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Baan Totster... Den Of Iniquity...


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Redrus, were you the kid that everyone dared to eat and drink stuff they didn't want to? :o

I reckon even redrus wouldnt be able to drink my 18th birthday drink. This had from what i can remember the following ingredients

Natch cider

Wife beater Stella



Wild turkey

Jack daniels

Southern comfort

That one in the really tall bottle that looks like a triangle

The green liquear whatever that is

it also had a pickled egg and a tablespoon of mustard :D

This was given to me in the middle of my local pub, and when i refused to drink it, and there was much piss taking, one of the much older seasoned drinkers sank it in one. Fair play to him he held it down. Unfortunately he passed out about 20 minutes later against a radiator, when he woke up 4 hours later he had recieved 2nd degree burns to his leg.

Shame really, but glad i didnt drink it, been a non drinker i reckon that would have put me in hospital :D


That reminds me of the "rusty nail" I had to drink once without knowing it's contence (3/4 Wodka, 1/4 Tabasco) :D:D

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No way... WELCOME BACK CATSYPAT..... Show us some African Tribal Ritual Dances.... Naked of course!

Glauka, yesterevening everything around the most beautiful lake in the world was a bright scarlet/Orange colour...Everything. Even black people were showing up Orange. It was absolutely Beautiful/Mystical.post-12676-1138738285_thumb.jpg

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No way... WELCOME BACK CATSYPAT..... Show us some African Tribal Ritual Dances.... Naked of course!

Glauka, yesterevening everything around the most beautiful lake in the world was a bright scarlet/Orange colour...Everything. Even black people were showing up Orange. It was absolutely Beautiful/Mystical.post-12676-1138738285_thumb.jpg

Is that not just a previous avatar young man.....? Or am I just far too suspicious.


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No way... WELCOME BACK CATSYPAT..... Show us some African Tribal Ritual Dances.... Naked of course!

Glauka, yesterevening everything around the most beautiful lake in the world was a bright scarlet/Orange colour...Everything. Even black people were showing up Orange. It was absolutely Beautiful/Mystical.post-12676-1138738285_thumb.jpg

Agree that picture is a awesome...and I imagine It must be amazing to seeing for real.

However I also like snow!!

So I guess that both landscapes are beautiful... :o

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Don't know if this is the right place to post this question...

Is there a particular type of Thai Whiskey you can drink?

My friend mentioned a particular drink she had in Bangkok when she was there but couldn't recall the name.


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Don't know if this is the right place to post this question...

Is there a particular type of Thai Whiskey you can drink?

My friend mentioned a particular drink she had in Bangkok when she was there but couldn't recall the name.


Well... Normally when people are talking about thai whiskeys they mean Sangsom (which is actually a Rum) or Mekong (a rice whiskey) . It is possible it could also be Lao Kao which is a potent and rather rough tasting rice whiskey

totster :o

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Well... Normally when people are talking about thai whiskeys they mean Sangsom (which is actually a Rum) or Mekong (a rice whiskey) . It is possible it could also be Lao Kao which is a potent and rather rough tasting rice whiskey

totster :o

Sangsom sounds familiar...she thought it was songam or something like that..... thanks Totster!


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Im back!!! Got the windburn, freckles and some nice juicy melons!!

Am I still employed, or have i been replaced by a younger, more agile model

Hey Patsy, how was deep, dark Africa? :D

I'm back too... just went on a 5 day sailing regatta. Am sunburnt and the world won't stop swaying. :o I wanna get off... and I don't want any more bloody alcohol. Those sailors are such party animals. Was a great perv tho!! :D

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Well... Normally when people are talking about thai whiskeys they mean Sangsom (which is actually a Rum) or Mekong (a rice whiskey) . It is possible it could also be Lao Kao which is a potent and rather rough tasting rice whiskey

totster :D

Sangsom sounds familiar...she thought it was songam or something like that..... thanks Totster!


No problem.. glad to be of service . :o


totster :D

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How did your birthday celebrations go yesterday Glauka? Did you have many Zapacas in Baan Totster? :o

Yesterday I took the day off at Baan Totster...just went somewhere else where i did not need to serve my own drinks... :D:D:D

Thank you again for being the FIRST ONE to wishing me Happy Birthday... :D You will be in my momeries forever now...Old croc the first person to whishing me happy birthday when I turned 30.. :D

Also Thank you Suegha, you and your wife were the last ones to wishing me happy birthday...Nice one! just before I went to sleep...thank you! :D

The truth is I didn´t do anything special yesterday...the big day is today and friday...where I gave to me a fantastic birthday present "two tickets for the Flamenco Festival".... :D:D

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I will have the same suegha ( I don´t know what are you having though! :D )...what about you Old Croc, would you like a drink? Does anyone else want a drink?

Well come back Patsy...

Would you like a drink? :o

Thanks Glauka, I'll have a Makers Mark bourbon on the rocks. Whatever the birthday girl wants is on me for the rest of the night :D:D

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I will have the same suegha ( I don´t know what are you having though! :D )...what about you Old Croc, would you like a drink? Does anyone else want a drink?

Well come back Patsy...

Would you like a drink? :o

Thanks Glauka, I'll have a Makers Mark bourbon on the rocks. Whatever the birthday girl wants is on me for the rest of the night :D:D

She's asked for a new house and a top of the range BMW.. so get your checkbook out OC ! :D

totster :D

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I will have the same suegha ( I don´t know what are you having though! :D )...what about you Old Croc, would you like a drink? Does anyone else want a drink?

Well come back Patsy...

Would you like a drink? :o

Thanks Glauka, I'll have a Makers Mark bourbon on the rocks. Whatever the birthday girl wants is on me for the rest of the night :D:D

She's asked for a new house and a top of the range BMW.. so get your checkbook out OC ! :D

totster :D

ARGGH! I was thinking of a couple of pink gins and an Orgasm on the Beach :D

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Thank you guys!!! I always wanted a birthday party that last for 2 or three days...

Old Croc Orgams on the beach... :D Do you believe everything that Baan totster says? :o

I didn´t tell anyone is was my birthday... I AM TURNING 30 :D ...

Wolfie you don´t miss a chance Do you? Tell me a bit more about those vampiric kiss (BTW if is related with my neck and is not the name of a drink forget it... :D )

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I didn´t tell anyone is was my birthday... I AM TURNING 30 :o ...

Glauka, I turn 30 in April. Its not so bad.

I'm travelling through South East Asia though to take my mind off it..... :D:D


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Wolfie you don´t miss a chance Do you? Tell me a bit more about those vampiric kiss (BTW if is related with my neck and is not the name of a drink forget it... :D )

Ahh... errm... ummm... nevermind :o

Wolfie please don´t look at me like that...you know i like you...but i also like my neck...

I will get you a nice virgin OK? :D

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Well, seen as I have time to toast your birthday (I thought I'd missed the party) can I have a 'Harvey Wallbanger' I haven't had one of those for years... oh, and whatever you're having yourself!

God Bless

I will have the same suegha ( I don´t know what are you having though! :D )...what about you Old Croc, would you like a drink? Does anyone else want a drink?

Well come back Patsy...

Would you like a drink? :o

Well, a 'Harvey Wallbanger' is vodka, sambuca, and orange juice all shaken together and served. In very posh bars they'll coat the lip of the glass in sugar and even top the drink off in cream, ie a cream head - this is a bit sickly for me though!

Once, many years ago, I went out with a girlfriend on her birthday, I had Harvey Wallbangers she had 'Black Russians' (vodka, tia maria and coke :D ) We had a great night and could hardly walk home!!!

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I didn´t tell anyone is was my birthday... I AM TURNING 30 :o ...

Glauka, I turn 30 in April. Its not so bad.

I'm travelling through South East Asia though to take my mind off it..... :D:D


I turned 30 14 years ago, trust me turning 30 is fab, turning 40, well now, where do I start...

Edited by suegha
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I didn´t tell anyone is was my birthday... I AM TURNING 30 :D ...

Glauka, I turn 30 in April. Its not so bad.

I'm travelling through South East Asia though to take my mind off it..... :D:D


I turned 30 14 years ago, trust me turning 30 is fab, turning 40, well now, where do I start...

Hey 40 is cool, what's wrong with 40? :o

Happy 30th Glauka... you're a REAL woman now!! Do you feel any different? :D

BTW, a little barfly tells me that LOVEJOY has secretly entered the Land of Smiles. Will he start a "Lovejoy does LOS" thread? :D

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