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The Great Toiletries Scam ?


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Scanners are being installed (who's benefiting of this?) that detect the explosive substances amongst the liquids (bodlly fluids for those who've watched Dr Strangelove or How I learned To Love The Bomb).

Surely no one ever learned how to kill someone with a pencil?

Pencils still not forbidden passenger objects on planes????

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The simple point that I was making is that from what I saw they were ONLY targetting foreigners and taking their stuff, the flight both ways was 90% Thai people NONE of whom got stopped. Secondly this is pure theft, its not their stuff to take, I believe that the Thai security staff are either using or reselling this stuff hence their zeal.

I hope the rule is revoked especially for domestic flights.

I have since been told by a friend from the USA who is Bangkok based and travels all over Asia regularly on business that IF you are coming back to the same airport you can insist they bag and keep your stuff and you can then retrieve it on your way back in. He tells me he has done this a few times but the authorities hate doing it (as its extra work etc..) but if one insists strongly enough they apparently have to.

I read this and a little piece of me died inside.

I feel sad.

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