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Wireless Internet How To Do?


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Next week ill be in LOS, to visit my wife's family and friends. I have the plan to bring my laptop with me so i can finaly show some photo's of my wife's weherabouts in Amsterdam.

Now do i have a small problem, with a internet connection in the village where the family is living, There's no telephone-line, so no access to internet.

somebody told me that you can buy wireless cards for in the Laptop, and access the net for about 1 bath a minute.

Is there anybody familiar with this item, and so yes, can anybody give me some info like where to buy, and what to do.

another plan i have, if this is working to put a small system or laptop at the family's house, so we can make a internet phone line with them.



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Next week ill be in LOS, to visit my wife's family and friends. I have the plan to bring my laptop with me so i can finaly show some photo's of my wife's weherabouts in Amsterdam.

Now do i have a small problem, with a internet connection in the village where the family is living, There's no telephone-line, so no access to internet.

somebody told me that you can buy wireless cards for in the Laptop, and access the net for about 1 bath a minute.

Is there anybody familiar with this item, and so yes, can anybody give me some info like where to buy, and what to do.

another plan i have, if this is working to put a small system or laptop at the family's house, so we can make a internet phone line with them.




With reference to my recent post on a similar subject,I paid 8000 baht for a vodaphone wireless card via Liberty Computers in Pattaya (they are somewhat cheaper now)

They installed the software FOC and linked it to a Dtac sim card included in the price with a few hundred baht of credit thrown in.

Not being a techie at all it suited me.It is 1 baht/minute flat rate and have yet to have a connection drop off in 6 months use.And the speed is comparable and constant to dial up speed in the uk.


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Your best possiblity (probably only one!) will be a gprs connection.

Both Dtac and AIS have gprs available, both on pre-paid cards and post paid subscribtions.

Datc is 1 baht/minute, while AIS has several options, like 50 BAht for 10 hours. Ends up cheaper...

One thing you'll have to find out which company gives you best reception. GPRS will work best with a very strong reception. Get some people with a dtac package and an AIS package come to the house and see who has the highest antenna level on their mobile phone screens...

You can buy either a dedicated gprs modem, either USB or pcmciiaa card, or you can use a gprs capable mobile phone (most of them nowadays) and hook it up to any PC by either cable, infrared or bluetooth.

Search this forum on gprs and you'll find many threads!

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I live in Loei province. Land lines are not available in our village so I went the GPRS route. I have a full signal on both AIS and D-tac. The service through my wife's Nokia and my Sony Ericsson was slow and frequently stalled. I paid 9,500 baht for a Solomon modem that was supposed to be the best. The conclusion is that GPRS SUCKS! I depend on an Internet connection and had no choice other than an IPSTAR satellite dish. It is not that great either but I am using it daily.

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I have a Sony Ericsson G83 air card. They are about 8500 here, but I managed to get one a little cheaper. You might want to see if you an get an air card at home first, it might be a little cheaper, make sure it is UNLOCKED.

You seem like you only need pre paid. You can get post paid and get unlimited usage for 1,200 baht.

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thanx all for the info,

yep and i need only pre-paid, are there air-cards or pcmciiaa card available at PanTip.

I've only one day in Bkk, for shopping and taking care of this, before i move to Srisaket, and i'm pretty sure you can't find it overthere.

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Your best possiblity (probably only one!) will be a gprs connection.

Both Dtac and AIS have gprs available, both on pre-paid cards and post paid subscribtions.

Datc is 1 baht/minute, while AIS has several options, like 50 BAht for 10 hours. Ends up cheaper...

One thing you'll have to find out which company gives you best reception. GPRS will work best with a very strong reception. Get some people with a dtac package and an AIS package come to the house and see who has the highest antenna level on their mobile phone screens...

You can buy either a dedicated gprs modem, either USB or pcmciiaa card, or you can use a gprs capable mobile phone (most of them nowadays) and hook it up to any PC by either cable, infrared or bluetooth.

Search this forum on gprs and you'll find many threads!

IMHO, Monty's reply is the best option. Why pay all that money for an air-card? Sorry for GaryA's experiences. I've been using AIS GPRS with mobile phone and bluetooth for a year and half and while it has it's "hiccups" now and then, it has worked well...overall. I did start out with a Solomon modem and while it worked "ok", I found that bluetooth worked better for me. Never would have bought the solomon modem in the first place if I had known about bluetooth. :o

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I do have bluetooth on on my celphone (samsung d500) but i can't figure out how to make a internet connection with it, tried it before.

Thanx for the replys, all of you, I'm flying out in a few hours to Bkk. hope for more assistance, when i'm there.

I've to go to pantip anyway to look for a "cheap" pc system or laptop anyway (for the family's house)

Thanx again all, reply's are still welcome, before i end up in the bush.

Choc Dee

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Here i'm sending my regards to all of you for your info and answers, form Ban nong kheang, Srisaket.

after my arriving i bought at pantip a aircard, sim and 500B upgrade card, total cost 10k.

I didn't had time to find out about what or wich, I had to move on.

But I'm, as happy as kid with a new toy, that i can check on Thaivisa.

Thanx,thanx, thanx

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Keep us posted on how good or bad it works out there in the sticks!

One tip:

If you want to browse a lot of topics / threads very quickly while using gprs (or any other "slow" connection) you can use the text-only version of Thaivisa.


Absolutely lightning fast, no ads etc...

Only drawback is that to post you'll need the regular version of Thaivisa.

Another thing to try is to install "admuncher". It'll stop most ads from loading and thus speeding up your surfing.

I do know sites like Thaivisa are supported by theses ads, but if the surfing gets annoyingly slow, there will be no click-through's as well...

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For now everything is working fine, RECEPTION is average, I try to push it aswell, like try to look in to the camarasystem in my bar In Amsterdam, but that was pretty to much i guess, but MSN with webcam was working, better then i thought. Today we are going in to the rice-fields, and see what happens then, because i wwill be closer to a GPRS-station, see if the Reception will be stronger.

TX for the tip Monty, we surely can need some "speed"

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I live in Loei province. Land lines are not available in our village so I went the GPRS route. I have a full signal on both AIS and D-tac. The service through my wife's Nokia and my Sony Ericsson was slow and frequently stalled. I paid 9,500 baht for a Solomon modem that was suppoesed to be the best. The conclusion is that GPRS SUCKS! I depend on an Internet connection and had no choice other than an IPSTAR satellite dish. It is not that great either but I am using it daily.

Gary, what sort of signal strength do you have with Ipstar? I run a constant 87.00 and Ipstar has been great so far for me after install date of 12/23/2005. I'm on the computer every day for 1-3 hours. Only one day was the connection 'spotty' and only required a re-boot. I don't normally download big files but when I do they average 25 seconds per meg....not great but I can live with it.


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I don't know how to check the signal strength but I occassionly use Pit Stop to check the speed. It is working well right now and I am getting 207 kbs down and 125 kbs up.

I live in Loei province. Land lines are not available in our village so I went the GPRS route. I have a full signal on both AIS and D-tac. The service through my wife's Nokia and my Sony Ericsson was slow and frequently stalled. I paid 9,500 baht for a Solomon modem that was suppoesed to be the best. The conclusion is that GPRS SUCKS! I depend on an Internet connection and had no choice other than an IPSTAR satellite dish. It is not that great either but I am using it daily.

Gary, what sort of signal strength do you have with Ipstar? I run a constant 87.00 and Ipstar has been great so far for me after install date of 12/23/2005. I'm on the computer every day for 1-3 hours. Only one day was the connection 'spotty' and only required a re-boot. I don't normally download big files but when I do they average 25 seconds per meg....not great but I can live with it.


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After a week, of using my GPRS-modem (EAGLE-tec) 115.5 kb/s, (at home i use adsl 1.6m/s) here i can't complain, I can tdo my thing, reading my mail, check banking, read T-visa, and surf (slowly) the net. Yesterday I took the laptop in to the rice-paddy's, and it was even working better then in the house.

Conclusion for this week.

-Initialising of the modem (Starting up) is slow, so start up get a cup of coffee or thee.

-The reception, is from pour till excellent, I think it depence on the part of the day aswell.

-I can not send my E-mail with Outlook express, I can receive but not send, therefore i need to use Hotmail. That's a big minus, or I do something wrong. (any idea's? )

-MSN with web-cam was working better then I hoped for.

If I think back about my first 14kb landline modem, this is heaven.

Have to go before my wife, make tom yam computer,

Keep your all posted.


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