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PAD Vows To Fight Reconciliation Bills 'Till The End'


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For there to be reconciliation there has to be compromise on both sides ,this IMHO is totally alien to a Thai, as to admit that you could be wrong means losing face , so its a none starter and doomed to failure .

I disagree with your saying 'reconciliation' is alien to the Thais. They will go out of their way to accommodate one another, even to the absurd extent of letting a convicted felon slip the country. 'Better to allow the easy way out'. And now they are beginning to learn the 'easy' way isn't and has come back to bite them in the arse.

They managed to escape being colonised by making concession after concession to the Europeans after all.

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There you go, you dumb, old, wrinkled, expat, authoritarian, jumbos. I tole you a military coup would solve nothing. Are you really surprised we are back to square one? It doesn't really matter if the rulers are corrupt & inept. They are in most of the world. If the ballot is half-way fair, what counts is the votes. The winners make the government, & the losers gripe until the next election. Keep on trumpeting about stupid voters as long as you like. If you trample on democracy, you'll prolly get an Adolf Hitler or Joe Stalin, & they will put a knot in your trunks sharpish. OGT

Inappropriate language! Better admit that vote-buying has nothing to do with democracy... and please keep your impressing repertoire of improper words for your own. It may reflect your education level!

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.............................."The End Game".....................................................

.............................post-9891-0-12262700-1338436933_thumb.jp post-9891-0-38909300-1338436941_thumb.jp

"The power and the glory for ever and ever". Amen


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It's hard to sympathize with anyone in Thai politics or on the peripheries these days. The reds have a point that that working class Thais were ignored by the establishment until Thaksin came along. However, Thaksin and his PT party have their own personal short term interests at heart and only consider the ordinary people as a means to power and riches. The yellows have a point that the reds and Thaksin ignore rule of law and want to whitewash corruption, arson murder and other crimes as well as expunge legal verdicts which is tantamount to overthrowing the judicial system, such as it is. However, the yellows' extreme nationalism including all the nonsense about the Hindu temple on the Cambodian border is over the top, as are their methods in taking over airports etc and their leaders are all unappealing. The Dems have a reasonable image but were weak in government, relying on other very corrupt parties and the military to stay in power, and have failed to do anything to appeal to working class voters outside the South.

I pity Thai voters in that they have no one sincere and capable to vote for.

Save your pity. What the voters in the south feel about those in Isaan I am not allowed to express here.

“The key is sincerity, and once you learn to fake that, you've got it made!”

And i think you mis-spelled "culpable".

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

She's probably waiting for them to kill someone, burn down a building or 6, invade a hospital, or even launch an RPG at a jet-fuel tank farm. You know, the stuff "peaceful protesters" always do.

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Things seem to develop a bit slow...Can anyone press the fast-forward button, please?

Thailand doesn't have fast forward capability yet.

The machine is outdated and the remote-control is in Dubai.

Edited by Yunla
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If it were not for the PAD, like them or not, Taksin's nose would've been back in the trough years ago. Who was going to stop him? The stupid coup makers had more or less admitted their gaffe, fully realising it would've been best, albeit painful, to let this egomaniac implode.

He was reviled by most before the coup. And so where were his 'supporters' then? Why were they not out on the streets demanding his return in 2006? Not rocket science is it.

There was a 3rd alternative, but not available on the chosen day.

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

She's probably waiting for them to kill someone, burn down a building or 6, invade a hospital, or even launch an RPG at a jet-fuel tank farm. You know, the stuff "peaceful protesters" always do.

Not one of the things you mention was done until one of the reds was murdered

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The problem is that what Pheu Thai calls 'reconciliation' is nothing of the sort. It's 'our way or the highway'. They have made all sorts of promises to have consultative meetings around the country &, as usual, not kept their word.

Real reconciliation would be sitting down with representatives of both sides - preferably with an arbitrator - and starting with what they can agree on. Then the negotiations start with each side having to compromise. This would very likely have to be repeated more than once.

Private meetings are a must as are a ban on mobile phones to prevent outside interests.

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

She's probably waiting for them to kill someone, burn down a building or 6, invade a hospital, or even launch an RPG at a jet-fuel tank farm. You know, the stuff "peaceful protesters" always do.

Or take over government house, storm buildings, shoot at people, shoot people, attack people, set off car bombs, oh I didnt even mention taking over international airports and beating their own supporters up who tried to go home, kidnapping police, driving their cars over police etc etc etc.

At least try and be balanced instead of trying to pretend your beloved yellows were peaceful protestors.

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

The yellow shirts need to set up some petrol soaked barriers, throw a few grenades, kill some soldiers, kills some by-standers and invade some hospitals before that happens.

edit ... oh, I see someone beat me to it ...

In response to B.t.N.'s response: Some soldiers had been murdered before those things happened.

Edited by whybother
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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

The yellow shirts need to set up some petrol soaked barriers, throw a few grenades, kill some soldiers, kills some by-standers and invade some hospitals before that happens.

edit ... oh, I see someone beat me to it ...

In response to B.t.N.'s response: Some soldiers had been murdered before those things happened.

The soldiers as virtually proved from the video where killed by their own men lobbing a grenade amongst them, to create the decided effect which was the army shooting anything that moved. I would rather believe the munitions expert who stated that a flash grenade of that nature could not have been thrown the distance between the demonstartors and the troops lines. Only posssibility another soldier rolled it in and stood behind the armoured vehice. Now please tell me how many other army personnel where killed. you guessed it.

Was this the same red shirts who took weapons off soldiers and handed them back with the ammunition

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3,000 yellow shirts against a possible force of over 10,000 red shirts. I think the red shirts win in this country. Good luck Thailand. We'll keep out of your business and just be here for what Thailand's really good at. Living unfortunately, is not one of them.

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

The yellow shirts need to set up some petrol soaked barriers, throw a few grenades, kill some soldiers, kills some by-standers and invade some hospitals before that happens.

edit ... oh, I see someone beat me to it ...

In response to B.t.N.'s response: Some soldiers had been murdered before those things happened.

The soldiers as virtually proved from the video where killed by their own men lobbing a grenade amongst them, to create the decided effect which was the army shooting anything that moved. I would rather believe the munitions expert who stated that a flash grenade of that nature could not have been thrown the distance between the demonstartors and the troops lines. Only posssibility another soldier rolled it in and stood behind the armoured vehice. Now please tell me how many other army personnel where killed. you guessed it.

Was this the same red shirts who took weapons off soldiers and handed them back with the ammunition

What video??? That's complete BS.

The grenades that the red shirts were using at other times during the protests were launched, not thrown.

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

The yellow shirts need to set up some petrol soaked barriers, throw a few grenades, kill some soldiers, kills some by-standers and invade some hospitals before that happens.

edit ... oh, I see someone beat me to it ...

In response to B.t.N.'s response: Some soldiers had been murdered before those things happened.

The soldiers as virtually proved from the video where killed by their own men lobbing a grenade amongst them, to create the decided effect which was the army shooting anything that moved. I would rather believe the munitions expert who stated that a flash grenade of that nature could not have been thrown the distance between the demonstartors and the troops lines. Only posssibility another soldier rolled it in and stood behind the armoured vehice. Now please tell me how many other army personnel where killed. you guessed it.

Was this the same red shirts who took weapons off soldiers and handed them back with the ammunition

What video??? That's complete BS.

The grenades that the red shirts were using at other times during the protests were launched, not thrown.

Its not Bs it was available in the Amsterdam report (who you will have to discredit). Of course its only opinion buts whats your based on. If you run the video slowly you can stop it when the flash grenade goes off and you can see the molten metal rising from the ground. One grenade thrown lands right in the middle of 6 officers. What is the likely hood of that. The likely hood of a grenade rolled in from 10 m is very possible. What other soldiers were killed now

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

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Surin confident protesters will not storm WEF

The Nation


File photo

BANGKOK: -- Asean Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan on Thursday is optimistic that the crowds protesting against the controversial reconciliation law will not storm the ongoing World Economic Forum in a repeat of the Asean Summit in Pattaya in 2009.

The protesters led by People's Alliance for Democracy, known as yellow shirts, are gathering in front of the Parliament to protest against the law as it is aimed at whitewashing exThai premier Thaksin Shinawatra and his cohorts and bringing Thaksin home.

During the Abhisit Vejjajiva government, red shirts protesters, supporters of Thaksin, stormed into a Pattaya hotel where the Asean Summit was being held, resulting in the abrupt cancellation of the meeting. Asean leaders had to be escorted from the hotel with some being flown by helicopter back to the airport to return home.

Surin, who is in Bangkok to attend the WEF, said as Asean chief he was also in that Pattaya hotel.

"If an invasion were to really happen, it would not be worse than last time. However, no one wants to see the repeat of the incident," he said.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of Thaksin, has repeatedly declined to comment on the law, claiming it is the duty of the parliament to decide.


-- The Nation 2012-05-31

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers
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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

The yellow shirts need to set up some petrol soaked barriers, throw a few grenades, kill some soldiers, kills some by-standers and invade some hospitals before that happens.

edit ... oh, I see someone beat me to it ...

In response to B.t.N.'s response: Some soldiers had been murdered before those things happened.

The soldiers as virtually proved from the video where killed by their own men lobbing a grenade amongst them, to create the decided effect which was the army shooting anything that moved. I would rather believe the munitions expert who stated that a flash grenade of that nature could not have been thrown the distance between the demonstartors and the troops lines. Only posssibility another soldier rolled it in and stood behind the armoured vehice. Now please tell me how many other army personnel where killed. you guessed it.

Was this the same red shirts who took weapons off soldiers and handed them back with the ammunition

That is the most stupid thing I have ever read on this forum. Do you really not understand the difference between a flash grenade, a hand grenade (M-67), and an M-79?

You can't throw it that far so it MUST have been the RTA killing their own - completely ignoring that the reds were using M-79s with a range of up to 400m.

Where's that bloody ignore button.

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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

She's probably waiting for them to kill someone, burn down a building or 6, invade a hospital, or even launch an RPG at a jet-fuel tank farm. You know, the stuff "peaceful protesters" always do.

Or take over government house, storm buildings, shoot at people, shoot people, attack people, set off car bombs, oh I didnt even mention taking over international airports and beating their own supporters up who tried to go home, kidnapping police, driving their cars over police etc etc etc.

At least try and be balanced instead of trying to pretend your beloved yellows were peaceful protestors.

you post the same nonsense that is discussed 1000 and proven to be more or less wrong, a 100 times more?

even if you post it again and again in variations it doesn't get more true.

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

I know because I was there at the time. It was not a stranglehold, it was a peaceful protest by people who were sick of corrupt despotism. Most of the people there lived in Bangkok to begin with and most of them were blue-collar local workers doing sit-down protest. Red mob were armed & openly talking about burning the city down and killing the mysterious "elites" who quite frankly could be anybody in Bangkok.

Edited by Yunla
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Here goes the Hindenburg balloon up once more,

right on schedule, filled to over flowing with highly combustable gas.

This was all so predicable and dreadful, and as if no one learned a thing,

it comes to pass again. And while this clan continues to try it's

powerplay for control of an entire country, this will not end.

And when it all finally does hit the phan, some one will tearfully intone:

"Oh the humanity! " as the flames shoot higher.

Edited by animatic
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Yingluck should call out the army, assassinate the ring leader, by sniper then crush them my murdering at least 90 of the geriatric terrorists but that sort of thing never happens

The yellow shirts need to set up some petrol soaked barriers, throw a few grenades, kill some soldiers, kills some by-standers and invade some hospitals before that happens.

edit ... oh, I see someone beat me to it ...

In response to B.t.N.'s response: Some soldiers had been murdered before those things happened.

The soldiers as virtually proved from the video where killed by their own men lobbing a grenade amongst them, to create the decided effect which was the army shooting anything that moved. I would rather believe the munitions expert who stated that a flash grenade of that nature could not have been thrown the distance between the demonstartors and the troops lines. Only posssibility another soldier rolled it in and stood behind the armoured vehice. Now please tell me how many other army personnel where killed. you guessed it.

Was this the same red shirts who took weapons off soldiers and handed them back with the ammunition

Please show your secret movies to the rest of the world.

We have seen the black shirts, and the officers that got marked with laser and blown away.

As well the red shirts told it all on stage......

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Here goes the Hindenburg balloon up once more,

right on schedule, filled to over flowing with highly combustable gas.

This was all so predicable and dreadful, and as if no one learned a thing,

it comes to pass again. And while this clan continues to try it's

powerplay for control of an entire country, this will not end.

And when it all finally does hit the phan, some one will tearfully intone:

"Oh the humanity! " as the flames shoot higher.

Next stop New York, good weather everything in good shape, no risk.....

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