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Uk Settlement Visa Application Waiting Times, Bangkok

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Yes Kiggs it is right - 8 weeks = 40 days i.e. 5 working days in a week x 8 = 40 - see my previous post #886 above.

Interesting figures - more than twice as many decisions than September up from 20 to 41.

1 visa was granted within 2 weeks and a total of 38 within their target of 12 weeks (60 days) and 3 were between 12 weeks and 18 weeks.

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So whats that ?? 37 applications done within 60days..

Just been thinking. Im sure i have seen about 5 results come back within 7/8 weeks. So in the world of immigration thats 40days! Something is not right.

Since the new rules came in I have only seen 1 application under the 8 weeks (40days) which is the one on the other forum you elude to in your earlier post at 7 weeks and 6 days, most of the others have been in the 9-10 week region. Remember even if they are processed in 8 weeks and 1 day hence 41 days they will fall into the up to 12 week category (60 days). I'm just crossing my fingers that the recent 7 weeks and 6 days is a sign of the times getting shorter now the ECO's are used to the new rules and maybe the number of apps has dropped. I think both our wife's applied about the same time, mine was the 17th of October and I'm desperately hoping this year we will get to spend out first Christmas together.

Good luck to all here still waiting and remember when you get your result even if its success don't forget to come back here and let every one know so we can get an idea of current times.

Edited by Steve77r
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Two more UK Settlement visas back both issued submitted 13/09/2012.

Any particular reason these 2 took longer? missing docs? more info requested? complicated apps? or just luck of the draw?

Thats the standard processing time at the moment its down to embassy workload, we inform all our clients its up to 90 days processing time. You often get applications for settlement applied for on the same day but get returned on different days.

Edited by ThaiVisaExpress
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Ours is 17th october 6 weeks today, but in Vientam not sure if that means we have longer to wait for it to be sent to BKK. I know it takes 6 days for return once decision made. Going out of my mind with worry at the minute.

Edited by Steve77r
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Like you said I think its the same process time just have to add the shipping time. 6 days seems a little much, that's going to add 2 weeks !!!!

I know what you mean I'm the same its not so much the waiting its not knowing <deleted> is going on.

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I think the courier is 6 normal days not working days like the embassy use for processing, I don't know how your coping mate if I was waiting for the second time I would be going insane, you would think with how much we are paying for these applications the UKBA would be a little more open and give you fair opportunity to send in any missing documents. But then again its a nice little cash cow for them isn't it! Any other service provider in the UK wouldn't get away with this but because its immigration seems they can do as they please with the majority populations backing.

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No mate nothing to report. What's your date of application?Mine was the 19th October.

Not sure on who is waiting tbh

Edit: Its ok I have just seen yours 17th October.

Kiggs, mine was also 19th October! Also no news for us but I'm not really expecting anything until after Xmas as that would be within the 12 week target of the embassy. Sorry I know that's not what you wanted to hear (and I'm lucky 'cos I'm in Thailand) but, if you do the maths, that's how it works out.

Good luck mate

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9 weeks seems to be the average, I have seen numerous decisions on various forums within a day or 2 of 9 weeks recently, 2 at 10 weeks reported above and one at just under 8. Problem for me is with postal delay 9 weeks for me will mean we miss christmas.

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I have an added problem !!!! I have been offered a job in Myanmar to start on February 1st. Applied for it ages ago and it just getting finalized as we speak so all this waiting around and expense for the settle might all be a waste . It it does take 10 weeks it won't be worth her even flying to England. I'm preying that it arrives and we have Christmas in the uk.

You never know what's round the corner do you!

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Next friday is the last day for ours to be done otherwise Christmas is a no no. To say how long they are taking at the minute there dosent seem to be many people waiting for results, on the forums anyway. I was having a look back at last november and december, decisions were taking 4 weeks. None of that now.

How about any of the agents? Are you busy with UK visas at the minute or is it quiet?

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For us that will be next friday its cutting it fine but with the courrier to Vietnam we mighnt just make the flight I booked on the 22nd. Maybe come the same day as the flight, she will be packed and ready if it does. fingers crossed for us all.

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