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Thaksin's Son Praises Sonthi For 'Unlocking Nation'


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Isn't wonderful that this boy is giving us all the benefit of his political experience and worldliness ?

He is about as bright as a temple candle yet he deigns to assume the mantle of greatness.

Indeed some have greatness thrust upon them others get it thrust up them.as was the outcome of daddy and his sponsoring of the Red Shirts.

Yet again we see that the boy is being groomed to take a seat on the board of the family run parliament in the future so as to safeguard the family fortune and also ensure full employment for other family members too.

Many a tale about this laddie who was at one time very close to Jakrob Penkair but daddy wasn't happy about that little friendship by all accounts thus he put a stop to it..

Edited by siampolee
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"So, this bill was drafted and I have to thank him."

He said if any article caused political victims to feel that they would not receive justice, the article could be changed and improved during the deliberation process.

Panthongtae said it was fine that a group of Pheu Thai MPs had also proposed their own versions of reconciliation bills.

He said that a reconciliation bill should rehabilitate the victims and should create social justice.

- thank General Sonthi

- if 'political' victims feel not to receive justice ...

- the more bills the better

- bill should rehabilitate victims and create social justice

It is really a pity Calgaryll is no longer with us, he would have something nice to say about 'coup makers'. Anyway the interesting part is in 'political' victims who may complain. So who defines what is a political victim, or is it 'everybody know' again? And how about just normal, ordinary victims? They shouldn't and may not complain? Are people from the grass-root organisations political victims? Is anyone asking for democracy a victim who may ask for articles to be changed and improved?

A bill rehabilitating victims and create social justice may be more than the loving son realises he's asking for.

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

"Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education"

I stand by my comment, snide or not. He is what he is, a "daddy's boy" and a spoiled one at that, and he exhibits all the characteristics of his ilk, the sort of people, who when questioned or stopped are often heard to say " Do you know who my father is?" or " Do you know who I am?"

This son of Thaksin may have been to school and university but that doesn't necessarily make him an educated person, since university degrees can be purchased as easily as a paperback, and not just from KSRd.. His university history speaks volumes by the way.

He is not an example to the youth of Thailand and to be perfectly frank I doubt that without his father's money and influence, the young chap would be fit to clean my windows.

And one only needs to look at Dhanin Chearavanont to see that a guy at the top never bought a degree, admits he never went to Uni, AND is Thailand's richest man, as owner of CPF.

He's clean, doesn't play politics, works on his lot, and maintains his own lot. He is an example, although he has the poorside of being from a Chinese immigrant family that came here with nothing. He didn't need police members of his family, and nor has he ever been corrupt.

Honesty can pay in Thailand, and take you to the echelons of the top title!!


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"But after he realised that the coup was not the right solution, he was man enough to lead the efforts to solve this situation," Panthongtae wrote. "So, this bill was drafted and I have to thank him."

This message has been paid for and approved by TS

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Panthongtae Shinawatra, the son of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Tuesday praised former coup leader Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin for proposing a reconciliation bill.

When are they going to stop calling it "reconciliation" and start to call it for what it is "withewash of a convicted criminal"

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Panthongtae Shinawatra, the son of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Tuesday praised former coup leader Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin for proposing a reconciliation bill.

When are they going to stop calling it "reconciliation" and start to call it for what it is "withewash of a convicted criminal"

This only applies if one takes the stance, that there is, and only ever has been, one person in Thailand guilty of crime...a very compassionate view in the interests of reconciliation, I commend your ability to rise above the run of the mill criticism of the red shirts and the military....though you may find others are not so accommodating

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

How does this line not leave him open for Character assassination.

"He said that a reconciliation bill should rehabilitate the victims and should create social justice."

A law to let his daddy get away with murder. Not exactly what I would look for in a person if I was looking for their good points. He is in fact shoving his lack of Character in our faces. Also proving he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer thinking that making it OK for his daddy do any thing he likes and if it is not legal just change the law.

A reconciliation bill should bring the nation together not pay big money to criminals. And that is exactly what every one of them was who refused to evacuate the area. You may not be the smartest one in the world but even you would have to admit they were crimanals. Abhist let most of them go home would Thaksin have been that generous?

You just think your hero is popular because the PT got 48% of the vote. Did it ever cross your mind that some of those could just have been votes against the Dems and some of them might have actually thought Yingluck could do the job.

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Panthongtae Shinawatra, the son of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Tuesday praised former coup leader Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin for proposing a reconciliation bill.

When are they going to stop calling it "reconciliation" and start to call it for what it is "withewash of a convicted criminal"

This only applies if one takes the stance, that there is, and only ever has been, one person in Thailand guilty of crime...a very compassionate view in the interests of reconciliation, I commend your ability to rise above the run of the mill criticism of the red shirts and the military....though you may find others are not so accommodating

Well said, geo! Some may be mildly sarcastic, some downright cynical. Your own view you have not stated in this post (of course).

Gen. Sonthi should be praised for the non-violent coup he and his team staged in September 2006. On the other hand it may be necessary for him to have his head examined to understand why he undertakes further actions which are praised by his erstwhile opponents and enemies.

To have the 'media king' Panthongtae defend his father, painting him as 'political' victim is almost as hilarious as as if one of Murdoch's sons doing similar.

BTW no need to provide further details, we already tapped your phone wink.png

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

How does this line not leave him open for Character assassination.

"He said that a reconciliation bill should rehabilitate the victims and should create social justice."

A law to let his daddy get away with murder. Not exactly what I would look for in a person if I was looking for their good points. He is in fact shoving his lack of Character in our faces. Also proving he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer thinking that making it OK for his daddy do any thing he likes and if it is not legal just change the law.

A reconciliation bill should bring the nation together not pay big money to criminals. And that is exactly what every one of them was who refused to evacuate the area. You may not be the smartest one in the world but even you would have to admit they were crimanals. Abhist let most of them go home would Thaksin have been that generous?

You just think your hero is popular because the PT got 48% of the vote. Did it ever cross your mind that some of those could just have been votes against the Dems and some of them might have actually thought Yingluck could do the job.

Oh dear, another one catching up after months.......it was said at the time PTP were elected that there was a big possibility that there were many votes against the Dems in view of their poor performance, and their abysmal election campaign....but no the cries of "it is all about one man" sufficed to submerge the very notion you now put forward

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Well said, geo! Some may be mildly sarcastic, some downright cynical. Your own view you have not stated in this post (of course).

Gen. Sonthi should be praised for the non-violent coup he and his team staged in September 2006. On the other hand it may be necessary for him to have his head examined to understand why he undertakes further actions which are praised by his erstwhile opponents and enemies.

To have the 'media king' Panthongtae defend his father, painting him as 'political' victim is almost as hilarious as as if one of Murdoch's sons doing similar.

BTW no need to provide further details, we already tapped your phone wink.png

In my world a son defending his father would not even be out of the ordinary enough to stimulate comment, same so the reverse, but some find strong family ties difficult to understand......I guess...

Edited by 473geo
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Well said, geo! Some may be mildly sarcastic, some downright cynical. Your own view you have not stated in this post (of course).

Gen. Sonthi should be praised for the non-violent coup he and his team staged in September 2006. On the other hand it may be necessary for him to have his head examined to understand why he undertakes further actions which are praised by his erstwhile opponents and enemies.

To have the 'media king' Panthongtae defend his father, painting him as 'political' victim is almost as hilarious as as if one of Murdoch's sons doing similar.

BTW no need to provide further details, we already tapped your phone wink.png

In my world a son defending his father would not even be out of the ordinary enough to stimulate comment, same so the reverse, but some find strong family ties difficult to understand......I guess...

'same so the reverse' ?

Anyway, it's not out of ordinary for a son to defend his father, indeed. It's just that the act and way of defending and knowing who the son and father are that makes it coming under real scrutiny. No offence, but when your son speaks out here clear and loudly to defend his father for some statements less acceptable by other posters, that would most likely only generate symphaty for your position. Having k. Thaksin's son speak about 'political' victims and 'Gen. Sonthi seeing the errors of his ways' makes many more people smile and wonder about the conceit. IMHOwai.gif

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Slightly off topic but I just can't wait for reaction from the TV frothers brigade (TVFB) after Thaksin comes back & then becomes PM again. Priceless!

That would unite the red and yellow shirts in opposition to this meglomaniac.

What possible reason would you, personally want him back?

I believe that if his ex lets him come back he will wants the seat on the privy council, that hes selling the Red shirts out for.

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Panthongtae Shinawatra, the son of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Tuesday praised former coup leader Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin for proposing a reconciliation bill.

When are they going to stop calling it "reconciliation" and start to call it for what it is "withewash of a convicted criminal"

This only applies if one takes the stance, that there is, and only ever has been, one person in Thailand guilty of crime...a very compassionate view in the interests of reconciliation, I commend your ability to rise above the run of the mill criticism of the red shirts and the military....though you may find others are not so accommodating

Are they planning to whitewash everyone that has committed these crimes?

Sent from my shoe phone

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are the precisely the fundamental emotions used by Thaksin and his henchmen to manipulate the red hoards.

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

Fear, jealousy and bitterness, this is what you see. Fascinating insight is good for someone with limited education, than he can avoid character assassination by closing his incompetent mouth. To be a son of someone doesn't protect you against remarks of critical people. Sorry, I forgot you.

Unfortunately, the remarks of the critical people are absolute hypocrisy. There is one chap weighing in on this thread, that took great delight in providing in detail his delight at being incarcerated because he refused to recognize the authority of the police or the courts in their attempts to enforce speeding laws. There's another person that has delighted in tales of of debauchery with bargirls.

There is always a place for constructive criticism and a different view in Thai politics. I have no problem with that. However, it really is quite petty when someone posts a picture of someone posing with a plate and mocks the subject for his physical appearance. Had the lad been morbidly obese and a slob like some of the people commenting, would that have made him acceptable?. How does the lad's physical appearance have anything to do with the thread? There hasn't been anything substantive stated in this thread. Instead. it is a regurgitation of childish insults.

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

Fear, jealousy and bitterness, this is what you see. Fascinating insight is good for someone with limited education, than he can avoid character assassination by closing his incompetent mouth. To be a son of someone doesn't protect you against remarks of critical people. Sorry, I forgot you.

Unfortunately, the remarks of the critical people are absolute hypocrisy. There is one chap weighing in on this thread, that took great delight in providing in detail his delight at being incarcerated because he refused to recognize the authority of the police or the courts in their attempts to enforce speeding laws. There's another person that has delighted in tales of of debauchery with bargirls.

There is always a place for constructive criticism and a different view in Thai politics. I have no problem with that. However, it really is quite petty when someone posts a picture of someone posing with a plate and mocks the subject for his physical appearance. Had the lad been morbidly obese and a slob like some of the people commenting, would that have made him acceptable?. How does the lad's physical appearance have anything to do with the thread? There hasn't been anything substantive stated in this thread. Instead. it is a regurgitation of childish insults.

Would you like to be sued for defamation? The law as laid down in NSW law at the time allowed for payment of a fine or incarceration in lieu. That I chose the latter was in no way improper. And somebody else has a healthy heterosexual appetite.

The fact that those acts morally offends you gives me great pleasure.

Has the little rich boy done ANYTHING in his life to counter the publicly known negatives? A bit of charity work, maybe even a donation of some of the money that comes to him by right of his name?

i know some people get a little woody when the get to rub shoulders with the rich and fatuous. You carry it to levels that are absolutely nauseous.

Edited by OzMick
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Slightly off topic but I just can't wait for reaction from the TV frothers brigade (TVFB) after Thaksin comes back & then becomes PM again. Priceless!

Ah you are using your poo intellect. Thaksin talks and blusters about wrongfully accused and wanting to come home.

Fact is he is afraid that there is a fate here just waiting for him to get in it's site's.

PS I have this great bridge a real money maker I can let you have it cheap.

Edited by hellodolly
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With his close/extended family as well as his work history, he should fit the Thai polotical scene like stink on sh.t. On the other hand he may be more qualified a s the source of the odor.

More qualified??

Thaksin has a doctorate in Criminal Justice! How can any criminal on the run be more qualified?

Houston University, Huntsville, not in the 200 best rankings of the world,- in Texas highest murder rate in US, accomplished by capital punishment of proven innocents.

Training doctorate for the war on drugs?

the guy cant even string a sentence together in English. Doubtful if he even did the work for this degree.

check this out,

the thaksin rap. clap2.gif
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Ah the daily coronary inducing thread about one of the Shinawatra clan, forcing all those Thaksin haters to remind us once again how much they dislike him, then try and justify their childish behaviour talking about peoples appearance etc etc etc by seeming to think talking about his sons appearance really is a valid political argument, pathetic really.

His son is however correct, Sonthi has realised his mistake in leading the coup and is not trying to address that issue. Can this be focused on rather than the the usual nonsense from the same boring posters rehashing old stuff over and over and over and over, yes we get it, you hate him yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

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The emotions of fear, jealousy and bitterness are discernible in this thread. Why are comments unrelated to the specifics of the man's comments posted? Character assassination is the m.o. of the bitter brigade, once again. Snide comments made about education, coming from people with limited education. Fascinating insight.

Fear, jealousy and bitterness, this is what you see. Fascinating insight is good for someone with limited education, than he can avoid character assassination by closing his incompetent mouth. To be a son of someone doesn't protect you against remarks of critical people. Sorry, I forgot you.

Unfortunately, the remarks of the critical people are absolute hypocrisy. There is one chap weighing in on this thread, that took great delight in providing in detail his delight at being incarcerated because he refused to recognize the authority of the police or the courts in their attempts to enforce speeding laws. There's another person that has delighted in tales of of debauchery with bargirls.

There is always a place for constructive criticism and a different view in Thai politics. I have no problem with that. However, it really is quite petty when someone posts a picture of someone posing with a plate and mocks the subject for his physical appearance. Had the lad been morbidly obese and a slob like some of the people commenting, would that have made him acceptable?. How does the lad's physical appearance have anything to do with the thread? There hasn't been anything substantive stated in this thread. Instead. it is a regurgitation of childish insults.

How is it wrong to put a picture to the face cited in a news article?

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Ah the daily coronary inducing thread about one of the Shinawatra clan, forcing all those Thaksin haters to remind us once again how much they dislike him, then try and justify their childish behaviour talking about peoples appearance etc etc etc by seeming to think talking about his sons appearance really is a valid political argument, pathetic really.

His son is however correct, Sonthi has realised his mistake in leading the coup and is not trying to address that issue. Can this be focused on rather than the the usual nonsense from the same boring posters rehashing old stuff over and over and over and over, yes we get it, you hate him yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

Thaksin's son is not correct. Sonthi has not realized that the coup was a mistake. He even never said that. Sonthi is just prostituting himself like many other Thai politicians do. They do EVERYTHING for money. The coup was the BEST thing that happened to Thailand. It eliminated the country form a ruthless and dangerous criminal, with loads of blood on his hands, who did/does EVERYTHING for money and power.

Coups are necessary in Thailand for as long as people go into politics for only 1 reason ENRICH and WHITEWASH themselves. It's their playing ground and the people are just puppets in the big game.

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A PM that refuses to leave the position he no longer legally holds is a coup, Removing a PM that refuses to leave the position he no longer legally holds is not a coup,

what do you call a coup that occurs in between elections?

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the guy cant even string a sentence together in English. Doubtful if he even did the work for this degree.

check this out, [media=]

[/media] the thaksin rap. clap2.gif

And how is your fluency in Thai?

Apparently, his language skills were sufficient to build a company. What did your language skills achieve?

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