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Ban On Vitamins.


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At first, I buy my sublingual B-12 Metycobal 500 mg at the Citrus farmacy store at Big C ground floor, Hangdong road. Good ample assortiment.

I have ordered quite some supplements from the US, first no fee, lately 30%. In the US they have good quality for low prices but shipping is always expensive, usualy around $40,-.for a sending. Finding a company, spa or doctor where we could order once in the 3-4 months would be a solution. Well, it needs some organisation, it is just an idea.

Big Pharma has many influences on scientific research at most Universities. But newest insights on taking vitamins, herbs, vegetables and so on are very inspiriting.

I have very good results with supplements, recovering from a discease.

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At first, I buy my sublingual B-12 Metycobal 500 mg at the Citrus farmacy store at Big C ground floor, Hangdong road. Good ample assortiment.

That's odd. Both my doctor and my pharmacist (who is also an M.D.) have told me that it is not available in Thailand. A google search brings up only this thread and one other on TV. When the g/f searched in Thai she also read "not available in Thailand". Are you sure about that?

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At first, I buy my sublingual B-12 Metycobal 500 mg at the Citrus farmacy store at Big C ground floor, Hangdong road. Good ample assortiment.

That's odd. Both my doctor and my pharmacist (who is also an M.D.) have told me that it is not available in Thailand. A google search brings up only this thread and one other on TV. When the g/f searched in Thai she also read "not available in Thailand". Are you sure about that?

I googled it once and found it on phukethealthshop.com Haven't been able to find it there today. As you well know as well as not being able to spell I am almost computer challenged.

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At first, I buy my sublingual B-12 Metycobal 500 mg at the Citrus farmacy store at Big C ground floor, Hangdong road. Good ample assortiment.

That's odd. Both my doctor and my pharmacist (who is also an M.D.) have told me that it is not available in Thailand. A google search brings up only this thread and one other on TV. When the g/f searched in Thai she also read "not available in Thailand". Are you sure about that?

I use it myself. Other pharmacies will have it too, just ask for metycobal.

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What special vitamins are you guys talking about? Are they not available in the country?

Sublingual Vitamin B-12 isn't available here.

But regular is.

Had too look up sublingual.. : The sublingual route, in which B12 is presumably or supposedly absorbed more directly under the tongue, has not proven to be necessary or helpful, though there are a number of lozenges, pills, and even a lollipop designed for sublingual absorption. A 2003 study found no significant difference in absorption for serum levels from oral vs. sublingual delivery of 0.5 mg of cobalamin.[71]

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What special vitamins are you guys talking about? Are they not available in the country?

Sublingual Vitamin B-12 isn't available here.

Psyllium Husk Fiber Capsules aren't available either. At least I haven't been able to find them. I don't like using the powder.

CQ-10 and Saw Palmetto are available here, but it is much cheaper to order from the states.

Possibly the quantity I ordered aroused suspicion. Next time I might just order a 6 month supply.

I know there is vitamin B3 B6 and B12 available here. I get them through my doctor.

I was wondering what Sublingual Vitamin B-12 was for.

I know that one of the B's helps the nerves in my feet and one the cholesterol in my blood not exactly sure of what the other does.

But I had never heard of Sublingual Vitamin B-12.

Always open to new ideas when it comes to my health.

One other thing is how do you know a good company from a company peddling Junk.

Taking vitamin B12 sublingualy allows it to retain its nutrient density and makes those nutrients more readily available to the body. When vitamin B12 is taken via the traditional pill method, it has to go through the digestive process. During this process, it is altered and can lose a great deal of its potency. By skipping the digestive system, one is able to absorb the vitamin B12 with all of its nutrients intact


And if you take Prilosec (Omeprazole) you need ti take B-12 sublingual because Omeprazole will decrease the absorption of vitamin B12 and you won't get it in your system.

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At first, I buy my sublingual B-12 Metycobal 500 mg at the Citrus farmacy store at Big C ground floor, Hangdong road. Good ample assortiment.

That's odd. Both my doctor and my pharmacist (who is also an M.D.) have told me that it is not available in Thailand. A google search brings up only this thread and one other on TV. When the g/f searched in Thai she also read "not available in Thailand". Are you sure about that?

I use it myself. Other pharmacies will have it too, just ask for metycobal.

I'll have to get to Hang Dong and check it out. I asked at another large pharmacy tonight when I was in the city. Answer: "not available in Thailand".

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What special vitamins are you guys talking about? Are they not available in the country?

Sublingual Vitamin B-12 isn't available here.

But regular is.

Had too look up sublingual.. : The sublingual route, in which B12 is presumably or supposedly absorbed more directly under the tongue, has not proven to be necessary or helpful, though there are a number of lozenges, pills, and even a lollipop designed for sublingual absorption. A 2003 study found no significant difference in absorption for serum levels from oral vs. sublingual delivery of 0.5 mg of cobalamin.[71]


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At first, I buy my sublingual B-12 Metycobal 500 mg at the Citrus farmacy store at Big C ground floor, Hangdong road. Good ample assortiment.

That's odd. Both my doctor and my pharmacist (who is also an M.D.) have told me that it is not available in Thailand. A google search brings up only this thread and one other on TV. When the g/f searched in Thai she also read "not available in Thailand". Are you sure about that?

I use it myself. Other pharmacies will have it too, just ask for metycobal.

I'll have to get to Hang Dong and check it out. I asked at another large pharmacy tonight when I was in the city. Answer: "not available in Thailand".

I was at Big C this morning and checked at Citrus, They still have enough price 237 baht a box, 3 strips with 10. They are behind the cassier.

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I was at Big C this morning and checked at Citrus, They still have enough price 237 baht a box, 3 strips with 10. They are behind the cassier.

Thanks again for your help. I just looked at the numbers and since I take 1000 mcg. per day that would be 237 THB every 15 days. (I'm sure you meant 500 mcg. in your earlier post and not 500 mg. as that would be about 499 times the usual daily dose). I bought 1000 X 1000 mcg. (not sublingual) here in Chiang Mai and it was only 150 THB for 1000 pills. So I think it is back to eBay or somewhere like that for an order.

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People say use the normal post office. Do you mean registered post, or just the normal take-a-chance-it-might-arrive version?

Won't the pills be making noises in the jars as they are moved around?

How can one verify that the vitamins one is buying are of the right quality?

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There is also a movement in the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in the States to get everything that isn't already, under their control. Natural foods, raw milk, vitamins and supplements. This is hand in hand with the effort there to make organic farming illegal. Perhaps Thailand by imitation or through coercion is trying to be like them. Thank you Monsanto.

I strongly suspect that thailand have been made to pass this new law by US government. It follows on from a few years back when the government here put lemongrass, chilli and one or two other similar foods onto the dangerous substances list, meanwhile taking off a clear toxin. The US is ostensibly run by the corporations, including monsanto as you refer to. Trouble is, as can be seen with the absurd rules about liquids and gels when flying, the US government - run by US corporations - then tells other governments what to do. This is slowly permeating its way around the world.

Incidentally, all this regulation and banning of supplements vitamins and herbs and stuff can be sourced back to the Codex Alimentarius charter. I'm afraid that US and some european corporations are intent on regulating the whole food industry, all over the world. When we hear of problems in countries like thailand we know that thus far they're being rather successful at continuing to spread their evil toxic produce everywhere.

And when posters talk about thai food being grown with banned chemicals, they might like to remind themselves that yes, they were banned in the US, but only after big pharma had sold millions of tonnes of them onto the US market. But when finally these poisons are banned there, what happens? Why, they sell these killing chemicals onto third world and developing countries. Like thailand.

It's bad enough that these companies can get away with poisoning so much of our produce, but through Codex Alimentarius and the power of the US government, they are also actively trying to shut down alternative sources of food, grown organically and without gm shit in them. And if vitamins and herbs and food supplements will make people healthy, then they too need to be regulated and often simply made unavailable.

The US government along with US corporations (and remember the revolving doors of office going on there) are a very very nasty bunch of people who are tampering with the very source of our existence.

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It's far worse in other countries. A month or two back in new zealand i know there was a bill waiting to be debated - and most likely passed - by the government there effectively banning people from growing their own food.

In the US of course there are all kinds of raids on raw milk farms, and other kinds of farms selling healthy foods. To all intents and purposes the country has gone fascist in practice. Not allowed in many states to sell the food you grow. Forced vaccinations, all kinds of horrors being perpetrated by the state onto the citizens.

As we can see from this latest bit of news about new rules here in thailand, the really tough thing to swallow is that they reach far and wide in this world in their attempt to control, and ruin, the whole food supply.

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This link is good for most vitamins and supplements. I called and the guy speaks English. Know what they have and if you xfer money to an account number he gives you, it will be shipped out the same day. My order arrived the next day. Worked very well.

After clicking the link, the products, prices and website leave a lot to be desired. Not an option I would use.

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There is also a movement in the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in the States to get everything that isn't already, under their control. Natural foods, raw milk, vitamins and supplements. This is hand in hand with the effort there to make organic farming illegal. Perhaps Thailand by imitation or through coercion is trying to be like them. Thank you Monsanto.

I strongly suspect that thailand have been made to pass this new law by US government. It follows on from a few years back when the government here put lemongrass, chilli and one or two other similar foods onto the dangerous substances list, meanwhile taking off a clear toxin. The US is ostensibly run by the corporations, including monsanto as you refer to. Trouble is, as can be seen with the absurd rules about liquids and gels when flying, the US government - run by US corporations - then tells other governments what to do. This is slowly permeating its way around the world.

Incidentally, all this regulation and banning of supplements vitamins and herbs and stuff can be sourced back to the Codex Alimentarius charter. I'm afraid that US and some european corporations are intent on regulating the whole food industry, all over the world. When we hear of problems in countries like thailand we know that thus far they're being rather successful at continuing to spread their evil toxic produce everywhere.

And when posters talk about thai food being grown with banned chemicals, they might like to remind themselves that yes, they were banned in the US, but only after big pharma had sold millions of tonnes of them onto the US market. But when finally these poisons are banned there, what happens? Why, they sell these killing chemicals onto third world and developing countries. Like thailand.

It's bad enough that these companies can get away with poisoning so much of our produce, but through Codex Alimentarius and the power of the US government, they are also actively trying to shut down alternative sources of food, grown organically and without gm shit in them. And if vitamins and herbs and food supplements will make people healthy, then they too need to be regulated and often simply made unavailable.

The US government along with US corporations (and remember the revolving doors of office going on there) are a very very nasty bunch of people who are tampering with the very source of our existence.

femi Fan, you have hit every nail you aimed at square on the head. Especially with your connection to Codex Alimentarius. If you made any mistakes it was to underplay your points, but books could be written on these subjects.

Just because I pointed out the almost unbridled use of dangerous chemicals in this country, don't think for a minute I didn't know how they got here or who profited.

I think if you really like a supplement, keep a good supply on hand. It is probably going to keep getting harder to have them shipped here.

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best place to order supps from is Iherb , they deliver discreetly, are FAR * cheaper than even in the stores here, slip by the customs most of the time, and have good discount codes all the time.

Have ordered hundreds of supplements from them over time here with only one shipment being stopped by fedex

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femi Fan, you have hit every nail you aimed at square on the head. Especially with your connection to Codex Alimentarius. If you made any mistakes it was to underplay your points, but books could be written on these subjects.

Just because I pointed out the almost unbridled use of dangerous chemicals in this country, don't think for a minute I didn't know how they got here or who profited.

I think if you really like a supplement, keep a good supply on hand. It is probably going to keep getting harder to have them shipped here.

So far i've been able to get some really decent superfoods/supplements here in sunny old chiang mai. I have some excellent stuff - eg trinergy powder (from pai, mix of spirulina, wheatgrass juice, and jiaogulan), chia seeds imported from south america, top quality freeze dried moringa mangosteen jiaogulan noni (made by a hawaiin chap). Royal jelly is easily available, bee pollen too.

I think the trick is to try and buy local, but what i like to know is how they manufacture things.

What do you know about vitamin C? My research so far tells me all i need to do is get plain old ascorbic acid which affords the full benefits of what C provides. In other words it's not a synthetic vitamin.

What kind of supplements do you like to have?

Incidentally chiang mai customs 'had a word' with me last year when i came back with four half kilo jars of manuka honey. The rules that these brutal american corporate governments dish out are pathetically absurd sometimes. It's a country, and increasingly a world, governed by a toxic cocktail of greed and stupidity. Thailand was immune from their madness when i got here, and it was one of many reasons why i never left, and made it my home. More and more i see the insanity of american leadership invading thailand, and therefore by inference the world. It's rather sad, and i just wonder how far it will go before the american people themselves expose their corrupt stupid greedy brutal business/political persons.

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best place to order supps from is Iherb , they deliver discreetly, are FAR * cheaper than even in the stores here, slip by the customs most of the time, and have good discount codes all the time.

Have ordered hundreds of supplements from them over time here with only one shipment being stopped by fedex

do you mean i herb?

Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system?

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best place to order supps from is Iherb , they deliver discreetly, are FAR * cheaper than even in the stores here, slip by the customs most of the time, and have good discount codes all the time.

Have ordered hundreds of supplements from them over time here with only one shipment being stopped by fedex

do you mean i herb?

Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system?

You are not making a lot of sense to me all this American bashing and some one suggests an on line supplier and you are wondering how they ship it, Not one word about the quality.

I asked earlier how to sort out the good supplier's from thew bad. No answer. It seems like hypochondriac's running from one doctor to another.

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iHerb. Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system? Yes they ship by international airmail, not lost often, never for me. DHL or similar is an alternative at higher cost and higher likelihood of duties..

Not one word about the quality. I asked earlier how to sort out the good supplier's from thew bad. Look at their reviews, how long they have been in business dah dah dah just like you would checking out any business. Or you might listen to others who have used them as the posts on this website. I know it is rocket science but you can do it Dolly.

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Do you really need vitamin supplements. A lot of medical practioners say that if you have a healthy diet then there is no need to waste money on vitamin supplements. A few beers and 1/2 dozen vitamin pills is not a healthy meal.

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Do you really need vitamin supplements. A lot of medical practioners say that if you have a healthy diet then there is no need to waste money on vitamin supplements. A few beers and 1/2 dozen vitamin pills is not a healthy meal.

Absolutely, but you forget the very important placebo effect. tongue.png

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iHerb. Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system? Yes they ship by international airmail, not lost often, never for me. DHL or similar is an alternative at higher cost and higher likelihood of duties..

Not one word about the quality. I asked earlier how to sort out the good supplier's from thew bad. Look at their reviews, how long they have been in business dah dah dah just like you would checking out any business. Or you might listen to others who have used them as the posts on this website. I know it is rocket science but you can do it Dolly.

If you read the posts on this site you will find out that they do not talk about quality just a few addresses and if you follow some of them you better be able to read Thai.

If you buy a new Honda do you check out the manufacture. Or do you just go on experience and what others have told you both of which are lacking on this thread.

Sorry for complicating it for you.

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There is also a movement in the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in the States to get everything that isn't already, under their control. Natural foods, raw milk, vitamins and supplements. This is hand in hand with the effort there to make organic farming illegal. Perhaps Thailand by imitation or through coercion is trying to be like them. Thank you Monsanto.

Yes I think this the most plausible explanation. America is no longer the land of the free.
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best place to order supps from is Iherb , they deliver discreetly, are FAR * cheaper than even in the stores here, slip by the customs most of the time, and have good discount codes all the time.

Have ordered hundreds of supplements from them over time here with only one shipment being stopped by fedex

do you mean i herb?

Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system?

You are not making a lot of sense to me all this American bashing and some one suggests an on line supplier and you are wondering how they ship it, Not one word about the quality.

I asked earlier how to sort out the good supplier's from thew bad. No answer. It seems like hypochondriac's running from one doctor to another.

America bashing? No, that's not correct. I"m bashing corporations in america, and the people who wrote the Codex Alimentarius charter. I'm bashing people who work for corporations who are brutally bashing our world and the health of american citizens and increasingly citizens in many other nations. I'm bashing the actions of people who are out of control, causing untold harm and death to millions of people. Do you disagree with that?

I'll say it again: there are people working in corporations in america (and in europe), usually big pharma and big food companies, who are shitting on our food growth, production, and supply, and unfortunately they won't keep their deeply criminal activities to themselves. They are flooding your foods with chemicals and poisons. And as if this was not enough for these evil people, they are trying to control and/or eliminate healthy produce and health supplements.

As for the rest of what you say, i guess you're talking to cheesekraft.

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iHerb. Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system? Yes they ship by international airmail, not lost often, never for me. DHL or similar is an alternative at higher cost and higher likelihood of duties..

Not one word about the quality. I asked earlier how to sort out the good supplier's from thew bad. Look at their reviews, how long they have been in business dah dah dah just like you would checking out any business. Or you might listen to others who have used them as the posts on this website. I know it is rocket science but you can do it Dolly.

If you read the posts on this site you will find out that they do not talk about quality just a few addresses and if you follow some of them you better be able to read Thai.

If you buy a new Honda do you check out the manufacture. Or do you just go on experience and what others have told you both of which are lacking on this thread.

Sorry for complicating it for you.

Not at all complicated for me. I have been getting orders delivered without problems for years. High quality stuff, effective for me and others I know who use them. You are one with complications if you can not even go to the IHerb website and find out if they ship by regular post or if they have quality products. Learn to read Thai, it will do wonders for you.

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There is also a movement in the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) in the States to get everything that isn't already, under their control. Natural foods, raw milk, vitamins and supplements. This is hand in hand with the effort there to make organic farming illegal. Perhaps Thailand by imitation or through coercion is trying to be like them. Thank you Monsanto.

You can thank Senator Dick Durbin for the legislation. Yet another invasion into the privacy of citizens around the world.

Please take action by contacting your senators today and tell them to oppose the Durbin and Blumenthal amendment no. 2127 to the FDA Safety and Innovation Act (S.3187).

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iHerb. Do they use regular post? Does this not get 'lost' in the thai postal system? Yes they ship by international airmail, not lost often, never for me. DHL or similar is an alternative at higher cost and higher likelihood of duties..

Not one word about the quality. I asked earlier how to sort out the good supplier's from thew bad. Look at their reviews, how long they have been in business dah dah dah just like you would checking out any business. Or you might listen to others who have used them as the posts on this website. I know it is rocket science but you can do it Dolly.

If you read the posts on this site you will find out that they do not talk about quality just a few addresses and if you follow some of them you better be able to read Thai.

If you buy a new Honda do you check out the manufacture. Or do you just go on experience and what others have told you both of which are lacking on this thread.

Sorry for complicating it for you.

Not at all complicated for me. I have been getting orders delivered without problems for years. High quality stuff, effective for me and others I know who use them. You are one with complications if you can not even go to the IHerb website and find out if they ship by regular post or if they have quality products. Learn to read Thai, it will do wonders for you.

I am not going to go back and count them but I would be willing to say that your reference to your mention of IHerb is probably only the third and the first to talk about the quality. Most of them talk about how to get them delivered. The price or the usefulness or uselessness of the products.

Yes it would help if I could read Thai but I can't and to the best of my knowledge this is a English speaking forum. Thank you for saying that you and a few friends have been getting good results from them.

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