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How Evil Is It To Do A Runner?


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Not enough info to put you on the a__hole scale but posting on TV to get reassurance for your actions suggests that either you have done something pretty bad that is giving you conscience problems and/ or you score pretty high on the loser scale

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In my experience, prostitutes are quite often aggressive, but educated/rich girls aren't, so it boils down to what sort of gf you have

In my experience the vast majority of Thai women fall in neither category, both of which I very much avoid (and it's mutual believe me).

And the being-psychotic-when-dumped syndrome has nothing to do with "aggressiveness" in their normal day to day life, as I'm sure many of us have seen in all kinds of contexts the most pleasant easy-going Thai will simply go 'round the bend in certain circumstances, very much Jekyll/Hyde sort of scenario and usually unpredictable.

In this case not, and I'd say the generalization would be - when the farang was the meal ticket out of having to struggle in life. But I reckon just losing face would also open Pandora's box even for the hi-so crowd, they just don't have quite as little to lose by pursuing your destruction so openly.

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Do the runner. However, with many unknowns in the OPs post...ie...How's he gonna leave with 2 big

dogs unless he has a car or putruck or fwd etc? Take a taxi? I don't think so. Then again, maybe, cause

it's just a matter of Baht ain't it. How much money did his soon to be ex have when they first met?

Leave her with 20K Baht for every year they've been together...fair trade in my books. That is unless

the OPs extremely rich in which case he can leave her as much as he wants. Hopefully he'll have enough dosh to see him through his next adventure wherever that may be. The key point being it seems

he's leaving her a 6 digit figure from what has been stated....that just sets a "departure tax" for every

other sod who wants to do the same thing and hopefully keep all his body parts attached and to still be able to keep breathing air. One piece of advice for the lad from somebody who has lived in Southeast Asia for 42 years and doesn't post to this forum very often...If you have a vehicle and the papers for it

are in your name...DITCH the thing ASAP. Sell it to a dealer, take the cash and find another vehicle to

get you and your 2 dogs to your next destination. Don't buy the next vehicle from the same dealer you just sold your old one to either. If the vehicle is in your soon to be ex's name then go somewhere, anywhere, and simply DITCH the thing and buy another vehicle to get you to your destination since

from what I gather you do have some spare dosh to toss around.

Sorry I can't give you an asshol_e rating between 0 to 10....it's just not relevant to me. Do what you must

do and try to preserve your own life in your own way. But do remember this...when you do the runner,

go as far away as you can as fast as you can, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy your new life.

WSherever that may be.

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How long have you lived in this country?

This sounds like tourist talk.

Excluding previous trips, 3 years full time. I'm up in Issan, so maybe it's different where you are. For example, I know of a lady who ended up in hospital in critical condition, because she was selling black market lottery, and screwed someone out of 3000 baht. I know of two husbands who murdered their wives over jealously -- one subsequently hung himself, and the other is now in a cell, probably for life. There's mafia all over the place around here, and they're only a phone call away.

Do you seriously believe if I throw someone back into abject poverty, there'll be no consequences, and all of my rights will be protected under the rule of law? What Thailand do you live in? That's not at all how it works, or at least not up here.

If you leave too much money, she has resources to come find you...leave less.

Nah, no worries, there won't be any finding me. I wouldn't mind going to South America or something, but with the dogs it's tough, and leaving them behind simply isn't an option. They're coming with me, regardless of where I go.

I have to smile at those guys saying they would sit down and talk it out. You think you are talking to a logical, rational and reasonable person who will shed a tear, hug you and say "i understand". Wrong. You are talking to an insane, irrational and completely unreasonable person who will try every emotional blackmail she can, and failing that, cut your liver out given half a chance.

Exactly. And it'll be all my fault, and all the blame will land on me, even though that notion is ridiculous. I don't know, I guess I was a little delusional before, as I can understand abject poverty, but just assumed if you enter into a genuine loving relationship with someone, and provided a healthy & stable environment, that person would actually do something with themselves. But nope, I was obviously wrong on that.

For example, take the house. Nice 4 bdrm, 2 storey, rent is only 4500/month, and we already have one roommate who pitches in 1000/month. You could EASILY get a couple more roommates, cut True Cable and switch back to KTV at 350/month, don't turn air conditioning on in the bedroom, and total monthly expenses would only be 8000/month. That's it, and easily done even by 4 people working at 7/11 for 7000/month each. Let alone investing say 20k of the the money I leave into selling shirts at the market, where you can easily make 12-15k/month, and I know this, because we've done it before. As with every little venture though, within a few weeks it's finished, shrug the shoulders, say "mai bpen rai", and don't worry about it.

That won't happen though. Instead, everything will be gone & sold within a couple weeks, then it's probably back to the village to cry about how poor & hard done by you are. Of course, don't blame yourself, and just blame the nasty farang who did this to you! Then make sure to sit around and drink lao khao with your friends, while crying about how hurt you are, and everyone schemes up ideas on how to get back at that nasty farang! That's kind of what I'm expecting will happen, hence me contemplating doing a runner, which would normally be unthinkable for me.

So you think that living in Isarn for 3 years makes you an expert in the culture? It took me 3 times that just to be able to be fluent in the language, which of course gives more understanding of how things work. When you've been here for a long time, you'll understand the importance of having some kind of 'backing' if going into a dodgy situation(like an poor village). Sounds like you made a stupid decision in the first place and now I say tough shit - go home.

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Based on the information you have given, I would say zero rating as an A**hole, but of course we don't know the other side of the story. She on the other hand might consider herself well shot of you! Also, for the less educated women, money is the all embracing factor, plus forward planning rates about as high as your A**hole rating - zero.

From my point of view, you have one life to live (so I am not a Buddhist) and would recommend you make it as happy as possible, so get the hell of out there, but learn from this experience the next time you are overcome (no pun intended) with lust, make sure you have something more permanent than pressing the sheets together.

Good luck, oh and move far, far away, just in case.w00t.gif

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Based on the information you have given, I would say zero rating as an A**hole, but of course we don't know the other side of the story. She on the other hand might consider herself well shot of you! Also, for the less educated women, money is the all embracing factor, plus forward planning rates about as high as your A**hole rating - zero.

From my point of view, you have one life to live (so I am not a Buddhist) and would recommend you make it as happy as possible, so get the hell of out there, but learn from this experience the next time you are overcome (no pun intended) with lust, make sure you have something more permanent than pressing the sheets together.

Good luck, oh and move far, far away, just in case.w00t.gif

Problem is with your theory Baldrick....the "spouse" in question is a "he" not a "she".....the OP is gay...thumbsup.gif

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After reading through this thread I'm left wondering if the OP ,and others who post on their fear of what started out to be their petit demure little teerak, were pussy whipped before they came to Thailand or if its something that developed after they got here.

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OP: you have made the right move and stick with it. So often the Thais with their lazy good for nothing family spongers are just a bunch of scroungers , so sooner or later the foreigner realizes it is better to extracate himself from the situation as quickly and non confrontationally as possible.Get out and don't go back or contact them anymore.

Edited by Zodiac
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In my experience, prostitutes are quite often aggressive, but educated/rich girls aren't,

so it boils down to what sort of gf you have

Clearly your experience only includes prostitutes.

Educated and/or rich girls can go just as batshit crazy...and they have more money and connections to really f*&% you up.

Everyone knows that "educated" has a different meaning in Thailand than in the rest of the world.

So yes most thai-educated women would most probably react violently

No world educated Thai ladies would not

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In my experience, prostitutes are quite often aggressive, but educated/rich girls aren't,

so it boils down to what sort of gf you have

Clearly your experience only includes prostitutes.

Educated and/or rich girls can go just as batshit crazy...and they have more money and connections to really f*&% you up.

Maybe some. A very spoilt brat yes, but in the main no.

As most rich Thai girls only mix with rich Thai guys wouldn't they have similar connections ?

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In my experience, prostitutes are quite often aggressive, but educated/rich girls aren't,

so it boils down to what sort of gf you have

Clearly your experience only includes prostitutes.

Educated and/or rich girls can go just as batshit crazy...and they have more money and connections to really f*&% you up.

Everyone knows that "educated" has a different meaning in Thailand than in the rest of the world.

So yes most thai-educated women would most probably react violently

No world educated Thai ladies would not

Education in Thailand is worse than Africa, South America ,the rest of Asia, France etc ?

Although I'm not sure why education defines manners and breeding.

Edited by arthurwait
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As you`ve asked the question, I`d rate you Zero on the scale which was my initial thought on reading your OP

Interesting how many don`t seem to read updated information.

Good Luck, whatever you do.

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Just fake running out of money. More than likely she'll show her true colors and leave you.

Or pretend you have hooked a job back home and need to be gone 11 months out of the year. You'd just send her money every month and gradually send so little that she just forgets about you.

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Just fake running out of money. More than likely she'll show her true colors and leave you.

Or pretend you have hooked a job back home and need to be gone 11 months out of the year. You'd just send her money every month and gradually send so little that she just forgets about you.

She is a HE. rolleyes.gif Pay attention now. laugh.png
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Just fake running out of money. More than likely she'll show her true colors and leave you.

No, we've been piss poor together before, to the point where we couldn't even afford to eat, so that's not going to work. That's one of the things that makes it difficult. It's fairly seldom you find someone in life who will stick it out with you through the rough times like that.

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if you are asking this, you are actually kind and responsible enough. its just a thought, nothing to feel bad about it. you are asking this, i would assure your guilt will hit you in no time if you do it, so do not do it. face the problem, if can't be solve just tell her your plans

on a scale of 1-10 for being an arsehol_e, i would say none. look at how local treat their kids and wife

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After reading through this thread I'm left wondering if the OP ,and others who post on their fear of what started out to be their petit demure little teerak, were pussy whipped before they came to Thailand or if its something that developed after they got here.

Although I really hate to have anything to do with the macho-man crowd, there is a kernel of truth to this. If you are confident and firm in handling your girls from the very start of the relationship, and continue to maintain that stance consistently you really won't have these sorts of troubles later on.

If anything those that need to have some level of control in the relationship will leave early on if you don't give them any, filters out (most of) those with the confidence and strength of will to go ballistic on you.

Of course that doesn't account for those with serious mental illness problems, which we farang do end up with in higher proportions than our Thai brethren since communication problems often mask our ability to spot the symptoms.

Problem is with your theory Baldrick....the "spouse" in question is a "he" not a "she".....the OP is gay...thumbsup.gif

No idea why you guys continue to raise that issue, since no one has given any indication as to how that would change their advice, other than strengthening the case for doing a runner.

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After reading through this thread I'm left wondering if the OP ,and others who post on their fear of what started out to be their petit demure little teerak, were pussy whipped before they came to Thailand or if its something that developed after they got here.

Although I really hate to have anything to do with the macho-man crowd, there is a kernel of truth to this. If you are confident and firm in handling your girls from the very start of the relationship, and continue to maintain that stance consistently you really won't have these sorts of troubles later on.

If anything those that need to have some level of control in the relationship will leave early on if you don't give them any, filters out (most of) those with the confidence and strength of will to go ballistic on you.

Of course that doesn't account for those with serious mental illness problems, which we farang do end up with in higher proportions than our Thai brethren since communication problems often mask our ability to spot the symptoms.

Problem is with your theory Baldrick....the "spouse" in question is a "he" not a "she".....the OP is gay...thumbsup.gif

No idea why you guys continue to raise that issue, since no one has given any indication as to how that would change their advice, other than strengthening the case for doing a runner.

eeeeeeeer, big muscles, .357 as a hobby, lumberjack. smile.png
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After reading through this thread I'm left wondering if the OP ,and others who post on their fear of what started out to be their petit demure little teerak, were pussy whipped before they came to Thailand or if its something that developed after they got here.

Although I really hate to have anything to do with the macho-man crowd, there is a kernel of truth to this. If you are confident and firm in handling your girls from the very start of the relationship, and continue to maintain that stance consistently you really won't have these sorts of troubles later on.

If anything those that need to have some level of control in the relationship will leave early on if you don't give them any, filters out (most of) those with the confidence and strength of will to go ballistic on you.

Of course that doesn't account for those with serious mental illness problems, which we farang do end up with in higher proportions than our Thai brethren since communication problems often mask our ability to spot the symptoms.

Problem is with your theory Baldrick....the "spouse" in question is a "he" not a "she".....the OP is gay...thumbsup.gif

No idea why you guys continue to raise that issue, since no one has given any indication as to how that would change their advice, other than strengthening the case for doing a runner.

Or you could just have a relationship with someone who has mutual feelings and respect for you and similar intelligence to you. Instead of having a relationship with someone just because they are a hot piece of arse and buying their time and living in fear of when it goes wrong.

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For a start I wouldn't listen to anyones advice on here (not even me), but for what its worth, I wouldn't feel bad about it. F#$k em.

Eh, who do you want to impregnate. Sorry, missed your point. smile.png

Arrghhh. What song am I now thinking of and who is it that the singer/rapper says they want to impregnate ?

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In my experience, prostitutes are quite often aggressive, but educated/rich girls aren't,

so it boils down to what sort of gf you have

Clearly your experience only includes prostitutes.

Educated and/or rich girls can go just as batshit crazy...and they have more money and connections to really f*&% you up.

Everyone knows that "educated" has a different meaning in Thailand than in the rest of the world.

So yes most thai-educated women would most probably react violently

No world educated Thai ladies would not

"Everyone knows that "educated" has a different meaning in Thailand than in the rest of the world." As an expert, I would be delighted with your expert explanation!

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No idea why you guys continue to raise that issue, since no one has given any indication as to how that would change their advice, other than strengthening the case for doing a runner.

Depends on whether it's a ladyboy or a gay guy.

Ladyboy I would treat same as a lady ........ run away.

Guy I might be tempted to just say goodbye over a beer.

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