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Failed Relationship Results In Bizarre Incident

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A failed relationship results in bizarre incident on Pattaya Beach.

Pattaya is commonly known as the Extreme City and relationships between Thai’s and foreigners start and finish on a daily basis. This is one example of a failed relationship and its extreme consequences. This is Khun Jitarat aged 30 who was enjoying a relationship with an English man until today. He decided that he wanted to spread his wings and on this night, walked off with another girl, leaving Khun Jitarat “in the cold”.

Her emotional state led her to take this desperate action in front of Soi Yamoto on Pattaya Beach. She walked in to the road and refused to move out of the left hand lane and appeared to be waiting for a car to run her over. A Pattaya Police volunteer came to her aid and diverted traffic out of the lane and then a female tourist took the initiative and forcibly removed the distraught woman from the road and left her in the hands of the Police who initially decided to let her go and then changed their minds and took her away for her own safety.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 29th December 2005


No TPV's involved in this case Pattaya Fox, just a lone Pattaya Police Volunteer (Thai). Just to clarify the volunteer situation in Pattaya:

Tourist Police Volunteers (either black Polo shirts with "Tourist Police Volunteers" on the back or blue unifrms with berets.)

Pattaya Police Volunteers (wear black T-shirts with "Asst. Police" on the back)

Immigration Police Volunteers. (no uniforms)

City Hall Volunteers. (light brown uniforms)

Banglamung District Volunteers (wear an army style camouflage uniform).

A failed relationship results in bizarre incident on Pattaya Beach.


Pattaya is commonly known as the Extreme City and relationships between Thai’s and foreigners start and finish on a daily basis. This is one example of a failed relationship and its extreme consequences. This is Khun Jitarat aged 30 who was enjoying a relationship with an English man until today. He decided that he wanted to spread his wings and on this night, walked off with another girl, leaving Khun Jitarat “in the cold”.

Her emotional state led her to take this desperate action in front of Soi Yamoto on Pattaya Beach. She walked in to the road and refused to move out of the left hand lane and appeared to be waiting for a car to run her over. A Pattaya Police volunteer came to her aid and diverted traffic out of the lane and then a female tourist took the initiative and forcibly removed the distraught woman from the road and left her in the hands of the Police who initially decided to let her go and then changed their minds and took her away for her own safety.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 29th December 2005

What a sensationalistic piece of crap!

I watched the footage from PCN on cable today.

There you see some silly drunken slapper, well past her avoid-by-date, standing by the kerb with her arms stretched out making a traffic nuisance of herself.

"Her emotional state led her to take this desperate action in front of Soi Yamoto on Pattaya Beach. She walked in to the road and refused to move out of the left hand lane and appeared to be waiting for a car to run her over."

Total nonsense, she had more chance of being pissed on (and quite rightly so) by a soi mongrel bored with licking its arse than being run over. :o

Now had it been on the Sukhumvit Highway, it might have been something worth reporting... :D

A failed relationship results in bizarre incident on Pattaya Beach.


Pattaya is commonly known as the Extreme City and relationships between Thai’s and foreigners start and finish on a daily basis. This is one example of a failed relationship and its extreme consequences. This is Khun Jitarat aged 30 who was enjoying a relationship with an English man until today. He decided that he wanted to spread his wings and on this night, walked off with another girl, leaving Khun Jitarat “in the cold”.

Her emotional state led her to take this desperate action in front of Soi Yamoto on Pattaya Beach. She walked in to the road and refused to move out of the left hand lane and appeared to be waiting for a car to run her over. A Pattaya Police volunteer came to her aid and diverted traffic out of the lane and then a female tourist took the initiative and forcibly removed the distraught woman from the road and left her in the hands of the Police who initially decided to let her go and then changed their minds and took her away for her own safety.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 29th December 2005

What a sensationalistic piece of crap!

I watched the footage from PCN on cable today.

There you see some silly drunken slapper, well past her avoid-by-date, standing by the kerb with her arms stretched out making a traffic nuisance of herself.

"Her emotional state led her to take this desperate action in front of Soi Yamoto on Pattaya Beach. She walked in to the road and refused to move out of the left hand lane and appeared to be waiting for a car to run her over."

Total nonsense, she had more chance of being pissed on (and quite rightly so) by a soi mongrel bored with licking its arse than being run over. :o

Now had it been on the Sukhumvit Highway, it might have been something worth reporting... :D


i was just gonna say "stupid cow" :D


That first pic shows her standing by the kerb flapping her arms for sure..... :o

not a bad looking slapper either

Amazing no one mentions the farang lady who got her off the street....well done to that lady.

We always talk alot about the girls doing this and that to farang guys, but we dont hear so much about the girls who are ripped off, lied to and cheated on by the farangs. Obviously this Pommie guy has no idea on the concept of face in Thai society. He stays with her for a while, takes her out and then flucks off with, no doubt a younger or prettier girl, totally humiliating this girl in front of her peers. The girl in an emotional state and probably fuelled by drink, does something silly or pulls a stunt like this and people start putting <deleted> on her for it. SHAME SHAME SHAME :D

And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole :D

And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole  :o

:D burnsie;

And no doubt soon he'll be back in his local telling his crowd of bum-fluff covered mates over a lager and blackcurrant.

" What a place.You screw a bird. Then <deleted> her off in front of her mates and screw one of them" :D



My goodness how quick you are to bad mouth and automatically condemn the English Gentleman,I wonder if the guy in qestion was an Australian reject would you be so critical and speedy in rushing to judgement?

BTW way I'd give it one if anybody thinks that's "rough" IMHO needs to visit "Top Charoen" asap.






            My goodness how quick you are to bad mouth and automatically condemn the English Gentleman,I wonder if the guy in qestion was an Australian reject would you be so critical and speedy in rushing to judgement?

            BTW way I'd give it one if anybody thinks that's "rough" IMHO needs to visit "Top Charoen" asap.


            My goodness how quick you are to bad mouth and automatically condemn the English Gentleman,I wonder if the guy in qestion was an Australian reject would you be so critical and speedy in rushing to judgement?

            BTW way I'd give it one if anybody thinks that's "rough" IMHO needs to visit "Top Charoen" asap.

He was certainly no "gentleman" was he??? And obviously if he was still an englishman then he probably is an Aussie reject..... :o:D:D


And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole  :D

:D burnsie;

And no doubt soon he'll be back in his local telling his crowd of bum-fluff covered mates over a lager and blackcurrant.

" What a place.You screw a bird. Then <deleted> her off in front of her mates and screw one of them" :D

Yeah and then they will all want to go there as well.....Just what Patters needs. :o:D:D

We always talk alot about the girls doing this and that to farang guys, but we dont hear so much about the girls who are ripped off, lied to and cheated on by the farangs. Obviously this Pommie guy has no idea on the concept of face in Thai society. He stays with her for a while, takes her out and then flucks off with, no doubt a younger or prettier girl, totally humiliating this girl in front of her peers. The girl in an emotional state and probably fuelled by drink, does something silly or pulls a stunt like this and people start putting <deleted> on her for it. SHAME SHAME SHAME :D

And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole  :o

Hmmm,..... all I read was some girl was "enjoying" a relationship with an English man in Pattaya. Do you happen to know if the relationship was more than a day old? Are you aware that she was drunkenly making a nuisence of herself and possibly she was to blame for the situation? If all you're going on is the limited infomation from the above "Pattaya City News". Shame shame shame on you for jumping to conclusions. :D

We always talk alot about the girls doing this and that to farang guys, but we dont hear so much about the girls who are ripped off, lied to and cheated on by the farangs. Obviously this Pommie guy has no idea on the concept of face in Thai society. He stays with her for a while, takes her out and then flucks off with, no doubt a younger or prettier girl, totally humiliating this girl in front of her peers. The girl in an emotional state and probably fuelled by drink, does something silly or pulls a stunt like this and people start putting <deleted> on her for it. SHAME SHAME SHAME :D

And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole  :o

Hmmm,..... all I read was some girl was "enjoying" a relationship with an English man in Pattaya. Do you happen to know if the relationship was more than a day old? Are you aware that she was drunkenly making a nuisence of herself and possibly she was to blame for the situation? If all you're going on is the limited infomation from the above "Pattaya City News". Shame shame shame on you for jumping to conclusions. :D

Enjoying a relationship UNTIL today, would indicate something more than just one day...wouldnt you think.???

And before you make comment on jumping to comclusions......where did it say in the report that she was drunk....she was to blame for the situation...a couple of conclusion jumps there yourself. Take three shames and go to bed.... :D:D


And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole  :o

Hmmm,..... all I read was some girl was "enjoying" a relationship with an English man in Pattaya. Do you happen to know if the relationship was more than a day old? Are you aware that she was drunkenly making a nuisence of herself and possibly she was to blame for the situation? If all you're going on is the limited infomation from the above "Pattaya City News". Shame shame shame on you for jumping to conclusions. :D

Enjoying a relationship UNTIL today, would indicate something more than just one day...wouldnt you think.???

And before you make comment on jumping to comclusions......where did it say in the report that she was drunk....she was to blame for the situation...a couple of conclusion jumps there yourself. Take three shames and go to bed.... :D:D

Read thru the post again, it was reported she was very drunk and making a nuisance of herself. I posed no conclusion or assumption, just one hypothetical "Had you considered that possibly she was to blame for the situation"? Evidently not.

My perception was, and thank you for clarifying it..... you knew nothing about the incident whatsoever. You may want to consider getting more of the facts before you start pointing fingers at people.


And triple shame on the Pommie guy behind this, if he was going to cast her off he could have had the decency to do it with a bit more discretion. What an A**hole  :o

Hmmm,..... all I read was some girl was "enjoying" a relationship with an English man in Pattaya. Do you happen to know if the relationship was more than a day old? Are you aware that she was drunkenly making a nuisence of herself and possibly she was to blame for the situation? If all you're going on is the limited infomation from the above "Pattaya City News". Shame shame shame on you for jumping to conclusions. :D

Enjoying a relationship UNTIL today, would indicate something more than just one day...wouldnt you think.???

And before you make comment on jumping to comclusions......where did it say in the report that she was drunk....she was to blame for the situation...a couple of conclusion jumps there yourself. Take three shames and go to bed.... :D:D

Read thru the post again, it was reported she was very drunk and making a nuisance of herself. I posed no conclusion or assumption, just one hypothetical "Had you considered that possibly she was to blame for the situation"? Evidently not.

My perception was, and thank you for clarifying it..... you knew nothing about the incident whatsoever. You may want to consider getting more of the facts before you start pointing fingers at people.

Here is the report from the PCN site less the pics...........

A failed relationship results in bizarre incident on Pattaya Beach.

Pattaya is commonly known as the Extreme City and relationships between Thai’s and foreigners start and finish on a daily basis. This is one example of a failed relationship and its extreme consequences. This is Khun Jitarat aged 30 who was enjoying a relationship with an English man until today. He decided that he wanted to spread his wings and on this night, walked off with another girl, leaving Khun Jitarat “in the cold”. Her emotional state led her to take this desperate action in front of Soi Yamoto on Pattaya Beach. She walked in to the road and refused to move out of the left hand lane and appeared to be waiting for a car to run her over. A Pattaya Police volunteer came to her aid and diverted traffic out of the lane and then a female tourist took the initiative and forcibly removed the distraught woman from the road and left her in the hands of the Police who initially decided to let her go and then changed their minds and took her away for her own safety.

your posts....

I posed no conclusion or assumption, just one hypothetical "Had you considered that possibly she was to blame for the situation"? Evidently not. I posed no conclusion or assumption, just one hypothetical "Had you considered that possibly she was to blame for the situation"? Evidently not.

Hmmm,..... all I read was some girl was "enjoying" a relationship with an English man in Pattaya. Do you happen to know if the relationship was more than a day old? Are you aware that she was drunkenly making a nuisence of herself and possibly she was to blame for the situation? If all you're going on is the limited infomation from the above "Pattaya City News". Shame shame shame on you for jumping to conclusions.

My only assumption was that she was probably fuelled by drink.....the rest of my post was based on the report.

You made the assumption that she was drunk, it is not mentioned in the report, unless you assume that they hauled her in because she was drunk. You also stated that she maybe to blame for the situation....the report clearly states that the guy decided to spread his wings and took another girl while he was with her in a bar (on this night walked off with another girl) Now what caused him to do this is not specified....My comment was that he should have been more discreet in his dealing with the girl and that he obviously doesnt know that face is important to them.

Take an overdose of shame and see your doctor :D

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