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Lady Gaga Fans Gush, Critics Blast Fake-Watch Tweet: Bangkok


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its always funny to see how serious Thais become when an international icon is talking about the TRUTH ....and nothing than the TRUTH ...oh my goodness ..how shocking ..... I will boycott the concert ...bla bla bla .....if you dont want any one to talk about fake rolex or other watches ..clean your pavement ... intellectual properties here means nothing .Thais for sure have NO sense of humor. so we cannot talk about prostitution ? fake Gucci shirts ? and illegal music CDs ? LOL what a joke .....

If a publicity stunt by a foreign Boob-Rock Entertainer is too hard to handle, if you face problems with facts and figures, get serious with in depth education!

The ultimate must read ‘must have’ for the hyper sensitive, thin skinned nationalist, volunteer wardens of culture, moralist and Holy Roller:


Order now, or get your faked copy CD at tour nearest street vendor!

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Maybe I have lived in a cave all my life but I can honestly say I have never ever seen or heard GaGa perform and think I have only seen her twice on TV, once being last night on the news as she arrived in BKK. Have I missed anything? ...... I don't think so.

Check out her video 'Telephone' on You tube. You might not like it but I think you could admit It's a piece of art.

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The posters here seem more upset about the idea of Thais being upset about this. This is a manufactured story. Write a story based on a few tweets that says Thais are outraged when 99% don't care at all . . .

Exactly. The problem is that too many people here like to swallow this kind of story at face value so they can get all righteously indignant. A quick look at Twitter or pantip.com very quickly reveals that the silly criticisms of this Gaga person are a very small minority. But then I suspect that the farangs who get most worked up by this kind of story are generally the ones who don't read Thai and have no interest in doing so.

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Good point. Gaga supports Piracy. I support her though. She's an all round true artist.

My goodness, just as I was wondering why anyone should actually bother to care a toss what Lady Gaga thinks - that comment.blink.png

Billie , Ella , Nina , and others will be turning in their graves.

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stupid people spended their money to see this b*tch with empty songs, so she can speak out what she wants, now the millions are in her pocket...

TAT, better ban her next time, just like indonesia did

is she the role model anyway for anyone ???

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stupid people spended their money to see this b*tch with empty songs, so she can speak out what she wants, now the millions are in her pocket...

TAT, better ban her next time, just like indonesia did

is she the role model anyway for anyone ???

Do I detect a hint of jealousy?
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The posters here seem more upset about the idea of Thais being upset about this. This is a manufactured story. Write a story based on a few tweets that says Thais are outraged when 99% don't care at all . . .

Exactly. The problem is that too many people here like to swallow this kind of story at face value so they can get all righteously indignant. A quick look at Twitter or pantip.com very quickly reveals that the silly criticisms of this Gaga person are a very small minority. But then I suspect that the farangs who get most worked up by this kind of story are generally the ones who don't read Thai and have no interest in doing so.

Actually most seem to be either making fun of or discussing the story/ Lady Gaga/ notion that any Thai could take offence to Thailand being linked with counterfeit goods, but there's always a few that will suffer some sort of righteous indignation at the points of view of others and feel the need to post about it, using their post as a platform to boast about their comprehension of the Thai language, general understanding of all things Thai and amazing grasp of what every Thai on the street happens to be thinking, while trying to belittle others in the process, demonstrating that actually they have about as much in common with your everyday Thai as a kiwi fruit. thumbsup.gif

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This made me crack up! biggrin.png But yeah, The way some Thais react is no different from westerners biatching and moaning about being called "farung" and such. Human nature I guess, though some (Thais and farungs) do have a sense of humor and find can have a good laugh.

Thank you! A sensible post.......at last.

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Thais for sure have NO sense of humor.

Nonsense. Most Thais have a very healthy sense of humor. It just tends to have certain blind spots. (And judging by some of the silly outrage I see posted on these forums sometimes, they're not the only ones.)

And yes, as someone suggested, check out Twitter in Thai. Plenty of Thais are having a laugh over this as well.

Absolutely. If some of the 'moaners' learned Thai many of their misconceptions might become clear to them......

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'Manufactured outrage to create stories and hype and website traffic. A handful of people made comments on twitter, oh noes! 99% of Thais don't give a $%#@ what she said. No one is boycotting. No one is protesting her like they did in other countries. No one cares. The only thing most Thais would think is that it is very strange for a rich celebrity to want to buy a fake watch, as that is something for poor people. Most Thais wouldn't understand how it could be a novelty item for a rich foreigner.'

Couldn't have put it better myself. It's actually quite amusing (if a little tirmsome) to watch all the usual suspects (the bitter twisted folk that hate living here but haven't got the balls to leave) react to the Thai Visa spin. Good for generating web traffic but making the site's content very predictable these days.

What I find quite amusing (if a little tiresome) are the the people who

1) often fail to admit that the country they live in has all manner of problems that they have no control over

2) make the infantile assumption that anyone who lives in Thailand and who doesn't like or levels criticism against certain aspects of Thailand is somehow unable to leave or wants to leave or is silly enough to actually believe that if they live in a place, they should be happy and/or accepting of everything that goes on around them

3) people who are predisposed to an (often quite self-serving) philosophy which encourages them to interpret negative things in a society (so long as they are not directly and negatively impacted) as positive or which encourages them to be indifferent at every opportunity because they know that being truly aware of what's going on around them is much more challenging to deal with. Some people call these kinds of people 'selfish cowards' -- although I don't, of course.

It's certainly much easier to sit back in a nice condo with a nice job or perhaps in healthy retirement and try to interpret crappy things in Thailand as being OK. While looking out of my 15th floor condo window, observing a row of street vendors baking in the sun slaving away for what, under proper circumstances of mental health, I would call meager, I think to myself --

"Look at those wonderful street vendors happily working away in their traditional ways earning a good living. They certainly do look happier than the people exploiting them. Yeah, now I feel better about the whole thing. Let me put some ice in my imported craft ale and relax a bit. Maybe later I'll go down and buy a meal for 30 baht. Not sure why they are always look at me funny when I walk over with my constant (if condescending) smile. I want them to feel that we are equals; that's why I do it."

Oh, in fact, it's not a whole lot different from the Hi-So Thais who spend so much energy convincing themselves that they live in the same Thailand as their Thai servants. Same same.

** If one looks around the web, one will find all manner of stories by different agencies covering this very story. I've seen several, and I find no significant spin in the TV one.

Well written reply and some points you make are certainly valid, however, your arguement is misplaced in response to my post because it needn't go as deep as that my friend.

I still (after reading this thread) stand fastly by my assertion that Thai visa these days has more than its fair share of bitter, twisted folk that really need to leave Thailand because they obviously aren't able to adapt.

I'm all in favour of having sensible discussions about the rights and wrongs of my adopted homeland (and often do). However, I don't consider the vast majority of the posts that I read from the 'moaners' that I'm referring to as sensible. I consider the majority of them infantile (to quote an adjective you used in your post)........wai.gif

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they should be bitching about being called "farung" since the correct word is "farang"

Depends what phonetics you use I guess, I've seen a couple of variants, but who cares as long everyone knows what's meant. wink.png

Thais would probably bother less about being called "Asians" than "Chings", the latter would mean "chinese", right? wink.png

Again good post. As there is no 'official' standard transliteration from Thai to Roman script, although 'farang' is the most widely used transliteration, 'farung' is not incorrect.

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Wow! I just wonder if there will be public outrage if Lady Gaga comes to Germany and twitters that now she is looking forward to 80.000 screaming monsters and wants to - dressed in a "Lederhosn"- get lost in an Oktoberfest to have some beer and Bratwurst... The so called public outrage is nothing but a grim reminder of how narrow-minded and how hypocritical most locals here are. But closing eyes to the truth and just smiling potential problems away and getting angry when the problems won't disappear by just smiling or waiting them out is very typical behaviour here. And there Lady Gaga goes and has all the attention she deserves and most likely was looking for in the first place when posting her tweet clap2.gif

I can't understand why these people can't just have fun and enjoy the concert, even if she decides to also buy a fake Louis Vouitton bag and a pair of sunglasses... Anyone who doesn't like her comment should just go home and have a warm milk to calm down... Isn't that what we, the "Farangs" always get to hear whenever we dare to critisize anything in this country? "Just go home if you don't like it!" tongue.png

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Lot of fuzz about nothing. Totally innocent comment. How many tourists would say the same really?

If she wanted to be controversial with her tweet, she could have written some other truth, that embarrasses the country more than faked Rolexes... Perhaps just one or two of the BP headlines.

There are a lot of things she could have said if she'd wanted to be genuinely controversial, but she didn't want that - she wanted infamy without risk.

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Good point. Gaga supports Piracy. I support her though. She's an all round true artist.

My goodness, just as I was wondering why anyone should actually bother to care a toss what Lady Gaga thinks - that comment.blink.png

Billie , Ella , Nina , and others will be turning in their graves.

Why do people always dig up the corpses of dead artists when engaged in a futile attempt to pretend that nothing changes, ever? The time of the auteur, the virtuoso and the suffering artist is gone. Lady Gaga might not have a musical bone in her body, or she might be a musical polymath like Bill Bailey or Andre Previn. It's no more important than whether she plays tennis well or can program in C++. You're comparing apples to oranges: she's a performance artist. She plays social games with broadcast media and her art form is marketing. Whether this is more or less valid an art form than playing a piano concerto or producing a sculpture is an argument in itself, but I'm afraid you've been had - This is what Lady Gaga does, and she does it well. That's why millions of people give a toss what she says and why only I give a toss what you say. And I don't, really wink.png

And if you think about it, it's worked here too. You felt so strongly about something that someone said about her that you posted it into the endless stream of white noise that is the internet.

Disclosure: I think Lady Gaga's an insufferable <deleted>, but that's just the way I've been roped into playing the game. Why do I need to have an opinion at all?

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Also quite surprised that nobody hung themselves up over her comment about "50,000 screaming Thai monsters" - unless 'monsters' is simply pop lingo for 'loving fans', of course.

Couldn't work out if you were being serious or not, but...

Yes, 'monsters' is her collective term for her followers...

Her's and their term for themselves.

Her first stop after the hotel was to the Fake Lady Market,

AKA Katoey Cabaret, where they are quite upfront about being

who they are, and not being who they were,

but having purposely reinvented themselves

as who they are.

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Why would any Thai be upset about this comment? The should be upset about there being so many fake goods available.

On the other hand, why would Lady GaGa make such a comment when she is from New York and fake Rolex watches are available all over the place.

I don't think anyone really IS upset. The posters here seem more upset about the idea of Thais being upset about this. This is a manufactured story. Write a story based on a few tweets that says Thais are outraged when 99% don't care at all, and then get people talking about the supposed outrage and drum up publicity.

As for why she'd say anything, publicity

I asked a few of the locals what they thought earlier on. As you correctly surmise, not one of them was remotely interested.

The comment was either an attempt at humor or more likely she had on her mind the money she believes is being lost to her by copied cds of hers here. But I am not sure if it was an attempt to show she didn't care or an underhand dig at the money she believes she is losing. I just find it hard to believe she can talk about fake goods in Thailand and not have in the front of her mind the number of royalties she is not getting because of illegally copied cds here.

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Why would she be admired for anything...immoral and without conscience; it does indicate what the west has become..truly decadent; she is just but one of the agents to spread this decadence. May God have mercy on you...because I would not.

She is a friend's cousin, she is not immoral, she is a great showman,

doing what pop stars do, shock the previous generations.

I don't care for her present music that much, even though it fits the market perfectly,

but I certainly admire her fearless chutspa.

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Why would she be admired for anything...immoral and without conscience; it does indicate what the west has become..truly decadent; she is just but one of the agents to spread this decadence. May God have mercy on you...because I would not.

I think your rifle needs cleaning again.

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Why would any Thai be upset about this comment? The should be upset about there being so many fake goods available.

On the other hand, why would Lady GaGa make such a comment when she is from New York and fake Rolex watches are available all over the place.

Because New York isn't associated with fake goods while Thailand is seen as the veritable hub of fake products, the fake Rolex being the iconic item brought back from a holiday in Bangkok...

Yes there are fakes available in most Western cities but the vendors are kept in the streets and regularly have to dodge the BiB, here they openly rent stalls/ shops and just provide the BiB a cut of the profits if they are ever even approached by them...

Then you need to consider where are all of these fakes being produced? Hint, it's not in New York or London or the production costs would be approaching the real thing!

They are openly sold on the streets in NY as well as small convenience stores. There are a number of ways they get around the law and one big one is that nobody believes they are real when they are sold for $20 and the vendors don't make any claims to them being real. But of course NY is not known as well as Thailand for knock offs. Point being is the comment was clearly not about Rolex watches and she was trying to make another point though I am not clear if it was to show she doesn't care or to bring to put attention on the issue.

Keep in mind that these twitter users that have huge followings are often paid big for some tweets and this certainly could have been a tweet concocted by the record companies and her reps.

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Why would she be admired for anything...immoral and without conscience; it does indicate what the west has become..truly decadent; she is just but one of the agents to spread this decadence. May God have mercy on you...because I would not.

Oy vey. Just don't listen to her then. Chutzpah indeed!
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The real insult was not the Rolex comment but the fact that she called her Thai fans; "Monsters". It is utterly nonsense to think that a remark over fake Rolexes damages the name of Thailand. Without the non existing fake Rolexes, the puritan Massage Parlours, the counterfeit football jerseys and the drugs no tourist would bother visiting Thailand. There is something awfully off when general practices of the Thai Mafia are highlighted by foreigners.

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The real insult was not the Rolex comment but the fact that she called her Thai fans; "Monsters". It is utterly nonsense to think that a remark over fake Rolexes damages the name of Thailand. Without the non existing fake Rolexes, the puritan Massage Parlours, the counterfeit football jerseys and the drugs no tourist would bother visiting Thailand. There is something awfully off when general practices of the Thai Mafia are highlighted by foreigners.

All her fans are called monsters. Case closed.
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