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Yingluck Launches Anti-Corruption Campaign


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The guy on Yingluck's left does not seem too happy about it.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister and Pheu Thai Party MP rarely seems happy with anything.


Yuthasak Sasiprapa

official Public Relations Department photo

Bet he had "ma-naao (lime fruit) for breakfast sense childhood.rolleyes.gif

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all this from a PM who is not considering a Cabinet reshuffle and the next day


"Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra, who is now prime minister, indicated she might give Jatuporn a seat in her cabinet despite his loss of seat.

"Jatuporn is considered a competent and dedicated person so I have to see where to place him," she said when asked about the next reshuffle.

By orders from BB.

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Corruption by politics and officials in Thailand should be considered as lese Majeste offences and punished accordingly. One can't make personal profits on the back of the Kingdom, it is stealing the King and his subjects.

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The guy on Yingluck's left does not seem too happy about it.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister and Pheu Thai Party MP rarely seems happy with anything.


Yuthasak Sasiprapa

official Public Relations Department photo

Bet he had "ma-naao (lime fruit) for breakfast sense childhood.rolleyes.gif

after encountering three successive photos of him showing just how much sour juice he's had in his lifetime...


I was beginning to wonder if he ever smiled... then, found two times, at least, when he did.

When he first stepped up to the trough on Cabinet Minister inauguration day....


and apropos to this thread's topic, during talks with Lao Army Generals for very lucrative discussions on money-making developments along the border AKAThe Emerald Triangle Development Plan

... now that put a nice big smile on his face... :)



Edited by Buchholz
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One day your sending 300 on safari...... the next day you are stamping out corruption. stupid kids playing games with Thai money that grows n trees.

Thai money isn't growing on trees as every Thai kid knows, it grows in the pockets of farang for Thais to collect ;-)

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Picture the scene upon entering your local cop shop/orborjor/prosecutor's office et al. Under a bloody great sign stating 'No bribes accepted' (will these be in Thai script too?), there sits your poker faced local government 'service provider' desperately trying to indicate that, bribes are forbidden! But the ubiquitous euphemism that is the 'tip' would be very welcome thankyou. Or else life can be made very difficult for you, because 'we can'.

Stop fannying about <deleted>. Show you're serious and start handing down jail time. Because you can. Anything else will be treated with the aforgoing disdain, and rightly so.

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Have to agree with Skywalker on this one. The PM has made so many instuctional speeches and promises in the past year that it may be at the point, that a nation wide "Ignore" button should be installed.

One of the major problems with all these projects, promises, instructions, decrees, etc is that is there does not seem to be a supply of bodies who are qualified or even inclined to even lay the ground work, much less implement them.

If these people would ever learn and impliment the old "Surprise, its inspection time" thinking, they might just start to make inroads. I still chuckle at one of the latest prison exercises. They found no drugs, but found several dozen inmates tested positive for drug use.This does seem to be a regular pattern in most of the proposed crack downs being announced at press/photo settings.

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If she is that serious about cleaning up corruption, she should tell big brother to take his medicine, return home and go to jail....

This incessant referencing her brother does not add to the debate and is tedious in the extreme. Stay on topic.

Just ignore the gorilla in the corner.

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PM ( Puppet Minister ) says: ""Thailand would have a much better future if corruption, its biggest threat, is rooted out,"

If she were the real thing, she would say: ""Thailand would have a much better future if corruption, its biggest threat, is rooted out, and my ex-brother locked out. If he somehow returns then he will be locked up in solitary confinement."

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If she is that serious about cleaning up corruption, she should tell big brother to take his medicine, return home and go to jail....

This incessant referencing her brother does not add to the debate and is tedious in the extreme. Stay on topic.

But he runs the show. It IS the topic. Without him, she would be even MORE clueless than she already is. And the whole lot of them are such a joke its incomprehensible.

Edited by gemini81
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Only effective anti corruption campaign possible in Thailand would be to take all the politicians, civil servants, policeman, etc, put them in a giant boat, haul it out in the middle of the ocean and sink it.

Diesel is too expensive and will be needed to drive propeller's in the floods; also each crew member would want minimum 300 Baht per day and a liferaft. Bullets are cheaper these days and there are plenty of walls in Bangkok !

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