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Thailand Elite Card: TAT Hopes To Present Revamped Project To Cabinet By End Of May


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More useful would a card that allows you to avoid tea money. "This card confirms the owner has already paid a lifetimes supply of tea money directly to the Thai govt and is therefore exempt from being ripped off by ANY Thai officials" Now I'd consider buying that.

Oh yeah! I'd be up for one of those.

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Khun Prakit was absolutely right - but the the existing members are NOT going to be happy to find that their "lifetime" membership in fact really became 8 years (or less, depending when they joined).

True, but, being Elite Farangs, it should be about what they expect, unless they are dumb, or not terribly well versed in the myriad ways of the Kingdom, in which case they are just dopey and should have done something else with their money... for example giving it to the temple.

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''The revival is on the personal orders of the Boss overseas, whose ego is too huge to admit that he made a horrible mistake. Anyway the B280 million represents more patronage for friends and relatives of the PT and red shirt worthies who are due rewards for loyal service to the Boss and sis. The card could probably be issued by a department of three police sergeants earning B8,000 a month each at the Immigration Dept at Chaengwattana but, instead they have to set up a massive establishment with plush offices in town and an advertising budget that costs more than potential revenue etc etc.

The only justification offered for this theft of taxpayers' money is that some elite card holders made significant investments in Thailand. But there is nothing to suggest that the card was the reason for those investments and what smart businessman would invest big bucks just because of a stupid card? Instead of wasting money on this garbage, the Boss should ensure that laws are changed, so that big investors can easily obtain PR or citizenship, if they want it, in the same way as he has benefitted from such rules overseas. They should also ensure fairness, transparency and timeliness in processing such applications from ordinary foreigners who qualify, instead of the current "black hole" system at the Interior Ministry. When they've finished that, they should get rid of the racially discriminatory laws against foreigners owning land or their own businesses which are bound to backfire eventually on Thai companies trying to invest overseas. All that would boost foreign investment unequivocably at nil cost to the taxpayer and eliminate any justification for this ridiculous card''

Laudable but shouldn't this be for any government of thailand past, present and future. Or this just a knocking shop

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useful would a card that allows you to avoid tea money. "This card confirms the owner has already paid a lifetimes supply of tea money directly to the Thai govt and is therefore exempt from being ripped off by ANY Thai officials" Now I'd consider buying that.

Curious as to whom and for what you have actually paid "tea money" for in Thailand? You seem to be saying you deal with it all the time.

Just asking, as I have lived and worked here going on 10 years and can't recall a single time I have paid "tea money" to a government official. I have paid a couple of traffic fines in cash at the time of the offense, but I don't consider that "tea money".

Not saying it doesn't happen, but I don't think many farangs are exposed to it.


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Given the issue the red shirt leaders have with the word 'elite' and given the logical marketing aim of 'think global act local' I would recommend that they rebrand the card

"Siam Amartaya Card"

Because everyone wants to be an Amartaya; given that around 50% of the elite cards were given away to Thaksin's mates for free, this might be one of the best ways to be able to say, 'even though we are Prai, we always welcome the Amartaya as long as they have 1 million baht OR are close personal friends in which case we give for free.'

And of course, the fact that the media will be booked via an associate of the government's firm with full price paid for every ad, while the media firm negotiates a discount of say 30% on the 200m baht media expense...that's just good fund raising for the next election.

The playbook of former TAT Governor Juthamas and close personal friend of Thaksin worked last time around, why not try again. the only question is who will play the role of Miss 40% this time?

Nice work if you can get it.

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I have a friend who is a Thailand Elite card member and he is very complimentary to the quality of services offered to the members. As published in the Bangkok Post on the 26th April, 2012, however, "A member survey by TPC found 51% of cardholders found the company's closure acceptable, 23% did not, and 26% had no comment."

My friend was one of the 26% "no comments" as the questionnaire was poorly written and offered a choice of a) Accept dissolution and a refund (with no amount specified) or B) Happy for the card to continue (no mention of further reduced benefits).

So the Thai government have decided to continue a long bankrupt scheme that 77% of members have no/little interest in continuing PLUS are planning to reduce benefits for interested members further. Is this sensible to any race/culture/business?

The management of this scheme carries a clear message. Do NOT believe what Thai's promise (particularly if they want your cash up front), Do NOT do business in Thailand, do not invest in Thailand and do not show any faith in the Thai government. sick.gif

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"The management of this scheme carries a clear message. Do NOT believe what Thai's promise (particularly if they want your cash up front), Do NOT do business in Thailand, do not invest in Thailand and do not show any faith in the Thai government. sick.gif

last phrase maybe but don't tar an entire country and people just because we have morons running the place.

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It's beyond comprehension that they're still pursuing a scheme that proved such an utter failure. Well, on the other hand... they want to bag another 280 million Baht. Perhaps there is some smart thinking behind this after all. Oh, Miracle Thailand!!!

The revival is on the personal orders of the Boss overseas, whose ego is too huge to admit that he made a horrible mistake. Anyway the B280 million represents more patronage for friends and relatives of the PT and red shirt worthies who are due rewards for loyal service to the Boss and sis. The card could probably be issued by a department of three police sergeants earning B8,000 a month each at the Immigration Dept at Chaengwattana but, instead they have to set up a massive establishment with plush offices in town and an advertising budget that costs more than potential revenue etc etc.

I'm glad you got that off your chest, but seriously, don't you just love the way they've worked out how to pay bonuses to the 111?? cheesy.gifbiggrin.png

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To quote part of a popular truism: "You can fool some of the people all the time."

Just like with the on-going jet ski extortions, there are new suckers showing up every day to get shafted in the rear (pocket).

It's not enough to simply pay for a plane ticket and come to Thailand to try and have a great holiday, Nowadays, any remotely savvy traveler should do a lot of checking around (on internet, or person-to-person, or.....?) in order to try and avoid the chasmotic pitfalls that exist for first-time tourists to Thailand.

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Given the issue the red shirt leaders have with the word 'elite' and given the logical marketing aim of 'think global act local' I would recommend that they rebrand the card

"Siam Amartaya Card"

The 'SAC'................sounds about right ;)

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It is a face saver for the Bosses grand idea.

Failure is not an option since the boss doesn't like it.

Thaksin thinks PTP does, regardless of business logic.

Spreads some more funds around for the newly returned,

and they all so love something that makes 'status appear higher' to all and sundry.

They obviously don't see it as so inverse most of the election spiels

that they unraveled to get in their seats. They also obviously don't

see it as a loss leader but as some great advertising coup.

As if the rest of the world sees Thailand through Thai eyes.

End Game?


The losers?

Thai public.

They could have put this cash into the Thai Womens Fund

to speedup it's implementation and reach more in need sooner...

But that's not the bosses grand idea.

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blatant skim.

Definition of stupidity doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result.

You blokes just don't get,it's got nothing to do with the good of Thailand.It's all about touching up the taxpayer,a bit more blatant than the west,but the same game.Got away with it once,why not try again,do you think they will notice,only a few farangs on some forum.Do they vote,no,mai pen rai.
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Will the thai goverment keep its word and if you pay out a fortune for an elite card, will you get all the promised things after 10 years either? Well, that is the first question...

For example if you made a company to get a condomminium where you got 49% farangs already on company name you was happy till now, but you cannot make in the future so, or you can try it, till they will decide to change the costs of your unworking company and rise that taxes to the sky, and than you can start hardly working on selling your company for someone other, who wish to pay. Likely farangs will not do so, so some lucky thais will get your condo for a bargain.

Good luck for all the future elite members. The basic idea is great. I really do like it.

However knowing the strengh of the promisses of this country, - the law changing every day, and also there are many harsh corruptions everytime and everywhere - I better call nowadays them (the future rushing elite members) belivers with big hopes.

Is Thailand a country which makes your dream come true? That is the second big question. And you should ask from yourself that simple question before you put yourself on this program. If you sure that the answer is 100% "yes" - do it. But if you not sure, better wait some more years and have a look after the "elite cards project" again. This is what i will do.

Would you trust a pollie in any country with your hard earned.
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You know stupid is as stupid does. people will invest in this. Then come on here and defend it. One is born every minute.

It is very clear that most of the posters on this thread are people living on their small pensions from the old country, doing their visaruns or manage to get their extensions based on marriage with 401k in the bankaccount. We are not all the same. Been a Elitecardmember since 2003, bought the card mainly to be able buy land in my own name, rules changed 3 months after paying 1M. Shit happens! On the other hand the visa in my present passport expires 2016=13 years without having to worry about visa. Even if the government should decide to close down the card tomorrow, I am sure I will get most of my money back (yeah yeah save all your predictable comments). Even if I should get zero, it wouldn't change my life in any way, as I am part of the minority (Elite), who actually can afford to stay here!!

Compared to the people staying here on extensions based on retirement, I think that we, the elite, are the smarter ones. To qualify for ret.ext. you need to have 800k in the bank (I know it is only 3 months, but you somekind need to have them spare all year around). The Elitecardmembers paid 200k more, and got fasttrackimmigration, limoservice, upgrading on Thai, free golf (on certain courses), free spatreatment and 5 years visas (renewable for life). So maybe we are not so stupid after all.

And the way I see it is between the cardholders and the Thai government, and none of your business.

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You know stupid is as stupid does. people will invest in this. Then come on here and defend it. One is born every minute.

It is very clear that most of the posters on this thread are people living on their small pensions from the old country, doing their visaruns or manage to get their extensions based on marriage with 401k in the bankaccount. We are not all the same. Been a Elitecardmember since 2003, bought the card mainly to be able buy land in my own name, rules changed 3 months after paying 1M. Shit happens! On the other hand the visa in my present passport expires 2016=13 years without having to worry about visa. Even if the government should decide to close down the card tomorrow, I am sure I will get most of my money back (yeah yeah save all your predictable comments). Even if I should get zero, it wouldn't change my life in any way, as I am part of the minority (Elite), who actually can afford to stay here!!

Compared to the people staying here on extensions based on retirement, I think that we, the elite, are the smarter ones. To qualify for ret.ext. you need to have 800k in the bank (I know it is only 3 months, but you somekind need to have them spare all year around). The Elitecardmembers paid 200k more, and got fasttrackimmigration, limoservice, upgrading on Thai, free golf (on certain courses), free spatreatment and 5 years visas (renewable for life). So maybe we are not so stupid after all.

And the way I see it is between the cardholders and the Thai government, and none of your business.

So, you're not so stupid after all?coffee1.gif

It's good to see at least one satisfied elite customer. thumbsup.gif

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Soi41: I suggest you make use of the massage and spa facilities before you have a coronary.

Relax, it`s just a chat on the internet. Why the venom?

Quite funny actually, as I am the owner of 2 spas and another privillige with the card is free yearly healthchecksclap2.gif
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The best way for Thailand to continue to ruinits reputation in the global community as a bungling, inept, backwards, and xenophobic country would be to abolish the Thailand Elite car, which has already sold >2,500 lifetime of benefits at 1,000,000Thai Baht each to the wealthiest and most influential investors in Thailand. Are these really the 2500 people Thailand wants to royal piss off? They don't want their money back -- they want the privileged and benefits they paid for. Its no worth any law suits or more bad PR -- rather at least just honor these memberships already sold. Otherwise they risk the most severe and significant downgrade in the highest end segment of foreign Thai investors, which could cripple the Thai economy.

The smart move would be to keep Thai Elite going, even if the program itself has a loss. The overall benefit in terms of infux of huge foreign capital investment alone is worth it.

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Soi41: I suggest you make use of the massage and spa facilities before you have a coronary.

Relax, it`s just a chat on the internet. Why the venom?

Quite funny actually, as I am the owner of 2 spas and another privillige with the card is free yearly healthchecksclap2.gif

Oh well. I own a bicycle and a ferocious soi dog. Time to crawl back under my rock.

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Soi41: I suggest you make use of the massage and spa facilities before you have a coronary.

Relax, it`s just a chat on the internet. Why the venom?

Quite funny actually, as I am the owner of 2 spas and another privillige with the card is free yearly healthchecksclap2.gif

Another happy ending.clap2.gif

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Soi41: I suggest you make use of the massage and spa facilities before you have a coronary.

Relax, it`s just a chat on the internet. Why the venom?

Quite funny actually, as I am the owner of 2 spas and another privillige with the card is free yearly healthchecksclap2.gif

I always wondered where Harry got his inspiration from rolleyes.gif Quite funny actually.


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The idea itself isnt horrible, but the inept management and way the project was fund once for lifetime use is just doomed to failure..

A government approved system, providing red carpet visa service, investment links, path to PR and citizenship (these are the kind of people for citizenship apps surely) etc etc Is a problem crying out for a solution.. Look at the Malayasia my second home or brazilian investment schemes..

Of course if its going to be a badly run, ill funded, ill defined idea without any clear mandate from government run by xenephobic rules.. Its also doomed to failure.

2 simple step would make them a fortune.

Allow the card holder life time multiple entry visa

And right to own up to a limit of a half a rai of land. Easy

Land limit would be to allay fears of foreigners (taking over Thailand, farms, food supply, inflation etc.)

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Thought Thaksin, PTP, and their red dupes were opposed to the Elite.

I must be wrong coz they want to create another million of them with people's pennies.

Robin Hood in reverse I reckon.

Look at the old boss, same as the new boss.

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This could have great advantages and huge disadvantages.

The elite American Express card comes to mind:



And BTW, has anyone considered that the authorities could impose purchasing an elite card for those who wish to stay in Thailand long term as part of the Immigration requirements?

They possibly could, but they probably won't.

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