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Uk Settlement Visa Application Waiting Times, Bangkok

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Nothing again today, just called the Embassy in BKK and got through to the visa section, the girl took my wife's details and then came back and said she thinks early next week as they are now considering the applicants just before us. But as 4 weeks ago they were considering applicants just 1 week before us I'm not sure that carries much weight. Surely they did not receive that many applications in one week to make such a delay.

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I think the "early next week" means that they will make the decision just within the 12 weeks, thereby meeting their service standard. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even look at your wife's application, just the date she applied.

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Might seem a little harsh, they are full of crap!!!!

I might try and get through to them did you call the number that says its not for visa info.

12 weeks for us is tomorrow. They must have taken the 5 days over Christmas!

Edited by Kiggs
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I think the "early next week" means that they will make the decision just within the 12 weeks, thereby meeting their service standard. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even look at your wife's application, just the date she applied.

Yes I think this is the likely reason for that prediction, they know they are delayed for whatever reason so now are just working to there service standard. Next Wednesday is 12 weeks exactly including the 5 Embassy holidays in December.

Like I said above 4 weeks ago an applicant just 1 week before us was processed so for last 4 weeks there cannot have been that many applicants before us.

Edited by Steve77r
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I think we have to forget about her coming to England yet. I have to be in Singapore for the 24th so new plan is go to jomtien get drunk with Tony ;) by that time we will have a passport and we can go back to England before the 3mths is up.

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I think we have to forget about her coming to England yet. I have to be in Singapore for the 24th so new plan is go to jomtien get drunk with Tony by that time we will have a passport and we can go back to England before the 3mths is up.

Ha ha, Tony doesn't drink, you will have to get drunk on your own burp.gif

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I think we have to forget about her coming to England yet. I have to be in Singapore for the 24th so new plan is go to jomtien get drunk with Tony by that time we will have a passport and we can go back to England before the 3mths is up.

Ha ha, Tony doesn't drink, you will have to get drunk on your own burp.gif

I've been trying to keep that quiet ! As long as it's just between the three of us, that's okay.

Edited by Tony M
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Dear Mr Kiggs

Thank you for your e-mail dated 7th January.

Whilst we publish our processing times these are only guidelines and there are sometime circumstances beyond our control which means that we cannot process a visa in line with our stated turnaround times. Unfortunately, due to some public holidays on Christmas and New Year time which cause all applications delayed on process. However we are still working on your wife visa application and do hope that we can make a decision sometime around next week.

Hope you find the above information helpful

Yours sincerely


Email from the embassy or should i say a copy and paste from embassy.... unless they have done 250+ apps then they ARE working to the 12 weeks bs .

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Kiggs - Well it is true that there have been a lot of public holidays and Thai ones as well. The target of 60 working days does not include public hols so whilst 60 working days from application (19 Oct in both our cases) is 11 Jan in reality they can add another week to that to cover the hols! Frustrating but thats it.

Makes you wonder if there is a hidden agenda going on here i.e. deliberately miss the targets to get more staff. I would hope not but it makes you wonder. My own application is relatively simple (in my opinion) and would take only about 15 minutes to process if someone took the trouble to look at it. A point I will make in an email to them when we have reached 3 months without a decision.

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Applied for ours on 13 Dec (2/3 weeks later than I had hoped) so our 12 weeks is up on 7 March but allowing an extra week for Xmas & New Year holidays could take us upto 14 March. A few mates went through this procedure last year & they got their visas at around the 8 or 9 week mark which also seems the case for people on this site up until the last couple of months. Here's my dilemma I am currently booked to go to Thailand from 31 Jan to 22 Feb which will be 7-10 weeks after our visa application was made & based on the decision time from a few months ago I was fairly hopeful that I would get the visa whilst over there but this is looking increasingly unlikely. My work probably wouldn't be to happy about me having to go out twice so I was thinking of moving my holiday back 3 weeks to try to ensure as much as possible that the visa would arrive so that I am able to bring the wife back to the UK upon my return. What do people think ? I did mention in the sponsor letter about my travel plans & that I was returning to the UK on 22 Feb but I'm not convinced the embassy will take this into account.

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I did mention in the sponsor letter about my travel plans & that I was returning to the UK on 22 Feb but I'm not convinced the embassy will take this into account.

Even if they would take it into account which I doubt, its likely that your letter wont even be read untill the point they pick up your application to make the decision. Which if current waiting times continue will be after your already back home. If your intent on traveling back to the UK with your missus I would give yourself more time.

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It will only cost £94 to change my Emirates flights so I think I'll put the trip back 3-4 weeks to allow for at least 13 weeks since we made the application.

Does anyone know what public holidays the there was in Dec/Jan so I can work out 60 days excluding these ?

Fingers crossed for you this week Steve.

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Dec figures now up, only 7 applications. 1 was done within 3 days, 1 was done within 15 days & the remaining 5 took took 60 days.

Makes you wonder why a few on here are still waiting when they are near the 12/13 week mark.

Edited by TheGoose
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The UK Border Agency has made a decision on your visa application: AUTOMATED EMAIL PLEASE DO NOT REPLY (Ref: 658643)

Steve - good luck. Do you know if the decision was made on the 60th working day?

Figures for December are pathetic and obviously what these figures dont show is those in the pipeline (i.e. no decision made yet) which includes you and me!

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Just realized on the e-mail it now includes Indonesia, I wonder if BKK has now started t process for Indonesia also hence the extra delay now?

THAILAND/INDONESIA: documents can be collected from VFS after 2 working days for Thai applicants and 4 working days for Indonesian applicants.

CAMBODIA: documents can be collected from the British Embassy in Phnom Penh in 4 working days.


HCMC: documents will be sent to you within 6 days

Hanoi: documents can be collected from the British Embassy in Hanoi in 4 working days.

Edited by Steve77r
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