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Farang And Thai Wife Lost In Tong Saleng Lueng


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While I was up north camping at Tong Saleng Lueng (sp) in Petchabun, we got to be real chummy with the forest rangers up there (the MP of Petchabun gave us a cabin to sleep in our first night and then we camped out in our tent after, but we got introduced to the head of the park and many of the rangers because we were camping with another MP).

The rangers told us that they had been searching for a farang man and his Thai wife for over two days. They had parked their car at the opposite end of the park and then went camping in the jungle without a guide. The rangers told us that they had found signs of their first-night campsite, but after that there was no sign of them.

When we left, they were going on their third day of being missing. I don't know if anyone ever found them or if they managed to find their way out of the jungle on their own, but Tong Saleng Lueng is a BIG forest and there are some dangerous animals in there (elephants, etc...), not to mention the possibility of foul play (given recent news stories).

All that I know is that at the time we left, they had not picked up their car.

Has anyone else heard news about these people? I'm not sure if this is something that would get reported and I don't think we would even have heard about it if we hadn't been eating breakfast with the rangers before they went out on their search.

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