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PM Yingluck Goes To Parliament Under High Security


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It's some state of affairs when you have to be accompanied by 10 armed soldiers to Parliament.

Seriously, people need to take a step back here, things could easily spiral out of control.

I fear things are already out of control and it could be some time before any sense of normality returns. PTP and it's leadership resemble Billy Smarts Circus more and more each day. Bring in the Clowns.

And this differs from what passes for governments past here in Lilliput how, exactly?

Sorry, I didn't realise I was obligated to give a lesson on the history of Thai politics. I am sure there is enough information on google for you to draw your comparison. Perhaps you can let us all know what you find.

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You see, you can do it, I think you have just pointed out why Yingluck is being selective in showing support for the bill......it would quickly be construed as an abuse of power if she became heavily involved don't you think?..........remember impeachment in Thailand is only the blink of an eye away....

Just what Thailand needs a PM who can't show support or disapproval of a bill. sad.png

But she can stand up for a Photo Op.clap2.gif

Yep family photo with her brother...ooops wait that might get her into trouble....sad you cannot understand where a conflict of interest charge may suddenly spring from....

Glad to see you admit the bill is about white washing her brother.thumbsup.gif

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What has been blocking her entry every other day? She doesn't need protests or protesters as an excuse, anything will do.

A quick comparison - number of debates participated in over the last year

Davis Cameron 43

Julia Gillard 203

Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM has most certainly attended debates in the House. Please cite the official attendance record for the PM rather than lie.

If YOU Are refuting what Ozmick is saying why don't YOU provide proof.

Also the Yellow demonstration DID not stop Parliament the police inaction / orders did that.

And I agree with the 1st line about a PM entering Parliament. It it amazing that yesterday she was far to busy to attend but decided another nice photo shoot would be OK today complete with army body guard IN PARLIAMENT <deleted>.

Doing some work on the other hand!!

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

It is customary for the person making a wild allegation to substantiate his claims.

He wrote; Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

His statement is false and it is malicious because he demands that the PM be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM was ridiculed in TVF after voting on the 2nd reading of the reconciliation bill. As her vote was registered, she was deemed to have been a participant.

Go back to August 25. Do you remember when she presented her government's policies to the House , unveiling her government's legislative plans? Do you recall when she was criticized for speaking too long, because she spoke for 2 hours straight, delivering a speech that ran 44 pages? Didn't some of you people call her a windbag for talking too much?

Well perhaps another retrospective mocking is in order seen as it now transpires that she voted for a bill she admitted she has never laid eyes upon.

I must say that you seem to have stooped to a new low, it is one thing offering your unconditional love and support for this non-politician, but to imply that her PR skills will make her a winner and overcome Abhisit is so immature. Does it mean she is actually engaging in an activity that will benefit the country and its people?...No, she has a good PR manager, which does not detract from the real issue with intelligent people that she is contributing nothing to the effective running or recovery of this nation and it's peoples.

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It's some state of affairs when you have to be accompanied by 10 armed soldiers to Parliament.

Seriously, people need to take a step back here, things could easily spiral out of control.

I fear things are already out of control and it could be some time before any sense of normality returns. PTP and it's leadership resemble Billy Smarts Circus more and more each day. Bring in the Clowns.

And this differs from what passes for governments past here in Lilliput how, exactly?

Sorry, I didn't realise I was obligated to give a lesson on the history of Thai politics. I am sure there is enough information on google for you to draw your comparison. Perhaps you can let us all know what you find.

High praise indeed for PTP Gentleman Jim, Billy Smarts circus is a highly trained outfit where a high level of concentration, organisation and accuracy is essential, a real crowd pleaser too.......

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I fear things are already out of control and it could be some time before any sense of normality returns. PTP and it's leadership resemble Billy Smarts Circus more and more each day. Bring in the Clowns.

And this differs from what passes for governments past here in Lilliput how, exactly?

Sorry, I didn't realise I was obligated to give a lesson on the history of Thai politics. I am sure there is enough information on google for you to draw your comparison. Perhaps you can let us all know what you find.

High praise indeed for PTP Gentleman Jim, Billy Smarts circus is a highly trained outfit where a high level of concentration, organisation and accuracy is essential, a real crowd pleaser too.......

Maybe a real crowd pleaser, but to what type of crowd exactly. Still if you are pleased by watching people with juggling skills and acts of escapism, freak shows and conning simple beasts of burden into doing things they don't want to do by offering small carrots and then very big sticks then carry on. Praise indeed.

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Perhaps Yingluk could take a lesson from Sean Hannity and have a cardboard cut-out made and placed in her seat. It could keep the hoi-polloi feeling warm and fuzzy in her august presence until her next bi-annual visit.

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You see, you can do it, I think you have just pointed out why Yingluck is being selective in showing support for the bill......it would quickly be construed as an abuse of power if she became heavily involved don't you think?..........remember impeachment in Thailand is only the blink of an eye away....

Is that a joke? 900 million baht is a massive conflict of interest in anybody's book before you even consider the family tie implications.what about the red shirts who will be voting to save themselves from capital court cases? How many PTP MPs owe their position to Thaksin. If every MP with a conflict of interest recused him/herself there wouldn't be enough votes to pass it.

Try to stick to the facts for once not your own distorted view of how things might be, thank you, you have provided yet another reason why Yingluck should have no more than minimal involvement......

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Must have had one of those gps systems to find Parliament, this absentee failure of a PM is disgraceful. How many signatures to impeach this fraud?

Yes, you go and organize a petition and remember to sign it. Your opinion counts as much as your vote.

And when the people of Thailand re-elect her should she wish to run again, you can tell them that you, the great foreigner that had to come to Thailand, has all the answers and that they must listen and obey your directives.

Why would i organize a petition? Seems it is a question that should be answered as to the rules and regulations of how things occur in this country? No need to tie your nuts in a knot.
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High praise indeed for PTP Gentleman Jim, Billy Smarts circus is a highly trained outfit where a high level of concentration, organisation and accuracy is essential, a real crowd pleaser too.......

Maybe a real crowd pleaser, but to what type of crowd exactly. Still if you are pleased by watching people with juggling skills and acts of escapism, freak shows and conning simple beasts of burden into doing things they don't want to do by offering small carrots and then very big sticks then carry on. Praise indeed.

I am not trying to con you

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You see, you can do it, I think you have just pointed out why Yingluck is being selective in showing support for the bill......it would quickly be construed as an abuse of power if she became heavily involved don't you think?..........remember impeachment in Thailand is only the blink of an eye away....

Is that a joke? 900 million baht is a massive conflict of interest in anybody's book before you even consider the family tie implications.what about the red shirts who will be voting to save themselves from capital court cases? How many PTP MPs owe their position to Thaksin. If every MP with a conflict of interest recused him/herself there wouldn't be enough votes to pass it.

Try to stick to the facts for once not your own distorted view of how things might be, thank you, you have provided yet another reason why Yingluck should have no more than minimal involvement......

OzMick stated the facts. Your refusal to respond to them shows me that you all re3ady knew that and chose to ignore it.

If every member of parliament who has a conflict of interest did not vote the bill would fail.

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You see, you can do it, I think you have just pointed out why Yingluck is being selective in showing support for the bill......it would quickly be construed as an abuse of power if she became heavily involved don't you think?..........remember impeachment in Thailand is only the blink of an eye away....

Is that a joke? 900 million baht is a massive conflict of interest in anybody's book before you even consider the family tie implications.what about the red shirts who will be voting to save themselves from capital court cases? How many PTP MPs owe their position to Thaksin. If every MP with a conflict of interest recused him/herself there wouldn't be enough votes to pass it.

Try to stick to the facts for once not your own distorted view of how things might be, thank you, you have provided yet another reason why Yingluck should have no more than minimal involvement......

Voting for a bill where the demonstrable gain for yourself (or others you are associated with) is not far exceeded by that of the country is the epitome of corruption. How does some ephemeral concept of reconciliation, already negated by reaction to the proposal, far exceed the benefits to Yingluk, her family, members of PTP, and the man they swear allegiance to (and I am NOT referring to the king.)?

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The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage

I can see your point that the parts of the media and populace that are easily-led or otherwise simple, will just see their heroine as a Joan of Arc figure, bravely struggling on despite terrible danger to herself. But of course, some people also believe in the easter bunny don't they. I have a condo you might want to buy, if you believe Yingluck is brave.

I think it takes no courage to go to work being surrounded by armed guards. Nor do I think it takes courage to glide through life on a cushion of immense wealth.

Also, she caused the current volatile political climate with her surrogate absolution-bill, tinkering with LM, trying to rush and force bills through, her refusal to even read the bills and the same time she is saying "everyone should accept these bills".

It is Yingluck and PTP's actions that have caused outrage, and when one faces the consequences of ones own actions it is not called "courage" it is called "duty".


In the world of political imagery, the PM scored a win. She appears graceful under fire. It is a sharp contrast from the defeated former PM Abhisit who looked like a terrified man when protestors were near. Voters like a person with courage that projects resolve. This is quite a different image than the one that was shown during the floods.

Forgive my cynicism, but this crisis is just what the political spin doctor ordered. A chance to be on the firm higher moral ground and to be able to be seen in dangerous situations projecting steely elegance. You an others may not agree, but I bet the voters love it. I can't wait for the polling results.

Nice spin from GK there!

Steely elegance? Does she actually need all that security? Is it not just another act in the show? These are yellow shirt protestors not redshirts.

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You see, you can do it, I think you have just pointed out why Yingluck is being selective in showing support for the bill......it would quickly be construed as an abuse of power if she became heavily involved don't you think?..........remember impeachment in Thailand is only the blink of an eye away....

Is that a joke? 900 million baht is a massive conflict of interest in anybody's book before you even consider the family tie implications.what about the red shirts who will be voting to save themselves from capital court cases? How many PTP MPs owe their position to Thaksin. If every MP with a conflict of interest recused him/herself there wouldn't be enough votes to pass it.

Try to stick to the facts for once not your own distorted view of how things might be, thank you, you have provided yet another reason why Yingluck should have no more than minimal involvement......

OzMick stated the facts. Your refusal to respond to them shows me that you all re3ady knew that and chose to ignore it.

If every member of parliament who has a conflict of interest did not vote the bill would fail.

Explain "how many people owe their position to Thaksin"..... usual fantasy posting... all the Democrats in parliament are there because of whom....you can tell me?......or maybe like the PTP members they are there by due process

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Is that a joke? 900 million baht is a massive conflict of interest in anybody's book before you even consider the family tie implications.what about the red shirts who will be voting to save themselves from capital court cases? How many PTP MPs owe their position to Thaksin. If every MP with a conflict of interest recused him/herself there wouldn't be enough votes to pass it.

Try to stick to the facts for once not your own distorted view of how things might be, thank you, you have provided yet another reason why Yingluck should have no more than minimal involvement......

OzMick stated the facts. Your refusal to respond to them shows me that you all re3ady knew that and chose to ignore it.

If every member of parliament who has a conflict of interest did not vote the bill would fail.

Explain "how many people owe their position to Thaksin"..... usual fantasy posting... all the Democrats in parliament are there because of whom....you can tell me?......or maybe like the PTP members they are there by due process

Fully one quarter are appointed via the party list. All those who face an electorate did so with PTP party endorsement, and IMHO few would have been elected had that endorsement been given to someone else. Do you deny Thaksin owns PTP lock, stock and barrel?

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The PM just might be rebranded as the lady with courage

I can see your point that the parts of the media and populace that are easily-led or otherwise simple, will just see their heroine as a Joan of Arc figure, bravely struggling on despite terrible danger to herself. But of course, some people also believe in the easter bunny don't they. I have a condo you might want to buy, if you believe Yingluck is brave.

I think it takes no courage to go to work being surrounded by armed guards. Nor do I think it takes courage to glide through life on a cushion of immense wealth.

Also, she caused the current volatile political climate with her surrogate absolution-bill, tinkering with LM, trying to rush and force bills through, her refusal to even read the bills and the same time she is saying "everyone should accept these bills".

It is Yingluck and PTP's actions that have caused outrage, and when one faces the consequences of ones own actions it is not called "courage" it is called "duty".


In the world of political imagery, the PM scored a win. She appears graceful under fire. It is a sharp contrast from the defeated former PM Abhisit who looked like a terrified man when protestors were near. Voters like a person with courage that projects resolve. This is quite a different image than the one that was shown during the floods.

Forgive my cynicism, but this crisis is just what the political spin doctor ordered. A chance to be on the firm higher moral ground and to be able to be seen in dangerous situations projecting steely elegance. You an others may not agree, but I bet the voters love it. I can't wait for the polling results.

Nice spin from GK there!

Steely elegance? Does she actually need all that security? Is it not just another act in the show? These are yellow shirt protestors not redshirts.

Not spin.....pearls before the swine unfortunately, there are so many here who disagree with comments because of the origin, perhaps if they examine his explanation more sincerely they might actually agree with concept, great opportunity fully exploited.....of course no other PM in the world would even consider such a thing

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This is the first time she has been to the Parliament since the yellow-shirts started protesting in front of the complex.

I first thought I read, this is the first time she's been to parliament since she was elected took the job of prime minister.

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Explain "how many people owe their position to Thaksin"..... usual fantasy posting... all the Democrats in parliament are there because of whom....you can tell me?......or maybe like the PTP members they are there by due process

Fully one quarter are appointed via the party list. All those who face an electorate did so with PTP party endorsement, and IMHO few would have been elected had that endorsement been given to someone else. Do you deny Thaksin owns PTP lock, stock and barrel?

Well that is just amazing, you mean the voters had no other choice but to vote for the PTP candidates...........a rather scathing criticism of the Democrats don't you think?

Also you have fallen way behind if you believe that the red shirts are an not important entity in their own right

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High praise indeed for PTP Gentleman Jim, Billy Smarts circus is a highly trained outfit where a high level of concentration, organisation and accuracy is essential, a real crowd pleaser too.......

Maybe a real crowd pleaser, but to what type of crowd exactly. Still if you are pleased by watching people with juggling skills and acts of escapism, freak shows and conning simple beasts of burden into doing things they don't want to do by offering small carrots and then very big sticks then carry on. Praise indeed.

I am not trying to con you

What a very sad attempt at a personal attack. You know, you can pretend to be whoever you want on the internet, but when you are on a roll, those little fingers will always betray the true level of intellect.

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Perhaps Yingluck should try some of the newfound 'steely elegance' Geriatrickid talks about on Burma's leader then.

Off topic I know, but the leader of Burma will have more than Yingluck to worry about when the major finance houses and corporates push their sticky fingers further into Burma under the guise of "improving the quality of life" while raping the country more successfully than any previous administration

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High praise indeed for PTP Gentleman Jim, Billy Smarts circus is a highly trained outfit where a high level of concentration, organisation and accuracy is essential, a real crowd pleaser too.......

Maybe a real crowd pleaser, but to what type of crowd exactly. Still if you are pleased by watching people with juggling skills and acts of escapism, freak shows and conning simple beasts of burden into doing things they don't want to do by offering small carrots and then very big sticks then carry on. Praise indeed.

I am not trying to con you

What a very sad attempt at a personal attack. You know, you can pretend to be whoever you want on the internet, but when you are on a roll, those little fingers will always betray the true level of intellect.

You get what you deserve......unless your comments were just badly presented and not intended to insult the Thai electorate

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What has been blocking her entry every other day? She doesn't need protests or protesters as an excuse, anything will do.

A quick comparison - number of debates participated in over the last year

Davis Cameron 43

Julia Gillard 203

Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM has most certainly attended debates in the House. Please cite the official attendance record for the PM rather than lie.

If YOU Are refuting what Ozmick is saying why don't YOU provide proof.

Also the Yellow demonstration DID not stop Parliament the police inaction / orders did that.

And I agree with the 1st line about a PM entering Parliament. It it amazing that yesterday she was far to busy to attend but decided another nice photo shoot would be OK today complete with army body guard IN PARLIAMENT <deleted>.

Doing some work on the other hand!!

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

It is customary for the person making a wild allegation to substantiate his claims.

He wrote; Yingluk SFA, Zero, Nil, Nada, Bugger All, zilch Should be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

His statement is false and it is malicious because he demands that the PM be jailed for taking money under false pretense.

The PM was ridiculed in TVF after voting on the 2nd reading of the reconciliation bill. As her vote was registered, she was deemed to have been a participant.

Go back to August 25. Do you remember when she presented her government's policies to the House , unveiling her government's legislative plans? Do you recall when she was criticized for speaking too long, because she spoke for 2 hours straight, delivering a speech that ran 44 pages? Didn't some of you people call her a windbag for talking too much?

The following day I had to go to bumrungrud hospital and I picked up a copy of the other paper.

The front page and half page 2 were devoted to the government's legislative plans (not surprising.)

At the top of the page was a large picture of thaksin and in the lower left a picture of abhisit in parliament.

The whole article was of the oppositions critique of the government's policies, quoting soberly from abhisit and only in the final paragraph of an inch or so they mentioned that yingluk spoke for 2 hours!

Just how biased is that? Incredible.

The point being of course made was that this was thaksin's government not yingluk and that all her policies were either just too populist or doomed to failure but this is the oppositions case only trumpeted.

When has the bbc ever bothered to broadcast the opposition leader in the uk parliament's attack on the queens speech for example?

Name me a western newspaper that would so shamelessly ignore reporting the governments program only to sneer at it?

Despite their views the papers have a duty of care to deliver the news and inform the public.

I would say that many posters on here are Clearly informed about Thailand through sources from vested interests that publish only the news that fits.

You'll find a very different outlook from matichon and Kai sod for example.

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Explain "how many people owe their position to Thaksin"..... usual fantasy posting... all the Democrats in parliament are there because of whom....you can tell me?......or maybe like the PTP members they are there by due process

Fully one quarter are appointed via the party list. All those who face an electorate did so with PTP party endorsement, and IMHO few would have been elected had that endorsement been given to someone else. Do you deny Thaksin owns PTP lock, stock and barrel?

Well that is just amazing, you mean the voters had no other choice but to vote for the PTP candidates...........a rather scathing criticism of the Democrats don't you think?

Also you have fallen way behind if you believe that the red shirts are an not important entity in their own right


Try not to be deliberately obtuse. The statement was that the PTP candidate was likely to win, so endorsement was an important factor. Who hands out the endorsement, who decides the party list, who decides the ministers? Yingluk?

How many red shirts stood as electorate candidates - not many. And who got the cushy Chiang Mai by-election seat, a red or a Thaksin crony?

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473geo Sticky fingers brings to mind the Thaksin S of this world, would you include them??? no because they do no wrong and govern impeccably. Of course you would believe Abhisit would be involved. Ha Ha

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Explain "how many people owe their position to Thaksin"..... usual fantasy posting... all the Democrats in parliament are there because of whom....you can tell me?......or maybe like the PTP members they are there by due process

Fully one quarter are appointed via the party list. All those who face an electorate did so with PTP party endorsement, and IMHO few would have been elected had that endorsement been given to someone else. Do you deny Thaksin owns PTP lock, stock and barrel?

Well that is just amazing, you mean the voters had no other choice but to vote for the PTP candidates...........a rather scathing criticism of the Democrats don't you think?

Also you have fallen way behind if you believe that the red shirts are an not important entity in their own right


Try not to be deliberately obtuse. The statement was that the PTP candidate was likely to win, so endorsement was an important factor. Who hands out the endorsement, who decides the party list, who decides the ministers? Yingluk?

How many red shirts stood as electorate candidates - not many. And who got the cushy Chiang Mai by-election seat, a red or a Thaksin crony?

Is the process any different for any poitical party in Thailand?....you think Abhist and Korn took on marginal seats

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Maybe a real crowd pleaser, but to what type of crowd exactly. Still if you are pleased by watching people with juggling skills and acts of escapism, freak shows and conning simple beasts of burden into doing things they don't want to do by offering small carrots and then very big sticks then carry on. Praise indeed.

I am not trying to con you

What a very sad attempt at a personal attack. You know, you can pretend to be whoever you want on the internet, but when you are on a roll, those little fingers will always betray the true level of intellect.

You get what you deserve......unless your comments were just badly presented and not intended to insult the Thai electorate

And since when have you become the self proclaimed guardian of the Thai electorate? particularly when you barge in to a conversation that was absolutely nothing to do. Moral of the story...keep your nose out. Now can't you give us all a rest, surely you must have better things to do on a Saturday afternoon.

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473geo Sticky fingers brings to mind the Thaksin S of this world, would you include them??? no because they do no wrong and govern impeccably. Of course you would believe Abhisit would be involved. Ha Ha

Thaksin is not even on my radar....but you guys have elevated him so high on yours it would appear you now have difficulty in making comment regarding world affairs that does not give him a mention

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