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Thai Women Extorting Money From Farlangs Through Facebook


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Hook line and sinker is all i can say, should do wonders for the shareprice.

Maybe these clever bargirls should be forced to give the future shareholders of FB 100 baht for every 20,000 baht scammed from a farang.

Sounds like a worthwhile investment to me


Edited by ozzieovaseas
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Edited so that Beetlejuice's comments did not appear next to my name ...

A few facts from the Beetlejuice vault of truth and wisdom that may save a guy a fortune and a lot of emotional trauma. (my bolding)


Edited by David48
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What does kwai mean?

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


TheBlether is back in town!!!!!!

He sure is.....after a few days of, wait for it, having to WORK for a living bah.gif

I'm too sure if I'm liking being compared to a buffalo David48 blink.png

I'm not comparing you to a buffalo blether, nor suggesting linked imagery ...

More that will warmly remember for your pursuit of welfare of the sick buffalo.

buffalo blether … does have quite a ring to it though!

Edited by David48
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Edited so that Beetlejuice's comments did not appear next to my name ...

A few facts from the Beetlejuice vault of truth and wisdom that may save a guy a fortune and a lot of emotional trauma. (my bolding)


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my boldings can never hurt me.

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He sure is.....after a few days of, wait for it, having to WORK for a living bah.gif

I'm too sure if I'm liking being compared to a buffalo David48 blink.png

I'm not comparing you to a buffalo blether, nor suggesting linked imagery ...

More that will warmly remember for your pursuit of welfare of the sick buffalo.

buffalo blether … does have quite a ring to it though!

BB for short!

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Let`s leave `love` out of it for a minute.

In the U.K, you hear all the time about vulnerable old people being cheated out of their savings/pensions and being left cold and hungry. Society reacts with revulsion and disgust. I bet some of those praising the fraudulent actions of love scammers on here would be at the front of the queue to give a bloody good kicking to anyone who would cheat a little old lady. Or are they fair game too, as long as an `enterprising individual` makes a few bob to feed their family?

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If you want to have some fun with these scamming girls, send them random Western Union information and tell them you sent 50,000 baht.

They will invariably come back saying that the details are wrong. Simply "fix the error" and send them back again.

Repeat this until you get bored....but it should take a while.

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Now I know that story doesn't fit in with the OP, however it does show that it's possible to meet beautiful, ( and by the way, she was jaw droppingly beautiful ) women via the net. WITHOUT PAYING A PENNY!!!

She really was wild though, a typical BKK Party Girl.

This thread is useless without pics.

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One of my wife's younger aquaintences is a cam girl. You would be amazed at the number of men who send her money above and beyond her actual camming. They tell her they want her to get all the money instead of the cam company.

She has met a couple of them when they fly out here to meet her. One young guy is a US Navy sailor. He has come out a few times, and he sends her a hefty PayPal each month. She has shown my wife some of their chats, and my wife has then shown me. He has had her "quit" camming. How does she do it? She just blocks his state from access. He keeps telling ehr not to go to the condo pool because other guys will look at her "boobies." He tells her not to wear sexy clothes, not to go out, etc. He sends her numerous videos, I guess, of him pleasuring himself. (I read the references, but did not see the videos--not that I wanted to.)

The whole thing amazes me. I can understand some lonely guy paying to watch a girl strip for him online. But to keep paying without a show? To meet a girl on a cam site where she gets naked, then expect her not to go to the pool because someone might see her in a swim suit?

I would guess she has five or six guys sending her money above and beyond her camming share. She has recently bought a condo and a car, so i guess she is doing well. My wife says she is pretty honest with most of the guys, but with the young guy, she leads on with promises of marriage. The guy is leaving the Navy so he can be with her, but she tells my wife she will probably drop him then as he won't have a job, and she doesn't want him here in Thailand as an English teacher (his current plan, although his English skills are atrocious.)

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One of my wife's younger aquaintences is a cam girl. You would be amazed at the number of men who send her money above and beyond her actual camming. They tell her they want her to get all the money instead of the cam company.

She has met a couple of them when they fly out here to meet her. One young guy is a US Navy sailor. He has come out a few times, and he sends her a hefty PayPal each month. She has shown my wife some of their chats, and my wife has then shown me. He has had her "quit" camming. How does she do it? She just blocks his state from access. He keeps telling ehr not to go to the condo pool because other guys will look at her "boobies." He tells her not to wear sexy clothes, not to go out, etc. He sends her numerous videos, I guess, of him pleasuring himself. (I read the references, but did not see the videos--not that I wanted to.)

The whole thing amazes me. I can understand some lonely guy paying to watch a girl strip for him online. But to keep paying without a show? To meet a girl on a cam site where she gets naked, then expect her not to go to the pool because someone might see her in a swim suit?

I would guess she has five or six guys sending her money above and beyond her camming share. She has recently bought a condo and a car, so i guess she is doing well. My wife says she is pretty honest with most of the guys, but with the young guy, she leads on with promises of marriage. The guy is leaving the Navy so he can be with her, but she tells my wife she will probably drop him then as he won't have a job, and she doesn't want him here in Thailand as an English teacher (his current plan, although his English skills are atrocious.)

nice to see a girl with some morals and decent standards.

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The same applies to the guys who sole ambitions become to bed the girl, again giving the semblance that they are genuinely interested in the relationship but in actuality is looking for some freebies with no strings attached and couldn’t give a rat’s behind regarding the feelings of the girl and the emotional traumas this may cause to them. They could be described as emotional rapists, exploiting a girl’s feelings and affections for a guy.

The problem is that many are just seeking something for nothing, cheapskates that have no decency or respect for anyone, who use bluff and deception without any regard that within these relationships someone is going to get hurt, quite often with dire consequences. This pertains to both the guys and the gals. No wonder there is so much crap going on between people with these sorts of attitudes.

The problems are that the selfish and in some cases criminal actions of the Jack the Lads, fly by night boys and the femme fatale among us makes it extremely difficult to put trust into any relationships and really does spoil things for those seeking genuine partners and a soul mate. Plus that’s called; using people. Those who have mastered the art of bluff, lying and deception so flawlessly, without a bat of an eyelid or any feelings of remorse are of dubious character and should never be trusted, whether is business, as friends or even as an addition to a social circle and should be well avoided for obvious reasons.

This is a very good point, Beetle dude. I know quite a few guys who are into this, usually younger farang guys who are lacking in the finance department. They would basically say anything to get a girl in the sack, from promises of marriage to life in a faraway paradise. Of course, they'll target the most vulnerable and needy. The OP should start another thread with the title "Farangs extorting sex from Thai women through lying and deception." How about some equal time, Mr. Ebmzlm?

Aren't you objectifying women too much? Women don't trade sex for security. Women like sex as much as men and only involve themselves with young men because of love and mutual attraction.

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The same applies to the guys who sole ambitions become to bed the girl, again giving the semblance that they are genuinely interested in the relationship but in actuality is looking for some freebies with no strings attached and couldn’t give a rat’s behind regarding the feelings of the girl and the emotional traumas this may cause to them. They could be described as emotional rapists, exploiting a girl’s feelings and affections for a guy.

The problem is that many are just seeking something for nothing, cheapskates that have no decency or respect for anyone, who use bluff and deception without any regard that within these relationships someone is going to get hurt, quite often with dire consequences. This pertains to both the guys and the gals. No wonder there is so much crap going on between people with these sorts of attitudes.

The problems are that the selfish and in some cases criminal actions of the Jack the Lads, fly by night boys and the femme fatale among us makes it extremely difficult to put trust into any relationships and really does spoil things for those seeking genuine partners and a soul mate. Plus that’s called; using people. Those who have mastered the art of bluff, lying and deception so flawlessly, without a bat of an eyelid or any feelings of remorse are of dubious character and should never be trusted, whether is business, as friends or even as an addition to a social circle and should be well avoided for obvious reasons.

This is a very good point, Beetle dude. I know quite a few guys who are into this, usually younger farang guys who are lacking in the finance department. They would basically say anything to get a girl in the sack, from promises of marriage to life in a faraway paradise. Of course, they'll target the most vulnerable and needy. The OP should start another thread with the title "Farangs extorting sex from Thai women through lying and deception." How about some equal time, Mr. Ebmzlm?

I have an American friend who does this, and he is not a younger guy. He finds the girls on websties. But he says he will not meet the girls who seem to really be looking for a family. He hits up the girls who are obviously looking for money or support. he lives in the US, but comes out to Thailand and the Philippines for most of the time. He explained it to a group of us once that if a girl asks for tuition, money for a medical problem, or whatever, he tells them he would support her if they were a couple, but he doesn't want to get scammed by sending money to someone just over the internet. So he meets the girl, has a good couple of days, then moves on with no money paid.

Maybe I should be aghast at this, but to be honest, I kind of like it and enjoy the tales of his many escapades.

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get a dictionary. look up the word extortion.

Yes these ladies aren't using extortion with the "farlangs." That's elevating the intelligence of the farang. They're outwiting the farang. And I'm guessing that isn't a very big challenge.

extort: wrest or wring (money, information, etc.) from a person by violence, intimidation, or abuse of authority; obtain by force, torture, threat, or the like.
Edited by Suradit69
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I wonder if I create a fake profile for myself on facebook, get some photo's of a hot Thai chick.

knock on a few doors so to speak.

Maybe I could make a few bucks myself.

At least stock up the wine cellar a bit.

yes some people really ARE THAT STUPID.

You would not be the first!

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HAHA,this is priceless. We come to their country to use and abuse these people and take advantage of their cheap economy. Yet we complain when they give us back some of our own medicine. We are all hypocrites in one form or another.

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Not sure if stupid is the right term to use. I think incredibly vulnerable emotionally is the correct term. The Thai women are very clever, and know what to say. It seems like they have a "how to appeal to incredibly vulnerable fareng men" textbook somewhere that they study. And these guys just buy it. I was in a strip club in Los Angeles some time ago (do not ask my why- what a waste of time!) and there was a homely looking older gent in the corner, with two of the strippers, for some time. I asked one of the girls what his deal was, and she said he comes in about once a month. I asked her what he spends, and she said he averages $800 for 90 minutes! And there was no sex involved! Just a little TLC, from a couple of decent looking gals. So, that may give us an indication of the level of desperation in the west. The most ludicrous part of this equation is the thought that you could consider someone your "girl" without ever having met her. Where is the allowance for chemistry? What level of desperation do you have to be feeling to do something like that? This is a really scary topic, in that it offers tremendous insight into the psychology of western men, and the ability and cleverness of Thai women to exploit that.

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I imagine controlling and sending/giving money are inter-related for many of the men doing it. Particularly guys who have chips on their shoulders about ex's cheating on them, but they can't see the real reason the ex didn't want them and need to 'own' their latest girlfriend to stop it happening again.

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These men give the money for lies. They are deceived, they have no clue about other fellow supporters, they pay for sick buffalos that have never existed etc.

Most of these girls live a fairly good life. This is their lifestyle and they exactly know the outcome. And it is also a misconception how much they are in a need. These girls live a better lifestyle than an ordinary westerner on an ordinary wage.

Applauding to this ill-behaviour shows a poor mentality.

I happen to know a few of these "industrious" ladies and they don't always work in bars. They know exactly what they do. They become addicted to this lifestyle, enjoy it than they laugh at these losers and no matter how generous man they find, they still need another one and another one. Amazing how fast they spend their money anyway.

These guys are giving away the money with good-will. Maybe they are overly naive or easily gullible, but does it mean they deserve to be ripped off?

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Have to agree on the naivity

Your wife has some goof friends i see

Since her farlang husband left her and the baby (which is biologically his) and ran off to marry the next Thai he came along.

Yes she has had to find a way of getting money to support.

And it quite easy and funny at the same time how naive farlangs can be.

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Again apologies for using the wrong term "extorting"!

The funniest thing is people are actually defending these girls. We all know it's a game for them etc etc. but to put poverty in to the question is absurd!

Farlangs are the problem with Thailand, we gift, sympathy etc for what!

Let's be serious the average wage in Thailand is 12,000 baht a month. The average price of food is 30bht. A room 2000 bht.

Without us they'd be fine.

Go look in Cambodia or the Philippines the women are completely different. No games played. They are a lot poorer there.

You are joking? The Philippines is notorious for "sympathy" scams and many websites carry warnings to that affect. Western Union posts warnings due to the number of complaints from American's sending money to Pinay's and then finding they don't exist or suddenly disappear. Normally starts with - no money for food, can't pay rent, parents / sibblings / offspring ill and no money for hospitals, accident / illness and no money for medicine etc etc. All caerfully planted into conversations whilst trying to build a relationship. A friend in the Philppines nearly fell for all this crap, but luckily got someone to check. The young lady was actually living in a very nice house with boyfriend and children, and apparently had several "friends" in Europe and the States sending regular donations to aleviate her poverty! I saw similar things in India, China and yes, the UK too. Not unique to Thailand at all.

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Normally starts with - no money for food, can't pay rent, parents / sibblings / offspring ill and no money for hospitals, accident / illness and no money for medicine

Don't they have sick buffaloes in the Philippines?

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I wonder if I create a fake profile for myself on facebook, get some photo's of a hot Thai chick.

knock on a few doors so to speak.

Maybe I could make a few bucks myself.

At least stock up the wine cellar a bit.

yes some people really ARE THAT STUPID.

there are already plenty of DUDES doing just exactly this , on facebook , thailovelink, thailandfriends, asianfriendfinder etc etc .... like how many guys going out with some rice paddy crabs from patpong, cowboy,nana, bangla, walking street are actually the ones writting the emails to the kwaïs asking them to send in money? WAKE UP this is one of the oldest scam in thailand !

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Did you ever hear the story about the frog and the scorpion crossing the river? The bar girl is the scorpion. It is not her fault. It's her nature. You can google the story if you don't know it.

The point of the story IMO isn't to relieve the scorpion of moral responsibility for her actions but the stupidity of the frog.

Do you not believe that if they stopped lying, they would have more chance of sustaining a relationship?

You are assuming that is their goal, when it's more likely to simply maximize short-term cash flow. Different strokes. . .

Neither of those are a scam. Its simply someone asking for money. If you are willing to give freely then there is no problem. If you think you are receiving something in return then the simple phrase "caveat emptor" applies.

Who is doing the scamming? Really it is only a scam if the girl is not really a girl but someone posing as one.

The crux of the definition in this case is intentional deception for personal gain

And when the victim is a subnormal idiot, the crime is that much more evil.

If there is no deception involved and the money is freely given based on truth being told and used for the purpose given, then IMO there's no problem.

That is rarely the case even in normal real-world relationships back home, but just because such crimes are common in modern society - in fact the basis for many hugely successful and socially respected businesses - doesn't make it any less evil. The only creature more despised than a con artists in the monkey house is the paedophile.

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After the farang wises up and realises he has been led up the creek, he often justifies it as "helping the poor Thais get out of poverty". I suppose better a philanthropist than an idiot.

Yes, this seems to me to be a valid reason for opening one's wallet to the Thai pooying, as long as she in turn is doing something to make life better for you.

We Westerners are Walking ATMs, we are mini Ministries of Overseas Development. As long as you think you are getting your moneysworth in the exchange, where is the problem?

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HAHA,this is priceless. We come to their country to use and abuse these people and take advantage of their cheap economy. Yet we complain when they give us back some of our own medicine. We are all hypocrites in one form or another.

Hold on a second......

The vast majority of foreign guys do not use and abuse these people....??

Don't claim your blinkered views apply to all of us.

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