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Cia Thwarts Al-Qaeda Plot To Bomb U.S.-Bound Airliner


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I take it you know a lot of agents? Perhaps your basing your intelligence estimates on those that get caught. Any idea of how many agents there are?

Actually, it is the recent product of their efforts that leads me to my opinion. The actual number really doesn't matter nor does how many I happen to know personally, only the product of their efforts matter.

Edited by Pakboong
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humiliate air travellers even more than they do already by making us stand in line at immigration and passport control with our underpants outside our trousers, like Batman and Superman!

That's a way they are using to domesticate populations, to make people familiar with total manipulation from above and to justify even more futures personal abuses of any kinds.

The underpant bomber new is anyway a very welcome change from the usual loss of innocent lifes we see, there is no "State Reason" good enough to possibly justify the killing of almost 3000 of your own people.

The horror of the past are coming back, is of these days the news of a presumed terrorist group that shoot an italian nuclear scientist and as in the past, all the accusations are against the extreme left activists.

Some of you probably remember the massacre of "Piazza Fontana" in 1969, they blamed from the beginning the left wing, then it came out that was a group of extreme right, which included the military secret agent Guido Giannettini (Agent Z), the same man that in 1962 was invited for 3 days in US at the Marine school of Annapolis near Washington, for a course named " Technics and possibilities of a coup in Europe", strangely i wasn't able to find this info even in the usually reliable british BBC.

17 innocent people lost their life in that terrorist's attack, very recently a court of justice decided that the perpetrators are yet to be found.

The reason of why there was a military secret agent heavily involved with the US it's still covered by the military secret.

Blaming the whole of the US it's wrong on the same way as it is wrong to follow your economic interest with acts of terrorism, this is also the kind of attitude the bad people likes to receive, so they can say that people looking for justice are the real danger to the whole of the US, while in reality the only people that is at risk are(for good reasons) them and not anybody else.... i sincerely hope that the many outstanding and honest individual that are the vast majority of the US will find a way to get rid of the criminals that are giving a bad name to them and creating even more injustices across the whole world.

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This is getting very weird indeed. Two days ago we had Obama hailing 'our incredible security services', for foiling a dastardly Al Qaida plot to blow up an aeroplane with an underpants bomb. Now it turns out that the bomber is an employee of the US government. Whisked aboard the plane, bypassing passport and immigration checks, by these same CIA / FBI 'incredible security services', then arrested in a fanfare of publicity. The whole thing planned and carried out by the CIA, in order to justify their existence, and their budget, not to mention their desire to step up operations in Yemen. Why on earth would any right minded person believe anything they say anymore? I mean, really, fabricating terrorist threats and expecting us all to be frightened. In an earlier post Steely Dan suggested it was a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale to believe that the 'incredible security services' could be capable of this kind of thing. Well, it might be wise for the CIA, FBI, Obama and the rest of them to educate themselves by reading some Hans Christian Anderson themselves, paying particular attention to the moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf! American tax payers must be really thrilled that their hard earned dollars are being spent so wisely! Just as an afterthought, maybe this could all be a plot by the CIA to humiliate air travellers even more than they do already by making us stand in line at immigration and passport control with our underpants outside our trousers, like Batman and Superman!

During election year I could believe the incumbents to be capable of just about any sort of false flag operation. But those who cast aspersions about for example the failed Iranian bombings in Bangkok must also surely recognize that for a false flag operation this was unbelievably clumsy and incompetent, even by the standards of the current administration. Not that it really matters as I can't see anyone being gullible enough to vote for Obama on the strength of his foreign policy.

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This is getting very weird indeed. Two days ago we had Obama hailing 'our incredible security services', for foiling a dastardly Al Qaida plot to blow up an aeroplane with an underpants bomb. Now it turns out that the bomber is an employee of the US government. Whisked aboard the plane, bypassing passport and immigration checks, by these same CIA / FBI 'incredible security services', then arrested in a fanfare of publicity. The whole thing planned and carried out by the CIA, in order to justify their existence, and their budget, not to mention their desire to step up operations in Yemen. Why on earth would any right minded person believe anything they say anymore? I mean, really, fabricating terrorist threats and expecting us all to be frightened. In an earlier post Steely Dan suggested it was a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale to believe that the 'incredible security services' could be capable of this kind of thing. Well, it might be wise for the CIA, FBI, Obama and the rest of them to educate themselves by reading some Hans Christian Anderson themselves, paying particular attention to the moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf! American tax payers must be really thrilled that their hard earned dollars are being spent so wisely! Just as an afterthought, maybe this could all be a plot by the CIA to humiliate air travellers even more than they do already by making us stand in line at immigration and passport control with our underpants outside our trousers, like Batman and Superman!

During election year I could believe the incumbents to be capable of just about any sort of false flag operation. But those who cast aspersions about for example the failed Iranian bombings in Bangkok must also surely recognize that for a false flag operation this was unbelievably clumsy and incompetent, even by the standards of the current administration. Not that it really matters as I can't see anyone being gullible enough to vote for Obama on the strength of his foreign policy.

To be honest i don't think Obama really has much say, these sort of things go on under all administrations.The CIA have their own agenda and are out of control, a law unto themselves. The same applies to their counterparts in the UK, as recent events there have shown. I hope this latest false flag debacle will cause people to open their eyes, and more importantly, their minds, and realise how they are being manipulated by lies and manufactured terrorism threats. And hopefully ask the question, why? Of course nobody can deny that the CIA have a record of excellence second to none in thwarting their own terrorist plots, and arresting their own agents!
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I take it you know a lot of agents? Perhaps your basing your intelligence estimates on those that get caught. Any idea of how many agents there are?

Actually, it is the recent product of their efforts that leads me to my opinion. The actual number really doesn't matter nor does how many I happen to know personally, only the product of their efforts matter.

The "product of their effort" which we are aware of, you mean?

I'd say most actions and operations, successful or otherwise, do not come to public attention at all. That isn't exactly news, was always like that.Can't see how one can compare current operatives and service standards with previous ones, while having no accurate knowledge of both.

The story at hand does sound fishy, no doubt. Then again, we have only partial information available.

Edited by Morch
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I take it you know a lot of agents? Perhaps your basing your intelligence estimates on those that get caught. Any idea of how many agents there are?

Actually, it is the recent product of their efforts that leads me to my opinion. The actual number really doesn't matter nor does how many I happen to know personally, only the product of their efforts matter.

That's about as credible as saying that all farangs in Thailand are ignorant morons based on postings on TV. If you can do better the CIA and SIS are recruiting.

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Quick update, on an EU national newspaper, the bomber real ID has been revealed as a CIA agent....surprise surprise! laugh.png

weren't they all? laugh.png

I remember reading about the underwear guy seen by folks being escorted past security onto the plane.

And I remember reading Hans Christian Anderson.

OMG I am actually on the same side as Dan/Cat on this one!! Whatever next.

Conspiracy theories always founder on the assumption of the infallibility and superhuman powers presumed to be found in all intelligence service personnel and organizations. While most are very professional it beggars belief that the Haskell story re superpants 1 and now superpants 2 (the sequel) are all part of some cunning plan to gain funding, win elections etc, pretext to invade Yemen (again I'll wager almost anything about the chance of that happening).

It seems the most recent plot was foiled by a Saudi asset working undercover, and well done to him, great job. Shame sometimes people can't just draw breath, step back and look at the whole wood rather than being focused on some imaginary tree.

When bad guys fail or are foiled, that's great news.

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Fact remains that sometimes airplanes get blown up. No amounts of conspiracy theories can dispute that fact. The recent Yemen 'double agent' things sounds odd. Probably factoids we're not aware of. It doesn't represent all the CIA any more than a man driving up on a sidewalk and killing a pedestrian represents all Thai drivers.

Much of what the CIA does, we're not cognizant of. Sure, they waste resources and do some dumb-ass things, but so does every other gov't-related entity worldwide.

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Fact remains that sometimes airplanes get blown up. No amounts of conspiracy theories can dispute that fact. The recent Yemen 'double agent' things sounds odd. Probably factoids we're not aware of. It doesn't represent all the CIA any more than a man driving up on a sidewalk and killing a pedestrian represents all Thai drivers.

Much of what the CIA does, we're not cognizant of. Sure, they waste resources and do some dumb-ass things, but so does every other gov't-related entity worldwide.

Explain the 'fact that remains...sometimes aircraft get blown up'! When do they sometimes get blown up? The last one I remember was Lockerbie, is that nearly 25 years ago? The terrorists were pretty good at it then, it seems they are pretty bad at it now. Why is that?

The CIA are one of the most badass organizations in the world, why you make any form of excuse for them is totally beyond me. Their history is well documented, their involvement in false flag ops and insurgencies is also well documented. Sure other Government agencies do dumb ass things but that does not generally involve the killing or mass terrorizing of their own people. The tax payer funds the CIA and it should be accountable to them. It seems these days secrets are no longer required, not only does a double agent get caught wearing a set of undergarments with attitude, they tell the public before they have got their story straight. It is laughable AND criminal. Luckily for US citizens it seems that the change in CIA Directors over the years has been a good thing for them as more recent characters would seem to baulk at the idea of actually killing their own people in order to achieve an effect, they settle for just trying to terrorize them.

The only saving grace is that I can choose not to go to the USA anymore, but if you live there, hell it's your freedoms, throw them away if you wish. Careful of that tap water now.

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The only saving grace is that I can choose not to go to the USA anymore, but if you live there, hell it's your freedoms, throw them away if you wish. Careful of that tap water now.

This is a big problem in the US today....the throwing away of that which those before tried so hard to guarantee.

At times I wonder if folks are just so preoccupied with work/nose to the grindstone etc....That they don not notice...

Or is it they buy the stories & believe it is in their best interest to give away freedoms & liberties, privacy etc. for temporary security?

I also tend to think/wonder if these same folks believe they will get these liberties back once the danger is gone?

They don't seem to realize it is a one way street.

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The only saving grace is that I can choose not to go to the USA anymore, but if you live there, hell it's your freedoms, throw them away if you wish. Careful of that tap water now.

This is a big problem in the US today....the throwing away of that which those before tried so hard to guarantee.

At times I wonder if folks are just so preoccupied with work/nose to the grindstone etc....That they don not notice...

Or is it they buy the stories & believe it is in their best interest to give away freedoms & liberties, privacy etc. for temporary security?

I also tend to think/wonder if these same folks believe they will get these liberties back once the danger is gone?

They don't seem to realize it is a one way street.


I have highlighted where I thing you strike the nail firmly on the head. They seriously believe the current security measures are for their own good, the frisking of old women and children, the confiscation of your bottled water and that dangerous chicken mayonnaise sandwich (which the security guards will eat at lunchtime!). It is ALL a 10 billion dollar a year show and NON of it protects us.

I do not agree with many things that go on in Israel but what they are fantastic at is airport security. Why do we not learn from them. They profile passengers and they have people monitoring body language and it works. What is the historic profile of anyone who has attempted a suicide bombing on an aircraft? Male, Muslim aged 22-34 perhaps? Well that rounds it down nicely, then how about observing the body language gestures in those people as they go through security or at the gate. It does not matter if you really do think you are about to meet God and pick up your 72 virgins, your body will show all the signs concerning its protestation that you are about to blow it up. It is all really easy stuff and the Israeli's do it every day at airports. No shoes off, no belts off, no loss of bottled water.

As you also highlight there is no chance at all that once liberties are taken away they will be given back, it is tough. I get fed up of hearing people say "well, if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be worried". My Data is my business and has no right being in the hands of a Government that I helped to elect or not. The Data is used for all sorts of things now not just to determine that you are involved in terrorist activities.

In the last 10 years I bet that less than 100 US civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks world-wide, yet over a trillion dollars has been spent on the 'war on terror'. In the same time frame 1.2 million US citizens die every year (so that's 12 million) from cancer and cardiac disease and researchers of both diseases are lucky to get a total of 3 billion a year to find a cure. The reason, both approaches generate massive money for two industrys. One being defence contractors the other being the medical industry. In comparison to our own Governments, Al Qaeda are puppies.

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In the last 10 years I bet that less than 100 US civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks world-wide,

That is because bigger attacks have been prevented by the very security measures that so many are complaining about on this thread.

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And maybe the "bigger attacks" (or even the smaller ones), wouldn't have even existed if wars for profits wouldn't had started...or do we thinks that people just wake up in the morning and for no logic reasons decides to attack another country?? C'mon, i am sure we can do better than that....and i didn't even needed to take into accounts all the "self made up" so called "attacks"

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In the last 10 years I bet that less than 100 US civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks world-wide,

That is because bigger attacks have been prevented by the very security measures that so many are complaining about on this thread.

No it is not. It is because the threat does not exist the way you have been told it does. And every now and again you are told of a discovered underpant bomber or other equally ridiculous plot to keep you in check. Open your eyes and smell the coffee and all that! It is all there in front of you.

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In the last 10 years I bet that less than 100 US civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks world-wide,

That is because bigger attacks have been prevented by the very security measures that so many are complaining about on this thread.

Pure supposition on your part. How do you know? Because the security services say so? In the light of recent events if they told me it was raining i would go outside and double check!
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That is because bigger attacks have been prevented by the very security measures that so many are complaining about on this thread.

Thank goodness because them sneaky little runts are cunning devils



Then of course there was the notorious Osama bin-in-a wheelchair.


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I do not agree with many things that go on in Israel but what they are fantastic at is airport security. Why do we not learn from them. They profile passengers and they have people monitoring body language and it works. What is the historic profile of anyone who has attempted a suicide bombing on an aircraft? Male, Muslim aged 22-34 perhaps? Well that rounds it down nicely, then how about observing the body language gestures in those people as they go through security or at the gate. It does not matter if you really do think you are about to meet God and pick up your 72 virgins, your body will show all the signs concerning its protestation that you are about to blow it up. It is all really easy stuff and the Israeli's do it every day at airports. No shoes off, no belts off, no loss of bottled water.


Belts come off, sometimes shoes as well, liquids are off limits.

Yes, there's the profiling thing, so? Doesn't mean other people do not get searched and questioned. Far from it. Falling into a profile just guarantees being taken off the queue for a chat with the boys. Ask ANY Arab or someone that looks close enough to to one what it's like, Not too nice toward Thais as well, btw.

Not saying that the way things are in USA airports are ok or not - but the fact that someone gains (financially/politically) from this doesn't mean that there's no threat or that it isn't serious.

Do security agencies and related firms have an interest in making those threats seem bigger than they are - maybe so, does it mean all of it is scaremongering - no way.

Edited by Morch
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I do not agree with many things that go on in Israel but what they are fantastic at is airport security. Why do we not learn from them. They profile passengers and they have people monitoring body language and it works. What is the historic profile of anyone who has attempted a suicide bombing on an aircraft? Male, Muslim aged 22-34 perhaps? Well that rounds it down nicely, then how about observing the body language gestures in those people as they go through security or at the gate. It does not matter if you really do think you are about to meet God and pick up your 72 virgins, your body will show all the signs concerning its protestation that you are about to blow it up. It is all really easy stuff and the Israeli's do it every day at airports. No shoes off, no belts off, no loss of bottled water.


Belts come off, sometimes shoes as well, liquids are off limits.

Yes, there's the profiling thing, so? Doesn't mean other people do not get searched and questioned. Far from it. Falling into a profile just guarantees being taken off the queue for a chat with the boys. Ask ANY Arab or someone that looks close enough to to one what it's like, Not too nice toward Thais as well, btw.

Not saying that the way things are in USA airports are ok or not - but the fact that someone gains (financially/politically) from this doesn't mean that there's no threat or that it isn't serious.

Do security agencies and related firms have an interest in making those threats seem bigger than they are - maybe so, does it mean all of it is scaremongering - no way.

We have been taking shoes and belts off for years when entering Saudi airport departure lounges.

Having said that, the TSA is an out of control government department headed by one of the more incompetent government bureaucrats. What can people expect?

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Ask ANY Arab or someone that looks close enough to to one what it's like, Not too nice toward Thais as well, btw.

Tell me about it! I suspect the only way I could get picked out more would be to wear a T-shirt with 'Underpant bombers take it in their strides' printed on it. mad.gif

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