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PM Yingluck Goes To Parliament Under High Security


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PM goes to Parliament under high security

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- High-level security was arranged for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra so she could attend a parliamentary session yesterday. This is the first time she has been to the Parliament since the yellow-shirts started protesting in front of the complex.

During her 45 minutes in Parliament, Yingluck was watched over by 10 soldiers from the Naresuan special company in addition to her regular bodyguards. Soldiers also provided extra security for House Speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont.

Yingluck's arrival was met with cheers and applause from a group of red shirts rallying outside the Parliament building in support of the charter amendment bill.

However, the premier refused to comment on whether or not she backs the third reading of the bill, saying it was entirely up to the House Speaker.

While in Parliament, Yingluck met with Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri and PM's Office Minister Woravat Auapinyakul before heading for Government House.


-- The Nation 2012-06-09

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While be escorted by all her personal security and armed soldiers,

I wonder if she took a moment to reflect on what a mess her and her

family members are making of Thailand. Did she reflect how sad it is

that she needs such a large protection detail?

I hope she realizes this is probably going to be the way she has to

travel for the rest of her days.

I can just imagine how large the protection detail will be when the guy

from dubuy returns, protection detail will be so large, there will be no

room for other government officials in the house

I hope the are happy with what they have created

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While be escorted by all her personal security and armed soldiers,

I wonder if she took a moment to reflect on what a mess her and her

family members are making of Thailand. Did she reflect how sad it is

that she needs such a large protection detail?

I hope she realizes this is probably going to be the way she has to

travel for the rest of her days.

I can just imagine how large the protection detail will be when the guy

from dubuy returns, protection detail will be so large, there will be no

room for other government officials in the house

I hope the are happy with what they have created

I guess President Obama must be one hell of a guy with his battalions of armed security?

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It's some state of affairs when you have to be accompanied by 10 armed soldiers to Parliament.

Seriously, people need to take a step back here, things could easily spiral out of control.

I fear things are already out of control and it could be some time before any sense of normality returns. PTP and it's leadership resemble Billy Smarts Circus more and more each day. Bring in the Clowns.

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What sort of PM makes headlines because she enters the bloody building?

A PM from the party that won a decisive election?

A PM that showed that she will not be stopped by those that do not accept the legal legislative process of elected MPs?

BTW, that appearance will win her some points with the electorate as she showed that she won't be intimidated by hooligans.

The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage prepared to face those that seek to deny the people the right to choose their representatives. So many opportunities to show the electorate the difference between the PM and the defeated former PM Abhisit. One is calm and poised, while the other participates in a tantrum in the legislature.

GK ... you are quite some piece of work

I am sure you are just having a laugh trying to provoke people

or did you spend two summers ago outside central world and

now you too are brainwashed?

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It's some state of affairs when you have to be accompanied by 10 armed soldiers to Parliament.

Seriously, people need to take a step back here, things could easily spiral out of control.

This is what I was thinking. One messed up political system. Behave like children who dint get their way

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The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage

I can see your point that the parts of the media and populace that are easily-led or otherwise simple, will just see their heroine as a Joan of Arc figure, bravely struggling on despite terrible danger to herself. But of course, some people also believe in the easter bunny don't they. I have a condo you might want to buy, if you believe Yingluck is brave.

I think it takes no courage to go to work being surrounded by armed guards. Nor do I think it takes courage to glide through life on a cushion of immense wealth.

Also, she caused the current volatile political climate with her surrogate absolution-bill, tinkering with LM, trying to rush and force bills through, her refusal to even read the bills and the same time she is saying "everyone should accept these bills".

It is Yingluck and PTP's actions that have caused outrage, and when one faces the consequences of ones own actions it is not called "courage" it is called "duty".


You are giving her too much credit, the figurehead at the bow doesn't stir the ship.

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The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage

I can see your point that the parts of the media and populace that are easily-led or otherwise simple, will just see their heroine as a Joan of Arc figure, bravely struggling on despite terrible danger to herself. But of course, some people also believe in the easter bunny don't they. I have a condo you might want to buy, if you believe Yingluck is brave.

I think it takes no courage to go to work being surrounded by armed guards. Nor do I think it takes courage to glide through life on a cushion of immense wealth.

Also, she caused the current volatile political climate with her surrogate absolution-bill, tinkering with LM, trying to rush and force bills through, her refusal to even read the bills and the same time she is saying "everyone should accept these bills".

It is Yingluck and PTP's actions that have caused outrage, and when one faces the consequences of ones own actions it is not called "courage" it is called "duty".


Yawn, both sides are equally to blame and equally immature. Things will never change because of this type of attitude by both sides. So much energy, time, money and effort wasted over Thaksin. Yellows created the situation of making his stature somewhere between hero and martyr. The more yellows fight, moan and groan, the more powerful he actually becomes when he comes back. Easy psychological concepts and common sense

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What sort of PM makes headlines because she enters the bloody building?

A PM from the party that won a decisive election?

A PM that showed that she will not be stopped by those that do not accept the legal legislative process of elected MPs?

BTW, that appearance will win her some points with the electorate as she showed that she won't be intimidated by hooligans.

The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage prepared to face those that seek to deny the people the right to choose their representatives. So many opportunities to show the electorate the difference between the PM and the defeated former PM Abhisit. One is calm and poised, while the other participates in a tantrum in the legislature.

GK ... you are quite some piece of work

I am sure you are just having a laugh trying to provoke people

or did you spend two summers ago outside central world and

now you too are brainwashed?

I was inside the secure Novotel hotel compound during the Bangkok hijinks. It was quite comfy. They had a nice buffet spread for the government officials and military officers, but alas I was not invited.

I take you are upset that the agitators were unsuccessful in blocking the PM's entry? Why? The fact of the matter is that a group of hooligans attempted to intimidate representatives of the people, representatives that had every legal and moral right to enter the House. are you of the view that a government must suspend all legislative activities because a group that lost an election disagree with a bill the elected government wishes to vote on? Are you saying that you believe that legislators should not be allowed to execute their legislative obligations?


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The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage

I can see your point that the parts of the media and populace that are easily-led or otherwise simple, will just see their heroine as a Joan of Arc figure, bravely struggling on despite terrible danger to herself. But of course, some people also believe in the easter bunny don't they. I have a condo you might want to buy, if you believe Yingluck is brave.

I think it takes no courage to go to work being surrounded by armed guards. Nor do I think it takes courage to glide through life on a cushion of immense wealth.

Also, she caused the current volatile political climate with her surrogate absolution-bill, tinkering with LM, trying to rush and force bills through, her refusal to even read the bills and the same time she is saying "everyone should accept these bills".

It is Yingluck and PTP's actions that have caused outrage, and when one faces the consequences of ones own actions it is not called "courage" it is called "duty".


In the world of political imagery, the PM scored a win. She appears graceful under fire. It is a sharp contrast from the defeated former PM Abhisit who looked like a terrified man when protestors were near. Voters like a person with courage that projects resolve. This is quite a different image than the one that was shown during the floods.

Forgive my cynicism, but this crisis is just what the political spin doctor ordered. A chance to be on the firm higher moral ground and to be able to be seen in dangerous situations projecting steely elegance. You an others may not agree, but I bet the voters love it. I can't wait for the polling results.

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Yawn, both sides are equally to blame and equally immature. Things will never change because of this type of attitude by both sides. So much energy, time, money and effort wasted over Thaksin. Yellows created the situation of making his stature somewhere between hero and martyr. The more yellows fight, moan and groan, the more powerful he actually becomes when he comes back. Easy psychological concepts and common sense

I don't agree the "yellows" created a Thaksin as hero / martyr, to the democracy-movement ("yellows") he is a convicted criminal who ran away, pure and simple. The hero-martyr thing is by the redmob who find his billions of baht strangely alluring. Its amazing the power a multibillionaire can hold over people who don't have anything, isn't it. What a surprise.

I agree that "time money and energy" wasted on Thaksin - but can you make the logic-leap to understand that it is the "redmob/PTP/Yingluck" chimera that has dragged Thaksin back into the limelight and centrestage and thus it is the redmob who are wasting time, money and energy - which I will agree with you on.

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You are giving her too much credit, the figurehead at the bow doesn't stir the ship.

Ahh, but she is there while the storm clouds gather, and she stands her beloved land and people, and guides them through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the Andaman, to the rice fields gold with grain, the electorate will say bless PM Yingluck and our home sweet home.

That sir is the the outcome of the political error of attempting to block the elected representatives from carrying out their legal duties.

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What sort of PM makes headlines because she enters the bloody building?

A PM from the party that won a decisive election?

A PM that showed that she will not be stopped by those that do not accept the legal legislative process of elected MPs?

BTW, that appearance will win her some points with the electorate as she showed that she won't be intimidated by hooligans.

The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage prepared to face those that seek to deny the people the right to choose their representatives. So many opportunities to show the electorate the difference between the PM and the defeated former PM Abhisit. One is calm and poised, while the other participates in a tantrum in the legislature.

Totally agree with you, she should not give in to mob rule, I suppose everyone remembers those disgraceful scenes in Pattaya 2 years ago where the red shirt mob/ supporters of the current government attacked the 'then' PMs car.

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What has been blocking her entry every other day? She doesn't need protests or protesters as an excuse, anything will do.

A quick comparison - number of debates participated in over the last year

Davis Cameron 43

Julia Gillard 203

Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM has most certainly attended debates in the House. Please cite the official attendance record for the PM rather than lie.

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In the world of political imagery, the PM scored a win. She appears graceful under fire. It is a sharp contrast from the defeated former PM Abhisit who looked like a terrified man when protestors were near. Voters like a person with courage that projects resolve. This is quite a different image than the one that was shown during the floods.

She is not actually under political fire really, she has completely avoided being in the firing-line on every occasion, which of course is the opposite of courage ; cowardice.

And I do challenge you on the Abhisit issue. Abhisit has the political courage to attend Parliament regularly this past year, and stand his ground and debate issues passionately without scripting and cue-cards, and also he talks to the media channels without scripting and cue-cards. Surely that is more politically courageous (and honourable) than some shameless bimbo who avoids all unscripted debates and interviews.

Re: Abhisit being forced to take shelter in a bunker to protect him from the redmob in 2010, doesn't that say more about the murdering arsonists in charge of the redmob, than it says about Abhisit - an intelligent and peaceful politician. Surely the very fact that Yingluck is not in a bunker surrounded by looted ATMs and burning shopping centres, says something to you about the different types of protesters the two PM's have had to face.

Edited by Yunla
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Yawn, both sides are equally to blame and equally immature. Things will never change because of this type of attitude by both sides. So much energy, time, money and effort wasted over Thaksin. Yellows created the situation of making his stature somewhere between hero and martyr. The more yellows fight, moan and groan, the more powerful he actually becomes when he comes back. Easy psychological concepts and common sense

I don't agree the "yellows" created a Thaksin as hero / martyr, to the democracy-movement ("yellows") he is a convicted criminal who ran away, pure and simple. The hero-martyr thing is by the redmob who find his billions of baht strangely alluring. Its amazing the power a multibillionaire can hold over people who don't have anything, isn't it. What a surprise.

I agree that "time money and energy" wasted on Thaksin - but can you make the logic-leap to understand that it is the "redmob/PTP/Yingluck" chimera that has dragged Thaksin back into the limelight and centrestage and thus it is the redmob who are wasting time, money and energy - which I will agree with you on.

He has used kow tow, 'unusual and unexplained wealth' and crony capitalism, to create a psychological hold on a large segment of the masses, and some call that a democratic mandate. It is not. It is the power of manipulation on a grand scale used to take power for one person and his clan.

The PM, as a conspicuous member of said clan, is showing her loyalty to the clan far more than the citizens of Thailand, a percentage of which voted for her party and it's false and unrealized promises.

She has shirked her duty as an MP on ALL occasions, never once casting a vote.

And when questionable clan related votes pass the cabinet, she always seems

to have gone somewhere else that day, but never Parliament on those days.

She has had clandestine meetings with other major real-estate investors,

just prior to legislation allotting parcels to be bought by the government for 'flood control', rather than attend Parliament.

Edited by animatic
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What has been blocking her entry every other day? She doesn't need protests or protesters as an excuse, anything will do.

A quick comparison - number of debates participated in over the last year

Davis Cameron 43

Julia Gillard 203

Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM has most certainly attended debates in the House. Please cite the official attendance record for the PM rather than lie.

If YOU Are refuting what Ozmick is saying why don't YOU provide proof.

Also the Yellow demonstration DID not stop Parliament the police inaction / orders did that.

And I agree with the 1st line about a PM entering Parliament. It it amazing that yesterday she was far to busy to attend but decided another nice photo shoot would be OK today complete with army body guard IN PARLIAMENT <deleted>.

Doing some work on the other hand!!

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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She entered the house under threat of a mob, are the yellow shirts still there I thought they had been replaced by the red shirts. Some give this woman too much credit, I know some think she is in the same league with the Lady from Burma but I would like to know what you are smoking

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What sort of PM makes headlines because she enters the bloody building?

A PM from the party that won a decisive election?

A PM that showed that she will not be stopped by those that do not accept the legal legislative process of elected MPs?

BTW, that appearance will win her some points with the electorate as she showed that she won't be intimidated by hooligans.

The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage prepared to face those that seek to deny the people the right to choose their representatives. So many opportunities to show the electorate the difference between the PM and the defeated former PM Abhisit. One is calm and poised, while the other participates in a tantrum in the legislature.

Wait and see my friend. More and more people are starting to realize that she is as much as a dirty hypocrite as her brother. Soon she won't be able to move anymore. Most probably she will end up hiding in Dubai too.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Edited by Nickymaster
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