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TrueVisions To Broadcast UEFA Euro 2012 Despite Copyrights Issue: Report


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God I hate TRUE

IMO Their mission statement should be ..

"TRUE, bad products, high prices, we do what we want and give no customer service"

Lew...in my mind this is not True's fault it is Grammys for using True as a selling ploy for there boxes.

At the last minute True have said they will air the games and also maybe go to court to fight this!

Grammy seem to be the ones that have used the whole situation for there benefit....some folks cannot even get a reception after buying these boxes?

Why it is the fault of GMM?Before GMM bought the rights they invited True to jump into the boat,but True did not want to.Now after many subscribers complain True want to broadcast the euro too,but without paying for the rights to broadcast,NBct should shut down True if they even show 1 minute of the Euro,also the Uefa won't be to amused if True shows the Euro without paying.I guess the deal between Uefa and GMM is,,GMM has the exclusive rights to show the Euro.

I think True have simply played GMM, knowing full well that GMM had no platform (channel) to show the content on that True don't already have the right to broadcast.

In other words True knew that if GMM were going to bid, there was no point in True going in with them. UEFA won't care, they've been paid already by GMM.

Had GMM actually had their own channel to show the Euros on, there wouldn't be an issue and True would have had no right to dispute it (and I expect would have put in their own bid). As it is GMM have leased channels to air the Euros, but these are channels that True provides it's customers as a free service...

They are the free to air Thai terrestrial channels, so equally GMM have no right to prevent people watching them via standard terrestrial TV antennae. It just seems to be fairly naive business from GMM and shrewd dealings by True... although I'm sure GMM will make plenty from advertising anyway and reach a wider audience if the content does air on Truevisions.

GMM told me they will show the euro on channel 0[Zero] on their z-box,and if u have an antenna u can watch the euro on normal thai stations,but not via sat dish without z-box,I remember I wanted to see the champions league final on C-Band dish but could not,so for the time of the game my tv was black,but neighbor with simple antenna could watch the game
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I wanted to see the champions league final on C-Band dish but could not,so for the time of the game my tv was black,but neighbor with simple antenna could watch the game

That is exactly what Channel 3 is saying currently on its website -- antenna users will be fine, C-Band satellite feed to the dishes will be encrypted, and therefore not viewable.

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GMM told me they will show the euro on channel 0[Zero] on their z-box,and if u have an antenna u can watch the euro on normal thai stations,but not via sat dish without z-box,I remember I wanted to see the champions league final on C-Band dish but could not,so for the time of the game my tv was black,but neighbor with simple antenna could watch the game

I have the greatest sympathy with you and it would appear that GMM have now backed themselves into a bit of a corner, having miss-informed customers and increased revenue off the back of this miss-information.

I'm sure that some legal firms will do very well out of this sham, True I believe will wriggle out ok and GMM may well get their wrists slapped. I sincerely doubt any of the paying customers who've been shafted will receive anything in the way of an apology, let alone compensation...

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Their advertising said"euro2012 exclusively on GMM with Z-box,Anyway i find it amazing what's going on here,if ABC buys the rights for the next football season.then i don't think CBS or any other station could show any games,but here is amazing Thailand

ABC and CBS are not satellite or cable providers. True is just re-broadcasting a signal from the Thai channels. If Comcast bought the rights and then leased them to ABC could they stop another Satellite TV or Cable provider from re-broadcasting the matches as per contract?

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Grammy allowed Ch 3,5 and 9 to broadcast the games. True has the rights to relay what's on those channels.

Yes u r right but only via antenna not via sat dish

This is the crux of the matter and True are going to show "subscribers" so i think it is saying that also to its cable viewers.

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Grammy allowed Ch 3,5 and 9 to broadcast the games. True has the rights to relay what's on those channels.

So, going by your logic, do PSI and etc. have the rights to relay what's on those channels?

I ask because signal could be encrypted on PSI during match time.

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I don't know what PSI is, I guess it's some a kind of a satellite setup.

Grammy allowed Ch 3,5 and 9 to broadcast the games. True has the rights to relay what's on those channels.

Yes u r right but only via antenna not via sat dish

Who says so? True never broadcasts anything via antenna, only their satellites (and cable) and this has never been a problem. This is the first time someone laid specific hardware requirements for relaying the signal.

And the details of relay is between Ch 3,5,9 and True anyway, nothing to do with Grammy.

I'm just saying True has a case in courts and by risking litigation it is trying to look much nicer to customers than evil Grammy.

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The main point here is Channel 3 has sold airtime to GMM to show Euros. In this contract there is a clause for channel 3 to only broadcast via antenna during matches. True have a contract that says they can show free to air stations, so there is a clear conflict here of legal interest.

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This is the statement from NBTC

The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission has ordered TrueVisions to let its subscribers view the European football championship on free-TV channels via their set-top boxes.

TrueVisions is duty bound to broadcast normal, over-the-air TV programmes without interruption under its terms of service and subscription advertisements, the NBTC's broadcasting committee said.

The committee held a five-hour meeting yesterday with representatives from local TV operators and TrueVisions to resolve the dispute between the cable operator and GMM Grammy, the Euro 2012 broadcast rights holder.

"It's the duty of TrueVisions to comply with its terms of service to its customers by broadcasting normal free-TV programmes continuously," said Col Natee Sukolrat, chairman of the NBTC broadcasting committee.

The ruling came only a day before Euro 2012 kicks off. TrueVisions subscribers had expressed concern about whether they would be able to watch the matches, which will run from today until July 1.

GMM Grammy, which holds the broadcast rights for Thailand from the Union of European Football Associations (Uefa), is promoting the matches through its satellite TV channel, which requires viewers to buy a dedicated 1,590-baht set-top box. Grammy has also leased airtime on channels 3, 5, and 9 to broadcast the football matches on a revenue-sharing basis.

Grammy had previously said that TrueVisions, which did not enter into a broadcasting agreement with the company, has no right to air the matches for its subscribers and would have to black out all matches during game time.

Alternatively, viewers may see the games through Grammy's partners on channels 3, 5 or 9 via a conventional antenna.

Col Natee said TrueVisions subscribers could file complaints against TrueVisions if they are unable to see the matches on free TV stations. TrueVisions could also face fines ranging from 50,000 baht to 5 million baht a day if the firm is found guilty of violating the 2008 Broadcasting and Television Business Act, he added.

Grammy meanwhile says it is bound by its contract with Uefa.

"We have to strictly comply with all conditions and rules under the agreement. Otherwise we might breach those rights," Thana Thienachariya, chief executive of GMM Z, the satellite TV arm of GMM Grammy, said.

TrueVisions meanwhile insists that its advertising and contracts with its subscribers are legitimate.

Sompan Charumilinda, the executive vice-chairman of TrueVisions, said its contracts for its Gold and Platinum packages specifically state that free-TV broadcasting _ channels 3, 5, 7, 9 and Thai PBS _ was not TrueVisions' own content or channels.

"If the Euro football matches are aired on the three free-TV channels of 3, 5 and 9, we should get the signals as well. We won't hold talks with GMM Grammy, the official broadcast rights holder, to pay any fee," Mr Sompan said.

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Grammy allowed Ch 3,5 and 9 to broadcast the games. True has the rights to relay what's on those channels.

So, going by your logic, do PSI and etc. have the rights to relay what's on those channels?

I ask because signal could be encrypted on PSI during match time.

I don't know what PSI is. I guess True could encrypt their free to air signals, too, if given enough time, if Grammy demanded it from the start. Now it's a bit too late to ask for encryption.

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Brought the box for the euros,also understood there were 11 premium channels given free for 3 months(these are not accessable)thinking the sports channel would have English commentary...Hopefully if True are getting a signal from another country they will broadcast with full English Commentary!!!!!! Now that would make for a good Tournament....!!!!!

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Brought the box for the euros,also understood there were 11 premium channels given free for 3 months(these are not accessable)thinking the sports channel would have English commentary...Hopefully if True are getting a signal from another country they will broadcast with full English Commentary!!!!!! Now that would make for a good Tournament....!!!!!

u must call gmm and register the box,somewhere in the menu u will find the card number
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Hi Guys,

You will be able to watch the EURO 2012 on our UK TV system, the games are being broadcast on BBC & ITV.

We are giving away a FREE 2 day software trial to our service directly from the website (Windows PC only).

You can find the link for our website at the top right of this post (under sponsors).


Thai Expat TV

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Is that

Hi Guys,

You will be able to watch the EURO 2012 on our UK TV system, the games are being broadcast on BBC & ITV.

We are giving away a FREE 2 day software trial to our service directly from the website (Windows PC only).

You can find the link for our website at the top right of this post (under sponsors).


Thai Expat TV

Is that live?

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Seems straightforward. Grammy leased on the rights to Channels 3, 7 & 9 and these are carried on the Truevisions platform. I reckon True were always going win this one and rightfully so.

I just hope True are successful in securing the EPL rights when they come up again. I really don't see why so many moan about Truevisions.

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I hope Grammy get EPL rights, will be a lot cheaper than getting True subscription loaded with tons of useless toe-nail clipping channels. On the other hand True offers most popular games in HD while Grammy has no capabilities for that (apart from cable TV).

Also Grammy's threat to block free-to-air channels doesn't exactly endear it to me, that's even greedier than True.

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