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Phuket Party?


Phuket party?  

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if no official party is planned by say the end of this month, i may host an unofficial TV party in my house in rawai. my house is almost finished and should definitely be ready in July. the house is big enough to host a party of 50 people or so.

I'll be there !

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Once again, this seems to be going nowhere. If Stafford of the Rawai Sports Club is not a poster here through 'no choice of his own' (post #116), would TV want an official TV function there?

Nice offer from stevehaigh (post #117) for an unofficial function at his house - probably this will be the end result.

Any other suggestions for an official function, or is this to peter out again? Any thoughts on a return to the Ratri (Kata)? What about the Aussie Bar (Kamala), with its upstairs area that could be set aside for us - although perhaps too small? Or the bar overlooking Kata Noi (near the viewpoint)? A hotel with a pool, as suggested before?

Just trying to get this fired up again - let's try to keep away from flaming and pulling the thread down.

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if no official party is planned by say the end of this month, i may host an unofficial TV party in my house in rawai. my house is almost finished and should definitely be ready in July. the house is big enough to host a party of 50 people or so.

Excellent offer, would like to join.

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Still haven't figured it out ? Make it easy on everyone, RSVP with a 500 BHT contribution for all attending, then have TV match it.

Nai Harn lake park would be good, or at any other park for that matter.

Put your money where you mouths is and just do it.

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Yes I know, I'm not going so my advice has to be an attempt to sabotage the party, and can't just be genuine advice blah blah blah. I abstained from the thread for a long time to let it get sorted, it still isn't, so I don't see why I shouldn't be able to comment.

Nearly everybody has agreed that the Rawai Sports Club is a good location. The owner has agreed to host it. Raro is dragging his heels to say the least so I would guess the official TV aspect isn't going to happen. Either Ping or Valentine start another thread with a date, time and ask people to say ONLY if they want to go or not, no other ideas or information allowed on that thread. When you have a list of 15 plus people saying they want to go, which I'm sure you will, you can then decide among yourself if you want to just keep it simple and turn up or pay 500/1000 baht in advance for a buffet etc etc.

After the first one, if everyone enjoys themselves, you can repeat the process every couple of months simply by starting a new thread announcing a get together and asking who wants to come. You could then please everybody by hosting them in different parts of the island each time. I dare say the numbers would increase as time went on as well.

It stands to reason that nothing will happen while people are doing nothing. Somebody man up and get the ball rolling for goodness sake.

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HKP, come on man….. I couldn’t even get a reply to where I can see one of the biggest fights of the year this weekend, had to answer my own forum topic. What makes you think that they would have already figured out where to have the party...

Maybe this forum is like a gang related, and one has to be initiated before they are accepted or respected.

Just plain ridiculous, honestly…….

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Maybe this forum is like a gang related, and one has to be initiated before they are accepted or respected.

Just plain ridiculous, honestly…….

What, you mean nobody told you? You have to beat up either a Tuk Tuk driver or a tailor tout before you become one of the 'in' members of the forum. It's because I don't have a problem with them and refused to do it that every body hates me. biggrin.png

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^ Not only has it been the most accepted idea on the thread but Rawai won the vote as well. What was the point of the poll if not to act on the information gleaned from it?

So who's going to man up and set a date and time? tongue.png

Edited by HongKongPhooey
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Well, considering all the disagreements over party location and whether or not we can bring the kids, wife, ex-wife, pet dog, BF, GF, ladyboy, etc etc , can I suggest one party location which should keep everyone happy and minimise the organiser's expenses

ONLINE!!! burp.gif

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Well, considering all the disagreements over party location and whether or not we can bring the kids, wife, ex-wife, pet dog, BF, GF, ladyboy, etc etc , can I suggest one party location which should keep everyone happy and minimise the organiser's expenses

ONLINE!!! burp.gif

So who are you bringing with you? Picture or it did not happen.

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Yes I know, I'm not going so my advice has to be an attempt to sabotage the party, and can't just be genuine advice blah blah blah. I abstained from the thread for a long time to let it get sorted, it still isn't, so I don't see why I shouldn't be able to comment.

Nearly everybody has agreed that the Rawai Sports Club is a good location. The owner has agreed to host it. Raro is dragging his heels to say the least so I would guess the official TV aspect isn't going to happen. Either Ping or Valentine start another thread with a date, time and ask people to say ONLY if they want to go or not, no other ideas or information allowed on that thread. When you have a list of 15 plus people saying they want to go, which I'm sure you will, you can then decide among yourself if you want to just keep it simple and turn up or pay 500/1000 baht in advance for a buffet etc etc.

After the first one, if everyone enjoys themselves, you can repeat the process every couple of months simply by starting a new thread announcing a get together and asking who wants to come. You could then please everybody by hosting them in different parts of the island each time. I dare say the numbers would increase as time went on as well.

It stands to reason that nothing will happen while people are doing nothing. Somebody man up and get the ball rolling for goodness sake.

OK. OK. Settle down everybody. Guns back in holsters. For those keeping them in their belt, be careful, don't want you blowing your brains out ( sorry off.)

G'day to all and thanks for your support Before I go further I would like to state that I personally don't care whether the proposed party is at Cape Phromthip or on the top of the Sarasin Bridge ( now there's a new thought ) or anywhere else for that matter. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to organise mini buses from further away places, with the added bonus of drink to you drop if that is your nature. At very least you don't have the responsibility of driving DUI.

I have talked with Admin and have advised them that if the members wish via a poll or otherwise I am happy to negotiate a deal with Thai Visa for the party to be held at Phuket Sports and Tennis Club. In the event of bad weather there is room for 150+ under cover. If selected all I can do is promise that it will be like the others, a party to be remembered.

Many have asked what is the reason why I haven't replied to this topic earlier. I suppose if the fact of me being banned since October 2009 ( yes the last party proposal fell over around that time ) was a major factor. All has been resolved now with Admin and I look forward to being an active poster and contributor of facts to this forum.

For the information of all, it was not for any reason concerning the proposed party. It was in fact for promotion of my own business. I am faced with the same dilemma as I write this explanation as it could be misconstrued by some as self promotion. I respectfully ask the moderation team for tolerance in this reply. Reminds me of a members signature " Capitalisation is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse ". Very little sometimes can make a big difference

For example it puts me in the situation of being unable to comment on HKP's suggestion, or at least unable me to say " sure throw 500 in and well have it at my place " = self promotion. Whereas stevehaigh, and thanks at least from me, for your kind offer, can say " cummon down to my place " with no problem. Such is the ambiguity of replies in a forum, I can recommend someone else's business but difficult to reply to others comments about my own. It has been suggested that I become a sponsor to solve any problem but I respectfully refuse that avenue, as I have never paid for advertising since commencing business and working for myself for over 55 years. ( yes I'm over 70 and left school at age 14 ) Why should I start now, word of mouth is fine by me and is the best advertising ever.


See ya'll at the next party, If ever,??? wherever.???


Edited by sportsman69
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It seems to me that the only thing missing now is a Day and time. thumbsup.gif

Unless people are waiting for someone to knock on their door, put their shoes and socks on for them, carry them to the car, drive them to The Rawai Sports Club, carry them to their bar stool and buy them a beer. tongue.png

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The place has not been set. Phuket town/Kathu would be fairest, but Patong should be pretty good as well.

HKP, if I understood correctly you are not even coming to the meeting. Please stop messing around with this and let the people who are going do the talking.

Raro is the grand old man of the planing and will announce the plan when it's time. I also feel that this has taken quite a long time, but we do not know what is happening behind the scenes. Maybe the organizing is ongoing well and the who thing will be announced to us after some time. Have some faith and patience.

Then again.. I'm actually happy that the party did not happen during this storm.

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In that case, I'll bring my wife... once she's finished the building work

Well played. Provided that you are sitting on the chair, drinking beer and watching her working.

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It seems to me that the only thing missing now is a Day and time. thumbsup.gif

Unless people are waiting for someone to knock on their door, put their shoes and socks on for them, carry them to the car, drive them to The Rawai Sports Club, carry them to their bar stool and buy them a beer. tongue.png

Unfortunately not quite that simple. From where I see it firstly it requires whether Thai Visa to decide to have a party or not. Secondly for TV Admin to approach the venue of their / or members choice and arrange important details, two of the least consequential being the date and time. Many provisos come into the mix. Is it going to be a family picnic afternoon into the evening ? Do we want games and other activities.? Just a piss up for the blokes.? Not married but can I bring a rental.? Are Vegemite drillers welcome.? Are kids allowed. ? Can I bring my pack of beagles.? How many heads will attend. ? (excluding those with 2) What are the alternatives or situation for wet weather. ? Do we have a band, if so where to put them, especially with the preceding point in mind. ? Is there insurance cover in case of mishap. ? Will there be an ambulance in attendance ? the list is endless.

There are so many variables especially with the diversity of patrons to this forum. The one denominating factor in staging this event is for someone or a small group or Admin themselves to grab the ball that's already been kicked around, run and score between the posts. For obvious reasons it wont be me. My only suggestion is that another poll be started with a few more definitive questions , some of which Iv'e mentioned / joked about above.

Just read the oilmans suggestion, quote " Raro is the grand old man of the planing and will announce the plan when it's time."

I Totally agree, leave it to Admin, they will ask for help if they need it.

Quote " Then again.. I'm actually happy that the party did not happen during this storm."

​Thought the same to myself at the same time. We're at 37 meters above so floods are not a problem. As long as the food and piss didn't run out we would be OK. Had 150 here on a hash run once with similar conditions, no problem 'cept a few cars bogged in the rubber field next door.

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None of that matters if it isn't an official TV party. Why does it need to be official, what does it add to the occasion? If it's at your place then just play by the same rules you always play by. Do you allow kids in your place normally? If so keep it the same for the party. People are making something so simple, so complicated.

@ oilinki

I left the thread alone on purpose and it didn't make the slightest difference. If you really think me posting on this thread has anythong to do with the party not being organised then you live in a fantasy world IMO.

Edited by HongKongPhooey
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Quote HKP

" None of that matters if it isn't an official TV party. Why does it need to be official, what does it add to the occasion? "

To beg your pardon but putting it bluntly and in simple terms it's a Thai Visa occasion. You have obviously not been to one and seem disinterested to attend the next one. To quote your own words from this morning " Yes I know, I'm not going so my advice has to be an attempt to sabotage the party "

This link was started as an official party scenario starting with a poll and asking questions of the members by a global moderator of Thai Visa.

That's official enough for me.

If you wish to canvass members to a party which has no relevance to this on go right ahead, start a new thread and organise your own party. Please do not try to derail this one.

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Please do not try to derail this one.

Derail what one? There is no party to derail. How does me sharing my opinion stop Raro organising a party?

I will leave the thread alone again. Watching grown men strugle to organise a simple get together is more amusing than the party could ever be anyhow.

Perhaps it was a Christmas party Raro was referring to. whistling.gif

Edited by HongKongPhooey
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The place has not been set. Phuket town/Kathu would be fairest, but Patong should be pretty good as well.

HKP, if I understood correctly you are not even coming to the meeting. Please stop messing around with this and let the people who are going do the talking.

Raro is the grand old man of the planing and will announce the plan when it's time. I also feel that this has taken quite a long time, but we do not know what is happening behind the scenes. Maybe the organizing is ongoing well and the who thing will be announced to us after some time. Have some faith and patience.

Then again.. I'm actually happy that the party did not happen during this storm.

Why would Phuket Town/Kathu be the fairest? Looking at the poll further South is much preferred, and especially Kathu is a pain to reach from further South.

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Why would Phuket Town/Kathu be the fairest? Looking at the poll further South is much preferred, and especially Kathu is a pain to reach from further South.

Simply because nobody who live in Phuket would not have to travel more than 30-40km.

Then again, when looking at the weights of the preferred list in to account, Patong should be better.

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Hi there,

sorry for being quiet for a while. I have a day job and cannot devote 100% of my time to this board as others seem to be able to.

As others have pointed out already, there is more to it than just saying let's have a party. We are working behind the scenes and will get back to you later. I thank you all for your contributions, it helped us a lot in the planning.

I will close this thread now and reopen it again when we get closer to the event. B)

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