politicians from giving financial support and "advice" to those parties. That may be due to the rush to rewrite these laws following the last coup but it makes it difficult to initiate action for disbandment unless it can be proven that a banned politician had an executive position in the party.

So in your lengthy non-responsive reply you are trying to say that PTP and Thaksin did nothing wrong? Which is what I wrote [that you guys feel] in my post. And thereby pointing out that then, by using deductive logic, neither did BJT do anything wrong when they took advice from their own Newin. So what is Siam Simon complaining about?

You guys need to decide on a position and keep it. Preferably all Red Shirt fans also need to decide that you cannot populate all positions of an argument depending on what makes you win the debate...

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And yet the last Dem-led government wasn't disbanded for it's blatant use of a banned politician in the formation of it's coalition.

As we have been so clearly instructed by PTP-fans, Red Shirt fans and the EC - it isn't against election-laws to cooperate with banned politicians. They are merely only disallowed from themselves taking seats in parliament or the government.

First can I say that I have not studied the ideology of Libertarianism sufficently to differentiate it from the ideology of Anarchy, so I don't understand completely your beliefs.

However it is my understanding that the Constitution of Thailand and Organic Laws about Political parties do not specifically prohibit banned politicians from giving financial support and "advice" to those parties. That may be due to the rush to rewrite these laws following the last coup but it makes it difficult to initiate action for disbandment unless it can be proven that a banned politician had an executive position in the party.

So in your lengthy non-responsive reply you are trying to say that PTP and Thaksin did nothing wrong? Which is what I wrote [that you guys feel] in my post. And thereby pointing out that then, by using deductive logic, neither did BJT do anything wrong when they took advice from their own Newin. So what is Siam Simon complaining about?

You guys need to decide on a position and keep it. Preferably all Red Shirt fans also need to decide that you cannot populate all positions of an argument depending on what makes you win the debate...

I thought that you might be able to understand that I was saying that the law is the arbiter of right and wrong and in my opinion the laws in Thailand have not been contravened by either party; so had you read it properly you would have realised I was not supporting SiamSimons's point.

You may wish to assume that anyone who disagrees with you is a supporter of "the other side" but that is merely an assumption. I am not a "Red Shirt fan".

If you want to respond to what I did say without trying to extrapolate as you did above, feel free to do so. Remember however suggesting "you are trying to say..." is most unwelcome in my case

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WHEW! A whole bunch of off topic, lese majeste, bickering and Uncle SMS posts have been removed from view. Due to the sensitivity of Uncle SMS, we are not allowing discussions of this nor links to external websites. We hope you understand and appreciate your support with this. wai.gifwai.gifwai.gif

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Teaching ! what an idiotic suggestion, young boys all over the world like to play with toy guns, you fool !

Please direct your flame to the proper target, Phasakorn Channgam.


Personally, I would suggest that context plays a big role with the above toy guns versus other children playing with toy guns.




Do you have a link so that we may know the context?



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Please direct your flame to the proper target, Phasakorn Channgam.


Personally, I would suggest that context plays a big role with the above toy guns versus other children playing with toy guns.




Do you have a link so that we may know the context?


Thank you for providing the link that phiphidon failed to do with his posted photo and thank you for showing the context of the photo and the irrelevance of it being posted.


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Please show me a post where I supported the red shirts ?

don't worry about it, this guy is someone who will blatantly lie about what you've posted in the past.. a liar in other words.

Get over it. Enough bickering in this thread without the need to dredge up old bickering from an unrelated thread, just for the sake of throwing your moral support behind a like-minded "neutral observer".

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