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Relationship With A Bar-girl - Any Success Stories?


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Hi guys and gals

Well I'm sure I'm not the first person to start falling in love with a bar girl or to think that this girl is different from the and I think i pretty much know what type of replies I'm going to get but I felt I had to post this message anyway so here goes...

I've been to LOS 4 times now and pretty much the first 3 trips I screwed around as much as could and got drunk and had typical "lads" holidays.

Although I've screwed around I've always tried to treat the girls respectfully and never wanted them to do anything that made them feel comfortable. I've tried to learn a bit of the language and religion and whenever I've spoken to the Thai's be it in bar's, cafe's, hotels. any thai's really, I've always been told I have a good heart.

The third time, during Songkran05, however, I met a girl in a bar, she was 32, had 2 kids and was divorced from her husband. Her parents were taking care of her kids (4+9). I spent my last few days with her and got on really well. I paid her at the end end we agreed to keep in touch.

We have since spoken regularly and emailed each other.

I've just returned from a 2 week trip to LOS. I had mentioned earlier that I wanted to visit Kampaengpetch where she comes from and to my surprise she took me and I spent an amazing couple of days up there. We visited her family who had never seen a farang before other than on the TV.. they treat me very well and seemed genuinely happy to meet me (she'd mentioned me to them a while ago). I met her sister who told me that she was worried about her sister taking a farang to meet her parents but after meeting me she thought I was nice. I've also spoken to her daughter on the phone before during a call to this girl.

Rather than going to bars every day we actually did things every day whether it was visiting an island or temple, being blessed by monks or going to the movies or whatever.

I'm starting to fall for this girl in a big way. She has never asked me for money even though I have offered although I did send several thousand baht once so her family could get a water supply hooked up to their house which she showed me when I visited - she didn't ask for it but I insisted on helping.

She's told me she doesn't want me to send money to her because she wants me to know her for a long time so I am sure I know that I want.

I know she's a working girl and whenever I've asked about the other farangs at first she was reluctant to tell me but she has since told me about her other regulars because she has told me she wants me to understand her and what she has to do to support her kids and parents and grandmother (she is one of 3 daughters-no sons). She's shown me text messages she's received from other farangs and has told me of one farang who was sending her a money but with whom she's ended ties (she showed me the text message confirming this and the response from the farang being not too happy about it).

She's told me she likes me so much because I am different and I've shown her respect and have always asked about her family. Her friends at the bar have said she's a popular girl but that she cares for me a lot but I know they could just be saying that. Everyone else I ask says I should not get into a relationship with a bargirl as it will only end in tears but they don't know this girl.. I think and hope that I do.

I need some advice here guys on how I should play this out. I really like her and genuinely believe she really likes me. I know all the stories and that a lot of you think I'm porobably letting myself in for a lot of heartache but I'm not so sure. I've been round the block a lot over the years and think I'm a pretty good judge of chartacter but I aint ever had to deal with a Thai bargirl before!

Surely there must be some success sotries out there??????

Cheers and sorry about the length of this post...


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yes some sucess stories and many more horror stories, Thai's telling you that you have agood heart doesn't mean much, as does the not asking for money, but showing how poor you are (hint hint) the pro's can be very very good at this, so if your not a troll, I suggest you take it very slowly and carefully

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There are success stories but these people are happy in their lives and don't need to talk about it.

It's a risky proposition, for sure.

I had one that didn't ask for money, said I had good heart etc. Some guys here will know the rest...

Biggest illusion: She is different.

2nd biggest: I am different.

Be careful.

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(she) has told me of one farang who was sending her a money but with whom she's ended ties (she showed me the text message confirming this and the response from the farang being not too happy about it).

Could you be next?

The truth comes out with time. Give it as much time as you can before you totally commit yourself. Only you will know whether the relationship has any chance of permanent success.

It sounds like you are off to a good start. Enjoy the ride. :o

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