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the most me and my boyfriend get stared at are by older farang ladies when we are in a shopping centre never

bij thais or farang man i dont know if it is the gay thing or the 20 years age difference we never touch in

public or hold hands or something


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Mom used to take me to kindergarten and get her groceries in a new 71 Camaro SS with 300 horses under the hood. So some people stared at her for that.

My kind of lady. thumbsup.gif


the most me and my boyfriend get stared at are by older farang ladies when we are in a shopping centre never

bij thais or farang man i dont know if it is the gay thing or the 20 years age difference we never touch in

public or hold hands or something


you don't say ...

Let me guess you're not the young one ?


the most me and my boyfriend get stared at are by older farang ladies when we are in a shopping centre never

bij thais or farang man i dont know if it is the gay thing or the 20 years age difference we never touch in

public or hold hands or something


They are probably admiring your dress sense or joie de vivre! enjoy it, you are bringing someone pleasure.biggrin.png


It is a meaningful sentences and it means "which pussy are you staring at ?"

And you think that means something?

I think they are just surprised that you know rude Thai words and just saying "Hee" on it's own would have the same effect.


Must admit l had a 1959 VW Combi in the 60's, great fun with the girls giggle.gif .


and when I bought my '66 VW van it had curtains for the windows included...and when they wore out my 5'11' girlfriend made new ones...she loved that old rust bucket as much as I did...I owned it for 10 years and it was an emotional moment when I sold it...and I said to the purchaser 'give me a moment' and I got in the back and said 'goodbye, old friend' crying.gif...

I bought it in 1975 for $400 and sold it 10 years later for $800...it had real character...I personally rebuilt the engine twice and had special tools like a piston ring compressor...I was an afictionado of the famous DIY maintenance guide 'VW operation and maintenance for the compleat idiot' by John Muir...the clutch was cable operated and the cable snapped once and I replaced it in a parking lot in the Mission District somewhere in SF...and you can't get more intimate with yer wheels than that...

ah, them were the days...oh, boo hoo...


Must admit l had a 1959 VW Combi in the 60's, great fun with the girls giggle.gif .


and when I bought my '66 VW van it had curtains for the windows included...and when they wore out my 5'11' girlfriend made new ones...she loved that old rust bucket as much as I did...I owned it for 10 years and it was an emotional moment when I sold it...and I said to the purchaser 'give me a moment' and I got in the back and said 'goodbye, old friend' crying.gif...

I bought it in 1975 for $400 and sold it 10 years later for $800...it had real character...I personally rebuilt the engine twice and had special tools like a piston ring compressor...I was an afictionado of the famous DIY maintenance guide 'VW operation and maintenance for the compleat idiot' by John Muir...the clutch was cable operated and the cable snapped once and I replaced it in a parking lot in the Mission District somewhere in SF...and you can't get more intimate with yer wheels than that...

ah, them were the days...oh, boo hoo...

Mine was a rust bucket too, bought it in 1968 for 25 UK pounds. laugh.png

Must admit l had a 1959 VW Combi in the 60's, great fun with the girls giggle.gif .


and when I bought my '66 VW van it had curtains for the windows included...and when they wore out my 5'11' girlfriend made new ones...she loved that old rust bucket as much as I did...I owned it for 10 years and it was an emotional moment when I sold it...and I said to the purchaser 'give me a moment' and I got in the back and said 'goodbye, old friend' crying.gif...

I bought it in 1975 for $400 and sold it 10 years later for $800...it had real character...I personally rebuilt the engine twice and had special tools like a piston ring compressor...I was an afictionado of the famous DIY maintenance guide 'VW operation and maintenance for the compleat idiot' by John Muir...the clutch was cable operated and the cable snapped once and I replaced it in a parking lot in the Mission District somewhere in SF...and you can't get more intimate with yer wheels than that...

ah, them were the days...oh, boo hoo...

Mine was a rust bucket too, bought it in 1968 for 25 UK pounds. laugh.png

very possible...I had a Skoda in the UK that didn't pass the MoT inspection due to 'rusty brake pipes' and ended up selling it fer GBP35...the MoT inspector was a neanderthal that couldn't spell his own name...'rusty' brake pipes? the correct word is 'corroded' you dumb POS!

all the English are a bunch of pikeys when it comes to money and cars...I always used public transportation there whenever possible...cars in England are a ridiculous encumbrance...


I have been stared at all my life, all over the world, it is something that you become accustomed to. It is not correct but something that unfortunately happens all over the world.

I have cleared bars, factories, building sites and beaches in South Africa, just for being an "evil spirit" or in their culture a" Tokeloshe", or in the Western world a dwarf. I also receive verbal comments from all nationalities, again all over the world, you don't mind if it is children, but it does get your back up if it is an adult. Just this weekend two Western idiots in the PI made a derogatory remark, I challenged them to what they said and they denied they had said anything. They were complete spineless idiots and would not even admit to their remarks, pathetic!

We all must be able to remember how cruel people are when they first see a person in a wheelchair, or a person with cerebal palsy, or an Albino etc etc. Unfortunately if someone is visually differant to the Majority they will always get stared at, it is human nature, just accept it. What is wrong however if the verbal insults, this is totally wrong. I must have heard hundreds of times when I am in bars/pubs, what is he having: "a half" or a "short". Once I responded with "what are you having a pint of ugly bastard" and it all kicked off.

To make me even stand out more and add "fuel to the fire", I have a beautiful Thai/Chinese wife who is "average height", educated in the UK and is often mistaken for being Chinese or English. The looks we get all over the world are unbelievable, get the usual comments like he must be very wealthy, she is a money grabber etc etc, they cannot understand what my wife is doing with me. The Thai's are generally much better that other Nationalities, but just smile back, it usually works, as I say "life is too short" biggrin.png

Yes TT I can empathise with you.

Many years ago I sailed (merchant navy Oz) with a young guy who had a severe case of spina biffida (spelling?) and like you he had always had people stare at him as he was 4 foot something and had the noticeable hunched back.

We nicknamed him "Rambo" because he was never afraid to back down from anything that was thrown at him.

Doctors told him when he was young that he would be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life...he told the doctors to f*#k off, and proved them wrong by persevering with exercise and sheer will.

Whenever we went up the road for a few beers (when in port) he always got stares. We had to hold him back a few times when he had a few too many and wanted to take on the biggest bloke in the place. He always had a great outlook on life.

He studied hard and was sailing as 2nd Mate before he unfortunately passed away at the young age of 27.

I will never forget our Rambo, he lightened up even our darkest days at sea.


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I have been stared at all my life, all over the world, it is something that you become accustomed to. It is not correct but something that unfortunately happens all over the world.

I have cleared bars, factories, building sites and beaches in South Africa, just for being an "evil spirit" or in their culture a" Tokeloshe", or in the Western world a dwarf. I also receive verbal comments from all nationalities, again all over the world, you don't mind if it is children, but it does get your back up if it is an adult. Just this weekend two Western idiots in the PI made a derogatory remark, I challenged them to what they said and they denied they had said anything. They were complete spineless idiots and would not even admit to their remarks, pathetic!

We all must be able to remember how cruel people are when they first see a person in a wheelchair, or a person with cerebal palsy, or an Albino etc etc. Unfortunately if someone is visually differant to the Majority they will always get stared at, it is human nature, just accept it. What is wrong however if the verbal insults, this is totally wrong. I must have heard hundreds of times when I am in bars/pubs, what is he having: "a half" or a "short". Once I responded with "what are you having a pint of ugly bastard" and it all kicked off.

To make me even stand out more and add "fuel to the fire", I have a beautiful Thai/Chinese wife who is "average height", educated in the UK and is often mistaken for being Chinese or English. The looks we get all over the world are unbelievable, get the usual comments like he must be very wealthy, she is a money grabber etc etc, they cannot understand what my wife is doing with me. The Thai's are generally much better that other Nationalities, but just smile back, it usually works, as I say "life is too short" biggrin.png

Yes TT I can empathise with you.

Many years ago I sailed (merchant navy Oz) with a young guy who had a severe case of spina biffida (spelling?) and like you he had always had people stare at him as he was 4 foot something and had the noticeable hunched back.

We nicknamed him "Rambo" because he was never afraid to back down from anything that was thrown at him.

Doctors told him when he was young that he would be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life...he told the doctors to f*#k off, and proved them wrong by persevering with exercise and sheer will.

Whenever we went up the road for a few beers (when in port) he always got stares. We had to hold him back a few times when he had a few too many and wanted to take on the biggest bloke in the place. He always had a great outlook on life.

He studied hard and was sailing as 2nd Mate before he unfortunately passed away at the young age of 27.

I will never forget our Rambo, he lightened up even our darkest days at sea.


a wonderful story...thanks for sharing...


the most me and my boyfriend get stared at are by older farang ladies when we are in a shopping centre never

bij thais or farang man i dont know if it is the gay thing or the 20 years age difference we never touch in

public or hold hands or something


you don't say ...

Let me guess you're not the young one ?

i am 44 and the bf 24 so not walking with a cane yet


the most me and my boyfriend get stared at are by older farang ladies when we are in a shopping centre never

bij thais or farang man i dont know if it is the gay thing or the 20 years age difference we never touch in

public or hold hands or something


you don't say ...

Let me guess you're not the young one ?

i am 44 and the bf 24 so not walking with a cane yet

Did I mention walking cane ?

I only guessed right ... I wonder how ...


the most me and my boyfriend get stared at are by older farang ladies when we are in a shopping centre never

bij thais or farang man i dont know if it is the gay thing or the 20 years age difference we never touch in

public or hold hands or something


you don't say ...

Let me guess you're not the young one ?

i am 44 and the bf 24 so not walking with a cane yet

Did I mention walking cane ?

I only guessed right ... I wonder how ...

maybe because your a farang woman?????

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