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Yeah ok paxlaugh.png

Brits (like me) love their sarcasm, but its v diff to detect in the written form.

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Yeah ok paxlaugh.png

Brits (like me) love their sarcasm, but its v diff to detect in the written form.

Especially when speaking Pidgin English..................tongue.png


"If you don't know the diiferent between Nuernberger and Bratwurst, sorry how stupid you are. It wouldt be the besr for all western places that you not turn up."

Dear Mr. fishbone,

I thought Nuernberger Bratwurst also belongs to the endangered types.Could you please clarify if the girl on the photo's having fun with an ordinary, or a Nuernberger Bratwurst?

Excuse my stupidity for not knowing it.........wai.gif




The sausages, German style, are truly great. But, whatever you do, don´t mention the war!! w00t.gif

From a "new waterhole' in Sisaket to German self satisfying able sausages.......sick.gif .


I have a celebration coming up and my wife particularly likes "fruited" wine. Does anyone know any bar in Ubon where I can get a good punch??


I have a celebration coming up and my wife particularly likes "fruited" wine. Does anyone know any bar in Ubon where I can get a good punch??

Yes I do. It is in front of the Laitong hotel but I can'r remember the name of the place. Can anyone help the Patriot out? I don't want to give wrong information and make the Patriot go the wrong way.


I have a celebration coming up and my wife particularly likes "fruited" wine. Does anyone know any bar in Ubon where I can get a good punch??

Yes I do. It is in front of the Laitong hotel but I can'r remember the name of the place. Can anyone help the Patriot out? I don't want to give wrong information and make the Patriot go the wrong way.

Well, in front of the Lai Thong hotel is the usual drive way. Guess you meant the TC kitchen next to the hotel? A British guy's running the restaurant with good food. Guess he'll have the connections to satisfy your wife with fruited wine.

How to get there? Turn into Sapphasit road coming from Warin Chamrap, Benchama school, or even from Tesco. Pass by the police station, make a right turn before the Sapphasit hospital, drive down to the traffic light, turn left and you'll see TC on the left hand side before the Lai Thong hotel.

Edited to show a link:



Be happy with your wife about the schnitzel , idoubt. His pizza has more cheese then you think. May you are spoiled by pizza hut. And if you have no idea Frank is from Westgermany (not geremony) If you call people stupid watch YOUR SPELLING or be stupid by youself. I know that he helped many people. Better is you just stop whine around, tha'ts Sisaket and not a touristshowered area. For you google around just put in schnitzel and all the other dishes. Be happy whining. I'm happy that he is here have you done any good thing here before fore other people. Just shut up. For your personal insults you shouldt be banned.

By the way about Frankfurt , the guy close to Kasikorn Bank, he is from Frankfurt/Main . I hope you know where is the Main-River. Stu... Cun. !

Having spent some time in Sisaket town and province (Sri Saket or Si Saket) I've come to know exactly 3 places for "Farang food", Western food, or Foreign food there...

[Pizza and German food]

Living in the Past - The only pizza in Sisaket is found here. Unfortunately it is not great. The first time I had it, it was marginal. It was horrible, but for Thailand - I'll accept it. The second time he ran out of cheese and I swear he put artificial cheese slices on it - it would have been better WITHOUT cheese. Don't less this dissuade you from going though, this place is run by a German guy named "Frank" that is a great conversationalist and has been in Thailand for 17 years if I'm not mistaken. Eleven of those years were spent in Sisaket if you can believe it! He knows Sisaket inside and out and is a great resource for any information you want to know about the province. Besides Pizza he has a menu of German food that MUST be better than the pizza... He has Leo, Heineken, Cuba Libre, and some German beers that are so expensive he doesn't even drink them.

He has a cozy open-aired place under a hut with about 6 tables and western style music playing from his stereo. He lives on a street that is filled with Sisaket's finest police depart ment heads of staff and so it's quite a safe place to eat.

Who cares when having artificial body parts?

Be happy with your wife about the schnitzel , idoubt. His pizza has more cheese then you think. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Please read more. before you even write about things you don't know:


Brian, time to update here:



I was in there today for the first time. The host was really good. I ate a burrito for the first time in my life. I have to say it was ok, but not something that I would rush back for. The menu is very limited. But because other places in Sisaket have closed down, the owner has the chance to cash in on the good food franchise

"Uncle Willies" has gone, and also, the French place. And I can't believe that anyone thinks that the other eating hole, I think it is called Franks, is any good. Years ago I went there before he moved and the food was great, but in the last 6 months I have taken visitors there, and every time he has said sorry we are not serving food, ( and by the way this was only at lunch time), but the place was full of his friends (cronies) eating food. The man is a idiot.

I sincerely hope that the "Cuckoos Nest" succeeds, but I think that he will really have to expand his menu in order to do so. In my opinion, and what do I know, he would have been better looking for a double unit, where he would have had the room to have a bigger kitchen area, so that he would be comfortable in the space, and would be able to provide a very good menu. I doubt he will succeed in the cramped space that he now occupise.
But I do wish him, and his wife, the best of luck in their new venture.

I agree with you in certain points. I pretty much doubt that Frank's got many friends. The food- if he's got some- is most of the time not even worth to take a look at. The definition of German food there does not fit......

But that's up to him, he's been here long enough to understand what customers want. Or better said: What they don't want.

I had been at another place where they sold steaks near Kasikam bank. Guess it's Kantharalak road?

. We were alone, this guy, guess he's Swiss couldn't even say hello to us.

One of us had to go to the bathroom, the toilet in the middle of his kitchen and a unlock able door made the desire to empty the digestive system impossible.

I'm very sure that even two or three farlang places would make good money, if.................................coffee1.gif

This guy is from Frankfurt.
Frank has nothing in common with East-Germans. He never made a lot of german food. The only german meals he is doing is schnitzel (great) , german bratwurst (nothing wrong) the last 2 month he starte with peasoup but thats all the rest of his food are pizza,pies, a great chilli con carne, a fantastic stew and sandwiches or rolls. He is not doing art cuisine, if you wont this you are better in Bangkok or other places. If you check google images about frank's german dishes. I can't see any different.
His toilet is not in the middle of the kitchen he cooks outside. The door I agree he must find a solution but also before he had a lock and some kids locked themselfs .
And by the way I think that he has many friends he helped a lot of people and allways he had been listen to their problems.
Just sometimes he is in a funny mood but who not. He runs a one man show and for this he doing well.

Does anybody know that there’s also a Frankfurt in East Germoney?

How do you now that he’s got nothing to do with East Germans? He never made a lot of food sounds funny in my eyes. Try a “Schnitzel” my wife’s cooking.

People who like Bratwurst should try the Nuernberger version, available at Tesco’s TGM place in Ubon. Not different to the German version.

Peesoup isn’t really a German dish, to be honest. Personally, I don’t like Bangkok, because it’s so polluted.

His almost cheese less Pizzas would make Italians cry. I don’t understand why he’s got to make his food outside of the kitchen. I googled and googled but couldn’t find images,

Are the kids still locked in the bathroom? I’m very sorry to hear that. Hope they’ll be rescued soon.

Guess you meant being drunk with funny mood? Hope he’s getting well soon.

I’ve googled and actually found a photo. Hope it's not from his outdoor kitchen. Auf Wienerschnitzel..............

Your posts here against Frank is definately a person attack, it shows easily for anyone living in Sisaket and I suggest you crawl back under the rock you have been hiding under.
I like both Frank and Brian and since I do not go out much I try to share my business between them because both a great guys.
Frank supplies me with my ham cheaper than I can find it in Sisaket, serves a Pizza where my wife says there might be a little to much cheese on it for her Thai preference and I can get some good english style pies. I love eating at Franks when I go there I know I can get Pizza, Schnitzel or German Sausages and always leave happy.
I love Brian the same, good Mexican/farang food, makes a great burrito/meat ball sub and the company is always great.

Being a cynical person and if I get bad/sub par service once I never come back but both places is worth a visit they are different and have very different foods but still very good..

If you have the balls to do it send me a pm with your number and we can do a visit to both places trying my preferred dishes at Frank's (Pizza or Pie) and my preferred dishes at Brian's (Burrito/Meatball Sub) and I will pay for it but you are just one of those sad xxxxx with no life sitting behind the keyboard projecting your life on everyone else but this is your chance to prove me wrong.

I try to run that site and I have not had the time to update it but hopefully I can do it soon to add a link to Cuckoo's facebook page and Frank's website.

This would be a job well done and how about adding a forum like a few of the other nearby cities?

  • 1 month later...

the food at the cukkoo,s is ok

not had a bad meal there yet

cant saythe same to some other places i have been to

negative comments are un helpful

try it then decide for your self


I have lived in Sisaket province for 4 years and seen the farang population grow. I am not often in the capital but try to get to either Franks or Brians place for usually one too many beers. I consider myself lucky that I have a choice of places to relax under my terms and wish both the best of luck. You are both gentlemen and treat your customers well. We are lucky to have you and your venues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You guys carry on like a bunch of school girls with all the bickering. If you don't like a place then don't patronise it.

I will be in sisaket on 6, 7, 8 November and will try out the cuckoo's nest. If there are any other aussies in sisaket I would love to hear from you. My previous visits to sisaket (4 times) have been farang free. I have rarely even seen a farang.

PM me if you are interested in meeting up. I will shout you a beer or ten.

  • 4 months later...

definition of a cuckoo is some who steals others home and kills thier family

Glad he don't rent my houses! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Tinsom, I think you are getting your bird facts a bit skew-wiff.

Cuckoo's DO steal and/or damage others homes(nests) but it is the Magpie what kills others young. Interestingly though, a magpie is the only type of bird that can identify its own image in a mirror! Whick leads me onto this mirror joke somebody sent me today......

Irish Mirror
After living in the remote countryside of Ireland all his life,
an old Irishman decided it was time to visit Dublin.

In one of the stores he picks up a mirror and looks in it.

Not ever having seen one before,

he remarked at the image staring back at him.

'How 'bout that!' he exclaims,

'Here's a picture of me Fadder.'

He bought the mirror thinking it was a picture of his dad,

but on the way home he remembered his wife didn't like
his father, so he hung it in the shed, and every morning
before leaving to go fishin', he would go there and look at it.

His wife began to get suspicious of these many trips to the shed.

So, one day after her husband left, she went to the shed

and found the mirror.

As she looked into the glass, she fumed, 'So that's

the ugly b!tch he's runnin' around with.'
Sorry to go off-topic but I think some people need a 'humor' transplant sometimes. I will go back in the corner now with the pointy hat on.



by using this definition i was trying to be polite

maybe being more direct is what is required

i know the name comes from the film one few over the the cuckoos nest

but thats where the association ends

a more appropriate name would be the VULTURES nest or even the SNAKE pit

as this would describe the owner and his wife better


Its a Mexican twist there is a facebook group for the place if you search with some pictures, the name I think is just a tongue in cheek to have a a little fun and a theme.

I know the owner a little a jolly American that knows his food. Its a new place open for 4-5 days but expanding the menu almost daily and with only one other Farang place in town there is definitely room for it.

For pizza, stews, pies, sausages, schnitzels and european type of food we have Living in the Past by Frank and Nong

For burgers, Mexican style and so on we have Cuckoo's

Both places and the owners are great and no matter where you go you will get go service and good food, both are worth a visit.

One flew over "cuckoo's nest." coffee1.gif

oi what a miserable thread

  • Like 2

A post using French language has been removed as well as the replies. This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

Other posts of a libellous/defamatory nature have been removed.



Thank you so much for providing all of us with such laughable entertainment. Your style, class and intellect are truly reflected through you words.


Mr & Mrs Crazy



Thank you so much for providing all of us with such laughable entertainment. Your style, class and intellect are truly reflected through you words.


Mr & Mrs Crazy

Same story appearing on SurinFarang, Mmm. And i was going to try out your place, but not sure now..


So much hatred comming from "Tinsom" It would help us all if he told us what the owners of the Cuckoo's Nest had done to him personally, that has got him so riled up.

I can only say that I have been to the place on 3 ocassions, and on the first visit i talked to the owner, as a new customer, and all he asked me was what country i came from, and did i live locally, nothing about my personal life. On the first visit as i have said in a earlier post, i had a burrito, and it was ok, but as i said nothing i would rush back for.The second time to be honest i can't remember what i had, and on my last visit i had the hotdog, sadly i didn't eat it as the sausage was not to my liking, but it was properly cooked.

I think when someone gets into the realm of throwing personal insults at people on a public forum, then the rest of us are entitled to ask for what reason. Tinsom, has so far produced no reasons at all. He seems to be what is commonly known as a "Keyboard Warrior", it would be interesting to know if the owners know who he is, or if he is hiding behind his keyboard.

The other thing that was really disturbing was when he mentioned "William and Belle" he asked if william knew that belle was gambling all his money away. I just don't know what this has got to do with anyone but the couple concerned, but now everybody reading this topic knows. Does Tinsom, just like to cause trouble for other people.

He also accuses brian of having a mia noi, and insinuates that his wife is having an affair with her lesbian friend, maybe someone should throw the question back at him, and ask him can he say for certain that his wife/girlfriend or boyfriend whatever the case maybe is faithful to him.

I am a friend of william and belle, and i invite tinsom to contact me, if he is so concerned about william, and i will take him to williams home so that he can tell him to his face what belle is doing.

I doubt he will because keyboard warriors are usually cowards.

  • Like 1

So if the information has been given to you secondhand, why would you post something that you can't verify, that smacks to me of someone who is so sad in his ownlife that he needs to cause trouble for others. And you didn't take me up on my offer of me taking you to inform william face to face.

  • Like 2

i really glad you liked my little tirade

i not a lunatic

i was simply expressing a opinion

i would like the feed back i gave get back to the owner and his wife

but im sure they wont comment

they already have,

Sawtooth, on 01 Mar 2013 - 02:06, said:snapback.png


Thank you so much for providing all of us with such laughable entertainment. Your style, class and intellect are truly reflected through you words.


Mr & Mrs Crazy

  • Like 2

Same story appearing on SurinFarang, Mmm. And i was going to try out your place, but not sure now..

Gone from there now, I see and think the guy had his truck damaged near to bar by a Thai lady, I hear in another bar locally.

It all gets a little boring after a while but may be a good script for one of those interesting Thai soaps? giggle.gif

  • Like 2

bergen it's surprised me too. I suppose with the influx of farangs over the past year or so squabbles like this are meant to happen. It's not as if he's outing him as a convicted murderer which he isn't.

I've been past this place many a time but never felt the urge to drop in. The location so close to a school with the raised area overlooking a street full of school kids did seem a strange location to place a bar.

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