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Nigerian Man Arrested In Bangkok For Heroin Trafficking


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Nigerian Man Arrested for Drug Trafficking


BANGKOK: -- A Nigerian man was arrested by city police for alleged drug trafficking, with 1,500 grams of heroine worth more than five million baht found and seized.

Police from the Metropolitan Police Division 1 have arrested 30-year-old Nigerian national, Ogochukwu Jude Alum, at an apartment in Bangkok's Bangna District.

He was allegedly found to be in possession of 1,500 grams of heroine worth more than five million baht following a tip-off.

The suspect confessed that he was hired by a Pakistani man to deliver the drug to another Nigerian man for sale in foreign countries, and got paid 10,000 baht to do so each time.

He also confessed having wrapped cocaine in plastic bags before swallowing and then purging it when meeting with trade partners.

The suspect was initially charged with possession of narcotics for sale.


-- Tan Network 2012-05-23


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Simple curiosity. How this guys can stay in Thailand ? I mean what kind of visa do they most have? How can they enter the country and do what they do here?

I've visited Sukumvit soi 3 and 5 looking for a lebanese restaurant last week and had the impression being in a bad area of Bronx....

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Simple curiosity. How this guys can stay in Thailand ? I mean what kind of visa do they most have? How can they enter the country and do what they do here?

I've visited Sukumvit soi 3 and 5 looking for a lebanese restaurant last week and had the impression being in a bad area of Bronx....

It's simply a question of paying a few thousand baht (rarely over 5,000) in their home country in Africa to an "agent" who can then secure a Thai visa, even a one-year education visa, for any of these West African guys. A lot of them have actually been here for 3 years on an ED visa which they have extended twice. Remember that Nigeria is the spiritual home of the 419 scam. If you think these guys can't get hold of a "legitimate" long-term visa for Thailand, you're clearly underestimating their intelligence and cunning. That said, as long as you don't mess with them, or be stupid enough to actually buy what they're selling, they will never give you a problem.

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Simple curiosity. How this guys can stay in Thailand ? I mean what kind of visa do they most have? How can they enter the country and do what they do here?

They use a South African passport acquired through a friend, and then apply for a PR.

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Simple curiosity. How this guys can stay in Thailand ? I mean what kind of visa do they most have? How can they enter the country and do what they do here?

I've visited Sukumvit soi 3 and 5 looking for a lebanese restaurant last week and had the impression being in a bad area of Bronx....

It's simply a question of paying a few thousand baht (rarely over 5,000) in their home country in Africa to an "agent" who can then secure a Thai visa, even a one-year education visa, for any of these West African guys. A lot of them have actually been here for 3 years on an ED visa which they have extended twice. Remember that Nigeria is the spiritual home of the 419 scam. If you think these guys can't get hold of a "legitimate" long-term visa for Thailand, you're clearly underestimating their intelligence and cunning. That said, as long as you don't mess with them, or be stupid enough to actually buy what they're selling, they will never give you a problem.

What you say about the 'agent' may well have a basis in fact, but let us not forget that here are some genuine Nigerian students here in Thailand, I have personally taught the children of the Nigerian ambassador at AU and know of quite few African students. Most of these students are weary of their fellow country men that give them a bad name.

Edited by marquess
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"The suspect was initially charged with possession of shit for sale." giggle.gif


MESSY subject, he must have been all of a FLUSH when he had to sit on the STOOL and confess, If a woman was involved in the tip off-he should SEWER, to produce for the bib did he sing-one two three o'clock four o'clock PLOP. sorr for BOGGING you posters down and talking SHIZEN.cheesy.gif

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A tip off, a Nigerian, one and a half keys of heroin, Pakistani involvement. All the makings of top Thai news. No Thais involved! That's the big story. Thais are rarely if ever involved in this low life, bottom feeding, drug trade activity. If they do find a random Thai, it's small quantities, it's a mule, never a Mr. Big, and the story disappears quickly. This was a disappointing arrest for Thai police since no "cash" was involved.

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This guy isn't accused of murdering, maiming, or raping anyone. Not even accused of beating anyone up or stealing anything from anyone.

There's a good chance he'll be executed for his $330 paycheck.

Stupid, yes. But deserving of the bile being spewed at him and of being executed (or spending the rest of his life in a Thai prison)?

Edited by impulse
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This guy isn't accused of murdering, maiming, or raping anyone. Not even accused of beating anyone up or stealing anything from anyone.

There's a good chance he'll be executed for his $330 paycheck.

Stupid, yes. But deserving of the bile being spewed at him and of being executed (or spending the rest of his life in a Thai prison)?

Yeah no kidding 330$ a trip to Thailand and now a permanent vacation. Like anything else this story seems a bit suspicious the one thing about large amounts of drugs is there is a demand side to this story. 1500g is a lot of smack and I hardly doubt Thailand was a transit country via Pakistan especially with Burma next door. Most of the time I disdain the Africans because of their nefarious nature related to scams and drug dealing. Does it mean they are all bad? Not really just a much higher percentage of them are. People are always willing to tar the whole group of people when more than one person gets caught doing bad stuff. The motivation for most of these guys is It is better to live in Thailand than Africa. Heck It is better to live in Thailand <For the most part and it is contingent of your tolerance level > than living in the US and Europe<Again Thailand good with the bad>. Lets face it in a western nation a 60 year old man with an 18 year old woman is looked down upon greatly - 1 day from 18 and its a crime. We choose our own poison in this country some things are tolerated and others are not so have the smallest iota and realize every nation has people doing bad things. The old saying goes the "Difference between you and me is you got caught" Imagine being so desperate that you throw away your life for what amounts to a 2000$ return. That return will be negated because the Thais will have to take care of him another human being posting a negative loss to society.

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