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500 Baht 256k Broadband In Thailand Next Month


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TOT broadband on the way

TOT Corporation plans to introduce low-cost broadband Internet access offering speeds of 256 Kilobytes per second (kbps) for just 500 baht a month in early February.

TOT chairman Sathit Limpongpan said the service would be the cheapest broadband Internet access available on the local market.

Broadband or ADSL (advanced digital subscriber line) service, which offers always-on connections, typically costs at least 1,000 baht a month plus a one-time cost of up to 5,000 baht for a special modem.

A faster service package at 512 kbps will be priced at only 600 baht a month, Mr Sathit said.

The budget broadband service is a response to the Information and Communications Technology Ministry's policy to eliminate the ``digital divide''.

Mr Sathit said that in the first stage, the new service would be available in Bangkok and so-called IT Cities such as Phuket and Chiang Mai, with a target of signing up one million users in a year.

Dr Surapong Suebwonglee, the ICT minister, said that between six million and 10 million people in Thailand now used narrow-band, dial-up Internet access offering speeds of 56 kbps.

--The Post 2004-01-27

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same old question is it international unlimited, if not there's no use for it

Dr Surapong Suebwonglee, the ICT minister, said that between six million and 10 million people in Thailand now used narrow-band, dial-up Internet access offering speeds of 56 kbps.

some people just don't get it do they, i rather stick with 56kps and surf international than to have adsl and cannot

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same old question is it international unlimited, if not there's no use for it
Dr Surapong Suebwonglee, the ICT minister, said that between six million and 10 million people in Thailand now used narrow-band, dial-up Internet access offering speeds of 56 kbps.

some people just don't get it do they, i rather stick with 56kps and surf international than to have adsl and cannot

Some people in Thailand don't need international access ... if all the Thai web site they access are hosted in Thailand !

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The budget broadband service is a response to the Information and Communications Technology Ministry's policy to eliminate the ``digital divide''.

Any connection which does not access the Internet Internationally does NOT even begin to address "eliminating the digital divide"

If access only permits local access then, this is similar to being half pregnant! The Internet is intended to alow for the sharing of information and ideas, not only to look at one's own belly button.


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I'm certainly interested in this, i'm sick to death of the substandard 24600bps thats possible in my house in Bkk. As for international access or not, I can see a few possible loopholes that could be exploitable. Remember the "free student intranet" card :o

Suppose i'll have to get a ToT line installed :|


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Some people in Thailand don't need international access ... if all the Thai web site they access are hosted in Thailand !

you got to be kidding me. unless you wanna browse government site or some big company site only, and gues what you can't get to surf thaivisa either. :o

no unlimited international is useless for any kind of price, this TOT broadband is a gimmick, they are trying very hard to ripp-off your money.

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TOT broadband on the way

TOT Corporation plans to introduce low-cost broadband Internet access offering speeds of 256 Kilobytes per second (kbps) for just 500 baht a month in early February.

Broadband or ADSL (advanced digital subscriber line) service, which offers always-on connections, typically costs at least 1,000 baht a month plus a one-time cost of up to 5,000 baht for a special modem.

A faster service package at 512 kbps will be priced at only 600 baht a month, Mr Sathit said.

--The Post 2004-01-27

Just a bit of a recap about broadband Internet access in LOS. TOT is an ADSL Service Provider. In Thailand, to have broadband access to the Internet, one must purchase an ADSL circuit from an ADSL Service Provider, and Internet Access from an ISP.

Thai ADSL Service Providers in Bangkok are TOT, and TA (TelecomAsia). I believe SAMART has received a license to be an ADSL Service Provider in Bangkok, but any service they presently offer is resold TOT ADSL. SAMART have said they will begin offering their own ADSL service sometime this year, which may partially explain TOT's decision to lower prices. (Meddling politicians may explain some, too.) Upcountry, TT&T has the sole license, although it would be unsurprising if TOT also sold ADSL in the provinces.

The pricing is similar to what TOT has offered before. Over 1 year ago they posted this link <http://www.tot.co.th/broadband/isdn/adsl_promote.html> on their web site and it (the link) remains accessible. The prices are comparable to what is now being proposed.

The expensive part of current ADSL broadband is the Internet Access. To get an ADSL circuit you must contact an ISP and buy one of their ADSL Internet packages. They will handle the TOT interface behind the curtain. Typical deals for HomePack 256 kbps ADSL look like 50-80 hours/month for about 6,500 Baht/month, which includes the cost of the ADSL circuit, for which the ADSL service providers have routinely been asking 1,200-1,700 Baht/month. All the ISP offer pretty much the same packages, because ultimately they all sell idenitcal CAT bandwidth (there goes PlanetMan, like a broken record, again ;-)

As this has been the historical price for these packages one must wonder if these packages will now be promoted at 5,500-6,000 Baht/month, reflecting the reduced charge of TOT. For unlimited monthly use the price goes to about 8,000 Baht.

It would be interesting to see what throughput people consitently receive from their ADSL connections. My TOT Homepack 256 kbps ADSL via JI Net typically humps along at around 40 kbps, although weekends and in the wee hours it does better, sometimes showing 200 kbps. YMMV. DSL reports (<http://www.dslreports.com/>) has links to several speed tests. (<http://www.dslreports.com/stest?loc=1>)

ADSL Thailand (<http://www.adslthailand.com/>), is also a good shortcut to all things Broadband in Thailand.


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Guest IT Manager

If the Post said ADSL is advanced, then I am convinced.

Personally I thought it was asynchronous digital subscriber line, but ######, what would I know.

TOT Broadband is for line only as I understand so that means an ISP as well.

I personally am looking forward to seeing a TOT engineer capable of managing it.

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Well the quote mentions bandwidth, which is the ISP/Data layer and not just the DSLAM port. I wonder tho what the actual DSL enabling would be a month.

The missing "A" is just refering to the type of DSL, you can get x,v,ra,a and s varients of DSL....i really do wonder why RADSL is not prefered over adsl. We'll see.


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In today's Bangkok Post:

CS Loxinfo offers new unlimited deal

Karnjana Karnjanatawe

CS Loxinfo has heeded the government's push for cheaper broadband Internet access with a package of 20 hours for 400 baht per month as well as an unlimited deal for 600 baht per month that is restricted to domestic web sites.

Earlier, TelecomAsia also introduced an unlimited domestic Internet package for 550 baht per month.

CS Loxinfo president Dr Tachpong Hotrabhavananda said the service was launched following the government's policy to push low-cost broadband Internet access.

The company teamed up with Advanced Datanetwork Communications (ADC), a Shin Group subsidiary, to build a 2.5GB broadband IP backbone network.

"Our goal is to reduce the bottlenecks in broadband service here. The network is connected to our data centre as well as the domestic exchange of CAT Telecom," he said.

ADC will invest around 200 million baht in the new nationwide network, according to CS Loxinfo deputy managing director Anant Kaewruamvongs.

The technology can also be upgraded to 10Gbps.

"We can differentiate ourselves from other providers in that we do not offer only low-cost ADSL service, but we have built a gigabit ring around the country," he said, adding that the network can support various applications including video streaming.

CS Loxinfo has divided its low-cost broadband offerings into four packages.

The first is called B1 and offers unlimited hours for domestic service only. The monthly charge is 600 baht for a 256/128 Kbps connection.

B2 provides unlimited domestic access and 30 hours of access to international web sites for 800 baht.

B3 provides 20 hours of access to both domestic and international web sites at a cost of 400 baht.

B4 provides access to all web sites with unlimited hour of usage at two price levels: 3,600 baht for 256/128 Kbps and 6,500 baht for 512/256 Kbps.

All prices are excluding VAT, an entrance fee of 1,500 baht and an ADSL modem (around 4,900 baht).

The services are available to those with a TOT fixed line in some areas of Bangkok and 13 big cities. (Details at http://www.adc.co.th.)

By April, the service is expected to cover all of Bangkok. Prices for ADSL service up-country will be set soon.

CS Loxinfo expects to add around 30,000 subscribers this year.

Meanwhile, the ISP will be listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand around April this year.

Some 125 million shares will be sold. The capital raised will be spent on business expansion including services such as e-commerce, entertainment, and e-learning, said Mr Anant.


OK, experts, what do you think, is this a fair deal? Loxinfo has been my ISP for the last four years and am fairly satisfied with the service I've had so far, so I'm tempted to go for this one.

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i can't see why anyone would want to surf domestic only sites? i always thought the idea of the internet was global (cheap) communication plus a worldwide library at your disposal!

the price still hangs around the 6000 bht mark and has done for the past year.

and as mentioned earlier you may only get slow speeds. we are sticking to our isdn with tot. same price as normal line and same charge for calls as normal phone line. 350 bht a month to asia net. sorted!

the fat man (one beer already)

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B4 provides access to all web sites with unlimited hour of usage at two price levels: 3,600 baht for 256/128 Kbps and 6,500 baht for 512/256 Kbps.

its getting better, but its still little high$ for my bugget, i have patience, all this waiting for year to get broadband i can wait a little longer, and see how it goes.

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So when do we get real broadband? (In Chiang Mai) ie. access any website, connected all the time and unlimited usage? If this exists now, how much is it? From what I've read about the new packages that are being introduced, the headlines look great until you get to the fine print and realize its useless for anyone who just wants a true and simple broadband connection.

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I just don't think these guys get it.... in order for thailand to bridge that GAP they need CHEAP INTERNATIONAL broadband internet. for instance, you wouldn't really need high speed internet to access Thai only sites. nothing i've seen in Thai sites really requires high speed, its MOSTLY text!

The need for high speed comes with the downloading of files, video conferencing, HUGH audio and video files. waiting those few extra seconds for a web page to come up isn't that much of a hardship. the cost here for THai people to surf internationally is for the most part beyond all but a few Thai's 3,600 baht? thats almost their entire salary!

Silly telecome people, I geuss the goverment is going to have to spell it out for them!


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exactly what i mean lol, regular thai make only 10-15k a month no way they can afford with that price. its just a gimmic to lure people in thinking it is cheap broadband, just wait and see after they get the unlimited local broadband they will regret they even got it. to me its just useless.

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>Typical deals for HomePack 256 kbps ADSL look like 50-80 hours/month for about 6,500 Baht/month, which includes the cost of the ADSL circuit, for which the ADSL service providers have routinely been asking 1,200-1,700 Baht/month.

There was a similar question on another board, I am retyping my post:

Firstly, the exchange the line is coming from has to be ADSL capable.

Then, the phone line has to be a direct one, not an apartment block shared 40 lines for 100 condos. That will cost around 4K baht to install.

How can renters (non-owners) get the building management to allow them to install, don't know.

Not taking a piss on Thai infrastructure but some of you may have a laugh about how little and how expensive their offerings are.

I just ordered ADSL link for home, 45Mbits per second (yes, forty five Mega bits, that's what, 175 times faster than TOT's 256Kb), wireless, all equipment rented so they can replace it with faster gear when the time comes.

Price: 1500Baht per month, equipment rental included, unlimited to anywhere, ISP included. A web phone line comes with it too. Provider: Yahoo.

The catch is - location: Tokyo.

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In today's (Wed 4 Feb) Bangkok Post - Database Section, page 1 (bottom of page) I read the TOT broadband offer to include international access.

In the third paragraph the writer (Karnjana Karnjanatawe) makes this point in a comparison with TelecomAsia's offer.

TOT is offering an unlimited 256Kbps connection for 500 baht per month and a faster 512Kbps line for 600 baht. However, the service is limited to areas served by TOT phone lines, although it is available to overseas web sites as wel as domestic ones, unlike a similar offer from TelecomAsia.

Can anyone confirm if this is correct?

A dream come true a an "honest mistake" on the part of the writer....

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As far as I can work out, the biggest single obstacle to improving internet and telecommunications in Thailand is that there are two state-owned enterprises in control: the Telephone Organisation of Thailand and the Communications Authority of Thailand. Neither is willing to concede any authority or cooperate with the other. The more revenue one agency gets to keep, the more perks etc for those in charge.

The CAT is particularly bad at this. All broadband providers have to pay about 1,000 baht per month to the CAT in return for "services" rendered. Naturally, the cost is passed on to subscribers. This wouldn't be so bad if the money was used to upgrade facilities, but broadband download speeds in Thailand are woeful.

Until the service improves and the price comes down for unlimited access, you might as well stick to the 56k ISP.

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Just came back from the TOT office in Chaing Mai. TOT ADSL will start being installed in CM in the coming weeks, probably next month. Areas to get service have yet to be announced. I put my name on the list.

1000 bath will be the installation fee.

256 Kbps will be 500baht/month

512 Kbps will be 600 baht/month

ADSL modem rental from TOT 280baht/month or purchase your own ADSL modem for around 3000 baht.

Service will be International and local 24 hours a day. Yes they told me definitely INTERNATIONAL SERVICE.

Sounds like the better ISPs here in Thailand will have to start cutting their ADSL prices to compete.

Below is a cut and paste from http://www.adslthailand.com/

TOT 256/128Kbps 500baht/month Unlimited Inter+Local T.0-2575-7293-5

NOTE the word inter, meaning international + local, meaning Thailand. You can click on it and if you can read Thai it is TOT's ad stating the price of their ADSL service and that it will be international and local service.

Yes I am a Farang living in CM, and yes I can read and write Thai so I can read and understand the Thai on their websites.

Also please note this information was given to me by the local TOT representive and in no way I am responsible for any changes or items that are not true. This is Thailand.

Also please note that if this TOT provided ADSL service does happen and it probably will, Quality of Service will depend on TOT and if you have dealt with TOT you know what that means. :o

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From what I have been told, TOT are having a promotion for the 256kbps service. The 1,000 baht installation fee is being waived. 500 baht/month includes international access for 1 year up to end of May 2005.

Not sure if this means they want you to pay one year up front or what. The 512 kbps service is part of their "policy"but has not been "approved" by the management as yet.

In BKK you have to go to their office in Ploenchit to sign up. I got them to fax me the application form. If you live in an apartment like we do, you have to get the owner/manager to apply on your behalf.

Suggest to anyone buying their own modem to make sure it has a built in firewall - you will need it.

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my wife just read the advert an say's "there is nothing in there about international and local access.

i gues we will have to see with the first that get it because basing your decision on 1 line in a website and a story from a desk clerk proves most of the time to be wrong.

There are plenty of story's here to keep you smiling but in the end you always DONT have the service they promised you.

So who will be the first guinnea pig ?

btw i'm also in CH and have a tot line.


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sound interesting, 512 Kbps for 600 baht/month unlimited international is great, i'll will give them a call monday morning.

Not sure if this means they want you to pay one year up front or what

this is the tricky part, i will difinetely ask about this, we don't know anything about this ADSL and how the connection speed will be like, good or bad nobody know until you get the services, but if you have to pay for a yearly services, dang you gonna stuck with it.

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Guest IT Manager
Some people in Thailand don't need international access ... if all the Thai web site they access are hosted in Thailand !

you got to be kidding me. unless you wanna browse government site or some big company site only, and gues what you can't get to surf thaivisa either. :o

no unlimited international is useless for any kind of price, this TOT broadband is a gimmick, they are trying very hard to ripp-off your money.

OMG do you mean to suggest that the government would steal from their own Thai people. OMG. I am devastated by this news.

Are you sure. The light in the night, the AIS bandleader stoop so low. Heavens' above. What can we do?

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sound interesting, 512 Kbps for 600 baht/month unlimited international is great, i'll will give them a call monday morning.
Not sure if this means they want you to pay one year up front or what

this is the tricky part, i will difinetely ask about this, we don't know anything about this ADSL and how the connection speed will be like, good or bad nobody know until you get the services, but if you have to pay for a yearly services, dang you gonna stuck with it.

if all this info is correct, or maybe not :o

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In anticipation of great news we all should be optimistic!

I also made a phone call to TOT (network service department) and been informed that they already started the broadband Internet service in some areas in Bangkok (Plonchit is one), and will extend it in next couple of weeks, months to other areas, though not sure which ones. And it is international (sounds silly) Internet 256 & 512 Kbps at Baht 500 or 600 respectively.

Next week I'm going to my areal TOT office to register and find out when they will enable ADSL lines in my area.

Maybe someone here can advise on aDSL modems with built-in firewall, and other necessary protections/features, if any.

This shall be the most important topic of the day!

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ok, ok, good new people, i just went down to ToT in Bangkok and ask them a few question, and this is what i got (256/128) for 500baht unlimited international ADSL, the catch is you have to one year services but you can pay 500bht monthly, you don't have to pay full amount, and if you break the contract you will have to paid the full amount of that month usage hourly and 3000baht over head, area are limited around bangkok, and only a few city would get this promotion, im pretty sure they will expand but for right now only a few area around Bangkok and a few city. i just sign up and it take a week for them to check-up on everything, sound good so far, they also say that when the 512k is on promotion they will let me know and i can upgrade to it, price range around 600-800baht not sure

well anyway its beat TA in my book, im paying over 1kbaht a month for 56dial-up unlimited package, if this ADSL go thro kiss dial up good bye. clap.gif

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