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Actor John Travolta Accused Of Sexually Harassing Masseur


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Maybe Travolta should hire Justin Bieber's lawyer(s). The woman accused the kid of fathering her illegitimate child. The lawyer went after both the plaintiff and her lawyer for bringing an unfounded claim. They have since gone silent Sometimes, when confronted with an extortion attempt (if that is what it is) it is best to fight back. Thing is, being gay is considered a black mark against the public image for some celebritities as it damages the "brand". The case was probably first brought quietly with the statement, if you don't pay we go public. The fact that travolta is willing to fight back suggests that maybe, just maybe, times are a changing and the threat of being accused of gayness isn't much of a threat anymore as people are a bit more willing to accept someone's lifestyle and victims of extortion need not be so fearful. I hope that's true, as it would mean that our society has evolved a bit.

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The difficulty with a case like this is that neither of these guys first filed a complaint with the police. Second, neither of them seemed to terminate the session. Finally, one of them actually got into a vehicle with him for a ride home! They had either better have a DNA sample or a really, really good attorney.

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this topic should be closed.

Not before we get to hear about the blue dress. You know it's just a matter of time.

What is the blue dress ? Please indulge me

It is a reference to a guy that they named a street after in Bangkok. He got caught and said it was not him till the other person produced a blue dress with tell tale DNA markers left behind.

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The problem with these cases is the burden of proof is on the grounds of probability. How many Masseurs get propositioned? I am sure this masseur has probably been propositioned before by less high profile and rich customers and I doubt he has taken legal action against them, he probably just wrote it off as an accupational hazard. Whether these allegations are true or not (who knows) I bet Qantas drop him like a hot spud after this.

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Then again a religion based on an imaginary 'being' who came out of nowhere and created everything around us in six days and then had a lie down on the seventh takes a bit of believing as well!

I don't know. It is about as believable as the universe creating itself. .

R U referring to the 'Big Bang Theory'? It's based on science. It may not be valid, but you and any scientists are welcome to offer alternative scenarios. Religion, on the other hand, has its interpretations (mostly based on hocus pocus like 'virgin birth', etc) which mandate compliance. Science welcomes dissenting ideas, particularly those based on scientific research. Religions will say 'you'll burn in the fires of hell' or they'll declare a fatwa against you, for any deviation from their mandates. ....but you knew that already.

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Science welcomes dissenting views, but funding for research involves politics and politics usually involves religion and those don't always welcome dissent.

But all that is off-topic....

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I am with the "$2 million because he saw an erection?" crowd. This is ridiculous.

Let's say that Travolta really did that of which he is accused, (and I am not saying he really did, but let's just assume it for argument's sake), if that was so heinous, then a report should have been made to the police at the time. But then, what was the crime? Having an erection?

The only possible crime that I can see might be soliciting, but that is a criminal matter which no DA would touch given the information currently being released.

So these two masseuses have never had a client get aroused? And now seeing an aroused client is so traumatic that they have suffered damage? And to the tune to $2 million? Give me a break!

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Science welcomes dissenting ideas, particularly those based on scientific research.

Not true, try suggesting global warming isn't real.

Plenty of scientists 'burnt at the stake' for daring that claim.

Or MMR vaccine is bad for children, etc.

The fundamental science of global warming is not criticized by those scientists that do not share the common position. They have a different interpretation of the data.

In respect to the MMR vaccine, you are aware that the doctor that caused the commotion was shown to have "fudged" his data, and all of his alleged studies were debunked and shown to be seriously flawed. There is not one credible piece of evidence to support the wild allegations made by those opposed to the vaccine. In this case, the science is not in doubt and impartial bodies have stated that. Go read the US Supreme Court decision for an example.

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There is not one credible piece of evidence to support the wild allegations made by those opposed to the vaccine.

There is, but you haven't seen it because the UK government put a 'D' notice out on it.

LOL. That is not much of an argument.Whenever people like you cannot come up with an intelligent rational argument to support a claim, you fall back on the "conspiracy" excuse.

I will say this for the last time: You cannot support your allegation.

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If it wasn't for this news about Travolta, who would be thinking about him anymore? So really why think about him now? Whatever he did or didn't do at the massage parlor doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Did I mention I couldn't care less? ermm.gif

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Dunno about the truth of this case but if I was a chancer I'd be very wary about making false accusations against big stars in the hope of cashing in as it's a sure bet they can afford infinitely better legal representation than me.

I'm not his number one fan ( understatement of the decade ) but I have to respect Justin Bieber's posse of legal hawks. Woman pops up and says that she's had his kid. Says she got up the duff after a concert. Her lawyers wanted a payout. Justin says after every concert he meets and greets the fans, hops in the limo and goes to his hotel to sleep. His lawyers issued a statement that Justin was more than willing to do a DNA test and if the results were negative then they'd go after the woman and sue her for everything she'd got.

Woman's legal team drop the lawsuit and slink off into the dust...

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If you google around you will now see that John Doe number 1 was dropped by the lawyer as his testimony was clearly wrong and John Travolta was many thousands of miles away at the time. All charges were dropped, HOWEVER, John Doe 1 has now come back with another celebrity lawyer who is willing to take up his case.

Why do they call these anonymous people John Doe 1 and 2 and surely if you decide to name someone in a lawsuit then you should automatically be named yourself.

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With regard to people who are alleging a sexual assault, the name is withheld. If you remember the DSK case, the maids name was not released in the US.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HE'S been accused of sexually assaulting male masseurs, but today John Travolta was heaped with fresh embarrassment after photos surfaced of him cross-dressing.


The National Enquirer published photos of Travolta dressed in drag in 1997. Source: AP

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In the pictures published by the National Enquirer, the Pulp Fiction star appears in full drag and allegedly it was not for a film role.

The magazine claims that his wife of over 20 years, actress Kelly Preston, has left him in the wake of the scandal.

A "friend of the actress" told the publication: "Kelly told me their marriage is over and made it clear that she's no longer living in the family home.

"She's put up with John's double life for decades while his behaviour remained in the shadows.

"But all this coming out in public has humiliated her. Kelly is absolutely destroyed."

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