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does anyone know who to contact regarding building construction work NOISE

I live in a 20 story high rise and the building next door was torn down to make a new 6 story prvate house

the noise starts at 6am and goes on till about 6PM - then trucks roll up and start loading the demolished building

On Sunday night they were doing this at 1.30AM

can anything be done or is TIT

thanks :o


As far as I can see,there is no noise regs. in Thailand,there are partys going on all night out where we live and it keeps everyone in the village awake,but then they buy the beer and pay the bands so all the drunks think is is just to cool,lots of luck getting anything done.Someday civilization will get here and settle in,then all the people will have rights,stop air, water and noise pollution.until then,enjoy the freedom.


The back page of Bkk. Post's Perspective section of Sunday 26/1/04, "Ignoring the Highest Law", deals with the petty little so-called laws that are arbitrarily enforced whenever the powers-that-be decide to stop political protesters from assembling and making "trouble". One of these laws deals with noise. To wit: On the use of amplifiers : The Sound Amplifier Control Act, B. E. 2493, Article 4: "Those who want to use sound amplifiers must get permission from the authorities before doing so. Officials have the right to authorise use, to stipulate the time and place, and specify the amplifier equipment. Those who get permission must abide by the attached conditions."

Of course, if anything is officially authorized, then it is suddenly OK. Where does this leave the loudspeaker trucks, the Wall's ice cream carts with their infernal jingles, and the construction sites that continue on into the night? Who knows, there may even be a law dealing with unamplified noise, tho as anyone knows who is familiar with TIT, good luck getting any enforcement activity. There were some letters in the Post last year about the outdoor karaoke music in Lumpini Park, and the blasting music emanating from the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, to drive the neighbors crazy. Has anything quieted down there?


hi BlackJack,

as Kevin said, no regulation on noise here.

Lucky you, at least noise starts at around 6pm.

They are building a new condo next to my low-rise appartment, and pneumatic drills are still working often much later than 10pm

Be happy to be in a land of freedom, buy lots of earplugs and smile... or move to a quieter place :o

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