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PAD Vows To Fight Reconciliation Bills 'Till The End'


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Perhaps he's taken the double standards thing to heart. After all, he did whitewash himself, much to the outrage of some here.

Strangely, that outrage doesn't seem to apply to whitewashing Thaksin.

amazing that one doesn't get so upset about a signature for the high-bid in an open auction after verifying its legality but might think that a military take-over of a civil government is a a little more serious.

yes, strange that difference in outrage...

This gov't is not civil. They wanna selectively take away sentences and make acceptions based upon cronyism. If you're not against that, then you clearly aren't a fan of fairness or democracy.

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Maybe you read a little history, what all happened before the coup. And how the caretaker time was out, how he couldn't fill the parliament. That people could only vote for 1 party.

Everything forgotten??

Military promised to make a fair constitution and give back democracy.

They hold a public referendum for the constitution (1997 constitution had never passed a public referendum).

Than they hold elections which the PPP won. (So the army didn't cheat the results).

So what is wrong here?? I didn't hear any argument from your side, so I wounder who is dreaming.

Maybe you read a few facts it might help your understanding. The coup took away the peoples right to a democratic election which was scheduled to take place.


30 days needed to replace EC: Suchon

The Nation Published on July 27th 2006

The Senate would need at least 30 days to appoint election commissioners from nominees submitted by the Supreme Court, but it should not take more than 60 days because of the urgency, Senate Speaker Suchon Chaleekrua said yesterday...........

...............Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said no political parties would be involved in the EC selection process as the House of Representatives was not sitting...............

.............. Outgoing Bangkok Senator Seree Suwanpanont believes the new EC members would be on board in time to conduct the October 15 general election.



Judges dominate nominees

The Nation Published on August 3, 2006

Qualifications of 30 of 42 candidates verified already; vote on top 10 next Thursday

A plenary meeting of 86 Supreme Court judges is scheduled for Thursday. The judges will vote on 10 nominees whose names will be submitted to the Senate. The Upper House will appoint five as election commissioners, subject to royal endorsement.


Divide sharpens as poll run-up officially begins.

The Nation Published on August 24th 2006

While the Royal Decree endorsing the next election comes into force today, giving all political parties the green light to kick off their campaigns, the ongoing political crisis seems likely to jeopardise the plan for the poll to be held on October 15.

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra insists he will lead his Thai Rak Thai Party into the election, but has not decided if he will seek to retain his prime ministerial position after the election.

Anti-Thaksin groups believe he will return to the top post if Thai Rak Thai scores a landslide victory, a situation they cannot accept at all. They believe the premier will exploit the election results to claim legitimacy for holding onto power for a third term, despite having failed - in their eyes - to clear himself of allegations of corruption and abuse of power.

So, these groups are doing their best to ensure the election does not take place until Thaksin, bowing to pressure, announces that he will permanently exit the Thai political stage.


Senate to pick EC members in one day

The Nation Published on September 8 2006

The Senate will today pick five election commissioners to manage the next general election



Anti-Thaksin 3 lose out.

The Nation Published on September 9th 2006

The five new EC members whose appointments require royal endorsement are Apichat Sukhakkanon Somchai Jungprasert Sumet Oupanisakorn Sodsri Satayathum and Prapan Naikowit The first four are judges while Prapan is a state attorney.


New EC 'unlikely to remove provincial officials before poll'

The Nation Published on September 15th 2006

The five new election commissioners yesterday announced a series of goals that they wanted to achieve, but reorganising their provincial colleagues was not among them.

The newly selected chairman of the Election Commission, Apichat Sukhaggananda, also said the EC is likely to postpone the date for the upcoming election by one month. The election had originally been scheduled for October 15.

Apichat was yesterday unanimously voted EC chairman by his fellow commissioners. His appointment and those of the other commissioners require royal endorsement.

In comments to the press, he backed away from the election's originally scheduled date. "In my view, the election should be either November 19 or 26. However, we will discuss the new date again," he said.


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This sleazy club of people had a chance in the general elections which they refused to fight. Even their campaign to vote blank gave them less than half of a percent of the votes. What they do in essence is blackmailing the majority to adhere to their wishes.

Pretty weird too that people who condor Thaksin corrupt blindly follow a for corruption, nepotism, mouses of power and fraud convicted leader mister Sondhi.

There is something else too. This is not only about Thaksin. It is also about their criminal acts for which nobody has answered yet. Occupying airports, overthrowing a government and shooting people on public roads in plain view of TV camera's normally qualify for very long sentences and in some barbaric countries were the death sentence is still applied for capital punishment.

Anyone who thought that Sondhi was targeted for assassination by the army or red shirts is mistaken. This man has so many business enemies who he owes large sums of money too that he is really better of in jail, which will happen next year when the highest court confirms his sentence

That vote no, wasn't counted in most places so neither you nor I know how many it was. But it was nonsense....

And Sondhi might be a bad businessman, but he hasn't stolen taxpayers money. That makes a big difference.

And Thaksin won the election only with massive vote buying. That isn't really an achievement. My dog would win the election if it hands out enough money.

And these "criminal" acts are answered, they are all at court and different than Thaksin they do not run. Sondhi lost already and he appealed the verdict while Thaksin did a run and tried to bribe the court.

There were 10 million "no" votes and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin.

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You will say anything to justify the coup. But that doesn't make it history.

there is no hope that you come with any facts, or arguments, or?

You are just saying what is in your script, unable to answer any questions.....

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this thread reminds me a lot of discussions in 2010. though many of past voices disappeared. voices that again and again tried to reason.

here's my THB 0,02. don't take it literally, don't take it personal.

Bloomberg has this to say:

"Yingluck Says Thai Majority Must Support Law to Free Brother

“Reconciliation must be accepted by the majority of the people,” Yingluck said in an interview in Bangkok today, amid opposition to draft proposals that call for an amnesty for certain charges since the generals ousted her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra. “We got the clear mandate from the people.”



oooh yes... and again that old pr-gimmick to call dictatorship democracy... reminds me of something:

"On January 30, 1933, Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor. As Hitler historian Alan Bullock put it:

"Hitler came to office in 1933 as the result, not of any irresistible revolutionary or national movement sweeping him into power, nor even of a popular victory at the polls, but as part of a shoddy political deal with the 'Old Gang' whom he had been attacking for months… Hitler did not seize power; he was jobbed into office by a backstairs intrigue." (4)



"In March 1933 Hitler persuaded the Reichstag to pass the enabling law. This would give Hitler the power to pass new laws without the consent of the Reichstag. The new law meant changing Germany's constitution and that would require votes by two thirds of the Reichstag's members."



Good to hear Khun Jatuporn is apt and eager to call the SA/SS/RED GUARDS for some bloody fun; one might think.

"Jatuporn Prompan, a core member of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, had used radio and television stations to call for the red-shirt supporters to rally at parliament in support of the bills, they said."

[a newspaper not meant to link to]

Seems all is set; isn't it?

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You will say anything to justify the coup. But that doesn't make it history.

there is no hope that you come with any facts, or arguments, or?

You are just saying what is in your script, unable to answer any questions.....

no, just too busy working to answer every poster (1) who can't be bothered to get their own facts straight, (2) who can't read the information already in this thread, and (3) who have no intention of recognizing reality.

Sorry about that.

But I notice that Phiphidon did repost some of the relevant information for you that was in (2) above.

Have a good night.

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.............................."The End Game".....................................................

.............................post-9891-0-12262700-1338436933_thumb.jp post-9891-0-38909300-1338436941_thumb.jp

"The power and the glory for ever and ever". Amen

Careful! whistling.gif

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There were 10 million "no" votes and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin.

I'm sorry but I've got to know how you came by this "fact" -

"and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin."

funny, I thought knowingly posting false information was against the forum rules ;)

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I have been an active yellow shirt farang since the beginning and yes I have been protesting. We will not let Thaksin return. We will stand tall. My brothers and sisters and I will fight the good fight, for all of you, for our children. Please use this as an opportunity to thank me graciously.

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

Then again, they weren't launching grenades at people, were they?

It wasn't a stranglehold on Bangkok,

they had one corner and were repeatedly attacked by Red Shirts there.

They did take Government house but ONLY GH and the one street there,

but this only after being brutally attacked at parliament which included attacks.

And likely Sae Dangs undercover crew was lobbing grenades,

as he said they would, at PAD people in GH yard for several nights

causing great injuries to many. Then they took the airport after

staying at GH became untenable because of the grenade attacks.

They did not roam around Bangkok picking targets as they saw fit;

The Reds did: Election Commisions Offices, Telecom Up Link,

assorted intersections for months, and the shopping district for months.

or causing street fights as they marched along.

The Reds did all this the following TWO years.

The yellows staged troublesome protests and one march on parliament,

and of course 1 week at the airport, they will pay for that in Thai time, not western time.

The reds DID cause a stranglehold on most of Bangkok

and particularly the financial engine of the city. No question about that.

This is Campfired Kettle calling the freshly cleaned teapot black

Sorry that argument does not float.

They (Yellow shirt) did not roam around Bangkok picking targets as they saw fit. Agreed.

Fake Yellow Shirt with gun shooting his own side in min 1:10



Min 1:05

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PAD only forms a core of anti-Thaksin movement, just like Chamlong's "dharma army" of maybe a hundred people forms a core of PAD fighting force.

3,000 protesters today can easily swell to 100,000 when the time is right. When it comes to Thaksin, no one cares what PAD did or didn't do four years ago. At that time PAD only accused Samak and later Somchai of trying to whitewash Thaksin, now the bill is in the House for everybody to see and even Democrats are ready to take to the streets.

In Bangkok Dems hold a comfortable majority and have plenty of supporters who will come on the streets if push comes to shove. Thaksin and whoever he made this deal with are clearly not counting on popular protests, and that might undo all his plans in a minute.

Some politicos clearly have not learned that people are no longer passive consumers of government news and will demand their voices to be heard. Ironically, they thought this applies only when reds are protesting against Dems and not the other way around. Well, reds didn't invent street politics, Bangkokians have a much longer history of protesting against unjust governments.

Maybe mass protests will not realize but, personally, I think PTP strategists seriously underestimate the amount of pent up anger against Thaksin.

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There were 10 million "no" votes and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin.

I'm sorry but I've got to know how you came by this "fact" -

"and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin."

funny, I thought knowingly posting false information was against the forum rules wink.png

Well Tom (I could say mister know it all but that would be against forum rules so I wont) you may remember that the party that recieved those 16 million votes was banned for vote rigging violation of election laws , hence the club and Commissioners of the EC were guilty of malfeasance and jailed them

Thaksin is the CEO par excellence. His cabinet is a management team and parliament little more than an unwieldy Board of Directors. The tasks of government are to be accomplished by setting goals and deadlines (however unrealistic), sacking minister-managers who don’t perform, and declaring success however questionable the result. He has no interest in a free press or the citizen’s right to know; he expects the media to function as a national public relations machine. The laws of the land are viewed through a corporate lens. If you don’t like them, then you get away with as much rule-bending as you can and when that still doesn’t let you have your way, just move the goalposts.

Voters are not citizens with rights, especially the right to think for themselves, but customers, to be cajoled, fooled and bribed into giving the Thai Rak Thai party maximum market share. When Thaksin first set out his stall with his party, he did his market research. He consulted widely, even among NGOs, wanting to know what the average Thai would find most attractive. And he latched onto 2 issues that, sure enough, turned out to be vote-winners. http://www.focusweb.org/node/832

The more things change the more they stay the same.

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There were 10 million "no" votes and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin.

I'm sorry but I've got to know how you came by this "fact" -

"and 16 million bought votes for Thaksin."

funny, I thought knowingly posting false information was against the forum rules wink.png

Well Tom (I could say mister know it all but that would be against forum rules so I wont) you may remember that the party that recieved those 16 million votes was banned for vote rigging violation of election laws , hence the club and Commissioners of the EC were guilty of malfeasance and jailed them

Thaksin is the CEO par excellence. His cabinet is a management team and parliament little more than an unwieldy Board of Directors. The tasks of government are to be accomplished by setting goals and deadlines (however unrealistic), sacking minister-managers who don’t perform, and declaring success however questionable the result. He has no interest in a free press or the citizen’s right to know; he expects the media to function as a national public relations machine. The laws of the land are viewed through a corporate lens. If you don’t like them, then you get away with as much rule-bending as you can and when that still doesn’t let you have your way, just move the goalposts.

Voters are not citizens with rights, especially the right to think for themselves, but customers, to be cajoled, fooled and bribed into giving the Thai Rak Thai party maximum market share. When Thaksin first set out his stall with his party, he did his market research. He consulted widely, even among NGOs, wanting to know what the average Thai would find most attractive. And he latched onto 2 issues that, sure enough, turned out to be vote-winners. http://www.focusweb.org/node/832

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Aren't monopolies wonderful?

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

Then again, they weren't launching grenades at people, were they?

you have no more proof of this than i would in saying that the pad set off bombs at the airport.

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Asean Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan on Thursday is optimistic that the crowds protesting against the controversial reconciliation law will not storm the ongoing World Economic Forum in a repeat of the Asean Summit in Pattaya in 2009.

This 'harmless' remark suggests that the PAD might just have indicated once that they would. Character assassination it's called I think.

BTW I saw a post with 'support geriatric fascists'. Probably a reference to some elderly statesmen like k. Banharn, k. Sanoh, k. Sanan, plus a few from the club-of-111 ?

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

Then again, they weren't launching grenades at people, were they?

you have no more proof of this than i would in saying that the pad set off bombs at the airport.

yer I guess these arent proof just more coupist propaganda

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Don't you think that groups of armed redmob marching on Bangkok with leaders shouting phrases like "burn bangkok to the ground" & "death to the elites" & tipping buckets of HIV+HEP+ human blood on the gates of parliament was a touch provocative. Even after all that the redmob were greeted with bunches of flowers from Bangkok citizens and help from local nurses who live in the very city the Reds threatened to burn down, those nurses had jobs in the "elitist" hospitals that reds wanted to shut down. The reds were allowed to carry on with their armed & provocative uprising for two months in the capital.

How long do you suppose Yingluck would stand for that sort of behaviour from any of her opponents.

The Yellow shirts stranglehold on Bangkok went on for 6 months + a seizure of an international airport and nobody shot them old deluded twossers

Then again, they weren't launching grenades at people, were they?

you have no more proof of this than i would in saying that the pad set off bombs at the airport.

Well there are a few convictions. Bandit, 38 years for firing RPGrenade at the emerald Buddha temple comes to mind. Do you have proof of bomb damage at the airport, or are you saying the court decision was fallacious?

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Well, at least you are honest enough to admit that you support the geriatric fascists, and are unable to accept the wishes of the Thai electorate!

No, he's saying he supports intelligent educated Thais who refuse to accept blatant corruption by their government.

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Well there are a few convictions. Bandit, 38 years for firing RPGrenade at the emerald Buddha temple comes to mind. Do you have proof of bomb damage at the airport, or are you saying the court decision was fallacious?

the point was that i don't have any proof to say it, in case you missed it.

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Well there are a few convictions. Bandit, 38 years for firing RPGrenade at the emerald Buddha temple comes to mind. Do you have proof of bomb damage at the airport, or are you saying the court decision was fallacious?

the point was that i don't have any proof to say it, in case you missed it.

But there is ample proof that the reds were launching grenades.

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Well there are a few convictions. Bandit, 38 years for firing RPGrenade at the emerald Buddha temple comes to mind. Do you have proof of bomb damage at the airport, or are you saying the court decision was fallacious?

the point was that i don't have any proof to say it, in case you missed it.

But there is ample proof that the reds were launching grenades.

at people?

the only one i know of is the one you posted, where they said they were aiming for a building...and i believe they were - out of common sense, when looking at that case.

i'd be happy for you to show me all this solid evidence though.

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Will TS be back soon?

I pray to God we never ever have to see TS back in this country. There will be more bloodshed in the streets if he does. He and his followers are the biggest threat to Democracy and are only out to protect his rich corrupt friends including top brass in the military and police. They are all a disgrace! And they know it too.

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16 million bought votes for Thaksin.

A little factoid that were it true would have the Dems shouting from the rooftops demanding PTP's dissolution don't you think?

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Well there are a few convictions. Bandit, 38 years for firing RPGrenade at the emerald Buddha temple comes to mind. Do you have proof of bomb damage at the airport, or are you saying the court decision was fallacious?

the point was that i don't have any proof to say it, in case you missed it.

But there is ample proof that the reds were launching grenades.

at people?

the only one i know of is the one you posted, where they said they were aiming for a building...and i believe they were - out of common sense, when looking at that case.

i'd be happy for you to show me all this solid evidence though.

There is a red shirt who has admitted shooting grenades at "coloured shirts" at Silom.

Sent from my shoe phone

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16 million bought votes for Thaksin.

A little factoid that were it true would have the Dems shouting from the rooftops demanding PTP's dissolution don't you think?

Read it again, we were talking about .......... in Thailand on April 2006. Elections for the lower house of the Thai National Assembly, the House of Representatives, were held on 2 April 2006 and elections for the upper house, the Senate, were held on 19 April 2006. The Constitutional Court later invalidated the House of Representatives election results and ordered a new round of voting.............................The Thai Rak Thai Party (Thai: พรรคไทยรักไทย, lit. Thais Love Thais; TRT) was a Thai political party that was officially banned[1] on May 30, 2007, by the Constitutional Court of Thailand due to violations of electoral laws during the 2006 legislative elections. From 2001 to 2006, it was the ruling party under Prime Minister and its founder Thaksin Shinawatra http://en.wikipedia....hais_Love_Thais

But the same could be said of Thaksins next government the PPP..................

The PPP's policies were continuations of the populist social welfare policies of the former Thai Rak Thai (TRT) government. The PPP has promised to offer amnesty for all banned TRT politicians including Thaksin Shinawatra, and to remove any charges against him. Thaksin Shinawatra and his family currently face multiple charges of corruption including telecommunications, property and family deals. TRT politicians also face charges of corruption in multiple state asset sales including PTT, the illegality of two-thirds of the number lotteries, and more recently a possible link between the bribery charges leveled against Thaksin who was formerly appointed governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand by Governor Juthamas. Throughout the 2007 election campaign, the PPP members have faced charges that they engaged in vote buying, that former TRT members banned from politics have appeared in public to support the PPP, and that several illegal CDs have been distributed in rallies.

sounds a bit familiar, doesnt it................But back to now..........

BANGKOK, May 30 - Former Thai Rak Thai party executives celebrate the expiration of their five-year ban from politics on Wednesday as the Criminal Court handed down a 40 month jail term for former party deputy leader and defence minister Thammarak Issarangura Na Ayutthaya for poll fraud. http://www.pattayama...xecs-ends-13241

Thaksin's ban expired on the same day. I guess Thammarak Issarangura Na Ayutthaya will get Amnesty too..........

Several former Thai Rak Thai executives applied for membership of the Pheu Thai Party Thursday, the first day after they exit the fiveyear political ban.

They started arriving at the Pheu Thai head office at 9:30 am.

The first group of former Thai Rak Thai executives who arrived included Warathep Ratanakorn, Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, Wichet Kasemthongsri, Virakarn Musigapong, Suporn Atthawong, Ladawal Wonsriwong, Sermsak Pongpanit and Wichit Plungsrikul. http://www.nationmul...i-30183228.html

Thaksin isnt a member of the PTP, as yet. But hes been pushing this issue of his amnesty through several Thaksin governments and over 6 years, causing an increasing amount of protests, social unrest, injuries and deaths. Some people would have you believe hes worth it and more.

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