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Is Thailand Really Cheaper For You ?


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My experience, and if your from the USA and live the same lifestyle here in Thailand you will spend more money. I you downsize and live moderately you can spend less. If your from the UK you save lots of money living in LOS...

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

Works the other way too. Try to have a couple of full time housekeepers, nannies, driver, etc. in the US compared to here. Try to have a painter slip off your roof here compared to say Texas. Actually I'd had workers injured on our properties both here and in the US without any issue... but it certainly has the potential to be much more expensive stateside.


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My experience, and if your from the USA and live the same lifestyle here in Thailand you will spend more money. I you downsize and live moderately you can spend less. If your from the UK you save lots of money living in LOS...

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

Works the other way too. Try to have a couple of full time housekeepers, nannies, driver, etc. in the US compared to here. Try to have a painter slip off your roof here compared to say Texas. Actually I'd had workers injured on our properties both here and in the US without any issue... but it certainly has the potential to be much more expensive stateside.


I don't have a maid, nanny or driver in the US. Why should I need or even want one in Thailand?

The point that has been made by the OP is that yes, labor is cheaper in Thailand, but if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

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I can't think of anything I buy which is not cheaper here than back in London. Mostly not by a great amout, maybe 15-20% but housing is massive. Just my community charge in London pays rent and all my bills here so in effect, I now live rent free. I'm paying (monthly bills) roughly 8% of what I was paying in London though that figure is a couple of years old now. Other costs are likely to be in the 80% range but again this is a couple of years old. Just off the top of the head, when I think about the prices in the UK while I was there last year I would not be surprised if it was closer to 70% now.

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I don't know one person in Ireland or Australia were I have lived who has a maid or a driver ,nanny maybe ,but full-time and live in not a chance ,sure there are au pairs but even then I don't know one family growingup who had one

In Thailand everybody I considder a friend has employed ,or employs some sort of home help ,be it full time or every now and again

Is it really a western trait ? Think not

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I don't know one person in Ireland or Australia were I have lived who has a maid or a driver ,nanny maybe ,but full-time and live in not a chance ,sure there are au pairs but even then I don't know one family growingup who had one

In Thailand everybody I considder a friend has employed ,or employs some sort of home help ,be it full time or every now and again

Is it really a western trait ? Think not

its due to the low cost of labour

in ireland if you wanted a maid ,they would have to get at least minimum wage ,and then double or triple that if its run by an agency that guarantees their workers

hundreds of euros of week

my ex -GIk lived in a big house in bkk and they ran a shop down stairs

she ha 3 burmese or laos maids (cant remember )and they got about 4000 thb per month + meals and a bedroom (and they thought they were doing well ,compared to hwatever salary they would have got doing something else in their own country )

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snicker bars are cheaper here and thats one of the reasons im here 20 baht for a big bar.WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?

I hear you... i go to oz for work sometimes pay nearly $10 for a medium snickers and a 600ml coke. thats 300 baht!

or hows about AU$4.75 for a 1.5 liter bottle of water (150 Baht) cant believe it.. its just water in a bottle.. more expensive than <deleted> petrol

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I realize this is related, but it really comes down to how much you can save. A qualified teacher with US experience can save loads here compared to the US. Just to rent a place in the US you are talking $2000 dolla.

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I can't think of anything I buy which is not cheaper here than back in London. Mostly not by a great amout, maybe 15-20% but housing is massive. Just my community charge in London pays rent and all my bills here so in effect, I now live rent free. I'm paying (monthly bills) roughly 8% of what I was paying in London though that figure is a couple of years old now. Other costs are likely to be in the 80% range but again this is a couple of years old. Just off the top of the head, when I think about the prices in the UK while I was there last year I would not be surprised if it was closer to 70% now.

For US people, anything in a package or can is way more expensive here. Chocolate, candy, canned food, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti, soda. Kinda nice in a way... I stay away from all that stuff now and don't eat nearly as much processed food. Grapes and bananas are a lot cheaper in the US (although we kill people to maintain those prices). Nikon equipment is close, which I can never figure out because it is made here.

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Single father with two young babies, have absolutely no idea what the heck I'd be able to do back home, certainly not have three full-time live-in girls taking care of the kids the food shopping cleaning washing everything for a grand total of less than USD $300 per month, including the extra non-wage expenses.

And I know the quality of spinners taking care of my second-most important needs would simply not be available at any price out where my family back home lives now, it would have to be in the major metro area, still 10+ kilo and years bigger, at least a grand a session and not nearly as fun.

Moving on to food and rent - nah, why bother, already covered 90%+ of the important stuff. . .

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Thats simply not true ... it depends where you live , I can buy a house in detroit for 6000 dollars or rent a tiny apt in manhattan for 10,000 per month , but the median wage in the USA is about 36,000 and people typically pay between 25 to 33 percent of income on renting so the 24,000 per year figure is obviously way to high. Not to mention you could get just about any house you wanted for less than 2000 in a mortage. Even here near the North Dakota oil fields where housing is almost impossible to find now and the workers make well above the median wage rentals are not even close to that. In fact not even one single rental in the paper is that high.

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bananas are a lot cheaper in the US

I get 12+ kg for about USD $1.50 - 2.00 these days, last week half that, and that's four or five varieties. Yes we go through that many bananas in 3-4 days 8-)

Ngo and chompoo well under a dollar for 4 kg ATM.

Who needs grapes?

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weve had this type of post tons of times its like saying how long is a piece of string. Me my THai wife and 2 children spent about same as we would in uk for a nice life difference is here we have a maid and part time gardener we could never afford in UK but then we have to pay for education ( 40-50,000 baht a month minimum for 2 kids) Medical and when we go to UK to visit family 400,000 or so per trip.

Ww live a good life 2 cars but only eat out about once a month but we could live same lifestyle in UK for same money if as here you own your home outright. If you dont have your own home paid outright in UK property is far cheaper here as are rents.

If you are a expat bent on whores booze and rest then its far cheaper here.

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if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

But I don't want the western lifestyle at all, I want the one I have here, and that isn't available over there at any price, even Tiger Woods had to settle for old skanky ho's I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

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I would guess if you wanted to live in Thailand and have a similar lifestyle to one in the UK (South-east England) ...Thailand would cost 1/2 to 1/3 the price.

Talking about suburban 4 bedroom detached house, nice car (or two), 2.2 kids etc


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It all depends, it`s really swings and roundabouts.

The house and type of area my family and I live in we could never afford in the West. Utility costs are much lower in Thailand and people are not blasted with huge taxes and rates just for the privilege of owning a property.

Communication and media services such as, Internet, phone, cable TV, are inferior to those in the West, yet either cost the same of in some cases even more expensive.

With food, I would say probably not much difference in comparison with the West, maybe a little less. It is possible to eat very cheaply if sticking by eating bowls of noodles all day.

Restaurants, again depends. The farang establishments can be expensive but the basic Thai restaurants are extremely cheap.

Cigarettes are very cheap. One can become a chain smoker for around $2 a day.

Alcoholic drinks: again depends. One can afford to become an alcoholic on 400 baht a day if they enjoy the Thai gut rot. As for any decent drinks, beer, whisky and so on, I would say more expensive in Thailand.

Medical: depends again. On average for minor medical much cheaper and better in Thailand. But if involving more serious or long-term illnesses, cancer, major operations and so on, the costs could be staggering.

Vehicles: Cars definitely more expensive in Thailand, but motorbikes are cheaper, probably not by much.

Hotel accommodation, way, way cheaper than the West.

And the cruncher is the social.. If you enjoy wine, women and song, Thailand is no longer the budget playground it used to be.

In conclusion, in Thailand we do save on household costs, such as bills and utilities and if you can tolerate living on basic Thai food, only taking the occasional drink, not going out much and able to stay healthy, than it is possible to live in Thailand for next to nothing, but if you enjoy decent foods, like a drink, not able to live without your aircon, enjoy your social, like to watch cable TV and have a semi decent Internet, than your cost of living will probably equate with that of the home country.

As I said; it`s swings and roundabouts.

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For US people, anything in a package or can is way more expensive here. Chocolate, candy, canned food, spaghetti sauce,

Aside from spaghetti sauce which I make myself (for a cheaper price) the other items I did not eat in the UK so don't here.


Good call, I could and presume can get it for less in the UK but the quality would not have been as good.

Grapes and bananas are a lot cheaper in the US (although we kill people to maintain those prices).

Surrounded by fruit so never pay for it. No grapes though.

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I currently live in one of the more expensive areas in the US and I've ran the numbers more then a few times. Living in Thailand would cost about 1/3 - 1/2 of what it costs in the US, the problem is my salary would be about 1/10th of what I make in the US.

To get an idea, I was paying $2000/mo (~60,000 baht) for a 1bd apartment, I moved to a bad area last month and I've lowered my rent to $1200/mo, you get used to the gunshots and so far everyone seems to be good about leaving personal property alone. Buying a house is out of the question because a SFH starts at around $500,000 (15m baht). I could probably get into a small condo for around $300,000.

I pay another $450/mo for my car, add in maybe $400/mo for utilities and $500/mo for food.

All in all if I could get an expat package that pays even 80% of my current salary it wouldn't be a question, I would be on the next flight. However, given my current job options in Thailand are limited to teaching english, math or physics I don't think it's a good career move :)

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We obviously have to seperate this between Europeans and Americans since Euros pay more for everything (besides healthcare) which they love telling you is FREE... just don't ask them "If it is FREE, how do the doctors get paid?"... From the government. "And where does the government get the money to pay them?".

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Yes, everything is less expensive if you choose to live a "Thai life".

The cost of car, food and house is far more cheap. I live in the

countryside and spend about 50% of what life would cost back home.

But all "non Thai" services and food is about the same price if not more

than back home.

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I don't think I save money by living in Thailand ,I spend not including drinking money approx 5000 aus a month ,stick another 1000 on top of that for my social life

The beauty of life in Thailand is the options it allows me ,I could live in a much cheaper place,I could clean my own house ,I could change my babies nappys ,I can get all these things in Thailand and still live to the max

Back in Australia (I'm not from there just the last country I lived in prior to Thailand ) I had none of the things I have in Thailand ,didn't save a whole lot either , then I had a pretty crap life and I left to find something better

You choose to spank a load of money on a life here but you could do it much much cheaper ,you will be folding your own underpants

A$6000 a month! You must be living pretty high on the hog, and either have a pretty decent salary or return on investments. Even in Australia ($1500 a week) would be considered to be a fairly high outgoing. I live very comfortably here on around $300 a week, but I own my house and car so only have food, utilities and beer money to find.

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I don't think I save money by living in Thailand ,I spend not including drinking money approx 5000 aus a month ,stick another 1000 on top of that for my social life

The beauty of life in Thailand is the options it allows me ,I could live in a much cheaper place,I could clean my own house ,I could change my babies nappys ,I can get all these things in Thailand and still live to the max

Back in Australia (I'm not from there just the last country I lived in prior to Thailand ) I had none of the things I have in Thailand ,didn't save a whole lot either , then I had a pretty crap life and I left to find something better

You choose to spank a load of money on a life here but you could do it much much cheaper ,you will be folding your own underpants

A$6000 a month! You must be living pretty high on the hog, and either have a pretty decent salary or return on investments. Even in Australia ($1500 a week) would be considered to be a fairly high outgoing. I live very comfortably here on around $300 a week, but I own my house and car so only have food, utilities and beer money to find.

If Steve cuts his spending to $4000 a month and splits the

remainder between you and me, then we will be close to being 100% better off.....rolleyes.gif

What do you think?.....thumbsup.gif

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snicker bars are cheaper here and thats one of the reasons im here 20 baht for a big bar.WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?

I hear you... i go to oz for work sometimes pay nearly $10 for a medium snickers and a 600ml coke. thats 300 baht!

or hows about AU$4.75 for a 1.5 liter bottle of water (150 Baht) cant believe it.. its just water in a bottle.. more expensive than <deleted> petrol

3 big bars for 51bht in Makro.

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I don't think I save money by living in Thailand ,I spend not including drinking money approx 5000 aus a month ,stick another 1000 on top of that for my social life

The beauty of life in Thailand is the options it allows me ,I could live in a much cheaper place,I could clean my own house ,I could change my babies nappys ,I can get all these things in Thailand and still live to the max

Back in Australia (I'm not from there just the last country I lived in prior to Thailand ) I had none of the things I have in Thailand ,didn't save a whole lot either , then I had a pretty crap life and I left to find something better

You choose to spank a load of money on a life here but you could do it much much cheaper ,you will be folding your own underpants

A$6000 a month! You must be living pretty high on the hog, and either have a pretty decent salary or return on investments. Even in Australia ($1500 a week) would be considered to be a fairly high outgoing. I live very comfortably here on around $300 a week, but I own my house and car so only have food, utilities and beer money to find.

If Steve cuts his spending to $4000 a month and splits the

remainder between you and me, then we will be close to being 100% better off.....rolleyes.gif

What do you think?.....thumbsup.gif

Sounds good. I'll even fold his underpants for him.

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I don't think I save money by living in Thailand ,I spend not including drinking money approx 5000 aus a month ,stick another 1000 on top of that for my social life

The beauty of life in Thailand is the options it allows me ,I could live in a much cheaper place,I could clean my own house ,I could change my babies nappys ,I can get all these things in Thailand and still live to the max

Back in Australia (I'm not from there just the last country I lived in prior to Thailand ) I had none of the things I have in Thailand ,didn't save a whole lot either , then I had a pretty crap life and I left to find something better

You choose to spank a load of money on a life here but you could do it much much cheaper ,you will be folding your own underpants

A$6000 a month! You must be living pretty high on the hog, and either have a pretty decent salary or return on investments. Even in Australia ($1500 a week) would be considered to be a fairly high outgoing. I live very comfortably here on around $300 a week, but I own my house and car so only have food, utilities and beer money to find.

If Steve cuts his spending to $4000 a month and splits the

remainder between you and me, then we will be close to being 100% better off.....rolleyes.gif

What do you think?.....thumbsup.gif

Sounds good. I'll even fold his underpants for him.

Yeah.... well I'll washermm.gif em first

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It's pretty simple to me......I retired at 50 and moved here and am living a very comfortable lifestyle.

I would have to work another 15 years in Australia and then I still would not have the lifestyle I have here......much cheaper for me to live in Thailand.

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I don't own a house I just rent ,I have a very good car in my gf name so that eats a chunk and my rent is quite high ,but my place is extremely nice

I work at sea so comfort when I'm home is vital

That 5 k includes medical cover ,travel expences ,food ,school fees ,nanny and. Maid wages ,a second car , it doesn't go that far

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