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Ah, the "full service deal" raises its head again.

Of course, how could it not, as that's the primary reason many of us are even here in the first place. Although I'd probably be willing to stay just for the people, the food and the weather, cost of ordinary living isn't a central motivator for me choosing where to live.

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but if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

I disagree, My salary here is the same as back in my homeland, there I literally lived from pay packet to packet with very little "indulgence's" allowed with little to no chance of any savings, Here I live like a king and am saving money as well.. I live a 100% "western" lifestyle.

Please share tips on how you have a job in Thailand paying an international rate - I'm sure there are EXPATS here that would line up and kiss your feet for a tip and would work 80 hours a week with no questions asked.


Ah, the "full service deal" raises its head again.

Of course, how could it not, as that's the primary reason many of us are even here in the first place. Although I'd probably be willing to stay just for the people, the food and the weather, cost of ordinary living isn't a central motivator for me choosing where to live.

I purchased a 9kg Laundry machine - Full service smile.png - add cloths, add soap, close lid, push start button. Upon completion,buzzer going off - hang up laundry to dry... Full service is great doing it my way, at least I think so. Pay once, not multiple times, no strange people in my house.


but if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

I disagree, My salary here is the same as back in my homeland, there I literally lived from pay packet to packet with very little "indulgence's" allowed with little to no chance of any savings, Here I live like a king and am saving money as well.. I live a 100% "western" lifestyle.

We can agree to disagree, no problem, but I wonder if you are truly comparing apples to apples.

My housing costs in Thailand are roughly 40% of what I paid in the US. Vehicle costs are 3 - 4 times what they are in the US. Food, when eating the same diet in both countries, costs me more in Thailand than the US. Insurance is cheaper in Thailand, but I have yet to file a claim, so I can't compare the two as far as quality of service. I could go on and on and on, but as you noted, you are living the same lifestyle in Thailand as back home, so good on you. The question has to be asked though, what would your life be like if you were not earning a western salary while living in Thailand?


most people in the west make 70k-100k baht a month.. so a western salary isnt that much. Personally my life on 100k baht is worse in thailand.


Not all of us from London go pissing it up at movida and living like johnny big potatoes and brag about it either like some issan bird does, but getting back on topic Phuket is def cheaper than London that's for sure all day long!

You sound slightly bitter; like someone who was turfed (refused admission) at the door cos if you'd actually been there rather than just having read about it in the tabloid press, you'd know - without any doubt, whatsoever - that Movida is hardly worth "bragging" about.

Correct, Movida is a place where lonely guys pick up freelance sex workers, much like the beer bars in Thailand (but with a snazzier decor)


Sure hope so, thats why I moved here rescently. The food is expensive though if you dont eat Thai food.

Not if you buy from the fresh market and cook (or have it cooked) at home. Much healthier too to avoid food made in factories and restaurants.

Please share tips on how you have a job in Thailand paying an international rate - I'm sure there are EXPATS here that would line up and kiss your feet for a tip and would work 80 hours a week with no questions asked.

Tip - get well-qualified and solid experience in a profession that's in solid demand by international corporations for a few years. Target your career path toward companies that have a large presence in Thailand, and once hired build up a solid reputation as a top performer. Get in good with HR as well as your reporting managers and let them know what you want. Probably doable in 5-10 years if you're smart.

Others end up just falling into it, lucky bastards.

most people in the west make 70k-100k baht a month.. so a western salary isnt that much. Personally my life on 100k baht is worse in thailand.

How? and compared to where, what do you think is the cause of your difficulties?



I don know what you call living good I live quite normally

Manuel just have a different view on what comfortable is ,I know plenty of millionaires too all poker players who thump trough 300k a month

I'll break it down for you

Rent 40k

Bills 10k

cars 30k

Food 12k

Nanny 15k

Maid 8 k

My daughter is on a neonate diet that stuff is seriously expensive

The rest my gf puts away in an account ,for other things ,Like petrol,trips away ,school fees,karate lessons ,English classes for her son,anything else ,dinners out ,odd bottle of whiskey for the house ,and my cigerettes ,and my phone ,which in total amounts to about 10-25k a month depending on the trips and the dinners

That doesn't leave a whole lot from 150 k a month ,that is before I go anywhere with out them ,usually 3 times a week x 4 weeks =approx 2 k a time ,that's a cheap night out that's another 25 right there ,granted when I'm not there this money is saved

Is my life so very different to other posters here


I suspect those who are suggesting Thailand is more expensive than their home country are not comparing apples with apples. Although the places where expats tend to live in Thailand (e.g. Bangkok or Phuket) may be comparable cost wise to a random sleepy town in the middle of nowhere in Europe or America, I can assure you that they are cheaper than the equivalent places back home (e.g. London or Nice). On the same note, I am sure the costs of living in rural Thailand (e.g. Amnat Charoen) are lower than the equivalent places back home (e.g. Southport).

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What really knocked me back a bit was when I was doing some internet surfing a few weeks back and came across some websites back home in the UK for the big sportswear chains. They had pages of offers like Duffer of St George lo-tops and Fila hoodtops for a tenner ( 500 baht ) and Fila trainers and Tacchini sweatshirts for 15 quid ( 750 baht ).

I went to an outlet mall in Pak Chong and picked up a pair of Reeboks in a dodgy " can't sell to anyone" colour for 1000 baht and thought that was a good deal.


Beer is at least 4 times cheaper here, and i hadn't even seen a gogo bar before i came here.

OTOH these gogo bars cost me so much money so the savings on beer still dont make up


but if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

I disagree, My salary here is the same as back in my homeland, there I literally lived from pay packet to packet with very little "indulgence's" allowed with little to no chance of any savings, Here I live like a king and am saving money as well.. I live a 100% "western" lifestyle.

We can agree to disagree, no problem, but I wonder if you are truly comparing apples to apples.

My housing costs in Thailand are roughly 40% of what I paid in the US. Vehicle costs are 3 - 4 times what they are in the US. Food, when eating the same diet in both countries, costs me more in Thailand than the US. Insurance is cheaper in Thailand, but I have yet to file a claim, so I can't compare the two as far as quality of service. I could go on and on and on, but as you noted, you are living the same lifestyle in Thailand as back home, so good on you. The question has to be asked though, what would your life be like if you were not earning a western salary while living in Thailand?

Housing costs is about the same, cept I now have a 3 bed house rather than a single bed unit.

Car was also cheaper (I purchased secondhand, I do not need a 10million baht car) but even if I was to purchase a new WildTrack Ranger it is still 30% cheaper.

Electric is more expensive.

I cook at home 100%, amusingly I buy Aussie meat cheaper here than in Australia.

If I was not earning a western salary I would not be here as I moved out here with the company I worked for in Aus.


I spend about 15000bht a week here in thailand for everything,in oz that would just cover my mortgage or rent.

,but the biggest benefit to living here is having friends in the same financial situation to do things with,eg playing golf,going out for a beer,lunch etc,

Back in oz all my mates worked and no one had the money for entertainment

,here no one i know works and theres always someone up for a game of golf or a few beers and watch the football with.


tongue.png Well, as my answer to the original question.....is it cheaper to live in Thailand than the (wherever)?

Well, let me cut through all the what-evers and might-be on this topic.

For me...absolutely it is cheaper to live in Bangkok.

I am a retired U.S. citizen and live here in Bangkok.

My Social Security (pension for you Brits) is about $1650 a month.

Living on that in the U.S. is difficult and the lifestyle is s**t there on that kind of income.

And my Social Security is slightly above the average at that level. That's the reality of "enjoying your Golden Years" these days in the U.S. Don't believe the b*llsh*t the politicians try to feed you, life for a working class slob living on a retirement pension in the U.S. these days is not fun.

So I PLANNED for my eventual retirement in Thailand when I was still working.

I purchased a Thai house for my Thai family and myself to live in when I did retire. I had cable T.V., internet, and air conditioning installed. I did the master bedroom to my standards....and also did the other rooms for my Thai family.

Yes, that restoration/upgrade cost me some money...but now I (with my Thai family) have:

1. A house that we own....pay no rent on it therefore.

2. Have a/c everywhere, cable television, and internet access.

3. Upgraded showers/toliets/plumbing/etc.

4. Thai wife has the kitchen and fridges she wants.

We live relatively comfortably and enjoy life here in Thailand. Money is still tight but we can survive reasonably well and stay happy. Some of the Thai family work and bring in money to help with expenses, but I provide the bulk of our monthly income. There are 6 total in the family.

Yes, there are things we had to give up or cut down on; but most of them are things I don't want or need anyhow.

We still can do the occasional night out at a Thai, Thai-Chinese, or Sushi restaturant for an all family gathering.

You have to make your choices in life anyhow...and I made mine.

It works for me.


P.S. Forgot to add...transportation....there is a family car, one son owns a motorcycle, and the daughter and her husband (both living in the house) also own a car.


but if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

I disagree, My salary here is the same as back in my homeland, there I literally lived from pay packet to packet with very little "indulgence's" allowed with little to no chance of any savings, Here I live like a king and am saving money as well.. I live a 100% "western" lifestyle.

Please share tips on how you have a job in Thailand paying an international rate - I'm sure there are EXPATS here that would line up and kiss your feet for a tip and would work 80 hours a week with no questions asked.

Easy, get a job with a decent company instead of as an English teacher.


LOL, typical Expat that has a job but won't share any details because he is afraid of the competition. hahahaha - Let's see if you are any different than 99% of the rest of EXPATS claiming to live and have a great job in Pattaya or Thailand in general. Disclose where you work, what city and lastly what you do.

I'm sure my credentials and experience are more than marketable although I am not interested in a job as I own 3 companies already none of which are in Thailand. 20+ years in tech and SAT communications, Masters Degree in International business, undergrad in communications, many certifications that are globally recognized, project and program management, government grade network security - ever heard of the CIA, FBI. DoS, DoD or NORAD smile.png LOL. You say it's easy but in reality it's not in Thailand.

It is more a matter of luck and who you know than skill.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App


LOL, typical Expat that has a job but won't share any details because he is afraid of the competition. hahahaha

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

No problem sharing information it's easy.

Go to university for 4 years and obtain a degree in an engineering discipline and then go out and get some practical experience in the real world.

Apply for jobs overseas and build up a career with a reputation for professionalism in the industry working for moderately sized companies, or the big boys if you can get in.

Come to Thailand and target expat companies that could use your expertise.

DON'T come to Thailand for the cheap pussy and beer with no skills or experience and think you will get a well paid job.

what he said .....


LOL, typical Expat that has a job but won't share any details because he is afraid of the competition. hahahaha - Let's see if you are any different than 99% of the rest of EXPATS claiming to live and have a great job in Pattaya or Thailand in general. Disclose where you work, what city and lastly what you do.

I'm sure my credentials and experience are more than marketable although I am not interested in a job as I own 3 companies already none of which are in Thailand. 20+ years in tech and SAT communications, Masters Degree in International business, undergrad in communications, many certifications that are globally recognized, project and program management, government grade network security - ever heard of the CIA, FBI. DoS, DoD or NORAD smile.png LOL. You say it's easy but in reality it's not in Thailand.

It is more a matter of luck and who you know than skill.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

What exactly would you like me to share ?

I work in the automotive industry at Laem Chabang in a position I have held for nearly 6 years now.

Good to hear you have 3 successful companies and a wall full of pretty certificates and commendations.

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LOL, typical Expat that has a job but won't share any details because he is afraid of the competition. hahahaha - Let's see if you are any different than 99% of the rest of EXPATS claiming to live and have a great job in Pattaya or Thailand in general. Disclose where you work, what city and lastly what you do.

I'm sure my credentials and experience are more than marketable although I am not interested in a job as I own 3 companies already none of which are in Thailand. 20+ years in tech and SAT communications, Masters Degree in International business, undergrad in communications, many certifications that are globally recognized, project and program management, government grade network security - ever heard of the CIA, FBI. DoS, DoD or NORAD smile.png LOL. You say it's easy but in reality it's not in Thailand.

It is more a matter of luck and who you know than skill.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

What exactly would you like me to share ?

I work in the automotive industry at Laem Chabang in a position I have held for nearly 6 years now.

Good to hear you have 3 successful companies and a wall full of pretty certificates and commendations.

Thank you, although general information and not specific at least you came out and said something although the addition of the snide remark remains. I have thick skin though so "no worries." Seems I have taken this thread off topic, I will let it proceed hopefully back on topic. Congratulations with your current position and I hope you continue your success in Thailand.



I don know what you call living good I live quite normally

Manuel just have a different view on what comfortable is ,I know plenty of millionaires too all poker players who thump trough 300k a month

I'll break it down for you

Rent 40k

Bills 10k

cars 30k

Food 12k

Nanny 15k

Maid 8 k

My daughter is on a neonate diet that stuff is seriously expensive

The rest my gf puts away in an account ,for other things ,Like petrol,trips away ,school fees,karate lessons ,English classes for her son,anything else ,dinners out ,odd bottle of whiskey for the house ,and my cigerettes ,and my phone ,which in total amounts to about 10-25k a month depending on the trips and the dinners

That doesn't leave a whole lot from 150 k a month ,that is before I go anywhere with out them ,usually 3 times a week x 4 weeks =approx 2 k a time ,that's a cheap night out that's another 25 right there ,granted when I'm not there this money is saved

Is my life so very different to other posters here

Hi Steve, living quite normally in Thailand is of course a matter of opinion. Most people here don't don't spend that kind of money that you do per month. Hi-So Thai's do but then again, they own business and the lot - Asia in particular is about showing "Face" so people put a lot of money into cars, cloths and entertainment all of which decrease NET worth at a very high rate of speed. You are obviously living very well, congratulations! I just hope that you are saving as much as your spending so that one day when you want to retire you won't have to leave Thailand and return home.

I have known a LOT of people that live overseas and work internationally that have lost it all due to job lose, reassignment, etc. They thought the good times would never end, unfortunately they did and their life was over. Doesn't happen to everyone but it is definitely more common today than let's say 10-15 years ago when companies actually hired employees and not contractors that are easy to terminate employment with no benefits or protections.

FYI - I spend around 30k baht per month, sometimes less and my income with the business's that I own internationally is well over 1 million Baht per month which I invest in creating new revenue streams within my current and future endeavors. I live very normal for me, some might say that I am cheap which might be true to many. One thing is for certain though, at 39 years old and spending the way that I do I won't go broke anytime soon or need to rely on Social Benefits. Of course the sky could fall, I am much better prepared than most though if it does.


but if you want to export your western lifestyle to Thailand, it will cost you the same or more than in your homeland. This is a sentiment I have professed for eons.

I disagree, My salary here is the same as back in my homeland, there I literally lived from pay packet to packet with very little "indulgence's" allowed with little to no chance of any savings, Here I live like a king and am saving money as well.. I live a 100% "western" lifestyle.

We can agree to disagree, no problem, but I wonder if you are truly comparing apples to apples.

My housing costs in Thailand are roughly 40% of what I paid in the US. Vehicle costs are 3 - 4 times what they are in the US. Food, when eating the same diet in both countries, costs me more in Thailand than the US. Insurance is cheaper in Thailand, but I have yet to file a claim, so I can't compare the two as far as quality of service. I could go on and on and on, but as you noted, you are living the same lifestyle in Thailand as back home, so good on you. The question has to be asked though, what would your life be like if you were not earning a western salary while living in Thailand?

Housing costs is about the same, cept I now have a 3 bed house rather than a single bed unit.

Car was also cheaper (I purchased secondhand, I do not need a 10million baht car) but even if I was to purchase a new WildTrack Ranger it is still 30% cheaper.

Electric is more expensive.

I cook at home 100%, amusingly I buy Aussie meat cheaper here than in Australia.

If I was not earning a western salary I would not be here as I moved out here with the company I worked for in Aus.

I don't mean to be pedantic, but housing costs are clearly not the same. Yes, you are spending the same amount of money, but on something entirely different. I assume that a decent single bedroom unit in Thailand could be had for considerably less than what you would pay back in Oz. Please compare like with like, otherwise it skews the picture.

I am surprised that electricity is more expensive here. I would have thought unit for unit it would be cheaper here, but perhaps you spend more because you have the airconditioning on all night.


LOL, typical Expat that has a job but won't share any details because he is afraid of the competition. hahahaha

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

No problem sharing information it's easy.

Go to university for 4 years and obtain a degree in an engineering discipline and then go out and get some practical experience in the real world.

Apply for jobs overseas and build up a career with a reputation for professionalism in the industry working for moderately sized companies, or the big boys if you can get in.

Come to Thailand and target expat companies that could use your expertise.

DON'T come to Thailand for the cheap pussy and beer with no skills or experience and think you will get a well paid job.

Very good point! I completely agree with you and believe me when I say I definitely don't fit your description in regards to beer and bars LOL... After 8 years of University training I'm pretty sure I'm not your average tourist :)


1. My employers pay all my expenses in Thailand so essentially life here is free - but of course I could argue if I didn't spend the money I would keep it and on that basis I agree with the OP's observations.

2. To clarify back in the UK I live in a very good area, first class local state schools an excellent medical practice/dentist, a 'desirable' low crime, good public service area. I should also clarify that I pay the same tax and NI in Thailand as if I were in the UK, so no advantages there.

3. To achieve a comparable standard of living in Thailand as we have back home costs very much more.

4. I don't think I've ever regarded Thailand as a cheap place to live - though of course it is possible to have a cheap life here.

I like Impulse's response, but I'd add that when families are involved rather than individuals the choices are never going to be the same.

1. all my expenses in Thailand are paid for by the money the taxman doesn't take out of my pocket. essentially life is free here plus a substantial amount of tax savings left.

2. tough luck.

3. let me answer in a "reverse" way. to achieve a comparable standard of living in my home country my expenses would at least triple if not quadruple because expenses "at home" increase exponentially i you demand the same comfort and luxury you indulge yourself in Thailand and wouldn't even think of it when living "at home".

4. i have always (since decades) regarded Thailand as a place to live where the cost/comfort ratio is most favourable and the eight years we are living full time here prove my point.


most people in the west make 70k-100k baht a month.. so a western salary isnt that much. Personally my life on 100k baht is worse in thailand.

Are those figures accurate for Mr. Joe Average, and before or after tax? They seem very low when one considers how much the typical TV member purports to spend each month. We must have a better than fair share of Mr. Above Averages living here.


I don't mean to be pedantic, but housing costs are clearly not the same. Yes, you are spending the same amount of money, but on something entirely different. I assume that a decent single bedroom unit in Thailand could be had for considerably less than what you would pay back in Oz. Please compare like with like, otherwise it skews the picture.

I'm not sure "like for like" is a valid comparison for the OP's question. For example, back home, there is no way I would rent a downtown apartment. I would own a car and commute from the suburbs- which are much more to my liking than living downtown. So yes, I'm getting a lower price on a downtown apartment that I wouldn't choose back home.

So on the plus side, I don't have auto expenses in Thailand. My apartment in Bangkok is much less expensive than one in the heart of downtown in a major US city. But my apartment in Bangkok is about the same price as a similar apartment in the suburbs.

In the USA, I would spend a lot more money on camping, canoeing, snow skiing, boating, concerts, movies, ball games, and other activities that aren't even available to me living in Bangkok with no car.

In Thailand, I spend a lot more on international flights, peanut butter (and other western foods), taxis, trains and buses, hotels to get away from BKK, and weekend car hire, etc. Not saying flights, hotels and car hire are more expensive in Thailand- just that I don't need them if I'm living the way I'd live in the USA.

In the USA, I had employer provided health insurance. I also have it in Thailand but I've never used it because it's easier for me to just pay the bills and not bother filing the claims for $20-100 each time. My health care expenses in Thailand (so far) have been less than my out-of-pocket and copay expenses in the USA, even with insurance. That picture may change a lot if I got seriously ill.

The OP's question boils down to "does it cost you more or less to live in Thailand?" For me, it costs about the same- but I spend that money very differently.


most people in the west make 70k-100k baht a month.. so a western salary isnt that much. Personally my life on 100k baht is worse in thailand.

Are those figures accurate for Mr. Joe Average, and before or after tax? They seem very low when one considers how much the typical TV member purports to spend each month. We must have a better than fair share of Mr. Above Averages living here.

It's certainly low for the US, but of course with statistics. . .

Average people back home would never consider traveling overseas, just as with the average Thai.

Not so long ago only the truly wealthy traveled for any reason other than war or business. This in part is behind the Thai perception that "all farang are rich", even if they know that's not true, they assume "those who can afford to travel" are.

In recent years with cheaper airfares and the influence of mass media and globalization, more and more "average joes" travel, and those who are more used to the olden days of course complain.

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