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Good Luck Mobi


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Thank you meatboy.

Just for the record, I'm going into hospital tomorrow but the operational is scheduled for Friday. 2 Days of pre op tests etc seems to be the normal order of the day there. They are nothing, if not fastidious...

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You are in good hands. All the best.

Yes, yes, same same.

Btw. currently best pair of hands are believed to be positioned on e.g. the body of Prof. Dr. Wouter W. de Herder, professor of Endocrine Oncology at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands:


Clicking on the doctor's picture reveals another picture simular to this one:


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Thanks for all the good wishes guys... yes, I'm still connected... just.

They just brought me a video of the op which they insisted I watched, which cheered me up a bunch.sad.png

Then a lovely nurse came and shaved my body, which was quite a pleasant experience.tongue.png

The surgeon came earlier and reminded me of all the things which could go wrong and how I would feel when she has finished with me. She said it would last around 4 hours, and I would wake up after about 6 hours but wouldn't be completely compus mentis until late evening, if ever...ermm.gif

Then another doc came and gave me some breathing exercises I must do, post op, after they take me off the respirator....huh.png

There seems to be a bit too much information flying around for my liking...

Oh well, better than nothing at all, I suppose.

Now back to my videos of hospital dramas to cheer me upsmile.png

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I'm still alive folks.

Thanks for all the interest.

The op went fine and I now start the long recovery process. In much pain but alleviated by a nice lady who shoots me up on morphine - hence I can write this.

Still have tubes sticking out of my chest, neck and god knows where else.

Hopefully out of icu tomorrow.

More later.

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Glad to hear all went well, you must be much relieved.

The pain after this type of surgery usually doesn't last long. It is actually easier than simple abdominal surgery, especially when it comes to moving about, sitting up, walking etc, all of which they'll be pushing you to start doing.

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