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Smokers Puff On Despite Thai Govt's Anti-Smoking Policies


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Raising cigarette taxes savagely would work, but to the detriment of re-election chances.

If you have never seen it, I recommend the "Yes, Prime Minister' episode "The Smoke Screen" - when faced with losing the revenue from cigarette taxes which far exceeds the medical costs, Sir Humphrey comes out with "Think of it as smokers are dying for their country" or words to that effect.

Total cost to Australia of A$31 billion a year for tobacco related issues in 2008; refer http://www.ashaust.o...iaBgrounder.htm

Are you suggesting the Australian government receives more tabacco related tax revenue than overall cost to the economy? By way of example, revenue from excise and customs duty and GST on the sale of tobacco products in Australia exceeded $6.5 billion in 2005–06

I thought Yes, Prime Minister was a UK programme? If so, the poster was referring to UK tax on cigarettes compared to health costs - not Australian.

If the Australian (or any other) government allows the smoking-related health costs outweigh the tax received on cigarettes - then that is an issue that should be taken up with the government.

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Personally i'd jail anyone caught smoking within 10m of a child.

the amount of disregard for child safety here is vulgar.

and don't lets start about 4 yr olds working!!!


but same same, tiT, etc....

Human waste!

E2A - if the adults want to be as thick as fudge, let them.

i'd also happily quadruple the amount of poisons in each packet! And quadruple the price!

You are a particularly nasty piece of work aren't you? Got any other groups you'd like to see exterminated so you can live ion your own special little utopia?

Aside from that you are woefully ill informed. You do realize that many of the oldest people in the world all happen to be smokers?


For instance: there's Jeanne Calment (122) who at the age of 117 quit smoking (because she was blind and was too proud to ask often for someone to light her cigarettes for her). But she resumed smoking when she was 118 because, as she said, not smoking made her miserable and she was too old to be made miserable., Who else? What about: Isabella Gibson ( 100), Ivy Leighton, 100, who smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 84 years, Billy Wilder (95), Wencelao Moreno - from the Ed Sullivan show (103), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother (101), Phillipino composer and chain smoker Levi Celerio (91), Comedian George Burns (100). The two oldest men in the world - Ali Mohammed Hussein (135) and Nepalese Narayan Chaudhari (141) - both put their longevity down to avid smoking AND NO ALCOHOL. The USA's oldest man, Christian Mortensen (114) has been a smoker for most of his life--and still smokes. Britain's oldest man, George Cook, died at 108 in his sleep in September, l997. He "smoked heavily for 85 years before giving up tobacco at the age of 97,"

And of course smoking prevents alzheimers amongst many other things (http://www.forces.or...evid/therap.htm). I'll visit you in your nursing home while you sit slumped in a pool of your own urine gazing sightlessly at daytime Television.

Oh yes and why don't you study the effects of Benzene (put into petrol to increase the octane rating (http://www.epa.gov/n...fs/benzenef.pdf)

or what about Diesel particulates? The US EPA said: exposure to diesel exhaust particulates was associated with elevated lung-cancer rates in the majority of studies, principally in transportation or construction workers exposed to diesel exhaust (IARC 1989, Cohen and Higgins 1995, Bhatia et al. 1998). Meta-analyses by Cohen and Higgins (1995) and Bhatia et al. (1998). Then, of course, there's the smoke from countless roasides barbeques: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/12676603

Edited by DaiHard
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Personally i'd jail anyone caught smoking within 10m of a child.

the amount of disregard for child safety here is vulgar.

and don't lets start about 4 yr olds working!!!


but same same, tiT, etc....

Human waste!

E2A - if the adults want to be as thick as fudge, let them.

i'd also happily quadruple the amount of poisons in each packet! And quadruple the price!

You are a particularly nasty piece of work aren't you? Got any other groups you'd like to see exterminated so you can live ion your own special little utopia?

Aside from that you are woefully ill informed. You do realize that many of the oldest people in the world all happen to be smokers?


For instance: there's Jeanne Calment (122) who at the age of 117 quit smoking (because she was blind and was too proud to ask often for someone to light her cigarettes for her). But she resumed smoking when she was 118 because, as she said, not smoking made her miserable and she was too old to be made miserable., Who else? What about: Isabella Gibson ( 100), Ivy Leighton, 100, who smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 84 years, Billy Wilder (95), Wencelao Moreno - from the Ed Sullivan show (103), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother (101), Phillipino composer and chain smoker Levi Celerio (91), Comedian George Burns (100). The two oldest men in the world - Ali Mohammed Hussein (135) and Nepalese Narayan Chaudhari (141) - both put their longevity down to avid smoking AND NO ALCOHOL. The USA's oldest man, Christian Mortensen (114) has been a smoker for most of his life--and still smokes. Britain's oldest man, George Cook, died at 108 in his sleep in September, l997. He "smoked heavily for 85 years before giving up tobacco at the age of 97,"

And of course smoking prevents alzheimers amongst many other things (http://www.forces.or...evid/therap.htm). I'll visit you in your nursing home while you sit slumped in a pool of your own urine gazing sightlessly at daytime Television.

Oh yes and why don't you study the effects of Benzene (put into petrol to increase the octane rating (http://www.epa.gov/n...fs/benzenef.pdf)

or what about Diesel particulates? The US EPA said: exposure to diesel exhaust particulates was associated with elevated lung-cancer rates in the majority of studies, principally in transportation or construction workers exposed to diesel exhaust (IARC 1989, Cohen and Higgins 1995, Bhatia et al. 1998). Meta-analyses by Cohen and Higgins (1995) and Bhatia et al. (1998). Then, of course, there's the smoke from countless roasides barbeques: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/12676603

Grasping at straws. the vast majority of tobacco smokers suffer serious deteriorations in health. If you believe it will make you live longer, more fool you.

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Research and studies on tobacco's effects on the population's health were more advanced in Germany than in any other nation by the time the Nazis came to power. The link between lung cancer and tobacco was first proven in Nazi Germany, contrary to the popular belief that American and British scientists first discovered it in the 1950s. The term "passive smoking" ("Passivrauchen") was coined in Nazi Germany. Research projects funded by the Nazis revealed many disastrous effects of smoking on health. Nazi Germany supported epidemiological research on the harmful effects of tobacco use.


Yes, for some of their excellent groundbreaking scientific work, we should indeed be grateful, thanks for pointing that out thumbsup.gif

Not the nazis or yanks but Sir Richard Doll.

Not quite so fast fasteddie! tongue.png Sir William Richard Shaboe Doll CH OBE FRS (28 October 1912 – 24 July 2005)[1] was a British physiologist who became the foremost epidemiologist of the 20th century, turning the subject into a rigorous science. He was a pioneer in research linking smoking to health problems. With Ernst Wynder, Bradford Hill and Evarts Graham, he was credited with being the first to prove that smoking caused lung cancer and increased the risk of heart disease. German researchers had previously discovered this link in the 1930s, but that work was not widely known until recently.

You did know that Richard Doll suppressed the part of his own research that found that smokers who inhaled (not Bill Clinton obviously) had LESS likliehood of getting cancer that those didn't smoke.

Read the research: http://members.iinet.net.au/~ray/TSSOASb.html

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Personally i'd jail anyone caught smoking within 10m of a child.

the amount of disregard for child safety here is vulgar.

and don't lets start about 4 yr olds working!!!


but same same, tiT, etc....

Human waste!

E2A - if the adults want to be as thick as fudge, let them.

i'd also happily quadruple the amount of poisons in each packet! And quadruple the price!

You are a particularly nasty piece of work aren't you? Got any other groups you'd like to see exterminated so you can live ion your own special little utopia?

Aside from that you are woefully ill informed. You do realize that many of the oldest people in the world all happen to be smokers?


For instance: there's Jeanne Calment (122) who at the age of 117 quit smoking (because she was blind and was too proud to ask often for someone to light her cigarettes for her). But she resumed smoking when she was 118 because, as she said, not smoking made her miserable and she was too old to be made miserable., Who else? What about: Isabella Gibson ( 100), Ivy Leighton, 100, who smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 84 years, Billy Wilder (95), Wencelao Moreno - from the Ed Sullivan show (103), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother (101), Phillipino composer and chain smoker Levi Celerio (91), Comedian George Burns (100). The two oldest men in the world - Ali Mohammed Hussein (135) and Nepalese Narayan Chaudhari (141) - both put their longevity down to avid smoking AND NO ALCOHOL. The USA's oldest man, Christian Mortensen (114) has been a smoker for most of his life--and still smokes. Britain's oldest man, George Cook, died at 108 in his sleep in September, l997. He "smoked heavily for 85 years before giving up tobacco at the age of 97,"

And of course smoking prevents alzheimers amongst many other things (http://www.forces.or...evid/therap.htm). I'll visit you in your nursing home while you sit slumped in a pool of your own urine gazing sightlessly at daytime Television.

Oh yes and why don't you study the effects of Benzene (put into petrol to increase the octane rating (http://www.epa.gov/n...fs/benzenef.pdf)

or what about Diesel particulates? The US EPA said: exposure to diesel exhaust particulates was associated with elevated lung-cancer rates in the majority of studies, principally in transportation or construction workers exposed to diesel exhaust (IARC 1989, Cohen and Higgins 1995, Bhatia et al. 1998). Meta-analyses by Cohen and Higgins (1995) and Bhatia et al. (1998). Then, of course, there's the smoke from countless roasides barbeques: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/12676603

Grasping at straws. the vast majority of tobacco smokers suffer serious deteriorations in health. If you believe it will make you live longer, more fool you.

As it happens I agree, it probably does but living in polluted cities is just as likely to get you.

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I've never smoked tobacco though I have to say I'm more offended by those choosing to dictate how others should live their lives. Common courtesy and sense is all that's needed by non smokers and smokers alike and not more government regulations.

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I've never smoked tobacco though I have to say I'm more offended by those choosing to dictate how others should live their lives. Common courtesy and sense is all that's needed by non smokers and smokers alike and not more government regulations.

What a good post. Well done that man. smile.png
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Personally i'd jail anyone caught smoking within 10m of a child.

the amount of disregard for child safety here is vulgar.

and don't lets start about 4 yr olds working!!!


but same same, tiT, etc....

Human waste!

E2A - if the adults want to be as thick as fudge, let them.

i'd also happily quadruple the amount of poisons in each packet! And quadruple the price!

Not too friendly, Edgar.

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Personally i'd jail anyone caught smoking within 10m of a child.

the amount of disregard for child safety here is vulgar.

and don't lets start about 4 yr olds working!!!


but same same, tiT, etc....

Human waste!

E2A - if the adults want to be as thick as fudge, let them.

i'd also happily quadruple the amount of poisons in each packet! And quadruple the price!

Not too friendly, Edgar.

How right you are, and dad doesn't drive a diesel truck either. Pedal power it seems. whistling.gif
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