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Questions Over Nasa Request To Use U-Tapao


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As usual, a bunch uninformed drivel (not to mention anti-American bias) being posted.

If you take this news at face value, I see nothing strange or suspicious about climate research in SEA.

The US government has been doing high level atmospheric research for many years, nothing new there.

Some people here seem to have a little bit of a clue, but it is not exactly surpising NASA wants to set this up.

The issue here is information about the South China Seas and environment. This is a good cover for heavy surveilance.

The PRC will protest heavily and try to nix the deal through their stooges in Thailand, of course, but the US is serious about it 'pivot' towards Asia.

I recommend reading up on articles on The Diplomat regarding the South China Sea matter and the belligerence of the Chinese in this area.It is not just the PRC wanting a few islands from Japan. They basically claim ALL the Paracells and ALL the Spratleys:


PRC seems to think that since the SCS has China in its name, that anything in it belongs to them. It would be like India claiming everything in the Indian ocean belonged to them.

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There has always been a bit of ambivalence in Thailand about the US involvement in U-Tapao as this was used as the staging point for B52s in the Vietnam war (because of its long runway)

They had long runway because the US built it to accommodate the aircraft as they built most of the base. First hand info as I was stationed there during the end of its construction. wink.png


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There has always been a bit of ambivalence in Thailand about the US involvement in U-Tapao as this was used as the staging point for B52s in the Vietnam war (because of its long runway)

They had long runway because the US built it to accommodate the aircraft as they built most of the base. First hand info as I was stationed there during the end of its construction. wink.png


nice picture of some BUFF's
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There has always been a bit of ambivalence in Thailand about the US involvement in U-Tapao as this was used as the staging point for B52s in the Vietnam war (because of its long runway)

They had long runway because the US built it to accommodate the aircraft as they built most of the base. First hand info as I was stationed there during the end of its construction. wink.png


Same as the airport in Udon, that was built by the Americans for the same reason, I remember the first time I landed there, from the runway the main airport building looked about the same size as an average tool shed.

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I don't see how you can find this surprising when the facts remain that the US government's science research is well over 90% targeted toward military and "national security" goals, and it continues to pursue its (corporation's) interests throughout the world through violent force, systematic deception and total disregard for the ideals on which the nation was founded.

Not saying that NASA is used as a cover for military activities, but if it came out that it were I don't think many would be surprised, except some of the few US citizens that remain naive about the fact that the military-industrial complex have had near total control of our media and political/economic culture for the past fifty years.

Please document or otherwise support your "...well over 90%" statement.

It's well and good to be suspicious about things ANY government tells you are good for us all, but sweeping and unsupported statements like these are counter-productive.

May I respectfully suggest that you google GlobalResearch.ca where you'll find a comprehensive site containing well-written and (usually) well-vetted material.

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anyone heard of HAARP ???............. if not , goole it , could this be the reason for using u-tapao ???

HAARP was (supposedly) under the direction of US Air force and other military and it not involve NASA.

Most of the space defence funding is channeled through the Air Force (space command) rather than through NASA, so the conspiracy theorists should turn their attention to these cooperations rather than NASA programs - whose budget now does not even cover the civil programs

In fact the Air Force spaceplane, the X37B, is due to land in the next 2 weeks after about a year in orbit, and this is due to land at vandenburg, but there is a small possibility that adverse weather conditions could force a landing elsewhere, and U-Tapao does have the runway to take it, but this is a very remote possibility for even the most ardent conspiracy theorist - however, if you wish, you can spend your nighttime searching the skies on the approach to Sattahip if you have nothing better to do.

I am probably close enough to hear it


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It is a well-known internet fact that all NASA's climate research aircraft are equipped to carry multiple nuclear tipped missiles. But it is their silent and near invisible black helicopters that are the scariest as they can scan minds even through aluminium foil hats.

Sent from my Cray XT5-HE laptop computer

I thought "internet" and "fact" were mutually exclusive terms???

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I don't see how you can find this surprising when the facts remain that the US government's science research is well over 90% targeted toward military and "national security" goals, and it continues to pursue its (corporation's) interests throughout the world through violent force, systematic deception and total disregard for the ideals on which the nation was founded.

Not saying that NASA is used as a cover for military activities, but if it came out that it were I don't think many would be surprised, except some of the few US citizens that remain naive about the fact that the military-industrial complex have had near total control of our media and political/economic culture for the past fifty years.

Please document or otherwise support your "...well over 90%" statement.

It's well and good to be suspicious about things ANY government tells you are good for us all, but sweeping and unsupported statements like these are counter-productive.

It wasn't my post but if you look here http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=money-for-science you will see that he wasn't far of the mark

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.... Unfortunately, if money flows into lining the pockets of Thai politicians, it will probably go forward, at the expense of US taxpayers.

All too true. American businesses can not offer bribes overseas yet the Generals, Admirals, and politicians have an open pocketbook.

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It is a well-known internet fact that all NASA's climate research aircraft are equipped to carry multiple nuclear tipped missiles. But it is their silent and near invisible black helicopters that are the scariest as they can scan minds even through aluminium foil hats.

Sent from my Cray XT5-HE laptop computer

<deleted>? Almost any aircraft can carry a "nuclear tipped missile". Payload is payload. You can put a nuclear tipped projectile in a slingshot.

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*Deleted quote edited out*

You are wasting your time attempting to reason with some people. They are not willing to listen. It is easier for some to grab hold of a simplistic explanation than to think about an issue as it is too difficult for their limited abilities. You might as well go bang your head on a wall. I guarantee that if the thread goes on, we'll soon be treated to someone claiming that this is part of a massive cover up of events that involved his having an anal probe by aliens when they were living in a trailer park.

I do however, appreciate your reasoned explanation(s). It is a humbling experience that brings to mind the frustrations people had when they tried to explain that the earth was not flat.

Edited by Scott
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The Americans are naturally worried and I can't blame them the way the world is today, they have to protect their Allies and their Interests.

Why? Everyone whinges when the US becomes involved in regional matters. Why is the responsibility of the US (and the tax payers who foot the bill) to wipe the noses of those who don't have the foresight or ass to take care of themselves. I'm sick to death of hearing about the US did this or that and should mind their own business, then when the <deleted> hits the fan, everyone expects Uncle Sam to come to the rescue.

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*Deleted quote edited out*

You are wasting your time attempting to reason with some people. They are not willing to listen. It is easier for some to grab hold of a simplistic explanation than to think about an issue as it is too difficult for their limited abilities. You might as well go bang your head on a wall. I guarantee that if the thread goes on, we'll soon be treated to someone claiming that this is part of a massive cover up of events that involved his having an anal probe by aliens when they were living in a trailer park.

I do however, appreciate your reasoned explanation(s). It is a humbling experience that brings to mind the frustrations people had when they tried to explain that the earth was not flat.

much appreciated

I too enjoy reading your posts - well informed, well written


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Out of selfintrest

they will spend money,


More uninformed bullshite. The US today imports less than 50% of crude oil consumed in the US. Oil exploration is actually slowing down in the US due to reduced demand and lower prices per barrel.

If you going to make an uniformed, brain-dead, lemming-like comments, please do at least be humorous.

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Out of selfintrest

they will spend money,


Its not just about oil, it is also about fishing grounds and more importantly, sea lanes.

Really, pray tell where this nugget of wisdom came from?

When was the last time sea lanes were interrupted in the region?

When and who monitors fishing grounds in the region besides Green Peace?

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There has always been a bit of ambivalence in Thailand about the US involvement in U-Tapao as this was used as the staging point for B52s in the Vietnam war (because of its long runway)

They had long runway because the US built it to accommodate the aircraft as they built most of the base. First hand info as I was stationed there during the end of its construction. wink.png


Same as the airport in Udon, that was built by the Americans for the same reason, I remember the first time I landed there, from the runway the main airport building looked about the same size as an average tool shed.

Think it was a tool shed.....5555.... but it was reported there was a sorte every 2 mins but this was over 24 hours. non stop. During the Vietnam war. And so many ex personnel stayed on, and married--hence the very large population of ex pats in and around the city. My county far less expensive here, immigration Udon, Nongkhai/Laos visa/Thai consulate Vientienne. NO I'm not on commission for the Udon plug. The thread regarding U-Tapao, most people understand why they would request the use, But thinking with so many Russian charters arriving there, could be a few more photo's taken on arrival ?????????

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Out of selfintrest

they will spend money,


Its not just about oil, it is also about fishing grounds and more importantly, sea lanes.

Really, pray tell where this nugget of wisdom came from?

When was the last time sea lanes were interrupted in the region?

When and who monitors fishing grounds in the region besides Green Peace?

From the articles on The Diplomat which I put a link to in my first post in this thread. I did not make it up.

Whether it is true is another matter. However, consider if the Chinese do take control of the SCS, that would make it Chinese territorial waters.

That would have an impact on international shipping. The sea lanes have not been interrupted yet, as far as I know.

The fishing grounds are the livelyhood of many fishermen. Vietnamese, Indonesian and Philipine. However, the Chinese come in with huge trawlers and try to take it all, claiming they are Chinese territorial waters.

Did you read about the latest confrontation at Scarborough Shoal: http://the-diplomat.com/asean-beat/2012/05/20/scarborough-shoal-a-precursor/

The SCS is a very resource rich region. It is not strange there is a conflict. The US wants to have eyes on it.

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Could this research not be carried-out by Thailand's own space-science industry ? Hub of meteorological-research ! whistling.gif

Don't knock it mate!



"In 1999 a tragedy happened during the "BUN BANG FAI" feast in Yasothon. Five spectators were killed when a large home-made rocket launched during the "BUN BANG FAI" Festival in Yasothon exploded. The colourful missile, estimated to weigh 120 kg, blew up seconds after it left the launch site in a downtown park. Debris showered down on the thousands of people who had gathered to watch the annual event. Five people were killed on the spot and 11 others suffered injuries."


what's Thai for "Houston we have a problem" ?

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"Nasa has insisted the SEAC4RS campaign or Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study is for the purpose of understanding the complex meteorological system. "

I would not allow Nasa to do such, as it may over shadow Thailand own Royal Rain Project.

This Americans have no respect.

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"Nasa has insisted the SEAC4RS campaign or Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study is for the purpose of understanding the complex meteorological system. "

I would not allow Nasa to do such, as it may over shadow Thailand own Royal Rain Project.

This Americans have no respect.

This is the sort of blinkered and inward looking attitude that is holding Thailand back and means that with the opening of the AEC in 2015 Thailand are going to be in much worse state than its closest competing neighbours (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam), and why in science it has been slipping below all of these countries in recent years

Would you prefer that NASA do these test in Malaysia at Malacca and share the data with them, would that satisfy your isolationist and nationalist ego?


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I don't see how you can find this surprising when the facts remain that the US government's science research is well over 90% targeted toward military and "national security" goals, and it continues to pursue its (corporation's) interests throughout the world through violent force, systematic deception and total disregard for the ideals on which the nation was founded.

Not saying that NASA is used as a cover for military activities, but if it came out that it were I don't think many would be surprised, except some of the few US citizens that remain naive about the fact that the military-industrial complex have had near total control of our media and political/economic culture for the past fifty years.

Please document or otherwise support your "...well over 90%" statement.

It's well and good to be suspicious about things ANY government tells you are good for us all, but sweeping and unsupported statements like these are counter-productive.

May I respectfully suggest that you google GlobalResearch.ca where you'll find a comprehensive site containing well-written and (usually) well-vetted material.

GlobalResearch is not always the most reliable source with a rabid anti-US bias and a natural home for conspiracy theories re 9/11, foreign policy, HAARP etc and is associated with Holocaust denials. Michel Chossudovsky, its founder, was ranked by Canada's Western Standard as number 2 in its nuttiest professor ranking!

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Michel Chossudovsky, its founder, was ranked by Canada's Western Standard as number 2 in its nuttiest professor ranking!

Which (failed) publication doesn't have much claim to objectivity either, Ezra Levant's pretty right-wing even by North American standards.

I'm not claiming that this shouldn't go forward, just we shouldn't be surprised about anti-American attitudes, IMO perfectly rational and justified given our foreign-policy track record historically.

Thailand may be a client state, but shouldn't have to be explicitly so in public, give them a chance to save some face, kowtow in private.

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Michel Chossudovsky, its founder, was ranked by Canada's Western Standard as number 2 in its nuttiest professor ranking!

Which (failed) publication doesn't have much claim to objectivity either, Ezra Levant's pretty right-wing even by North American standards.

I'm not claiming that this shouldn't go forward, just we shouldn't be surprised about anti-American attitudes, IMO perfectly rational and justified given our foreign-policy track record historically.

Thailand may be a client state, but shouldn't have to be explicitly so in public, give them a chance to save some face, kowtow in private.

Really, I guess that explains why the USA 90 day visa at the airport was reduced to a 30 day visa at the airport?

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