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Metro Bank Great Exchange Rates

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while i was over in the uk i opened an account with the metro bank ,very handy as they have no charges on their use of a debit card over here(just like the nationwide used to )

well i gave it a go and to my suprise where other banks were giving about 48.70 on tt rates i got just over 49 so seems that they are onto a winner .

i must say as well that opening an account with them was a pleasure and i got my debit card there and then .even set up my online banking there in the branch .

10/10 metro

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I did the same 1 year ago, very helpful Bank, the cards are indeed printed in the bank and you get to choose all the your PINS and security in front of the computer in the branch, a good move for me,also open 7 days a week and 0800-2000 hours, are you satisfied with your bank?

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