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U.S. Fears Syrian Government Organizing Massacre In Haffah


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http://www.telegraph...elicopters.html If this is true, its some what hypocritical of the Russians when they warn the west of "outside " interference" in Syria's affairs .

This could get a lot uglier before it gets better. Of course the Russians are just giving some 'customer care' to a valued client of it's arms industry. I am a little amused by the report in the link that implies that Mrs Clinton seems to have expressed surprise that the Syrians have dared to attack enemy rebel positions with attack helicopters. What does she think Assad would do,? roll over and say to the rebels 'ok i mustn't get to rough, you win'?

I just wonder how this bloody mess will eventually "pan out" IMHO I cannot see the "rebels" winning ,Assad has too many powerful friends ,and the West appears to be wary of intervening Military wise on the rebels behalf ,could be they may have learned something eh , any one any thoughts on this?smile.png

It is a tinderbox Colin.

I have just spent a week or so in a country in the ME, where an old pal of mine from flight school days is now a very senior officer in the Military. As an Arab he forecast the problems many years ago when we decided we were going back in to Iraq. He considered it the worst move ever as it was Iraq and in particular Saddam that provided a buffer to the shi'ite Muslim problem that was threatening from Iran. Although there were many Shias in Iraq, the small but far more powerful Sunni population suppressed the Shia's and a state of awkward and uneasy tension stayed in balance. My friend said many years ago that getting rid of Saddam would prove a mistake as it would open the lines of communication to Lebanon and Palestine and would ease the flow and supply of arms from Iran through Iraq and Syria into Israel's neighbours, as the majority of the population in Iraq was always Shia. There is actually an uneasy alliance between Saudi and Israel as both countries want rid of the Shia issue spreading from Iran, and both are lobbying the US to do battle on their behalf. Nothing would please the House of Saud and the Israeli's more than if the US launched a full on attack against Iran. Whilst that may not be an imminent possibility, it is drawing closer and Syria is a lynch pin in the whole process.

Why did so many of the Arab allies want to be involved in the coalition in Libya? Because it helped get rid of another Shia stronghold. In terms of governance of large countries, it is now being eroded to just syria and Iran. Although Iraq is now Shia, it would be able to put up little resistance to another military intervention by the west, albeit the existence of Iraq as a Shia nation is very troubling to Saudi. The Saudi's do not want any Shia run countries, hence their eagerness to send their own troops and quickly quell the Shia uprising in Bahrain. Although the Arabs talk about their brother Muslims, the divide between Shia and Sunni sees no love lost and in many senses they are bitter enemies. One of the main reasons that Israel has not been hit by an onslaught of terrorist attacks is because Hezbullah and Hamas canot get there Shi'ite' together (couldn't resist the pun), as they are too busy fighting each other, Hezbullah being Shia and Hamas Sunni. One hope that would help ensure that Islam does not eventually dominate the world is that Shia and Sunni will continue to fight each other until one or the other does not exist. The important issue for the west is to avoid taking any action that would unite them all so the veneer of thin ice that covers the situation in Syria will, i think, be left to run it's course, with unfortunately, the likely death of many many more innocent women and children.

As I leave to get another coffee, after my little diatribe I am left with one resounding thought...(profanity edited out) religion!

Powerful stuff Jim of which I find myself nodding in agreement , what a bloody mess! Edited by Scott
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Thank goodness for Russia and China

They are real crusaders for human rights. rolleyes.gif

no different to USA and NATO who target and murder

anyone they want rolleyes.gif

Midas I hardly think that the UN or the USA can compare with China under Mao or Russia under Stalin , there are quite a few cases of Human rights abuses worldwide both past and present that do not involve the former two ,of course a classic case right now is North Korea .smile.png Edit , just found this http://www.bbc.co.uk...e-east-18325949 yeah there's two sides to every story wink.png

If you want to go back in time, look at how the Native Americans and African slaves were treated. If you look at it through purely objective eyes, the US has terrorized a lot of countries in the name of ideology. The difference between present-day America and previous-times Russia and China is more a matter of volume, not mentality.

BTW, I'm an American.

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I am against intervening in Syria as I was against intervening in Libya, but I think that there is a good chance that it will happen and it will be for humanitarian reasons. We are too broke to do it and no one will appreciate it, but it is hard to ignore what these savages are doing to their own people.

So the world intervenes and helps to topple this government replacing it with another who repeat the atrocities what then? Is Libya and it's people any better from the intervention? The wheel will only keep going round and round.

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Why did so many of the Arab allies want to be involved in the coalition in Libya? Because it helped get rid of another Shia stronghold. In terms of governance of large countries, it is now being eroded to just syria and Iran. Although Iraq is now Shia, it would be able to put up little resistance to another military intervention by the west, albeit the existence of Iraq as a Shia nation is very troubling to Saudi. The Saudi's do not want any Shia run countries, hence their eagerness to send their own troops and quickly quell the Shia uprising in Bahrain. Although the Arabs talk about their brother Muslims, the divide between Shia and Sunni sees no love lost and in many senses they are bitter enemies. One of the main reasons that Israel has not been hit by an onslaught of terrorist attacks is because Hezbullah and Hamas canot get there Shi'ite' together (couldn't resist the pun), as they are too busy fighting each other, Hezbullah being Shia and Hamas Sunni. One hope that would help ensure that Islam does not eventually dominate the world is that Shia and Sunni will continue to fight each other until one or the other does not exist. The important issue for the west is to avoid taking any action that would unite them all so the veneer of thin ice that covers the situation in Syria will, i think, be left to run it's course, with unfortunately, the likely death of many many more innocent women and children.

As I leave to get another coffee, after my little diatribe I am left with one resounding thought...(profanity edited out) religion!

Hope you enjoyed your coffee!

Interesting insight from your flying buddy. Can I pick up on a couple of points you made.

Arab participation in the Libyan civil war was limited to Jordan, UAE, Qatar and latterly Turkey, and they were certainly not removing any "Shia Stronghold" as Libya is solidly Sunni in its affiliation.

With Iraq, while it is majority Shia, the Kurds are a significant ethnic minority in their own right with significant economic and military clout.

Re Hamas, in many ways (militarily, politically, financially etc) it takes Hizbollah as its role model and the latter has also been supportive of Hamas' intifada. The 2006 conflict did see Israel engaged in clashes with both Hamas and Hizbollah simultaneously, though it is unclear the degree to which this was coordinated.

If you have any supporting evidence that Hamas and Hizbollah have actually come into conflict I would be fascinated to see it, as I am not sure where the 2 groups would actually meet.

The whole Sunni-Shia debate is significant in understanding the Middle East but ultimately political power trumps all affiliations, and autocracies will do whatever it takes to stay in power as we are now seeing unfolding since the start of the "Arab Spring".

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It's official, Syria is in civil war. Let's pray this remains a Sunni-Shia bust up like the good old days of the Iran-Iraq war thus leaving everyone else out of it. Coming to think of it Sonny and Cher were a similarly dysfunctional pair - All sing 'I've got you babe.'.


Syria is now in a state of civil war and the government has lost control of "large chunks" of cities, the UN's head of peacekeeping has told reporters.

It is the first time a UN official has formally voiced that view.

His comments came as UN monitors in Syria were fired on as they tried to reach the besieged town of Haffa.

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Why did so many of the Arab allies want to be involved in the coalition in Libya? Because it helped get rid of another Shia stronghold. In terms of governance of large countries, it is now being eroded to just syria and Iran. Although Iraq is now Shia, it would be able to put up little resistance to another military intervention by the west, albeit the existence of Iraq as a Shia nation is very troubling to Saudi. The Saudi's do not want any Shia run countries, hence their eagerness to send their own troops and quickly quell the Shia uprising in Bahrain. Although the Arabs talk about their brother Muslims, the divide between Shia and Sunni sees no love lost and in many senses they are bitter enemies. One of the main reasons that Israel has not been hit by an onslaught of terrorist attacks is because Hezbullah and Hamas canot get there Shi'ite' together (couldn't resist the pun), as they are too busy fighting each other, Hezbullah being Shia and Hamas Sunni. One hope that would help ensure that Islam does not eventually dominate the world is that Shia and Sunni will continue to fight each other until one or the other does not exist. The important issue for the west is to avoid taking any action that would unite them all so the veneer of thin ice that covers the situation in Syria will, i think, be left to run it's course, with unfortunately, the likely death of many many more innocent women and children.

As I leave to get another coffee, after my little diatribe I am left with one resounding thought...(profanity edited out) religion!

Hope you enjoyed your coffee!

Interesting insight from your flying buddy. Can I pick up on a couple of points you made.

Arab participation in the Libyan civil war was limited to Jordan, UAE, Qatar and latterly Turkey, and they were certainly not removing any "Shia Stronghold" as Libya is solidly Sunni in its affiliation.

With Iraq, while it is majority Shia, the Kurds are a significant ethnic minority in their own right with significant economic and military clout.

Re Hamas, in many ways (militarily, politically, financially etc) it takes Hizbollah as its role model and the latter has also been supportive of Hamas' intifada. The 2006 conflict did see Israel engaged in clashes with both Hamas and Hizbollah simultaneously, though it is unclear the degree to which this was coordinated.

If you have any supporting evidence that Hamas and Hizbollah have actually come into conflict I would be fascinated to see it, as I am not sure where the 2 groups would actually meet.

The whole Sunni-Shia debate is significant in understanding the Middle East but ultimately political power trumps all affiliations, and autocracies will do whatever it takes to stay in power as we are now seeing unfolding since the start of the "Arab Spring".

Gaddafi was Shia through and through. Yes I was in one of the countries you mention, so my friend was heavily involved, hence why I have not pinpointed the country.

I will dig out some stuff on Hezbullah/Hamas when I have a bit of time.

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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


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and then there is this rolleyes.gif

As if there was any doubt, NATO’s official “Alliance News Blog” has confirmed that the US is committed to the overthrow of Syria’s government and is “already committed to helping [President Bashar al-Assad] fall,” but is “merely looking for the least violent, lowest cost way to get there.” The April 9, 2012 blog entry features an op-ed titled, “US ‘already committed to helping Assad fall’,” and fully admits that the US is equipping the so-called “Free Syrian Army” which has received weapons, leadership, and cash from the NATO-backed Libyan Islamic Fighting Group(LIFG) terrorists led by notorious mass-murderer Abdul Hakim Belhaj.


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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

yeah well chuckd i guess that kind of response is all you can give

to this kind of thuggery by your fellow countrymen.

Same kind of standards as the murder of civilians

from the Apache helicopter on the You Tube clip- disgusting behaviour

Edited by midas
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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like a seventh grader wrote that preposterous article blaming the US because Assad is slaughtering his own people. rolleyes.gif

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I am against intervening in Syria as I was against intervening in Libya, but I think that there is a good chance that it will happen and it will be for humanitarian reasons. We are too broke to do it and no one will appreciate it, but it is hard to ignore what these savages are doing to their own people.

So the world intervenes and helps to topple this government replacing it with another who repeat the atrocities what then? Is Libya and it's people any better from the intervention? The wheel will only keep going round and round.

It eventually worked in Bosnia, perhaps to late for many.
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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

yeah well chuckd i guess that kind of response is all you can give

to this kind of thuggery by your fellow countrymen.

Same kind of standards as the murder of civilians

from the Apache helicopter on the You Tube clip- disgusting behaviour

No, I can actually provide a little more information than that. For instance, I could point out that Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who you so deftly quoted as your source for this astounding information, is a political leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party and the article is from RT (Russian Television). I believe very few US politicians and NONE of the Russian politicians.

I could have provided this link from the Associated Press that makes the claim Russia is sending attack helicopters to the Syrian government:


US: Russia sending Syria attack helicopters

Tuesday - 6/12/2012, 7:54pm ET


Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration said Tuesday that Russia is sending attack helicopters to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime and warned that the Arab country's 15-month conflict could become even deadlier.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the U.S. was "concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria."

She said the shipment "will escalate the conflict quite dramatically."



Or this link from the Mirror which is almost as hard to believe as the one you provided.

By Nigel Atkins 6 Comments 11 Jun 2012 00:00

Syria's 'Ghost' killers: Steroid-mad thugs who keep tyrant al-Assad's murderous regime in power are terrorising civilians

Death squads have swooped on villages and massacred women and children – slitting their throats or shooting them at point-blank range

Vanishing with the remains of their slaughtered victims, President al-Assad’s pumped up monsters are roaming Syria committing atrocities.

The death squads known as the Ghosts have swooped on villages and massacred women and children – slitting their throats or shooting them at point-blank range.


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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

yeah well chuckd i guess that kind of response is all you can give

to this kind of thuggery by your fellow countrymen.

Same kind of standards as the murder of civilians

from the Apache helicopter on the You Tube clip- disgusting behaviour

No, I can actually provide a little more information than that. For instance, I could point out that Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who you so deftly quoted as your source for this astounding information, is a political leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party and the article is from RT (Russian Television). I believe very few US politicians and NONE of the Russian politicians.

I could have provided this link from the Associated Press that makes the claim Russia is sending attack helicopters to the Syrian government:


US: Russia sending Syria attack helicopters

Tuesday - 6/12/2012, 7:54pm ET


Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration said Tuesday that Russia is sending attack helicopters to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime and warned that the Arab country's 15-month conflict could become even deadlier.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the U.S. was "concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria."

She said the shipment "will escalate the conflict quite dramatically."



Or this link from the Mirror which is almost as hard to believe as the one you provided.

By Nigel Atkins 6 Comments 11 Jun 2012 00:00

Syria's 'Ghost' killers: Steroid-mad thugs who keep tyrant al-Assad's murderous regime in power are terrorising civilians

Death squads have swooped on villages and massacred women and children – slitting their throats or shooting them at point-blank range

Vanishing with the remains of their slaughtered victims, President al-Assad’s pumped up monsters are roaming Syria committing atrocities.

The death squads known as the Ghosts have swooped on villages and massacred women and children – slitting their throats or shooting them at point-blank range.


If USA and NATO want to escalate things dont forget China also said

it will support Syria.

USA wont be up against a rag tag bunch of guys in turbans this time whistling.gif


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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

What other countries will become involved?

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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

I don't recall making the claim that hostilities will be contained in a single country. I don't even recall making the claim the US will get involved or even if they should get involved.

With you raising the question though, exactly who will come to the aid of the Syrians should the US take military action?

Their neighbors are Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran and none of them will go to war with the US to help Assad. Iran would send some of their revolutionary guard in as suicide bombers and urban terrorists but there is little else they can or will do.

Russia and China will block any initiative in the UN by other countries to get any sanctions in place that might harm their financial interests but neither of them will take any overt military action.

Syria is becoming more and more isolated and the intransigence of the Assad regime isn't helping.

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Some might think you are fairly naive if you really believe China will risk war with their largest trading partner and the best military in the world over the Syrian situation.

Let me put it another way...If you were holding over $5 Trillion in US government securities, would you go to war with the US?

Naive indeed. China is not going to go to war with the US to protect Assad.

and it is equally naive to believe that this time around hostilities

will be neatly " contained " in a single country..........

I don't recall making the claim that hostilities will be contained in a single country. I don't even recall making the claim the US will get involved or even if they should get involved.

With you raising the question though, exactly who will come to the aid of the Syrians should the US take military action?

Their neighbors are Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran and none of them will go to war with the US to help Assad. Iran would send some of their revolutionary guard in as suicide bombers and urban terrorists but there is little else they can or will do.

Russia and China will block any initiative in the UN by other countries to get any sanctions in place that might harm their financial interests but neither of them will take any overt military action.

Syria is becoming more and more isolated and the intransigence of the Assad regime isn't helping.

That't what I was thinking. I don't think Midas has an answer. Nor do I think he will come back and say he was just blowing smoke. Maybe I am reading it wrong but I think Midas was just posting anti stuff rather than actually reading the current situation.

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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

And a super dooper tinfoil hat.

Seriously, what can any rational person say in response to another conspiracy allegation that has absolutely no supporting evidence?

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i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

what is really happening whistling.gif

“What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

And a super dooper tinfoil hat.

Seriously, what can any rational person say in response to another conspiracy allegation that has absolutely no supporting evidence?



Of course i realise that The Washington Post staff all wear tinfoil hats!

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Funding a satellite TV channel a few years ago is a little different from "financing and arming the opposition and killing civilians with their own hands". Linking the two is where the tin-foil hat comes in. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Funding a satellite TV channel a few years ago is a little different from "financing and arming the opposition and killing civilians with their own hands". Linking the two is where the tin-foil hat comes in. rolleyes.gif

You are being a bit selective there UG, not like you! Which part of 'Rebels receiving weapons paid for by Persian Gulf nations and CO-ORDINATED BY THE US', or, 'To finance activities INSIDE SYRIA' don't you understand?
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Funding a satellite TV channel a few years ago is a little different from "financing and arming the opposition and killing civilians with their own hands". Linking the two is where the tin-foil hat comes in. rolleyes.gif

You are being a bit selective there UG, not like you! Which part of 'Rebels receiving weapons paid for by Persian Gulf nations and CO-ORDINATED BY THE US', or, 'To finance activities INSIDE SYRIA' don't you understand?

From your first link concerning US financial support for the television activity:

"The article said it is unclear whether the United States was still funding Syrian opposition groups, but the cables indicate money was set aside at least through September 2010."

From your second link:

"“We are increasing our nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, and we continue to coordinate our efforts with friends and allies in the region and beyond in order to have the biggest impact on what we are collectively doing,” said a senior State Department official, one of several U.S. and foreign government officials who discussed the evolving effort on the condition of anonymity."

The key words here are "unclear" and "nonlethal".

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